After comforting Laluras and Queen Needle Bee, Zhou Jiang glanced at Meng Takibin and Feng Speed ​​Dog, and sighed weakly.

"Let me introduce it."

The atmosphere now is a bit stiff and tense.

The Wind Speed ​​Dogs are still vigilant about the Blood Wing Flying Dragon and Meng Takibin, and the Blood Wing Flying Dragon sees that they are wary of this side, and puts on a posture ready to attack at any time, so naturally they are also wary.

It's fine, with thick skin and thick flesh, so it is worried about Meng Takibin.

If human beings are maliciously attacked, it will be over. There will never be such a thing that survives.

Others are fine, Zhou Jiang is afraid that they will fight.

If he fights, a stray bullet hits him, and has his elves come back to defend...

Zhou Jiang stood among them, and then took the lead in pointing at Meng Bin and the others, and then said to them.

"She is Meng Takibin, and this is her elf. It was a misunderstanding before, but we actually know each other. Don't be too vigilant about each other, okay?"

After Jianfengsugu's tight muscles slowly relaxed, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he walked to the wind speed dog and introduced them to Meng Takibin.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, the boss of this territory, I am good friends with them!"

With that said, Zhou Jiang patted the thigh of Fengsu Dog.

Meng Takibin was taken aback by surprise.

Dare to shoot the thighs of wild elves at the level of the king.

Is he so courageous...

If the wind speed rages, and one bite down, he won't even have a place to shout!

Zhou Jiang didn't understand the horror of wild elves in this world.

After all, in his memory, the elves are the same as in the animation.

And what are the sprites in the animation?

Kind, gentle, even if it is wrong sometimes, but after understanding the truth, he will be brave to admit his mistakes and actively correct.

What a positive side!

Moreover, a righteous and loyal spirit like Wind Speed ​​Dog, in Zhou Jiang's heart, has a high degree of natural favorability.

After all, who would hate this kind of elves who would only be loyal to their masters?

After introducing the acquaintance to both sides, and both sides confirmed that there was no malice, the horrible atmosphere of the upcoming world war finally disappeared.


Suddenly, the wind speed dog barked behind him.

Then, in the curious eyes of everyone, the many elves gathered together separated from the middle and gave way to a passage.

When Zhou Jiang looked at it, he saw dozens of Wei Li and Haoli Wrists walking towards this side, holding the mysterious thing wrapped in leaves with both hands.

Zhou Jiang looked at Wei Li curiously. Is this a gift for himself?

Meng Takibin was relieved.

To be honest, she was still a little scared.

After all, there are a lot of these elves, plus they have attacked them before...

After seeing the strange forces like this, she also became curious about what it was, so much.

One minute later, the strange forces finally arrived in front of Zhou Jiang, and then they put their "bags" on the ground uniformly.

After the "bag" was placed on the ground, it instantly scattered and rolled out fruit.


Today is the day when they go to "sack" the territory of Hei Lujia, and they are now coming to see themselves in large and small bags, and they have brought so many gifts to themselves. Zhou Jiang can't think of anything other than the fruit.

They picked all the fruits, leaving only some fruits that were enough to survive their starvation.

And after a lot of tree fruits have been picked, they will definitely be endless.

There are some special tree fruits, like those eaten at the "Celebration Banquet" before. Although the tree fruits are deflated and have no moisture, they are like persimmons. They can be dried into persimmon cakes.

But since they can't finish eating, it's better to give most of them to Zhou Jiang!

Although Zhou Jiang alone could not beat the elves in either of the two camps, after Zhou Jiang came, the situation changed instantly!

Moreover, he directly saved the lives of the four elves at their top level, and indirectly saved the lives of all the elves in their territory.

This kindness is really as big as the sky for the wind speed dog.

If it hadn't had any children or the like, it would have to give it away directly!

"These are for me?"

Although Zhou Jiangming knew that these were for himself, he still had to ask.

Otherwise, if you take it yourself, the other side says it’s not for yourself...

That would be embarrassing...

Although this chance is very small or even non-existent, Zhou Jiang didn't plan to take such a tiny bit of risk.


The wind speed dog whimpered softly and nodded.

Zhou Jiang smiled and thanked it, and then picked up a tree fruit nearby.

The fruit is very fresh, too, after all, it was just picked.

Zhou Jiang wiped the ash from it and threw it into his mouth.

It's okay, it tastes a bit like a pear, but it doesn't look like it, and it's small.

But Zhou Jiang doesn’t care, anyway, he can eat it...

And I didn’t eat it by myself. I still had enough food, and the tree fruits were gone. Now the tree fruits are coming to make energy cubes for How about staying at night? It just so happens that there are so many trees and fruits, so I will make good food for you~"


Wind Speed ​​Dog tilted his head, a little curious.




Listening to Zhou Jiang's words, the strange force group beside Feng Speed ​​Dog and some elves who had helped Zhou Jiang build the house knew what he said was delicious. Suddenly became excited.

That thing is not only more delicious than tree fruits, but it is also full of energy and nutrients.

One eats up to fullness and can also strengthen their physique.

The energy cube made by Zhou Jiang's machine is equivalent to an intermediate energy cube on the market.

Even the elves who have been conquered by people can't eat often, they eat very little, let alone these wild elves.

Compared with human beings, wild elves lack nothing but resources and specialized training.

Zhou Jiang's elves were used to these energy cubes, but it was nothing.

These wild elves ate it for the first time, and the effect was amazing!

They immediately regarded this energy cube as a magical medicine, and they worshiped Zhou Jiang. Unless Zhou Jiang asked them to rebel against the Wind Speed ​​Dog, they would definitely be Zhou Jiang's No. 1 fan!

Because they knew how they felt before and after eating, they were madly facing the leader Amway.

If the leader's mind is hot and refuses...

They think it's not impossible to rebel, what do you think...

Wind Speed ​​Dog looked at the many little brothers who surrounded it with a dazed expression.

If it hadn't listened to their different languages ​​but the same meaning, it could understand the messy sounds, and it would have thought its little brothers were undercovers of Hei Lujia, and now it's time to assassinate itself.

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