The "power" of the earth-blasting star is great, at least for the three elves on the scene.

The Arrow Eagle was completely controlled, and there was no way. It was directly "adsorbed" into the sphere and was surrounded by soil blocks, squeezed...

Wei Li and long-haired dogs are similar.

Although long-haired dogs and Wei Li also resisted desperately, the effect was minimal.

Although their struggle delayed for a while, in the end they also followed the footsteps of the Arrow Eagle.

Both Weili and Long-haired Dog were firmly trapped in the clods, and then Kirulian used his mind to break the clods on the ground and press them up one by one...

In less than ten minutes, a soil ball with a diameter of ten meters landed on the field, and immediately the entire field, even the side with the audience, shook, as if it had suffered an earthquake.

The shock awakened everyone, and everyone stared at the big ball on the field, not knowing what to say.

The silence lasted for a few seconds, and then the auditorium was like hot oil poured with water, directly exploding the pot.


Ax pulled his face with his hands and looked at the earth ball as if he had seen a ghost. The other people, Joshua, and the others are not much better. Even the host is speechless. What is going on?

Although the commentator had a constipated expression on his face, he still remembered his duty.

After announcing the result of the game hastily, several people were to be driven off the stage.

The front of the game was pretty good, but the wind direction changed completely at the back!

And now that...

The whole venue is broken! ! !

If the site is seriously damaged, his bonus will be deducted!

The host was already chasing Joshua and the others, and even though Joshua and the others looked dumbfounded and then unhappy, they still released the elves to smash the earth ball and recover the elves inside.

I was also curious that Lulian kept her hand, without squeezing too much, the elves were fine, but they lost their fighting ability.

"For... why..."

Axe did not take back his strange power, he was looking at Zhou Jiang with a grimace.

Zhou Jiang glanced at him and sneered.

"Oh, sorry, I'm an undercover agent!"

After speaking, Zhou Jiang took the Elf Ball with Cirulian to his waist and walked outside, leaving Aix and the others with a bewildered look.

Coming out, Zhou Jiang took a card for the battle center from the front desk lady who looked "climactic", and Zhou Jiang left here.

Go back to the hotel...

After this "farce", Zhou Jiang didn't have much interest anymore. It's better to wait for Zhou Nan and the others to come and play together.

When leaving, Zhou Jiang looked at the membership card in his hand.

This membership card is used every time you enter a game.

If there is a membership card, just hand it to the lady at the front desk and choose any competition. I thought Zhou Jiang asked Xiaobai who didn't understand the registration before, so the lady at the front desk arranged it for him.

The five hundred yuan paid was used to apply for the card.

The card contains the number of challenges, one hundred yuan per time, and the first time you apply for the card, it will give you five times directly.

Now Zhou Jiang has used it once, and there are four remaining, but Zhou Jiang doesn't know when he will be here.

Maybe those new and unmodified elves will come here to play again?

After returning to the hotel, Zhou Jiang lay down on the bed.

There are three beds in this room, which is quite large, but the price is also expensive.

But fortunately, it was not much after living shortly after the price was shared by the three people, at least for Zhou Jiang.

After releasing the elves and feeding them, Zhou Jiang went to wash the bathhouse bed.

Fortunately, the house is sturdy, and the building materials are made of things that Zhou Jiang doesn't recognize, who can withstand the extreme pressure. Even if the iron armored tyrannosaurus is released, there is not much burden.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Bangila's overweight elves can be released.

If it is released, even if the ceiling does not penetrate the ground, it will collapse directly...

Now he had nowhere to go anyway, so Zhou Jiang could just lie in bed and play on his mobile phone.

To be honest, although Zhou Jiang said that the mobile phone is nothing fun, but it is still good to kill time.

For example, watching some sand sculpture news, although there are a lot of headlines, I still can’t help but click in to watch it... and if you enter this way, it will take a certain amount of time to finish reading the content, plus look at the comments of those sand sculpture online games , Time still flows away quietly.

At 6 o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Nan and the others sent a message saying that they would arrive at the airport in City V tomorrow afternoon and asked Zhou Jiang to pick them up.

Zhou Jiang said.

Pick up? nonexistent.

The next day, Zhou Jiang got up in the morning and went downstairs to eat some breakfast and then went to the milk tea shop.

Milk tea is still delicious, Zhou Jiang is wondering whether to make a lot of milk tea in the space backpack.

The contents in the backpack will not deteriorate if you put them in. How can you not use such a good thing?

Zhou Jiang thought for a while and thought it was pretty good...

Anyway, I don’t have much rush to live in the wild There is no need to put too many things in such a large space.

By the way, when it comes to putting it down, the system should sell space backpacks or storage rings, right?

Zhou Jiang subconsciously searched, and a list popped up.

The space is divided into different sizes, and the carrier is free to choose. Of course, choosing the carrier also costs points.

For example, if you choose a backpack, you will spend ten more points. If you choose a ring, necklace, etc., you need two hundred points.

The space is very expensive.

Zhou Jiang’s backpack has a space of 27 cubic meters, which is already very expensive (the value has collapsed), but what Zhou Jiang wants to buy now is a space ring of 100 cubic meters.

One hundred cubic meters of space will cost 50,000 points...This is almost enough to hollow out Zhou Jiang's harvest in that month...

Now he only has 70,000 points, and he has to go so many at once, and he almost feels distressed.

But in the end he changed his teeth.

One is that he doesn't know what to do with the points in his hand now. There are still 20,000 points after 70,000 points, which will be enough for him for a long time.

And after the space is bigger, he can also be more convenient and have more room for choice.

For example, the pile of things stuffed in the backpack before, many things can be put a little more, especially food.

After eating the food that Zhou Jiang brought to eat directly, he could only eat the food he cooked. It was so plain and tasteless!

In the end, he didn't even want to cook and eat fruit...

If the backpack space is bigger, he will be reduced to that?

My damn, it’s better to fill the entire space with Mogo cakes than to eat those things all day long?

The biggest benefit of expanding space is nothing else, one word-eat well!

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