After the battle, Zhou Jiang checked his phone, and it was only about fifteen minutes...

If it was before, at least it would be 30 minutes to make the bottom. Sure enough, with those two skills, the Big Needle Bee has not been enhanced by a little bit.

Zhou Jiang didn't think too much about this, he still has more important things to confirm!

With a nervous mood, Zhou Jiang slowly called up the system.

Looking at the familiar panel, Zhou Jiang's heart was lifted.




Zhou Jiang grasped the clothes around the heart with his right hand, his eyes widened, he looked at the system panel in disbelief, and in the eyes of La Lulas, Zhou Jiang was shocked, looking forward blankly...


Larulas looked at Zhou Jiang's strangeness, and quickly looked at him nervously, for fear that something might happen to him.

La Luras grasped Zhou Jiang's hem with two small hands, a little flustered, at a loss.

Big Needle Bee and Wind Speed ​​Dog came here.

Big Needle Bee didn't react to Zhou Jiang's shape like this. It indicated that his sand sculptures had been seen too much before, and only then converged a bit. Now the cliff is sick again.

The Wind Speed ​​Dog tilted his head and saw that Big Needle Bee looked calm, so it was calm, so I said that only La Luras was worried about him... a little pitiful.

Larulas looked at Zhou Jiang, who was motionless and his eyes were unblinking. After thinking about it, he bit his lip and raised his slender hand...

Bang bang bang... bang bang bang... da da da...

Zhou Jiang lay on the ground with his face in both hands, looking at the sky, leaving tears of regret...

Sober slap hurts...

‘It’s okay, Master. Drawing~’

"No... hiss~ No, it's okay..."

Zhou Jiang looked at La Roulas, who was lying on his chest with a look of concern, and grudgingly responded with a smile.

He felt that no matter how many times he suffered, he would not be able to eat his lunch today...

Seeing the fluffy wind speed dog's head reaching his side, Zhou Jiang sighed helplessly and got up.

What's the matter... Isn't it just to be happy...

Shaking his head, he greeted the big needle bee and wind speed dog to walk back.


The original fragment is now eighty-three, nine more fragments!

There is no doubt that the CD time is one week!

Then, in five days, Zhou Jiang will be able to collect 100 points!

With the guarantee, Zhou Jiang's hanging heart was also let go.

More than a month, counted as five weeks, five Celestial Intermediate Elves, each counted as ten original fragments.

Then there are more than two hundred down!

Really earned this time!

Returning to sit under the familiar tree, Zhou Jiang was still in a mood.

But how does it feel that something is wrong...


"Hey! La Luras, why didn't you go to the fight?!"

Zhou Jiang found Huadian.

Shouldn't La Roulas logically go to fight?

Why are you staying here?

I slapped myself a few times...

‘Didn’t the master hold me to watch Big Needle Bee’s fight? Drawing~’

La Lulas looked back at Zhou Jiang, somewhat puzzled.


Zhou Jiang was speechless.

It seems... is this the same thing?

He hugged La Luras when he came, but he hugged them in his arms after he ate them, and then forgot to let go?

"Cough, okay, what? Then you will take a day off today and work hard tomorrow!"


La Roulas turned his head and continued to watch the battle between Menus and the Ivy Snake while holding an energy cube with relish, Zhou Jiang sighed and focused his attention on the system.

Now the points are more than 3,000 points before it was almost 4,000, but after changing some skills, things disappeared...

The enhancement of the Big Needle Bee's spear is now nineteen from the left and thirteen on the right.

There is a difference of four, and can only continue to strengthen the left.

Calculating this way, two more clicks on the left and two more on the right, at least five thousand five hundred points are needed.

According to the past, you can get more than two thousand points in one day of fighting, and you can finish it tomorrow.

Zhou Jiang nodded, replaced the potion, and asked Lalulas to apply the medicine to Big Needle Bee.

The medicine is good, but the waiting time is too troublesome.

Can't attack or something for four hours

Zhou Jiang checked the time. It was only around seven o'clock, and he could get it again after lunch, and then changed a bottle of medicine.

This is all right, Zhou Jiang only has more than 600 points left...

Instant bankruptcy.

After thinking about it, Zhou Jiang exchanged a few bottles of potion for La Luras, and asked her to spray it for the elves.

It was Wind Speed ​​Dog and Big Needle Bee who healed the elves before. Now that La Luras has time, let her go.

She is not a little girl anymore, she is going to grow up anyway.

After La Roulas left, Zhou Jiang took out the painting book and continued painting.

I haven't painted for two days, and Zhou Jiang feels that he has finally gotten a little smoother and gave birth again.

But it doesn't matter.

It's ugly anyway, it doesn't matter if the hands are born or not.

Zhou Jiang stopped painting until noon, cooked for them, and ate some casually.

After eating, let Laluras continue to "enchant" the left spear of Big Needle Bee, take a rest after finishing it, wait until they continue to fight at one point, and Zhou Jiang continues to paint.

Life is so Things happen at every turn in the novel, which is interesting.

However, novels are only novels after all, and reality is so boring.

Zhou Jiang threw the paintbrush away, leaned against the tree and sighed.

It seems to watch anime, novels and play games...

"Why... find someone to make a game?"

Most of the masterpieces in the previous life are 3D games, and he has 3D dizziness and can't play 3D games, but he can ask others to do other fun!

In addition to 3D games, there are other games that are also fun!

Hmm... can we have a famine?

Or the age of empires?

Or...League of Legends?

He played very few games in his previous life. Basically, he used to make supplements and read novels, but he played only a few games above.

The above few, the playability is still good.

For example, famine can be developed!

Turn those monsters into some fierce elves, and don't change the others. Doesn't this adapt to the style of this world?

The age of the empire is similar. Change those units to elves, just like World of Warcraft. Isn’t that done?

And the League of Legends does not need to say more, as long as you do a good job of the server, get the balance, everything is OK.

The more I think about it, the more excited Zhou Jiang is.

This is totally OK!

Are you afraid of being bored after doing this?


Go dead!

Wife or something, I... ahem, I'll talk about it later... I can't paint anymore...

Hmm...but, here comes the question.

How to do it……

It seems that no acquaintance is doing this...

In Zhou Jiang’s impression, it seems that not many people in this world are playing games...

Everyone is going to travel as a trainer, who is playing games at home...

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