
Seeing that Petal Dance was about to catch up with Xanadu, Xanadu disappeared again!

After Shanaido disappeared, Huazhou and Miao Frog Flower began to search, but unexpectedly, they didn't find where Shanaido appeared!

"not good!"

Huazhou suddenly thought of something, and then she couldn't maintain her image anymore, and shouted: "Miao Frog, close your eyes!"

However, he was still too late to shout.

Although he found out quickly, after scanning the entire field where there was no Xanadu, he faintly understood where she was going and reminded Miao Frog, but in this short gap, it was enough for Xanadu. A lot of things!

At this time, the black smoke generated by the reopening of the shadow ball beside the Miao Frog Flower was blown away by the wind, and Shane Duo appeared in it!

It's just that at this time, Shanaiduo's eyes had already glowed red, and she looked straight into the eyes of Miao Frog Flower.


Shanaido's mental power is not comparable to that of Miao Frog Flower. Although the special attacks are similar, Shanaido itself belongs to the super power system, and the use of mental power is not at the same level as them.

In the use of mental power, at the same stage, the super power elves can definitely overwhelm other elves easily.

Although Miao Frog Flower heard Huazhou's instructions and tried to close its eyes, it was hypnotized by Shanaido at this time.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, and this is still Shanaiduo's hypnotism, the frog flower can't resist it, even the energy and origin can't be mobilized!

The whole body is limp, without any strength, the body is completely out of the control of its spirit, and even because of subconsciously obeying the command to close the eyes before, the sleepiness is more serious...

This is hypnosis, where the mental power is overwhelmed by the opponent, and then the opponent's consciousness is forced to "sleep".

The wonderful frog flower at this time can basically be said to be a waste.

At first it was suppressed, unless it had much higher mental power than Shanaido or its will was very, very firm, otherwise it would not be able to escape the fate of being hypnotized, even if it could resist for a while now, it would still be hypnotized in the end.

Of course, the premise is that it has not been attacked during this period.

Hypnosis is to separate its mind from the body for a short time, and then let the spirit fall asleep, but if it is attacked during this period, then the body and spirit will be forced to "stick" together. This is the body's self. protection mechanism.

After being completely hypnotized, although it can attack it, if the frog is more sensitive to the body, then it is likely to wake up directly, but if it is a little slower, it may not wake up until death...

Of course, it doesn't matter whether you wake up or not, because as long as you are hypnotized, you will fall into an endless cycle of hypnosis until you die!

A beam of red light shot over. This is Huazhou's unwillingness to try, but how could Shanaiduo give up at this time?

Even if she wanted to give up, Zhou Jiang would not allow it!

The red light shot by the Elf Ball was still blocked by a stone. Looking at the purple light wrapped on the stone, Hua Zhou sighed helplessly, but could only admit his fate.

But now is not the time for despair, there is still a chance!

He can still use the mechanism to shake the Frog Flower, as long as the Frog Flower can wake up in an instant, it will be done!


Suddenly, the entire site shook, especially the place where the Miao Frog Flower was located. The upper and lower parts of the ground almost didn't bump the Miao Frog Flower until it woke up.

Fortunately, Shanaido reacted quickly. After a bump, he immediately urged his mental power to hypnotize, and used the remaining mental power to lift the frog flower.

The ground is shaking. Anyway, Shanaido can "fly", so won't the opponents also "fly"?

Although most of the mental power was hypnotized, and there was not much mental power left, even with that little mental power, it was still easy to lift the wonderful frog flower in front of you.

Although the Miao Frog Flower had some signs of waking up from the bumps before, under the full output of Shanaido, she gradually fell into silence, and soon she would be completely hypnotized.


Huazhou has no move, but he still has some hope.

Isn't it just being hypnotized? As long as you wake up after resisting the attack, there is still a chance!

Although stamina will be lost a lot, the magical frog has a lot of recovery skills, which can still be made up, and there is a chance!

However, poor Huazhou didn't know Zhou Jiang's routines. He was really hypnotized, so it would be cold...


The Miao Frog Flower was finally put on the ground. After being deeply hypnotized, Shanaido didn't need to support it with her thoughts anymore, and threw it directly to the ground with a dull sound.

At this point, it has entered a deep sleep state, after which all its behavior will be controlled by Xanadu!

"Good job, Shanaido, use Shimeng!"

Up to now, Shanaiduo's physical strength has been consumed a lot, so he drained the opponent directly!

Hearing Shimeng, even with preparations, Huazhou still clenched his fists unwillingly.

He also planned to use turret type spirits to consume Xanadu, and then sent flying spirits to attack the opposite side. As a result...

That's all right now, the consuming task of Miao Frog Flower has not been fulfilled, instead it has become a tonic for the other party, it is really a loss!

It's a loss!

Of course, he still cheered up in his heart and told himself that there was still a chance...

Miao Frog Flower was hit by Shanaiduo's dream of eating, and she showed pain in an instant, while Shanaido absorbed the energy from the Miao Frog flower body and showed a happy expression on her face.

After inhaling two more times, Miao Frog Flower finally woke up from sleep, but before Hua Zhou had time to be happy, the eyes of Shanaido who had been prepared turned red again...


When I first woke up, the somewhat bewildered frog flower directly hit Shanaido’s hypnosis. No accident, it was hypnotized again...

Although it is slightly awake behind and understands its state and wants to resist, if it is so easy to resist, then it will not be hypnotized before...


Watching the Miao Frog Flower being hypnotized again, Hua Zhou couldn't help but explode with a swear word, this is so damn, it's rascal!

Are you still a human?

The hopeful Huazhou is completely desperate now, so, this wonderful frog flower also kneels...

Three consecutive knees...

Finally, Miao Frog Flower also knelt.

During the period, including the previous time, Miao Frog Hua woke up three times, but every time she woke up, she was hypnotized by Shanaido when she was confused.

Although the time of confusion is very short, only a moment, but for Xanadu, a moment is enough!

Huazhou reluctantly retracted the Miao Frog Flower and then released the Elf.

His fourth elf is a tropical dragon, level seventy-seven, but its quality is actually silver!

This is incredible. Quality is not visible when the level is low, but in the elite stage, its gap is highlighted. Let alone the higher level of the king.

This can be said to be the strongest elf Zhou Jiang has ever encountered, not only with high level but also high quality.

Although Shanaido is full of energy, nothing can be said about the tropical dragon.

Especially this tropical dragon is of the assault type...

The characteristic of this tropical dragon is the power of the sun. Under a clear sunny day, the special attack is increased by 0.5 times!

The increase is 0.5 times, that is, it becomes 1.5 times the original. This increase is not terrifying.

Although this characteristic consumes physical strength all the time under the clear sky, what is the physical strength compared to the increased attack power?

And what does the grass elves do best?

Some people may say that it is a state powder, but Zhou Jiang does not think it.

These three fans, many grass elves can't actually learn, but there is a skill, it can be said that grass skills can be learned!

That is photosynthesis!

Of course, some elves don’t learn it on purpose, so it’s very common not to have this skill in the skill bar. It’s not that it’s a grass elves.

Under the light, plants rely on photosynthesis to absorb carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and some things they need for survival. Although the grass elves are different from plants, they can't learn photosynthesis.

In a normal state, photosynthesis may not have much physical strength, but under a clear sunny day, the physical strength that is restored is absolutely terrifying!

Tropical dragon will not be sunny?

This is naturally not possible, not only on a sunny day, but also with the sun and flames.

This is a shocking elf!

Fortunately, the sunny day released by the Overlord Flower has disappeared. If the tropical dragon wants to attack, it needs the support of the sunny weather. Then it must release it by itself. During its release, Xanadu can attack it. There was a blow.

Of course, Zhou Jiang could also ask for rain for Shanaiduo, as long as the sunny day was covered, then the opponent's strong attack would not be established.

It's just that Zhou Jiang gave up the idea after thinking about it.

If the tropical dragon has this characteristic, it will definitely practice it desperately. If Zhou Jiang is the case, it will train its three necessary skills desperately, sunny days, sunny flames, and photosynthesis for blood and life!

Although the skill level will directly reach the level of "mastery" after the rain is exchanged, it is estimated that the difference is not small compared with the tropical dragon that has been trained for a long time.

After all, Sunny Day is a difficult high-level special skill. If this tropical dragon is another talent, Zhou Jiang still thinks it can be tried, but the silver talent...

Forget the silver. At this, the skill proficiency is estimated to be the third stage.

However, although there is no way to cover the opponent's sunny day, it is good to dig a piece of "meat" on it when it uses the sunny day.

The ghost fire was soft sealed, and the attributes of restraining the grass element were the fire element, flying and ice element. However, Shanaiduo's flying skills were too weird, so Zhou Jiang learned the freezing light and jet flame for her.

Although Xanadu is not supposed to freeze light and jet flames, the ice element can only learn freezing fist and freezing wind at best, and the fire element is sunny and wildfire.

But being able to learn Frozen Fist and Frozen Wind means that Shanaiduo, the four spirits, can learn ice skills. What about learning a Frozen Light now? There will be ghost fires and then will spray flames, what's wrong?

If it weren't for the shocking and eye-catching, he would want to learn the "Farmer's Three Punches" from Big Needle Bee...

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