The healing effect of this water current ring, everyone has a panoramic view.

I admire Zhou Jiang's methods even more.

Especially Lu Ran and the three teachers.

It was the first time they heard that they poured healing potions into the water current ring and treated the elves.

And looking at the effect... unexpectedly good?

Seeing this effect, everyone present except Zhou Jiang came up with an idea—Shui Liuhuan...I want to learn!

It's a supernatural skill, is there any!

Although you still have to use the healing potion, if you only use the healing potion to treat, the effect is much worse than the current one!

After another five minutes, the current ring was stopped by Menus, and the water flow that was still mixed with the faint golden potion lost the control of the four and all dispersed, flowing down from the back of the proboscis and onto the beach.

Qian Jiajia was about to exclaim, but was shocked by the state of the proboscis at this time, and forgot to speak.

I saw that the **** wound on the back of the proboscis had regrown with new flesh. Although the color was slightly lighter than the surroundings, this was not the point. The point was that the flesh grew back so quickly, and the wound healed? !

Even if you go to the wizard center and ask Miss Joey to use a full set of high-tech equipment for treatment, the proboscis will have to lie down for three or four days, right?

Now it is so good? !

They thought it would be enough to stabilize the injury, but the result is straight away? !

Is the effect of pouring potion in the water loop so good?

Almost all the people present thought it was the contribution of Shui Liuhuan, and only two people saw it.

One is Zhou Jiang, after all, these are his elves and potions, so naturally he knows the best situation, and the other is the little Lolita Baiya opposite Zhou Jiang.

Bai Ya is a student of Tokiwadai. Everyone said that Tokiwadai is a noble academy. One is because of the teaching mode and the strength of the teaching staff, the teaching institution is very strong, and the students trained are like noble ladies. Another reason is that Tokiwadai really has a lot of children from large families studying here.

Of course, most people are not very clear about the latter point. After all, in Tokiwadai, there is no such thing as comparison and showing off wealth.

In this school, every penny you spend is given by the school, and the students and their parents have also signed an agreement with the school when they enroll in school. Before completing their studies, they cannot subsidize any penny. money!

If students want to have money to spend, they can only continue to complete learning tasks.

Good examinations and good completion of the tasks assigned by the academy are all sources of money.

In high school and below, it’s okay. The college will give you more tasks to let you spend money. When you get to college, with the wizard, then the simple tasks that the college distributes will be reduced, such as exams, etc. There is very little money, and only the top three in the academy can have a little more.

When they arrive at university, the only way for them to get money is to pick up tasks.

Without a family background, relying solely on the students’ own circumstances, it is natural not to see who has money at home. Of course, temperament and the like are a different matter...

After all, there is still a big difference between a little country girl and a girl from a scholarly family.

Having said so much, in fact, the main point is that Bai Ya's family is considered a wealthy family!

Her family and Miss Joey's family can be said to be relatives, and they have a very good relationship with each other every year.

And Bai Ya has been looking forward to Miss Joey since she was a child, thinking that their way of saving lives and healing the wounded is great, so she always wanted to be a doctor like Miss Joey.

With relatives like Joey, plus her own liking, she has a better understanding of medical treatment, medicine, and dressing than her peers.

When Zhou Jiang took out the golden potion before, she was a little surprised, because it was a potion she had never seen before!

Every year on vacation, she will go to Miss Joey’s to help. She knows many potions, and her understanding of potions is still one of her best at treating elves. Even if it is some folk remedies, she knows many potions. Yes, but she didn't know what the golden potion was.

Of course, before, she thought it was Zhou Jiang who made some potions or who made them and gave it to him, so she just took a few glances and didn't care. After all, the whole world, especially China, has so many home remedies. Yes, not to mention her, even Miss Joey can't remember everything. How could she know all of them, so she didn't care too much, just thinking about asking what the potion was after it was over.


She was shocked to see the back of the proboscis after the current ring had dispersed.

What kind of therapeutic effect is this? !

Although she also sent out a potion, she knew that the potion had the same effect. Although it was the best potion she had on her body, she had to admit that the potion was also effective. Just like that, it's not as good as the potion she made personally.

She usually carries the potion she has prepared herself, but this time she has used up from the mission and has not had time to replenish it. This good wound medicine is just a spare potion she carries.

But that good wound medicine can do this level?

Absolutely impossible!

Is that the current ring of Menus?

Or add good medicine to the current ring?

That's impossible!

For Bai Ya, who wants to be a nanny with all her heart, she is also familiar with the skills of the healing system, and the water ring is the water system's ability to prevent milk, she can't not know.

The therapeutic effect of the water flow ring is very low. It is used to treat some abrasions and the like, and the efficiency is not very high. Even if a good wound medicine is added, it is impossible to reach this level!

In other words, it was the potion Zhou Jiang added later that appeared this effect!

What kind of medicine is that? Why is the effect so abnormal? Where did this potion come from? Did he? Who did it? Why didn't such a good medicine apply for a patent?

Suddenly, all kinds of doubts filled my mind.


"Great... Proboscis, you finally woke up!"

Looking at the proboscis that woke up, Qian Jiajia cried and hugged it tightly.

She was almost scared to death.

Although the proboscis is not her initial elves, but this proboscis met her when she was still a nut ball. It was her first time of school leave and it could be said to be her real first elf. The elf she caught herself!

After getting along for so long, even cats and dogs can become family partners, not to mention elves who understand human emotions and understand languages.

Fortunately, the proboscis is fine, otherwise she would really live in guilt for a lifetime.

She doesn't blame Menus, nor the proboscis, but herself.

Although it is said that Menus injured the proboscis and almost made it hang up, can it really be blamed?

If she took a closer look and found that Menus was an elf with a master, then the proboscis would not fight it, and if there was no fight, then it would not be injured and almost died.

So, in the final analysis, it is her master who is wrong!

"Sorry, and...thank you."

After waking up Yoyo, the weak proboscis was retracted into the poke ball, Qian Jiajia bowed to Zhou Jiang and the others.

Looking at the girl, Zhou Jiang reluctantly smiled: "It's okay, it's okay, the long nose is okay, haha."

Seriously, Zhou Jiang really wanted to scold her...

The cause of this incident is entirely due to her. Why should I mess with his Menus... If you mess with it, let him wipe his tail because of his lack of strength...

Lost more than 80 points, really vomiting blood.

And he still can't explode swearing, Zhou Jiang is really going to die of depression.

Amidst the voices of thanks and "nothing" and "no need", Zhou Jiang and the others returned to their side.

Nearly 30 minutes passed, the coals in the grill were all extinguished, the roasted meat was completely cold, and the dishes on the table were almost cold...

It's not bad that there is no sand in the food.

No way, let it cool down a little bit.

There is enough stuff now, so I'm talking about eating first.

Although it was cold, it was still hot anyway, but the taste was affected a bit, and the others didn't matter.

"Ah! Why is it all sand!"

Just when they were about to start something happened over there...

Zhou Jiang looked a little helpless, and looked over curiously, only to see the five girls in public, except for the girl who died before and the little loli girl, the other three were covering their faces and looking at the sky.

And listen to the sound just now... it's all sand?

Well, Zhou Jiang understands, it is probably caused by the previous Dragon Wave of Menus...

After all, on this soft sandy beach, the power of the dragon's wave has been increased even more. The sand pit is a full meter in size and 30 centimeters deep. The splashing sand will naturally fly to a short distance. Where are their food...

Zhou Jiang wanted it, and others naturally wanted it.

No, Zhou Nan, who was sitting next to him, stabbed him with his arm, and then whispered: "Bean sprouts, this is what your Meenas did, hehe~"


Zhou Jiangbai glanced at him and said nothing.

Although this was done by my Minas, it's the opposite of asking for trouble...

Zhou Jiang doesn't want to be a bad guy. Although there is a cute little Lolita on the opposite side that is his food, he is no longer what he used to be. With the strength in his hands, he has become more confident. For women, he can be more rational. It’s not the same as before. When I meet the cute little loli, I just want to help.

And this is not Zhou Jiang alone.

The only way to help them is to invite them over to have a meal, but is this food owned by Zhou Jiang alone?

Naturally not, he has no right to invite them to come here for dinner without authorization.

Of course, he can ask everyone, but he doesn't want to do it.

If he asks, everyone will agree, but he will not sacrifice the "interests" of his friends for others.

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