I'm bound to the witch of death

Chapter 28 28 The Divine Mirror has no platform

Chapter 28 28. The mirror has no platform

Xia Feng kicked Mu Qingtong's head away.

"What are you doing?"

The scene in the bedroom also shattered like broken glass at this moment. Countless water mirrors surrounded him again, and the person in the mirror showed the same confused look.

"Isn't this what you want?"

"You don't have to work hard to become stronger, you don't have to run around to survive. You don't need to do anything about beauty, money, or spiritual entertainment. They will appear for you automatically, and you only need to lie down."

"Look, what a happy salted fish life~"

"Don't you like it?"

"You really don't like it?"

They were noisy and noisy. Xia Feng rolled his eyes and raised his index finger: "First of all, this Mu Qingtong is so fake and has no sense of empathy at all."

"Ah? Is the character wrong?" The person in the mirror thought thoughtfully, "This can be modified to ensure that it is 99% similar and the plot is reasonable!"

Xia Feng raised his middle finger again: "Second, as long as there are game rules, there is no unsolvable puzzle. The explosion in the TV series was finally cracked under the rules. Naturally, this bullshit spiritual weapon space also has its cracking rules. This rule may be related to the ability of the spiritual weapon itself, but I haven’t discovered it yet.”

"What are you talking about? Why can't we understand?"

"Yeah, I don't understand."

"Can't understand."

"It's over, our main body has gone crazy and is talking nonsense~"

"You're talking nonsense~"

"Bullshit, gibberish, gibberish."

Xia Feng ignored them and raised a third finger: "Thirdly, although I am a vulgar person, if you ask me whether I want to live in 'illusory happiness' or 'real misfortune', to be honest, I will choose Illusive happiness.

Xia Feng smiled, "But it's a pity that in reality there is someone I care about. Although I have no family ties or love with her, I can't just leave her alone."

Hearing this, the noise of the people in the mirror suddenly stopped. After a moment of silence, they lowered their heads and whispered in unison: "That's right, mushrooms can't live without me."

"Mushrooms can't live without me."

"Can't live without me"

They started to reread again, and Xia Feng blinked: "Yes, mushrooms can't live without us! So, how about you tell me the solution and let me out?"

"Yes, let me tell you how to solve it!"

"Yes, let you out!"

"Yes, I must let you out, otherwise the mushroom will be alone again."

They stood in the mirror, looked around, talked about it, and soon reached an agreement. They looked at Xia Feng and said in unison: "Okay, we will tell you how to solve it."

"?!" Xia Feng was slightly shocked, do you really want to tell me?

"So." Xia Feng's eyes were slightly expectant.

"The way to crack it is -" they said in unison, their tone more serious than ever before, "defeat the incarnation of your spiritual weapon!"

"Well, what then?"

"Then? There is no more, this is the solution!"

Xia Feng: o_O

Okay, okay, are you kidding me? ! As expected of me, you are so mean! Xia Feng got so angry that he even scolded himself.

"Very good, that's the case!"

Xia Feng swung his sword, and in anger he raised his chin and formally declared war, "Let's see if I don't beat the shit out of you!!"

"Did you hear that, the main body is going to beat the shit out of itself~"

"I heard it, I heard it. As expected of us, we are courageous!"

"Okay then, let's fulfill him."

"Allow him, fulfill him, fulfill him." As the solemn lows sounded one after another in the sky and the earth, Xia Feng walked out one after another in the water mirrors, ten people, one hundred people, one thousand people, ten thousand people, one hundred thousand people.

They formed a dense circular array on the endless water surface. Their black eyes stared at Xia Feng in the center seriously. They raised the swords in their hands and vibrated in unison, shaking the world: "Finish him!! Kill!!!"

Xia Feng: ⊙▂⊙

"It's not big brother, I'm just joking -"

Cha-cha-cha-cha, one stab after another, Xia Feng was penetrated by more than a dozen knives all over his body. He looked up at the sky in confusion. Before he had time to feel the pain, his eyesight turned black and bright.

He was reborn in the middle of the crowd on the other side.

"You guys are poisonous!" Xia Feng cursed, no matter how he played, he couldn't win at all!

The people in the mirror all turned back, their eyes dark: "Kill!!!"

"I lost my mother!" Xia Feng went into hiding state directly, but the people in the mirror didn't care at all, and directly released the three waves in the center.

One hundred Xia Feng, all uniform, are three hundred waves of blood, boom! ! !

A huge blood-red mushroom cloud rose, and the space shook.

When the blood-red rain fell, all Xia Feng looked around in confusion, looking for traces of his true body.

"Where are the people?"

"Yes, where are the people?"

"As expected of me, I actually thought of this method."

Xia Feng, who was standing in the crowd, also nodded and read again: "As expected of me, I actually thought of this method."

"Where are the people? Where are the people?"

As he read again, he followed the movement of the crowd, secretly thinking about countermeasures.

After several trials, he probably understood that his outrageous spiritual weapon test must not be solved by brute force.

After all, he couldn't defeat one clone, let alone countless clones.

It was completely based on his blasting hammer.

So. What to do?

According to Ms. Black Crow, defeating the spirit weapon incarnation counts as clearing the level, but now he doesn't even know where the spirit weapon incarnation is.

It can't be these countless people in the mirror, right?

If these people in the mirror are the incarnations of the spirit weapon, then it's too unsolvable, and he can't pass it at all.

"As long as it's a test, no matter how difficult it is, there will always be a glimmer of hope." Xia Feng pondered in his heart, secretly observing the surroundings, "Could it be that the incarnation of the spirit weapon is hidden in these clones?"

While thinking, his eyes suddenly froze, and the side face of a clone in front of him came into his eyes. It was a face without facial features!

"What the hell? Faceless man?"

Could this be the incarnation of the spirit weapon? Xia Feng hesitated in his heart, always feeling that something was wrong. He just thought that the incarnation of the spirit weapon was hidden in the clone, and the other party appeared?

"Where is the person, where is the person, where is the person."

The crowd squeezed, Xia Feng and others looked around aimlessly looking for abnormal people, but they seemed to completely ignore the faceless person not far away.

The faceless person was also like nothing happened, and he made a sound from nowhere to look for Xia Feng.

Xia Feng thought about it. Although this person looked wrong, it was not wrong to try it. Anyway, he would not die.

While thinking, he followed the crowd and slowly squeezed to the front as if nothing had happened.

"Where is the person?"

"Where is the original person?"

Xia Feng murmured as he came behind the faceless man. He did not hesitate, nor did he say any nonsense. He directly stabbed the faceless man in the back and pierced his heart!


The crowd suddenly stopped moving, turned their heads together, and looked dimly: "I found you!"

Is it a trap? Xia Feng frowned, and the faceless man in front of him showed a face that was no different from his, and then his body disintegrated into a stream and returned to the surface.

Xia Feng looked up in confusion, but saw another faceless man standing behind the crowd, staring at him expressionlessly.

Well, a truly expressionless face.

"Catch him, don't kill him this time." The faceless man spoke.

A large group of people rushed up to hold his limbs, and Xia Feng did not resist, but surrendered directly.

"Are you the incarnation of the spiritual weapon? Do you control these clones?" Xia Feng was puzzled.

"We've said it before, we are you, and you are us." The faceless man in the distance spoke with a sincere tone.

At the same time, the face of the clone holding Xia Feng's arm on the right slowly disappeared, and he looked down at Xia Feng: "So, you can't beat us at all, give up."

The clone on the left also turned into a faceless man, with a slightly excited tone: "We can give you, and also create a perfect, happy, and conflict-free paradise for ourselves!"

"Isn't this good?" The faceless man in the distance said seriously.

Xia Feng looked around and looked at this group of weird guys seriously.

After a moment of silence and contemplation, his doubtful eyes gradually became clear and shone, "I seem to understand."

"Understand? Do you mean you agree with our point of view and agree to stay here?"

"No, no, no." Xia Feng shook his head and murmured thoughtfully, "If the test is related to the power of the spiritual weapon, then you are the manifestation of the power of the spiritual weapon, or the so-called spiritual weapon incarnation. Other spiritual weapons may have to defeat the spiritual weapon incarnation head-on to pass the level, but

But I definitely can't do it in this situation, so the key to breaking the deadlock is neither brute force, nor skills, nor rhetoric, then there is only one thing left, thought!

As long as I accept or realize a certain thought, I can awaken the spiritual weapon!"

The more he thought about it, the brighter Xia Feng's eyes became. "Then, the purpose of your appearance is very simple. It is not to create a desperate situation for me that I cannot pass, but to help me understand a certain idea!

So. Right! So you have been emphasizing that you are me and I am you - this is not to play a trick on me, but to tell me clearly."

Xia Feng paused, raised his head and narrowed his eyes slightly, "This is the key to breaking the situation!"

The Xia Fengs blinked, without any surprise, but nodded seriously: "Yeah, that means you agree with the idea of ​​'we are you, you are us'? That's great, let's merge!"

They all opened their arms and looked at Xia Feng with a faint gaze.

Looking at the dark and depressing sea of ​​people, Xia Feng's eyes were calm and he did not move at all, but a thought flashed through his mind - stop.

The world was silent.

One hundred thousand Xia Fengs stopped in their tracks.

"Commit suicide."

With Xia Feng's calm command, they all swung their knives and cut their necks - in unison!

Swish—In an instant, the densely packed 100,000 Xia Fengs disintegrated into a stream and fell into the water. Only two figures remained between heaven and earth—Xia Feng and a faceless man.

The faceless man wore the same white martial arts robe and stood motionless ten meters away.

Xia Feng approached slowly with a knife in hand: "It seems that you have copied countless spiritual weapon incarnations of me, so is my spiritual power related to copying?"

Xia Feng put the knife on the faceless man's neck and slashed it. The faceless man also turned into a stream and fell to the ground without any resistance.

It seems that his spiritual weapon test is quite simple, no, it should be extremely simple. As long as he recognizes that these silly cup clones are himself and firmly believes that he can control them, then

he can really control them! Uh, Xia Feng feels something is wrong. Such a simple test, won't the spiritual weapon level be very low?


As the faceless man turned into water, the endless water surface began to surge, shrinking and converging at the speed of light with Xia Feng as the center. Xia Feng looked down in confusion, breathing slightly short.

He could sense that the spiritual weapon was about to appear!

"C-level! C-level!" Xia Feng clasped his hands together and prayed sincerely, "May God bless you! Give me a C, give me a B-level! We are not greedy for A, just B-level -"

"Level B." Xia Feng murmured and squinted one eye. The water flow gathered into an oval ancient bronze mirror, sinking and floating in front of him.

At the same time, information flooded into my mind.

[Psychic power unsealed successfully——]

[Spiritual Weapon: Divine Mirror Wutai]

[Using copper as a mirror, you can straighten your clothes; using people as a mirror, you can understand gains and losses; using ancient times as a mirror, you can know the ups and downs. 】

[Level: Alpha (?)]

[Spiritual Interpretation·Using Copper as a Mirror: Copying|Optimizing|Removing the False and Keeping the True]

[Using copper as a mirror - Copy: Perfectly copy the target's clothing, hair, accessories, makeup, appearance, voice, and spiritual weapons. No time limit.

Opportunity to copy: touching the target spiritual weapon, being attacked by the target spiritual weapon

Current copy bit: 1 (when the number of copy bits is exceeded, the new target overwrites the old target)

Current restriction: Invalid for the same level (alpha)]

[Using copper as a mirror-optimized (to be awakened)]

[Using copper as a mirror-removing the false and preserving the true (waiting for awakening)]

"This is—"

Looking at the function information of the spiritual weapon, Xia Feng's heart almost jumped out of his chest and he gasped, "Mom! What the hell is this?!"

Copying other people's spiritual weapons? This thing looks pretty fierce!

And it seems that the number of replication bits can be increased? ! I don’t know what the upper limit is.

but no matter!

This spiritual weapon is definitely a bug-level existence, right? !

"Yeah, but there is a very serious problem." Xia Feng was a little confused, what the hell is alpha level?

Neither the textbook nor the Black Crow mentioned that there is an alpha level in the level of spiritual weapons?

"Words starting with A" Xia Feng pondered, "Does it mean A-level?"

"Forget it, forget it for now. Go out and ask that old aunt!"


After sending Xia Feng into the spiritual weapon space, Black Crow closed his eyes again and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

Generally speaking, the longer it takes to clear a level, the higher the level of the spiritual weapon.

The average clearance time for humans is six months, so according to her estimation, Xia Feng will not be able to get out in a short time.


Suddenly she opened her eyes, and looked down at the tree with her deep, star-like vertical pupils. She saw the black-haired man's hollow black pupils gradually becoming more active. He blinked, raised his head and grinned: "Ha~ stinky crow, is this it? Still... How difficult do you think it is~"


Black Crow was silent for a moment, but in the end he couldn't hold it back anymore and laughed jokingly, "Little brat, what are you so happy about? The shorter it takes to clear the level, the lower your level is. It's less than three minutes, which means you You only stayed in there for thirty minutes and you cleared the level?”

"In such a short time, tsk tsk, it can only be an N-level spiritual weapon."

"N-level spiritual weapon?" Xia Feng was stunned. So alpha means N-level spiritual weapon?

Is N level that strong? Xia Feng suddenly felt how scary this world was. It seemed that spiritual weapons were much more important to spiritual masters than he imagined!

"How's it going? Little brat, did you guess it right?"

Hearing the old aunt's mocking tone, Xia Feng nodded, but felt something was wrong, and asked doubtfully: "Then why is the N-level spiritual weapon not just called aal or something like that, but does it have to be renamed to N-level?"

Seeing Xia Feng nod, Black Crow was about to continue taunting, but was stunned by Xia Feng's question.

"What do you mean?" She suddenly thought.

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