After knowing Zhou Jiang's identity, it was not the other person who was most excited, but Luo Minxu, who was the calmest like Bai Ya before!

After learning about Zhou Jiang’s identity, Zhang Ning and the other four looked at Luo Minxu. Sure enough, Luo Minxu was very excited at this time. Just when she was about to get up to find Zhou Jiang, she was pressed by Zhang Ning, who had been staring at her. Down.

"Okay, well, we know that you are very excited, but it seems that he has something to be busy now, so don't bother him, and wait until he is finished."


After listening to Zhang Ning's words, Luo Minxu calmed down slightly, feeling the sight cast by everyone, and sitting down with a blushing face.

Xu Feng and Zhou Nan were slightly stunned. They looked at Zhou Jiang at the same time, then turned their heads back and looked at Luo Minxu strangely.

Could she be Zhou Jiang'

Everyone present, except Zhang Ning and the others, all had more or less strange expressions.

Since they were somewhat obvious, they all saw it.

Luo Minxu is naturally no exception. He roughly guessed some of their thoughts, and then blushed slightly: "Actually...I want to thank Zhou Jiang for helping my father regain his confidence."


When they heard Luo Minxu's words, they were shocked.

Not the same as you thought?

I thought it was Mimei...

That's why they have strange expressions.

Because Zhou Jiang, they are seniors and prospective college students.

And Luo Minxu and the others are both sophomores, two years higher than them, so when they guessed it was Zhou Jiang's Mimei, they were a little weird, but they didn't expect that they guessed wrong in the end!

Ignoring their surprise, Luo Minxu continued: "My father’s original elves were also big needle bees, but my father’s elves were very weak, so he finally failed to train home. But because my father loves elves very much , So I chose to open a breeding house after I was old."

At this point, Luo Minxu's face looked a little ugly, but the crowd did not disturb her, and continued to wait for her to speak quietly.

"But...on the first day of my father's opening, a trainer came to look for things, and in front of the guests attracted by the first day of opening, he humiliated my father severely. At that time, I My father’s elves were all released except the initial elves big needle bee, and let them return to the forest, so after defeating my father, the other party ridiculed him that people with weak elves can't breed good elves... "

Speaking of this, Luo Minxu's face was really gloomy, and his hands were also tightly held, and the veins burst a little.

Zhang Ning sighed slightly, and then slowly pulled Luo Minxu into his arms, letting her half rely on herself, while she was wrapping her with one hand and slowly stroking her head with the other.

Xu Feng pushed his glasses, and roughly understood.

He may be able to guess the following plot.

Luo Minxu's father had been able to open a breeding house because the trainer came so all the guests were taken away, and he was also hit. It is estimated that he was devastated and gave up the idea of ​​becoming a breeding house and opening a breeding house.

This is really cruel to people who love elves, and maybe the truth is a little bit worse than he thought, otherwise, how could Luo Minxu have this expression?

However, he didn't want to know what the truth was. It really embarrassed her if she looked at her and asked her to say something.

As for the relationship between Zhou Jiang and her...

You can know it with your ass. It must have been after watching Zhou Jiang's Big Needle Bee game.

That's why she wants to thank Zhou Jiang...

Although he thinks this reason is a bit far-fetched...but other than that, he really can't figure out why Luo Minxu would want to thank Zhou Jiang.

To be honest, he really thinks this reason is far-fetched...

In his understanding, the reason Luo Minxu's father was hit was that Big Needle Bee was defeated by others, and when he recalled his achievements as a trainer, he should think that the other party was right and his level of cultivation was not good. Is it...

As a result, you have regained your self-confidence when you see other people's big needle bees are powerful?

Although it feels fascinating, he thinks that maybe everyone is different...

The others didn't say anything, they just changed the subject. After all, looking at Luo Minxu's and Weiwei's a little embarrassing atmosphere, it's hard to keep talking like this.

Next, starting with Chen Jie, Jiang Shui took the conversation, and everyone immediately went to chat.

On Zhou Jiang's side, I discussed with Kirulian for a long time, and finally felt that I still had to try.

Zhou Jiang exchanged her for an Earth-Booming Sky Star, allowing her to use this skill to analyze and then feel.

After all, the skyburst star really resembled the skills he imagined.

The earth-explosive sky star should be the ability to create a sphere with super gravitational force and then absorb the surrounding objects. Perhaps the difference between this and a black hole is the strength of attraction?

Zhou Jiang didn’t know what a black hole was like. After all, although he was interested in it in his previous life, he didn’t know about it. As for books and school, he didn’t know where he had forgotten, and this world...

As a world with elves since ancient times, how much do you expect it to know about the universe?

Although science and technology have gradually developed, even the elves on earth have not been thoroughly studied yet.

And outer space?

You know, in the ozone layer, there are guys who have a strong obsession with territories!

When satellites are launched, in the ozone layer and before they reach the ozone layer, more than 90 out of 100 will die. After passing through the ozone layer, at least nine out of the ten will die. As for this Tenth, it depends on the guy's mood...

With such a terrifying chance of death, human beings hardly dare to develop into outer space.

Now that the world can have a satellite in space, it is already a very powerful country. After all, when it comes to hitting the good mood of the guy in the space, it can't be done simply once or twice.

That is really the rhythm of "bankruptcy"!

It is so difficult for humans to even get up to satellites, let alone the manned spacecraft afterwards.

I really can't even think about it.

Coupled with such a large undeveloped area and deep ocean on the earth, people are almost in a state of indifference to the development of outer space.

After all, they almost emptied the national treasury when they launched unmanned satellites, and some data on outer space were simply analyzed, and even samples could not be brought back.

After all, if the guy in the schizophrenia is in a good mood for things that go out from the inside of the earth, he can let go, and the outer space wants to enter the earth...

I'm sorry, don't even want to run!

Even the Dioces, who is a divine beast, was half-dead by it, and those who fell on the earth slowly recovered with its powerful recovery ability.

other things?

Hehe, even meteorites have to give you a destructive death light to let you pass. Can your spacecraft resist?

Over time, mankind gave up space. Except for a few who were keen on it, others didn't even bother to study it, and turned to devote themselves to the development of the earth.

The big heads of scientists are not studying outer space. What do you expect a group of people who love it to discover?

Black hole?

Save it……

I didn't remember the previous life, and this world didn't, so Zhou Jiang wanted to let Kirulian learn real black hole skills, so he had to explore it himself. Fortunately, he still knew some simple introductions to black holes.

After changing the earth and starburst for Kirulian, Zhou Jianghe picked them down from the rock, said hello to them who were chatting about the sky, and slipped away with Big Needle Bee and Kirulian.

He is going to play on the sea.

Zhou Jiang was a little excited. He ran very fast, and didn't even hear Zhou Nan's shouts behind him.

Seeing Zhou Jiang and the two elves going away, Zhou Nan was a little speechless... He also wanted to stop Zhou Jiang and let Luo Minxu "fulfill his wish".

But let’s run away, anyway, it’s not going to come back...

After Zhou Jiang disappeared behind the rock, they all continued to chat.

Under the leadership of Kirulian, Zhou Jiang came to the surface of Principle Beach in five minutes.

After trading a little point for a surfboard, Zhou Jiang lay on it, and then looked at Kirulian Let's start! "


Kirulian also nodded solemnly, then flew a little farther, and then began to brew.

The first time she used the land to explode the stars, she didn't know how powerful it was. Although it was introduced when she learned the skills, she still didn't know the power of this thing without using it.

If it is used at close range, then Zhou Jiang...


Perhaps it is expected to be named the most unjust traverser who died of the year?

Cirulian was brewing, ready to send a big shot, Zhou Jiang and Big Needle Bee were staring at her closely from a distance.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang was quite excited.

After all, this is a geomagnetic storm filling!

How many floors are carrying a bag of rice!

Well, a bag of rice to carry several floors is the brother of geomagnetic storm filling, but if it can understand it thoroughly, then can it be far away from a bag of rice to carry several floors?

Just don't know what will happen to the consumption, Zhou Jiang feels that if such a post goes on, Kirulian probably will not feel better.

After all, the analysis of this skill is the result of manipulating super gravitation.

Both repulsion and gravity can be regarded as very powerful things. According to the setting of the Moon World, these two things are more "mysterious" than other things such as water, fire, and thunder.

With this skill, the consumption of physical and mental strength is bound to not be low.

Zhou Jiang was not greedy, and asked Kirulian to test the water with the weakest shot.

Although there should be no "sucking dry" situation, but what if...

So wait and see.

After all, there is no rush, and the weakest power can effectively avoid accidental injury...

After all, what Zhou Jiang said was still very careful.

Had it not been for the big needle bee by his side, he would have to avoid another three feet...

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