The pangolin flexibly adjusted its position in the air and landed firmly on the ground, so Nedorino and the pangolin began to stare at their small eyes again.

   The two sides returned to the previous confrontation.

   Zhou Nan recalled Nitorino's hole cards and made a secret decision.

   One move determines the outcome!

   "Nidolino, force it!"

   Nidolino's body is at least six or seven times larger than the pangolin.

   As long as you can seize its neutral position, then this battle is over!

   Looking at Nitorino, who was walking towards him step by step, the mountain rat suddenly became a little confused.

   looked back at his trainer.

   Chen Xi looked at Nitorino and then at Zhou Nan, who was expressionless, thinking for a long time, but couldn't guess his tactics.

   Looking at Nitorino getting closer and closer, Chen Xi didn't bother to care about **** tactics, and directly ordered the pangolin.

   "Panthera, roll to the side!"

  【Rolling】The more you roll, the more powerful you are. Since you can stop me at the beginning, I should roll a few more times, right?

   And no matter what conspiracy you have, you still don't care when I want to stack up the buff?

   As expected, Zhou Nan couldn't sit still anymore when he saw the pangolin was about to fold up and roll.

  Everything else is easy to say, rolling a stack of it is really going to die, and even if you play the hole cards, it will be useless...

   I shouldn’t have hesitated if I knew it earlier. If you just played your hole cards, you would have won. How could there be such troubles...

   Zhou Nan's heart was bleeding when he thought of losing such a good opportunity because of his hesitation before.

   Nidolino jumped out under Zhou Nan's order, and then stopped the pangolin once again.

  The mountain rat flew upside down, still stopped firmly on the field as before, and the two elves fell into anxiety again.

   Looking at the two elves in stalemate, Zhou Nan couldn't help but think of what Zhou Jiang said.

   No matter how powerful a skill is, it is better to use the right skill at the right time.

  It’s like now, the hole cards are only learned, and they can’t be used at all.

   "Second stage kick!"

   There is no way, since you can't think of any way, then be reckless!

   Feeling the master's emotions, Nidolino was also in high spirits, looking at the pangolin with vigorous fighting spirit, and then striding toward it with four strong thighs.

   Chen Xi looked at Nitorino who was coming, and calmly shouted: "Mountain rat, dig a hole!"

   Compared with Zhou Nan, you can let go, but Chen Xi can't.

  Nidolino is the second form of the spirit, and the body is bigger than the pangolin, the competition for power is completely an act of death.

   "Second stage kick!"

   Chen Xi glanced at Zhou Nan, a little strange.

   Nidolino hasn’t arrived yet, call it again?


   Wait, is it possible that Nitorino wanted to attack when the pangolin jumped out?

   Hmph, naive!

   But before she thought about it, the scene on the court attracted her attention.

   Same as before, the pangolin ran to the ground smoothly, and Nidolino’s attack also failed.


   The corners of Chen Xi's mouth that had just turned up were smoothed instantly, and even opened his mouth wide in surprise.

   I saw Nitorino stomping hard towards the ground not far from the entrance of the cave!

   Those strong hind legs will shake the ground with every kick!

   This is the weakened version of [Earthquake]!

   "Chamois, come out!"

   Anxiously, she has no time to consider the consequences.

  If you continue to stay like this, although Nitorino will consume a lot of effort, the pangolin will definitely finish it before it!

When    comes out, it is at most the damage of a [second stage kick]. It is not a double restraint skill. It is probably fine to hit it, and there should be room for maneuver.

  【Earthquake】This skill does not matter whether you restrain or not, as long as you are underground, it will double damage!


   Although Nitorino’s [Small Earthquake] is not powerful, the double restraint damage is also high!


   After hearing that Chen Xi was going to cross the mountain rat, Zhou Nan shouted at Nidolino.

   Chen Xi didn't care, now she can only hope that the pangolin can run far enough so that she can avoid the blow.


   Chen Xi breathed a sigh of relief as the sound of a crack in the distance heard.

   Chuanshanshu did not disappoint her, and appeared from a distance.

   It's all right now!

   Chen Xi, who was relieved, didn't see that Nidonile's mouth, whose back was facing her, was opening, and there was a "ping pong ball" fanning with dazzling light inside its mouth!

   "Good job! Wear..."

   Before she finished speaking, she saw a golden laser beam flying towards the pangolin!

   The beam of light with a destructive aura hits the pangosine in the horrified eyes of Chen Xi and the pangosit.


   With a loud noise, large patches of dirt and dust were raised where the pangosine was.

   Destruction and death!

   These four words kept appearing in Chen Xi's mind.

   She was stunned...

   The smoke dissipated quickly, and the pangolin fainted in the pit.

   "The pangolin loses the ability to fight, Nidolino wins!"

   It wasn't until the referee shouted that Chen Xi came back to his senses, and had to accept the fact that the pangolin had lost the ability to fight.

   Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi retracted the pangolin, and then released her second elf, the Sparrow without hesitation.

   On the other side, Zhou Nan also retracted Nitorino and released Bibi Bird.

   Looking at Bibi Chen Xi sighed.

   She knew about Zhou Nan's two elves. After the pangolin was defeated, she didn't expect to win.

   I thought I could give it a try, but I couldn't even beat Nitorino.

Chen Xi’s Spearfish, who was frustrated and unwilling to fight, was crushed and beaten by Zhou Nan’s Bibi Bird. The Spearbird had no command and instinctively fought with his deadly enemies. However, Bibi Bird was in the second form and his body was bigger than the Spear Bird Many, plus Zhou Nan's command, how could the Sparrows beat it?

   Within a few clicks, the Spearfish lost its fighting ability under Bibi Niao's [Yan Return].

   After the game, Chen Xi had no joy or sorrow, and with no expression on his face, he withdrew the sparrow and walked out of the battlefield.

   Zhou Nan was still screaming, waving at the audience applauding around him, as if he were a superstar Uranus.

   Zhou Jiang saw that Zhou Nan's game was over, so they got up and walked outside.

   Next is Li Linghui's game.

   Little girl Li Linghui’s elves are Big Needle Bee, which can be said to have a big advantage. After all, Zhou Jiang shared a lot of Big Needle Bee training experience to her.

   After meeting Zhou Nan, a few people walked towards the No. 2 secondary court, waiting for Li Linghui's game.

   stood and chatted in the audience for a long time, and finally it was Li Linghui's turn.

Li Linghui’s Big Needle Bee can be described as a tiger general, and he wielded two big guns vigorously. With Li Linghui’s flexible tactical arrangement, he easily overturned his opponent with one pick and two, which provokes the audience. The audience at Li Linghui kept applauding and shouting "Goddess".


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