In less than three seconds, Zhou Jiang received the result. It can only be said that the heart link communication is really fast, but Kirulian can't connect Zhou Jiang with other elves now, otherwise it will speed up even more.

But it's enough now. Zhou Jiang doesn't need to worry about the transmission of instructions now. What he needs to worry about now is the other elves.

It would be terrible if it suddenly came out as a sneak attack.

It is obvious that the person who can sneak on the big needle bee is the existence of the Uranus level. It is estimated that the person with the appearance of the leader is the Uranus level trainer.

Zhou Jiang could only curse unlucky secretly.

Originally, he was only worried about the secret spear, but in the end there was also a heavenly elf on the opposite side...

According to Zhou Jiang’s guess, the number of kings in the Rockets should not be many, and as a result, they encountered one...

Now Zhou Jiang only hopes that the other party will only have a powerful elf, and if the others are not in the early days of the king, or the quasi-king, otherwise he will be in danger...

On Zhou Jiang's side, Big Needle Bee and Kirulian can beat the King of Heaven, Menus can only drag it, and other...

If the other six are all elves of the heavenly king, don’t say anything, unless you sacrifice Mega Evolution, or you’ll just die...

And the other party has so many little brothers...

If this is the case, then you can only run away.

Zhou Jiang didn't let Kirulian look for it. He directly turned on the system and looked at the elves one by one!

At a glance, the data of those elves were presented in front of him. Zhou Jiang didn’t need to look at the others, but directly looked at the level. In less than a minute, Zhou Jiang found one of the elves around the Big Needle Bee. Heterogeneous.


LV: 74

Attributes: evil, ice

Features: air pressure


Level seventy-four, needless to say, the proper mid-level king!

Once he had a goal, Zhou Jiang found Mahangla among the elves.

Good guy, its hidden place is really deep enough, Zhou Jiang just looked over it, if he didn't know that the opponent was a mid-level heavenly king, he would not see any difference between him and the elves around him.

Watching Mahangra slowly approaching the Big Needle Bee with other elves, Zhou Jiang smiled coldly.

Without any hesitation, Zhou Jiang directly told Kirulian the news, and then Kirulian sent a message to Big Needle Bee.

Of course, Zhou Jiang specially asked Big Needle Bee not to go to see Mahangla specially, as long as it simply scans around and remembers its location.

If you stare at each other for a long time, it will be exposed.

Zhou Jiang, who is so overwhelmed, naturally doesn't want to waste this opportunity.

Of course, Zhou Jiang did not stop after finding Mahangla.

After all, the other party sent one, so there may be a second or third one!

Zhou Jiang was worried that the other party had a digging elves attacking him from below, and he also specially asked Kirulian to pay attention to the ground...

Zhou Jiang looked towards the sides of Menus and Fire Dinosaurs. Those two sides were different from the big needle bee.

Both places were attacking from a distance, and both sides continued to fight their strength.

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang’s elves basically modify their attack attributes, plus their level advantages, so their attacks can withstand a large wave of attacks from the opposite side.

The fire dinosaurs are slightly inferior, but Menus has an advantage. After all, there are three elves, and Menus can easily mobilize the origin.

Zhou Jiang looked at the group of elves and scanned back and forth three times, but no elves with outstanding levels were found, which made Zhou Jiang a little relieved.

But he did not relax completely.

After all, the other party hadn't released it, and he wasn't sure if the other party had any elves.

If there is no more, it is the best. If there is no more, Zhou Jiang can solve them without pressure. Even if the leader can run away, none of these little trash fish can run away, and the Mahang pulls even Can stay.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Menus and the others, then Zhou Jiang was relieved. As for the fire dinosaurs... after thinking about it, Zhou Jiang asked the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus to help.

After all, it is a bit weak now. If the other party suddenly joins a powerful elf, then it will directly tear a hole, which is a bit difficult.

Now that Zhou Jiang has Kirulian by his side, and with the protection of a thick light wall, he feels at ease. It is no big deal to send out the iron armored tyrannosaurus.

After all, the most important thing about Tyrannosaurus ironclad was its blood volume and physical defense, and now that Kirulian's multi-layered light wall is there, it is completely useless, it is better to help the dinosaurs.

After arranging the Tyrannosaurus ironclad, Zhou Jiang moved his eyes to the side of Big Needle Bee.

On the Big Needle Bee's side, the surrounding elves were about to get in front of it.

After Zhou Jiang's influence, Big Needle Bee has also improved his acting skills to a certain extent, at least now it is very similar.

It kept spinning around in place, scanning the approaching elf.

In order to make Mahangla sneak attack, they are really good enough, even long-range attacks are not needed, they are all forced over.

They are waiting, and the Big Needle Bee is waiting too!

The speed and burst of Big Needle Bee were stronger than those of the opponent, so Zhou Jiang was not worried at all.

Now Big Needle Bee knows Mahangra, but Mahangra doesn't know Big Needle Bee knows At this point, Big Needle Bee has the advantage, plus the difference in the hardware of the two sides...


Zhou Jiang glanced at Menus and them impenetrably. Ghost Stone had disappeared for a while.

Menus itself is a bit stronger than other elves. Although it is weaker than Kirulian and Big Needle Bee, it is a metamorphosis of its comparison. In fact, Menus is still very strong, especially its attacks.

Water guns are like water jets, their super impact can disperse the opponent's combo skills, plus Qingteng Snake's free-leaf storm, they can even hit the opposite side under pressure, and even so, Zhou Jiang Still sent Ghost Stone out...

The open fire dinosaurs and Bibi Niao are a bit weaker. Why didn't they let them go there before?

This naturally has his thoughts.

The leader wore the unknown glasses and could see the traces of superpowers. Although he couldn't see Kirulian's psychic link, he was still very powerful.

If Kirulian came to detect the person’s location and attacked, it would be too obvious and not conducive to a sneak attack. Ghost Stone is different. Zhou Jiang let it run away, and then walked around behind them and sneaked against the wall. Touch the past, so the risk of exposure is greatly reduced.

And even if exposed, he believes that Ghost Stone can escape. If it can penetrate a wall, it can naturally burrow into the ground, and it keeps going under the ground. He does not believe that his elves can penetrate the earth...


Thinking about it this way, it seems that the elves of the ghost system are the most buggy elves...

Anytime, anywhere, as long as they are not made of special materials, as long as they drill into the ground, who can get them?

And they can also be invisible, as long as you practice to converge your breath, this is definitely a terrifying spirit!

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