Finally, it was already an hour later to wait for Zhou Jiang to finish his meal.

During this period, there were no blind people who came up to find fault.

He doesn't want to go shopping anymore if he has nothing to do. Everyone knows him if he should know him, but he still doesn't know him? That's it.

According to Mr. Fei, the task of his acting master is to train these apprentices.

As for other tasks, he is basically not used to do it.

Organizing events, catching dangerous prisoners, and the like are not done every day. In cities where the master of the gymnasium is located, the crime rate is much lower than other cities.

After all, the owner of the museum is here, and with the rapid development, the police force must be good. Who will be okay?

The owner of the museum was the busiest thing. After the correction documents were handed over to Mr. Fei, he was basically liberated, so his task was to train the apprentices.

In terms of training apprentices, it is simple and simple, and complicated and complicated.

In simple terms, as long as he sets a difficult goal for them to complete, he will be liberated.

For example, let their elves go to weight training.

With the increased weight, their elves must be uncomfortable, so he can fish.

Can you train for a day with weight training?

Adapted to load on the next day?

In short, the way to fish is as much as you want.

But Zhou Jiang certainly couldn't use this simplest method of fishing.

After all, it is very likely that Lu Feihang gave him the test and trial.

Although he doesn't know why, in short, he wants to do his best.

Zhou Jiang is almost like playing a game now. The NPC gave him a task and he wanted to do his best.

After all, he has always liked rewards for doing tasks.

Zhou Jiang spent the whole afternoon training in the training room.

His elves haven't been trained for several days, so let them practice.

The main targets of Zhou Jiang's training are the vine snake, the fire dinosaur and the ghost stone.

These three elves have all reached the level required for evolution, but they just don't evolve!

Of course, Bibi Niao is the same. The level is enough. Even if they don't evolve, Zhou Jiang estimates that they have not evolved for long, but if they don't evolve, hanging him all the time makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

Except for the three elves that Zhou Jiang focused on, Zhou Jiang would not let go of the other elves.

Big Needle Bee, Menus and Xanadu.

These three are the pillars of his current combat power, and their training volume is not low.

Especially Menas.

Big Needle Bee is double plus points, Xanadu only needs one item, only it is single multiple plus points.

Add not enough points, try to get together.

In exercise, hard work is always rewarding.

Especially in the early stage, their efforts will give them back.

Although they can be comparable to elves at the level of the king, their bodies are not. The needle bees are okay. They have undergone weight training and their physical fitness has been greatly improved. Menus and Xanadu are not good. Up.

However, the super power elves like Xanadu are different from Menas. Xanadu only needs mental power. Whether it is attack, defense, or movement, these can be strengthened by the strengthening of spiritual power, so in the end, only beauty Nas struggled hard there.

Although the training specifications of Big Needle Bee and Xanadu are the same as those of Menas, but Needle Bee shoots you with high quality, so you can resist, and Xanadu training is to meditate to increase mental power.

So in the end, there was only one elf from Menus who was there to push haha...

Bibi Bird is teaching Bibi, so there are three elves left, namely Ibukati Dog and Tyrannosaurus Ironclad.

Needless to say, Ibrahimovic and Katy Dog, they must go to run to practice their physical strength.

The Katy dog ​​has not yet released its juvenile period. Zhou Jiang does not want to burden it too much at this time. Even the gravity ring it wears has not been turned on. Ibrahimovic's words are purely because he does not know what he wants to evolve into.

Ibrahimovic's evolution is different, the focus is different, and the training method is different. He didn't make a decision, so naturally he couldn't give it random orders to exercise. But fortunately, running and some basic exercises are necessary for any elves, so this one is not going to be watched by the side, and it has a good relationship with the Katy dog, and it happens to exercise together to make the feelings more deep.

In the end, only the armored tyrannosaurus remained...

This guy, Zhou Jiang just used it as a shield, and almost never considered it when fighting.

However, even though it is a shield, it is still very powerful. After all, the physical strength and physical defenses can wear down the enemy to death.

For it? Zhou Jiang has no good training methods, so he can only run or be beaten with a load.

After being beaten, the potion produced by the system can increase defense, but for now, Zhou Jiang still let it go for a run. After being beaten, it will be considered after it becomes stronger. At least it must be able to resist the attack of Menus. ?

Of course, running belongs to running, but it cannot be run on a treadmill.

The tonnage itself is a bit scary, plus the gravity that is several times that of the gravity ring opened, the treadmill must be able to withstand it!

Fortunately, the room is large enough that the iron armor tyrannosaurus can run along the edge of the room.

There is a gravity ring, enough for it to exercise for a while.

Zhou Jiang didn't call to stop until five o'clock in the afternoon.

Although the elves in the middle had taken a break, the high-intensity exercise was still very tiring. After Zhou Jiang called to stop, the elves let out a sigh and slumped on the ground.

Of course, many of them don't really have the strength to stand up, just "follow the trend".

Zhou Jiang took out the energy cubes for them to eat, and after taking them back, he went to the cafeteria.

This time, he doesn't need to eat slowly, and go back to the dorm to play after eating early...

After becoming the agent of the pavilion, he doesn't need to go back to the Elf Center. They have a hotel apartment here, built specifically for apprentices and guests.

After all, sometimes guests come here, so it’s impossible for them to stay outside in a hotel, right?

The hotel apartment is not in the gymnasium, but is built next to it. After leaving the gymnasium, it takes only two minutes to walk to the apartment, which is very convenient.

Although Mr. Fei took him to see the place of accommodation before, he did not go in to see it. After all, the room was just like that. He directly asked him to skip over there and go to other places.

Just after eating, people come and go in the dormitory from time to time.

As the sky had dimmed, although the street lights were on, no one recognized Zhou Jiang.

After all, there are a lot of people, and Zhou Jiang doesn't have any special things on his body, such as a mask, and he hasn't put on a collar now. No one recognizes it.

Don't say it's him. If you change to a star who is not too obvious, you won't be recognized at this time. After all, it is not different from the people around him.


At eight o'clock in the morning, G City, the largest training ground of the general department gym.

At this time, a lot of people have gathered in the stadium.

They are all waiting for the new arrival agent.

In the past, they would gather here at this time, but they were waiting for the real owner of this gym.

Since the owner of the museum has accepted the money and the apprentice, he will not leave it alone.

Although busy, I still come here every morning to watch their training and checkups.

Of course, it’s not a hard and fast rule to come here or not. You don’t need to come here. The owner doesn’t matter. It’s like a university. The teacher will not chase you behind to let you study. It has nothing to do with them. He is only responsible for teaching. You, as to whether you learn or not, this is not his business.

Today is Zhou Jiang's first day of "taking office". Unexpectedly, many people came.

It looks like there should be more than one hundred, but he thought it would be fifty or sixty at most.

When Zhou Jiang first entered, the apprentices standing there in twos and threes stopped talking and discussing, and looked over.

Zhou Jiang is the acting museum owner approved by the owner, and they still have to give the face that should be given. If anyone dares to find fault, he must be the one who suffers!

Most of them are wealthy in their families. Although they can't be said to be families with deep roots, they can still cultivate themselves as "city houses".

There was a conflict between the apprentice and the acting curator, and anyone with a brain knew who was the loser.

Moreover, Zhou Jiang was only acting for three days. If Zhou Jiang is really offended by that time, he will directly use his power to attack you, what do you do?

He is just an agent, basically acting fearlessly.

If you really want to get up, the apprentice is unlucky anyway.

No matter which world you are in, this sentence is quite true for Chinese people.

To them, Zhou Jiang was just a passerby who suddenly landed here.

Even if he has nothing "something", they only need to endure for three days. For them, it is only three days. As long as Zhou Jiang is not too much, they will have no problem at all, and they can't afford to avoid it? Just run out to do the task and it's over.

They are here mainly to see Zhou Jiang's capital.

In the group last night, Mr. Fei had introduced Zhou Jiang to them and told them that Zhou Jiang was their instructor for the next three days, and Zhou Jiang would guide them in the training of the elves.

Of course, Zhou Jiang hasn't been pulled into the group yet, he needs to let them pull him into the group with his own strength today.

Zhou Jiang walked in, came to the innermost, and they turned to look over.

Zhou Jiang put down his backpack, and then faced a large group of students in front of him.

There is no rigid requirement for the students to wear uniforms in this gym, so Zhou Jiang looked at it, and it was colorful.

Among the more than 100 people, there are males and females, but they are still the majority, accounting for about 70%. They are not standing in large groups of men, but in small groups.

Zhou Jiang glanced at it and didn't say anything, but silently released the Big Needle Bee.


At this time, in the office, Mr. Fei was sitting on the chair. He was not correcting the documents, but was in a video call.

Inside the computer, appearing on the screen is a somewhat tall man. The man’s skin is bronzed, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, but with the flesh on his face, it does not seem to give people a simple and honest feeling, but as if It's like watching a vicious criminal involved...

His name is Lu Feihang, and yes, he is the master of the gym in City G.

Although he is a curator who specializes in the general department, he is more like a curator of the combat department. His muscles, even some people who love the combat department and work hard to exercise their bodies will be ashamed of it.

"How about it, right now?" Lu Feihang asked.

"Well, it's starting." Mr. Fei glanced at the other computer screens next to him and smiled, "Do you want to see it, just started."

"Forget it, I won't watch it. You can tell me the result later. I am about to act on my side and I don't have time."

Mr. Fei nodded, looking at the bushes behind Lu Feihang in the video, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Be careful, safety first!"

"Heh~" Lu Feihang smiled and nodded, "Relax, you know my strength, and I also bring the old man's elves, Anshin, it's just a ruin, nothing big will happen."

Mr. Fei shook his head seriously: "If it's not a major event, the Alliance can't call you over, and the old man also gave you his two main elves. Obviously things are unusual. Be serious, don't die! "

Lu Feihang's smile gradually disappeared, and he became serious. Not to mention, his seriousness was really scary.

"Relax, I know!"

After speaking, Lu Feihang looked at the side, and there was a voice from the side.

"Okay, I'll hang up first, I'm going to go Watch more, Zhou Jiang, that kid is a talent."

After speaking, the screen went black.

Mr. Fei sat on the chair, took a long breath, leaned on the back of the chair, closed his eyes and rubbed his temples with some headache.

"I hope you are all right..."

After a long time, Mr. Fei said quietly, and then walked out of the room.


"If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time. Now, you start your usual training to show me, it's okay!"


After Zhou Jiang's words were spoken, the more than one hundred students responded loudly with a little excitement, and each released a main elf. Then they found a spot with their companions and started training.

Before, Zhou Jiang released the Big Needle Bee, and then he said, everyone who came here today will have to train here all day and cannot leave. Once he finds out that there are few people, then all will be punished.

But if anyone is dissatisfied and feels unacceptable, he can challenge him. As long as one person wins the Big Needle Bee, he will not take care of all of them after training, and let them go.

Of course, he said this deliberately, let them exercise here all day, he would not do it, they are not tired, he is tired.

He did this purely to make them challenge.

He doesn't say anything passionate about it. If so, why should he show his strength?

Although strength does not mean he can teach them anything, but strength can convince them even more.

If there is no strength, who would believe him?

Some apprentices were naturally dissatisfied with Zhou Jiang's order. Although they thought that Zhou Jiang's strength might be a bit strong, but they didn't think it could be stronger, at best it was a little stronger than them, to the quasi heavenly king.

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