In the end, Tian Zhengjie also went in for a lottery. He chose one from nine. Not surprisingly, he lost in the first round...

Seeing Tian Zhengjie returning to the cockpit with a sigh, Zhou Jiang almost didn't laugh...

Fortunately, he is professionally trained.

Some accidents, I didn't expect Li Linghui to be the first.

Take out another diving suit from the backpack and let her change it, and then Zhou Jiang also went to change back to the original clothes.

Back on the deck, Zhou Jiang handed Zhou Nan the diving suit.

The order of launching is Li Linghui, Zhou Nan, Chen Qizhen, Tian Zhengjie, Lu Ran, Xu Feng, Wang Qingyan, Jiang Shui, Chen Yongan.

Cirulian has been released by him, and is now learning to drive with Tian Zhengjie in the cockpit.

Li Linghui hasn't gotten off yet, so the speedboat hasn't started yet, but now it's just time to teach Kirulian the functions of these buttons.

Elves such as Kirulian are still very smart, especially when they are higher in level.

The level is high, even if it is a dumb, it will be smart by then.

Kirulian used his mind to capture Tian Zhengjie's movements, and then wrote them down.

To be honest, the most important thing to open these things is to have a flexible mind.

As long as the reaction speed is fast, and then write down the functions of these buttons on the boat, you will be able to do it easily when she comes to open it.

With Kirulian's reaction speed and dynamic vision, these are a piece of cake for her!

And with the power of thought, some subtle and complex operations can be captured by hand!

Human beings have only two hands, and what about her?

If you want, all the buttons here can be pressed at the same time!

After Li Linghui changed her clothes and went into the water, the speedboat started to move.

Observing the actual operation on the spot can make Kirulian learn more quickly, and after driving for a while, Tian Zhengjie let Kirulian directly try it out.

After all, now he can give pointers here, if he goes down and something goes wrong, it would be bad.

Of course, he is not worried about Zhou Jiang and their safety. After all, everyone is a trainer. This small accident is nothing. He is afraid that the speedboat will be scrapped by then...

This thing is supported by the local government, so although it is not expensive to rent, once it is damaged...

It is estimated that the money they just made is not enough for them...

But the good news is that Kirulian is really stable.

Very calm, there is no problem with the operation.

The steering wheel is all controlled by mind, so there is no such thing as "hand shake".

Under the careful operation, the boat sailed very steadily.

This is still an ordinary level for Kirulian. If she gets serious, she can directly adjust the rhythm of the ship through the waves coming...

After that, Kirulian was driving and Tian Zhengjie watched until it was Tian Zhengjie's turn.

There are a total of nine of them, and it is estimated that there will be more than an hour to arrive there, so the time for each person to go down is a fixed ten minutes.

Tian Zhengjie was fourth, so it was his turn in half an hour.

On the deck, Zhou Jiang lay there basking in the sun, while Zhou Nan and others were talking to Xu Feng and others about the excitement of the underwater world.

Zhou Jiang didn't understand them, it was just like that under the water, what's so exciting...

Even if I haven't read it, he will be curious, and he will be curious too, but after going down...

That's it...

Soon, the nine people went down in turn, and everyone was in a good mood. Zhou Jiang looked at the outline of the city in the distance, then looked at the map navigation, and it was three to four minutes...

To be honest, he is still very curious about it.

Artificial island...

When talking about artificial islands, Zhou Jiang couldn't stop thinking of Xueyuan City and Xuanshen Island...

I don't know what the top of this island looks like...


As time goes by, the small cities in the distance are getting bigger and bigger.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang was shocked as he got closer.

It is said to be an artificial island, but with tall buildings on it, it looks really cool.

After the speedboat got in, the feeling became more obvious.


"This is an artificial island?"

The people who had returned the speedboat walked on the street, all a little surprised.

This is exactly the same as other cities, streets, residential houses, pedestrians, vehicles...

"I really can't see it, I thought it was a relatively backward place..."

As everyone walked towards Tokiwadai, they looked around with emotion.

It's really much worse than what they thought.

Although they also searched for pictures, they did not find anything useful. They were basically pictures from the research institute and photos in Tokiwadai. As for the city streets, they had never found one...

Looking all the way, everyone came to the outside of the Tokiwadai campus.

Tokiwadai is a super large school complex.

There are four-stage teaching colleges including kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, and high school, which covers an area of ​​unimaginable size.

It is said that this artificial island was originally built for the purpose of establishing Tokiwadai. The artificial island was not so big at the beginning, but more and more people came to settle here. Now, this artificial island is so big.

When they were on the island, they called Wu Shanshan, the consignee, and she said that she would ask her assistant to pick them up.

As soon as Zhou Jiang and the others passed by, a young girl called them in the guard room.

After asking, Zhou Jiang and the others followed the girl in white coat named Xiao Ai who was walking in front of them.

You have to give the package to Dr. Wu first.

Just walking around, Zhou Jiang suddenly became a little curious, what is in this package?

Curiosity rushed up like a tide in an instant, making him itch...

Along the way, Xiao Ai acted as a tour guide and explained to them the campus buildings passing by.

After walking for about ten minutes, they reached their destination.

According to Xiao this is the laboratory specially allocated to Dr. Wu by the college.

When talking about Dr. Wu, Xiao Ai's entire face was flushed, her legs were clamped, her waist kept twisting, and Zhou Jiang was terribly cold.

Looking at the second dimension, I still feel a little different and cute, but with the three dimension, Zhou Jiang is a little unbearable.

Maybe if it is a beautiful woman, he can bear it, but if the appearance is average, then he can't hold it.

Not only Zhou Jiang, but other people looked at her awkwardly, but they couldn't say anything because of their unfamiliarity.

Fortunately, that Xiao Ai also returned to normal immediately, watching the crowd with a calm face and then walking inside while introducing them.

Zhou Jiang is ashamed to see the speed at which his face changes...

The face was flushed a second ago, like that, but it was normal immediately after a second...

Really God and Human...

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