The big needle bee did not fly as high. After all, although this ring does not limit the flying elves, it also limits the height of flight.

After the roar bomb rushed over, it jumped up with a kick on both legs, and then the mouth that could almost cover the whole body after opening, like the mouth of a hippopotamus, bit towards the big needle bee.

Without Zhou Jiang's instructions, Big Needle Bee would not be as gentle as it was against King Nido before, watching coldly at the roaring explosive bullets that came towards it, and then Big Needle Bee's spear flicked...


The roar bomb flew out at an invisible speed, directly hitting the rubber pillar on the edge of the ring, and the pillar was directly deformed under the strong force!



There was dead silence all around, even the trainer who roared bombs, Li Xiang, his eyes still looked straight ahead, with a dull look.


Four or five seconds later, among the people eating melons below, the pot suddenly exploded, and the noise was endless.

Girl Dingxiang also looked back at the smashed roar bomb, and looked at the destroyed pillar that was about to fall and the large needle bee that had lost the ability to fight.

The bottom is making a noise, and the referee didn't stop it this time, because he was also shocked, and even the following was making noise, he still didn't react.


Next to the other ring...

Lu Renjia: "Hey, what's going on over there? There was a disturbance before, but now it's still here? Could it be that there are any rare elves out there?"

Lu Renyi: "I don't know, why don't we go take a look?"

"Okay, go and go!"

At this time, due to the great movement that occurred in Zhou Jiang's arena, the crowds watching the battle next to other arenas shifted towards that side.

Although not all of them are gone, they are more than half empty.

This change caused the trainers who were fighting on the ring to be stunned, and some of them were not able to train. The elves lost the command of the trainer or were distracted by the people below, and were directly killed by the opponent...

The worst thing is that they don’t have any excuses to get angry with people over there. After all, it’s their distractions...

Zhou Nan, standing on or under the ring, looked towards Zhou Jiang one by one.

Xu Feng looked over there and smiled: "Let's compare it!"

Xu Feng felt that he was still very arrogant.

For Zhou Jiang, he knew that he could not beat him, but in other respects he did not miss any opportunity to beat him.

Of course, it is limited to games and the like.

It's like cooking... it doesn't make much sense even if it's passed.

Although he wants to make elf food, but...

With that machine word that automatically makes energy cubes, he has no confidence at all...

In tens of seconds, the fruit and other ingredients can produce intermediate energy cubes. Who can stand it!

In the current game, he just can compete.

Of course, he won't be foolish to win more than him or who wins 30 games the fastest. That's totally incomparable. He attracts the most audience than there!

In the past few weeks, he has been paying attention to the latest gorgeous competitions. He feels that this gorgeous way can be used to attract the audience. Then, he will definitely win!

After all, he didn't need to guess that Zhou Jiang would definitely be crushing the opposite side, unless someone with a high level of strength such as the Heavenly King came, but how could that kind of existence come to this place?

Those who have that ability, even if they go to be a "tutor" for those rich people's homes or be a bodyguard for the rich people for a day, it is better than the rewards they get from the competition here.

This kind of competition also attracts the middle and lower-level trainers to play. As for their group, it can be said to be a "BUG" general existence.

One person has the elite high-level elves, two people have the quasi-king, one person has the king...

With this kind of lineup, they will definitely earn enough money for months of spending in this event!

Xu Feng shook his head, looked at his opponent, and then threw out the Kamie turtle.

He wants to show up!


Chen Yongan and Wang Qingyan are similar.

But they didn't want to compete with Xu Feng and Zhou Jiang in a certain aspect. They just glanced at Zhou Jiang's side, and after a few emotions, they focused their attention on them.


"Next, Mo Chen..."

"Next, Chen..."


On Zhou Jiang's side, trainers wanted to challenge each other, but at the beginning of the game, they were directly beaten out by the big needle bee. Everyone who was watching was shocked.

Since Big Needle Bee had already revealed his strength when he hit the roar and explosive bullet, he didn't let Big Needle Bee hide.

But having said that, Zhou Jiang didn't intend to hide it either.

The first time I played against King Nido just didn't want the big guy to lose ugly, after all, he was more in his eyes at the time.

other people? It's my shit.

It’s only under special circumstances to close your eyes to the big man. Other times Zhou Jiang thinks that it is similar to people, unless you are a beautiful woman...

After eight more games, Zhou Jiang won a total of eleven games, and finally fewer people came up to challenge.

Originally, there were a bunch of melon-eating people there, and there were still many people raising their hands to challenge Zhou Jiang. After all, so many people were watching here. If you defeated Zhou Jiang, wouldn’t you be famous?


As people challenged one after another, they were all shot one by one by the big needle bee. At this moment, they finally realized the terrible big needle bee.

Previously, due to the rapid resolution of the Big Needle Bee, they mistakenly believed that perhaps the Big Needle Bee's opponent was too spicy?

So those trainers who were a little confident went up.

But now that so many people have lost, they are still so relaxed and casual. No matter how naive they are, they know that the level of Big Needle Bee is no longer on the same level as them, so more and more people raise their hands to challenge. It's less.

Of course, less does not mean no, after all, some Tiehanhan are really...

The kind of people who have arrived home, that kind of people are incurable, they are all iron-headed babies.

No, another pretentious trainer raised his hand.

"Okay! There is another powerful trainer to challenge our Zhou player. Can this trainer defeat the Zhou player who has won 11 games in a row and win the throne of the ring? Let us wait and see!"

The host was very excited, and desperately bragged about the people who wanted to challenge.

After all, he also recognizes the strength of Big Needle Bee. Taking the challenge on stage means giving Zhou Jiang heads and points. The more heads and points Zhou Jiang gets, the higher the extra bonus he will get.

This is real money!

Although Zhou Jiang was unhappy in the front, who would have trouble with money?

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