To be honest, Zhou Jiang didn’t really know. In fact, he had forgotten a lot of things. After listening to Chen Fan and Dai Qianyi on the court, he directly used the system to watch Bosco Dora. Attributes just understand.

Of course, if he is playing, he will naturally look at the attributes of the opponent the first time, but since it is an audience, it doesn't matter.

Zhou Nan is definitely not the only ones who don't understand what they are talking about.

Although Zhou Nan and the others are young, they are also trainers. If they don't even know it, those audiences who have never paid attention to this, and only watched the game well, would naturally not know.

After all, unless it is a trainer, few people will remember the characteristics of elves.

The audience didn't know, so it was time for the commentators to come on stage. After Zhou Jianggang and Zhou Nan spoke with them, the commentator made some explanations, but what they said was similar to what Zhou Jiang said.

In this way, due to the close time before and after, Zhou Nan, who had not yet reacted, looked at Zhou Jiang in surprise after listening to the commentator's explanation.

In fact, Zhou Nan didn't really want to ask Zhou Jiang this question, but in normal times, Zhou Jiang was the leader, so he was used to asking Zhou Jiang when he had any questions, so he subconsciously asked.

Characteristic stuff is actually taught at university. Unless it is some common or famous characteristics, such as the sharp eyes of the bird elves and the fierce fire of Yusanjia, these characteristics will be mentioned by the teacher in high school.

Unless they learn it by themselves, the rare characteristics of heavy metals are rarely known to their high school students.

"Don't look, self-taught, let you study hard and not listen." Seeing them looking over, Zhou Jiang shrugged.

"Aren't you learning English, why..." Zhou Nan said.

"I can't learn English if I learn English? I learned English recently. This is what I learned by myself when I left the team to train." Zhou Jiang didn't blush at all when he lied, but this is also his confidence.

Because he still remembers a lot of characteristics, plus the system, there shouldn't be any problems, so he dared to be fat and pretend to be forceful.

After all, there is this strength here!

"Okay." Zhou Nan nodded speechlessly, but Chen Yongan was slightly pensive, and felt that he had to recharge the battery. The friends were all too good, so he couldn't be so "degraded".

The game continues.

Although Boss Kedora killed the sonic boomerang, he still had a lot of physical strength, so Dai Qianyi didn't take it back, but wanted it to continue to consume a little Chen Fan's physical strength.

In the third game, Chen Fan's spirit is Hu Di.

As a supernatural spirit, Hu Di is quite famous both in terms of popularity and ability.

Boss Kedora is only strong in physical defense, and special defense and special attacks are not very good. If you face Hudi, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

It has already been decided not to take it back, so even if Dai Qianyi regrets it, it will be something later, and he will not be allowed to take it back in a short time.

At the beginning of the game, Hu Di took the lead and smashed it with a fantasy beam.

Boscodora has also been paying attention to it. After seeing it attacked, he quickly used a sharp stone attack to confront it. However, although the sharp stone attack caused physical damage, its power was determined by Boscodora's special attack!

After all, the rock was directly condensed out of thin air and then shot over. This is naturally related to its special attack. If it is picked up from the ground and then injected with energy, if it is thrown out by hand, then it is all related to physical attack. .

Elf skills are not just a matter of special attacks, unless they look at the attributes of special attacks such as the ghost system and super power system.

Give another chestnut.

What damage is Flame Fist?

Physical special mixed injury!

Flames cause special damage, the power level depends on the special attack of the elves, the fist swings over to cause physical damage, and the power level depends on the elves' physical attack.

As many people have said, people are neither white nor black, and their skills will not be simple and absolute with a single attribute!

Boscodora’s sharp stone attack could not fight Hu Di’s fantasy beam. When Hu Di’s skills were about to push his face, it burst into a small wave, blasting the fantasy beam with gratings. And continue to fly towards Hu Di.

There is no need for a trainer to command. It is said that Hudi's IQ is basically 5000, and the calculation speed is faster than that of a computer. In an instant, it thought about what to do next.

Its own battle, how to do it, it knows better than its trainer.

Reassuringly give them to themselves, this is the one who can best exert their strength, as long as the trainer is relieved to act as an intelligence officer.

Zhou Jiang has always felt that for elves with IQ and strength like Hu Di and Giant Golden Monsters, it is estimated that the only thing that needs humans is Miss Joey's treatment skills and the energy cubes made by big men...

Others, maybe there is the glory of participating in the competition and winning?

On the field, I saw the head of the spoon in Hu Di's hand bend, and then it moved in an instant and flashed away.

The metallic energy bombarded the field, leaving a large hole.

In the distance, Hu Di's figure flickered and appeared, and pink energy beams were emitted from the spoons held in both hands. It is estimated that they were fantasy beams or other skills such as mental urges.

The skills of the super power system are similar in appearance, the difference is only the size of the power and some special effects that may be triggered, such as reducing special defenses.

Shanaido doesn't use these skills, mainly because Zhou Jiang prefers transparent and invisible mind-power shock waves, which are not less powerful than mentally strong minds, and attacks are secretive.

And one more thing worth mentioning is that Zhou Jiang doesn't like the fancy color of the super power system...

Said it is pink, in fact, its color is not, it is a mixture of multiple, like something flashing, after watching it for a long time, he feels a little sick...

Fortunately, Nian Li's words are pure purple, and Zhou Jiang doesn't feel much about it.

Mobility is the same as that of Xanadu. When pulling the body by mind, Hudi's mobility is also very fast. Shoot a shot to change a place, and so on, plus Zhou Jiang's first use to block the recovery of the poke ball shot The beam, Boscordora was consumed just like that.

During the period, seeing Hu Di drag some dirt with his mind to block the recovery beam, the narrators all talked about it. Of course, Zhou Jiang was the one who said the most. After all, he took the lead in developing this. What Zhou Nan and the others said, turned their heads to look at Zhou Jiang, teasing their faces.

Zhou Jiang could only shrug his shoulders indifferently, and then ignored.

Boss Kedora was given for nothing. Hu Di basically didn’t consume much energy. Dai Qianyi originally thought that Chen Fan would use the Tyrannosaurus to fight against Bos Kedora, so he didn’t take it back and wanted to consume a wave. Unexpectedly...

Shaking his head, Dai Qianyi released the elf, the Overlord Flower.

"Overlord flower, sunny!"

"Hu Di, signal beam, burst!" Chen Fan smiled triumphantly.

He gave Hu Dixue a signal beam, so that one day he could fight with his two grass elves when facing Dai Qianyi.

Among Dai Qianyi’s six main elves, two are grass-based. Although he also has fire-based blazing horses, the fire-based elves are too direct, so he prepared one more, so that Hu Di would also consider them. may.

But Hu Di can hardly learn the skills of jetting flames, so he can only learn Flame Fist...

Let the crispy skin punch close?

I really thought it was a game, and I was a melee mage.

The three-attribute beam is not okay, there are poisonous flying insects that restrain the grass, so he found the signal beam.

The signal beam is still okay. With the power of "75" and double restraint, the damage is not low. Even if it is not the skill of this system, the damage is not bonus, but it is not weak.

A ball of light between the round holes on the top of Overlord Flower’s head flew out and shot towards the sky. This was the first time Zhou Jiang had seen someone use weather skills. To be honest, he was quite surprised, well, a little bit disappointed.

The weather skills are scarce and the effect is strong, but the forward swing of the skills is also relatively long, at least longer than the skills that come by opening the mouth like spraying flames.

The signal beams flying in the shape of "Pin" from Hu Di's three shots were all halfway down before the Overlord Flower officially used the skills.

However, Dai Qianyi obviously took these circumstances into consideration, but he still let the Overlord spend a sunny day for a reason.

The characteristic of Overlord Flower is chlorophyll. In a sunny day, the speed will double. Of course, this is just a statement, and it will not really be twice the fixed rate. The performance in reality is that the speed has increased a lot. As for how much, it depends on the state of the wizard, the weather, the strength, and so on.

However, this Overlord Flower will definitely not slow down in a sunny day.

Like Ling Bo's microsteps, the Overlord Flower flashed from left to right, and directly passed Hudi's attack.

Feiye fast knife!

The Overlord Flower that flashed past Hudi's attack, brushed the ground and threw out more than a dozen crescent-shaped leaves, and flew towards Hudi quickly.

Hudi didn't persuade him, and used the fantasy beam to directly blow.

The skills of the two shifts were equal, and they were tied.

Dai Qianyi shouted: "Overlord flower, sunshine and flames!"

At this time, Hu Di couldn't fight the wave.

In a clear sunny day, the super-high-damage sunlight flames that almost went smoothly, and it is really unwise to waves, and it will waste a lot of physical energy if it is right, it is not worth it at all, it is better to directly flash people.

The teleportation disappeared in place, and when it appeared again, the sun flame of the Overlord Flower flew towards him again like a machine gun.

The ability to teleport, if used evenly, would be a great burden on the elves.

After repeating this four or five times, Hu Di finally made a mistake and failed to use Teleport, so he could barely use his mental power to block it.

The strong thoughts that came out in a hurry were naturally no match for others' sunlight and flames. After being broken up, the sunlight and flames directly hit Hu Di.

Fortunately, Hudi's body is only brittle, that is, physical defense, and the special defense is still relatively high. With a racial value of "95", it will not be seriously injured by the sun and flames.

After that, the two elves continued to fight each other, but after all, Hu Di made a mistake once, and it was naturally a little unfavorable for him later.

Even if the sun flame is offset by a part of its power, the damage is still good. In addition, the Overlord Flower cooperates with the grass field on a sunny day, and the burst of sun flame can not stop like a machine gun.

Seeing that something was wrong, Chen Fan wanted to take back the Hudi, but with lessons learned, Dai Qianyi had been prepared for a long time. He kept staring at Chen Fan. Seeing that he took out the Elf Ball, he directly let the Overlord Flower use a flying blade to block it.

Chen Fan made Hu Di move away and take it back in an instant, and was blocked by the magic leaf of the Overlord Flower. Although Hu Di could use his mind to counteract those skills, he couldn't stand the full attack of Overlord Flower.

At this time, if Hudi is taken back, the previous fights are basically in vain, so Bawanghua worked extraordinarily, and lost his physical strength. The fight was exhausted. In the end Hudi was not recovered, and the Bawang who had a reply. The flower spell consumes it and can't fight it, and finally it is solved by the big trick petal dance.

So far, the elves on both sides have lost two. Whoever hangs another elves on either side can change the venue.

However, this grass field was the most damaged at the beginning.

The range of the fire-spraying power of the duck-billed fire dragon is too large, so it burns a lot of grass, and the latter is much better, except for the standing place, other places can not be hit, so the venue is basically the same as before.

Chen Fan’s third elf is a flame horse. He has two other ones that have not appeared on the stage, only the Thunder Beast and the Tyrannosaurus. One electric system and one water system are very unfavorable to the overlord flower of the grass system. Use the flame horse of the fire system.

Dai Qianyi chose to take back the elf before, so he can exchange it.

After seeing the Flame Horse Dai Qianyi smiled, took back the Overlord Flower, and released the Gotha Duck.

After the game started, the Flame Horse rushed straight towards the Gotha Duck. As a horse, its kicks must be very powerful, and the Gotha Duck is not good at close combat, so it's right to rush over.

Dai Qianyi also knew this, so he asked the Gotha Duck to retreat and pull away while attacking the flame horse with water cannon and other skills, but the result was that it was difficult to hit.

Even though the flame horse is best at running in a straight line, this does not mean that its dodge ability will be poor.

In the end, the Gotha Duck was still overtaken by the Flame Horse, but when it was overtaken, the Flame Horse was uncomfortable. It was hit by two water cannons. Although it was hit, it was still very hurt for it, but fortunately, the distance was true. Is pulled in.


The flame horse leapt into the air, and then fell fiercely towards the Gotha Duck. If it is stepped on, the Gotha Duck is definitely a pill, but the Gotha Duck will not stay there. The powerful water cannon skills are directly at the flames. The horse rushed away.

Facts have proved that this "escape" feature is still useful.

It is useless in the game, but in reality it is not so useless.

The effect in the game is that fighting against wild elves must be able to escape, and the performance in the real world is that the speed of the flame horse increases, and some "control" can be reduced.

Such as resistance!

The big long legs that braved the flames were like sharp swords, directly tore through the water cannon of the Gotha Duck, and then fell straight towards the Gotha Duck on the ground.

Even though the Gotha Duck reacted quickly, it only avoided one leg of the Flame Horse. It was still kicked by the other legs of the Flame Horse.

Even though it opened the mind block on the surface of the body, it was still kicked through by the flame horse, and then hit the body directly!

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