The scene was silent for a while, only the screams of armored birds were left.

After a few seconds, the audience screamed and discussed.

Killing Li Ruobing's armored bird in one hit is absolutely abnormal!

Of course, it was impossible for them, but it was normal for Zhou Jiang.

First of all, the level of the armor bird is only sixty-one, and it has just entered the gate of the quasi heavenly king. It is estimated that the origin is not available.

Then there is the characteristic of the armor bird, its characteristic is "fractured armor".

This feature is that after a physical attack, the defense is reduced by one level, and the speed is increased by two levels, and the feedback to reality is that its surface armor is shattered after a hard hit.

In addition, the Big Needle Bee itself has the power comparable to the Uranus level, and it has increased its attack power twice. The attack skill used is still the famous [finger gun] for thrusting and penetrating. It can appear this way under such a blow. As expected by Zhou Jiang.

The only mistake is that Zhou Jiang’s power was underestimated. If Big Needle Bee doesn’t hold back a bit of strength or continues to send the spear forward...

Now lying on the ground is no longer a wailing armor bird but a dead body...

so far so good!

If you really kill the elves of the gymnasium trainer... Zhou Jiang will be over in this life. The lightest thing is to be deprived of the right of the trainer. Of course, Zhou Jiang can also rebel, but it is still too tiring to do that.

And there’s nothing to do. Why do you always think about cooking? Isn’t it okay to live a good life...

"Come back, armor bird..."

Li Ruobing silently retracted the armored bird lying on the ground wailing, and then beckoned to the staff nearby, asking him to send the armored bird to the wizard center for treatment.

In doing so, she gave up a battle strength. Although the armored bird would not be life-threatening, watching her doing this, Zhou Jiang had a better impression of her.

Of course, Zhou Jiang's impression of her is much better, but Zhou Jiang's impression of her is much worse...

Regardless of the reason, labeling her beloved elves like this must not be let go!

And the little girl Shi Yuxuan sitting on the coaching bench also clenched her fists and waved towards Zhou Jiang, as if she could hit him...

"Go, Kuailong!"

? ?

I'm Cao!

Looking at the fat yellow body and the small wings behind him, Zhou Jiang really felt like a dog.

This...Although Kuailong said that it also has a flight system, but you do...

Do you know how to do that "Dodo"?

You clearly mean that "Dodo" is a master of flight!

"Quick Dragon, jet flames!"


Kuailong glared at the Big Needle Bee, then opened his mouth, and the hot flames moved towards the Big Needle Bee.

"Pointing to the gun!"

Big Needle Bee accumulates strength, then twisted his waist, and jerked the spear in his right hand forward.


The spear didn't touch the flame, the sharp and sharp air wave instantly tore the flame apart, and it didn't stop. The invisible air flow continued to break through the flame and headed towards the fast dragon.

"Quick Dragon, Frozen Fist!"


Kuailong closed his mouth, and then let out a long howl in excitement, raising his fat and round right hand and slamming it forward.



The cold air wrapped in front of the fist first came into contact with the airflow, and then collided with the cold current, and suddenly burst into a small storm.

Li Ruobing frowned and looked at Big Needle Bee, unexpectedly so strong!

Although Kuailong hasn't used the original source yet, the opposite is the same. As a result, it can suppress his own Kuailong...

This is really a monster...

Before watching the game, it was not so scary. Could it be that he had hidden his strength at the time? But if he hides his strength, isn't it even more terrifying?

After only half a year of traveling, the elves have reached this level. It is estimated that they will become the flying elves of the flying king. How did this do it!

Even she did her best to cultivate this mini-dragon at the beginning, and then it took more than two years to make it reach the quasi-tianwang, and now...

This is going to be crushing his own fast dragon...

Li Ruobing glanced at Zhou Jiang, then stared at Big Needle Bee, thinking about countermeasures.

According to her guess, the "level" of this big needle bee should be a bit higher than that of the fast dragon.

The Big Needle Bee should be his strongest Elf, as long as the Big Needle Bee is solved, then if the other elves still have four elves that are not weak at the Quasi-Uranian stage, they should be able to defeat him?

But the next step is to defeat Big Needle Bee.

If you say it, you may not believe it, but the trainer of Kuailong will try to get Kuailong to defeat Big Needle Bee...

The speed and attack of the Big Needle Bee is terrible, but the speed of the fast dragon is not slow, and the strength is estimated to be not about the same, which means that the competition is physical strength...

physical strength……

Hehe, what elves can compare to dragon elves in physical strength?


Li Ruobing is thinking, Zhou Jiang is thinking.

This fast dragon has reached level seventy, and one foot has already reached the level of the king of heaven. You should be able to use the origin proficiently...

Think about the Abby Long who was fighting in the cave before...

Although the level of that Abelon is higher than that of the fast dragon, I don't know how much, but this kind of clan is also too far apart!

Zhou Jiang regrets it...

This Kuailong is estimated to be a trump card that the opponent will basically not use. At the beginning, he made the armor bird so that the opponent will get up and let it out to deal with himself...

Sure enough, if you don't die, you won't die... If this goes on, it's really a pill!

My strongest elves are Big Needle Bee and La Luras, the attack values ​​of the two elves are almost comparable to the existence of the king-level, and if the two elves are separately...

Zhou Jiang is worried that he can't do this fast dragon!

If he lost the first time he challenged the master of the gymnasium, Zhou Jiang would really be ashamed and lost.

This is probably the first traverser to lose to the first master of the gymnasium?

It's really shameful to still have the existence of such a heaven-defying cheater like a system!

Although Zhou Jiang was a little nervous, he did not show it.

Who will kill you?

Zhou Jiang believed that with the disgusting skills of Lalulas, he could survive it!



"Big Needle Weird Power·Wushuang!"

"Quick Dragon, continuous flame punch!"

The two sides finished thinking at the same time, gave orders at the same time, and then glanced at each other at the same time, and after contacting each other's eyes, they separated again.

Is this a kind of heart?

Kuailong yelled "Woo~" and then flapped its small wings and flew quickly toward the Big Needle Bee, and hot flames condensed on both of its fat fists.

The big needle bee stayed in place for a while, and then fluttered its wings and flew towards the fast dragon.

Be a wizard trainer in a parallel world


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