Now a few people are playing flying chess, usually four people in a game, but now they are playing a game of five people. Out of ten people, two of them merge into a family and play a game together.

Now Zhou Jiang is in the forefront, his three chess pieces set with Xu Feng have already entered, just wait for the last one in Zhou Jiang's hand...

The last chess piece is four squares away to enter...

Zhou Jiang held the dice, and everyone was staring at him.

Everyone has already decided, if the first place is decided, everyone will go to sleep...


Feeling everyone's gaze, Zhou Jiang's heart tightened slightly.


The dice fell on the table, and everyone stared at it.





Seeing the dice that finally turned over, everyone was relieved.

Zhou Jiang sighed and moved the chess piece forward.

"Okay, we still have hope! Look at me~...ah, three..."

"It's my turn, it's my turn, four..."



After a round, everyone reached the edge of the end.

This time it was Xu Feng's turn to throw the dice.

Xu Feng flung it casually.




Everyone was silent, Xu Feng's hands in the air were also stiff.

A minute later, Lu Ran smiled and said, "Okay, the outcome is decided, congratulations~"

"Good luck~"

"Yeah, good luck~"


Everyone was smiling, quietly tidying up the chess pieces on the table.

"Well, everyone, go to sleep, and get up early tomorrow..."



Everyone said goodbye with a smile, and then returned to their respective rooms.

The next day.

After everyone got up, they packed their things and gathered in the lounge.

When Zhou Jiang and the others got there, Wang Qingyan and others were already waiting there.

"Would you like to leave after breakfast?" Lu Ran asked.

Several people looked at each other and nodded.

Breakfast was quickly finished. At the door, everyone said goodbye. Wang Qingyan and other three girls hugged Lu Ran and Chen Qizhen one by one.

Zhou Jiang and the others also bid farewell to Chen Yongan and Tian Zhengjie.

Finally, under the gaze of Lu Ran and the other four, Zhou Jiang and his group embarked on the journey.

"Okay, let's go, too. When we get together again, we will compare each other?" Tian Zhengjie looked at Lu Ran and smiled.

"Okay, provided that you can beat me!"

"It looks like we have to show some real skills!"

"Bring your horse here, I'll wait!"

"Haha, Yongan, let's go! When we come back, we will rule the world! Hahahaha~"


Looking at the few passers-by who were sparsely on the road looking at them with a nervous look, Chen Yongan really wanted to find a gap to get in!

I have never seen a teacher like this in secondary school! And a gentleman with small eyes in the second...It really doesn't look good...

But although it was embarrassing and socially dead, he still had to bite the bullet to keep up.

Lu Ran and Chen Qizhen sighed at the same time looking at the backs of the two leaving in the other direction.

"Let's go, let's go to special training!"



"Where shall we go for the first stop?" Zhou Nan turned to look at Zhou Jiang and asked.

"Go to city V first and then to city A. There is a stone gym in city A."

Zhou Nan nodded.

They just followed Zhou Jiang, it doesn't matter where they go, as long as they don't go into the forest.

After walking for a week, when he arrived in V city, Zhou Jiang went to the milk tea shop and bought some hot milk tea.

During the time on the road, everyone also knew Zhou Jiang's space ring.

Of course, this thing must have come out of the ruins.

Everyone didn't doubt anything, after all, the ruins are really amazing, and there are everything inside.

A lot of black technology about elves that people use now are discovered from the ruins and then researched out.

For example, the space backpack is a space box found in the ruins and then created by people after breaking through it.

The same is true for Elf Balls. Elf potions, Elf carrying props, rare tree fruits, etc., are all unearthed from the ruins.

So as long as you push things onto the ruins, people can understand it.

As for where the ruins are...

Ruins are also divided into categories.

Some ruins will stay there forever, and some will "appear".

Time, whether someone enters, weather, etc. may all cause a relic to hide and disappear.

So before Zhou Jiang moved out of the ruins he and Wang Qingyan entered, nothing has been exposed.

After all, there are too many ruins that will disappear. Basically, the ones that will disappear means that there will be good things inside, so people are not surprised.

Zhou Jiang slipped away after buying milk tea. After all, City V has nothing to stay in. Although City V seems to be holding an event, Zhou Jiang is not interested. He has to challenge the gym to collect badges...

Time is a bit tight. Now Zhou Jiang has only two badges, which is still six. It is now in mid-September. The league competition is held in December, and the time is only more than two months.

The gymnasium that Zhou Jiang wants to challenge is divided into two, two are in the west, and the rest are in the east.

It really spans the entire China...

Zhou Jiang decided to walk around the gymnasium on the east side by foot, and then took a plane to the gymnasium on the west side, otherwise the time would really be too late...

And even so Zhou Jiang is worried that time will be too late, after all, some cities may have to walk for two to three weeks...

After buying milk tea in City V, everyone set off.

The distance between City V and City A is not far, and it can be reached in four or five days.

Along the way, Zhou Jiang would send elves to clean up the elves encountered on the road, and Zhou Nan and the others also learned to let the elves come out to fight.

Before Zhou Jiang, he got 83 original fragments after hitting the Fire System Gymnasium, and he also gained more than 500 points. There are also modification cards, five for elementary level, two chapters for intermediate level, and one for advanced level. Like the museum, it is estimated that the points and the reform card are the same.

Now the origin is broken again, but Zhou Jiang is useless, after all, the big needle bee is almost there.

The existence of one-to-one invincibility under the championship, it is estimated that it will reach the top of the king if it wants to deal with the championship.

However, there are too many original fragments that are needed, even the upper intermediate level also needs five hundred...

Zhou Jiang intends to open the source of Menus, Menus is also the final evolutionary form, and it will be very helpful for the rock system gymnasium to be hit later.

The owner of the Rock Museum is a mining madman, who likes to dig out fossils, and all his elves are resurrected from fossils. They are said to be very powerful.

The Big Needle Bee’s skill should be considered as a fighting type. Although it has restraint on the rock type, it is better to upgrade Minas by one liter for the sake of safety. Become a combat force.

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