I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, don’t want to be the King of Gods Chapter 503

Vayne looked at Zeus and asked!

Zeus ignored Vayne and walked aside. Then he picked up the Light of the Sky skin and handed it to Vayne. This skin is the best for you now. As for the champion and ultimate skins, they are not the current ones. You can use.

"I just want those two skins."

Zeus ignored it and just handed over the light of the sky.

"This skin is worth 690,000 gold coins. Do you think you can afford a skin stronger than the light of the sky?"

The different expression suddenly turned ugly. It was obvious that he didn't expect it to be so expensive!

"I don't have enough money!"

Although Vayne's family used to be a noble family, they obviously couldn't afford so much money.

"It doesn't matter. I can give you this skin first and then pay me back after you make money."

After hearing Zeus's words, he looked at the two champion and ultimate skins with comforting eyes.

"Even if you get these two skins now, it's useless because you can't use them. You understand, you're not strong enough to use them. If you don't believe it, you can give it a try."

Zeus took out two skin emperors and gave them to Vayne.

Vayne did not hesitate after taking the skin. She used the skin as Zeus said but without any results.

"Understood, if you don't meet the conditions, you can't use it even if you get the skin."

There was a look of reluctance on Vayne's face. It was obvious that there was powerful power in front of her, but she didn't have the ability to get this power!

Vayne, filled with anger towards herself, looked at Zeus in front of her.

"What conditions do I need to be able to use these two skins?"

"To use this skin, you have to kill 1,000 high-level demons."

Zeus pointed to Ultimate Skin and said.

"And this champion skin requires you to become a champion. In other words, you need to join the army of Demacia and then become the champion of the army and the strongest in the army."

Zeus tried his best to fool Vayne.

After hearing the two conditions stated by Zeus, Vayne fell into silence.

Zeus then looked at Fiona next to him and said: "The same goes for your champion skin. If you want to use your champion skin, you must become the strongest champion in the army."

Fiona and Vayne both fell silent. It was obvious that both of them knew their own strength.

The strongest member of the current army is Demacia's Marshal Tiana Crownguard.

It is obviously impossible for them to compete with Tia for the strongest position.

"This is a regrettable outcome."

After giving a wry smile, Fiona chose to give up the championship skin temporarily. She is not qualified to compete for the championship skin now, but she believes that she will be stronger than Demacia's Grand Marshal Tiana in the future. The self will Hui get the championship skin.

Vayne was also helpless. No matter which of these two conditions it was, Vayne could not achieve it.

Zeus once again picked up the skin of Crown of the Sky and handed it to Vayne: "You are very suitable for this skin now."

With no other choice, Vayne picked up the Light of the Sky skin handed over by Zeus, and then used it silently in her mind.

The next moment, Vayne felt a powerful force emerging from her body out of thin air. This powerful force made Vayne feel that she could easily hunt those demons.

But the next moment, pain suddenly hit her forehead, and Vayne's eyes focused again, looking at Zeus in front of her and the finger that Zeus stretched out.

Although he knew that it was Zeus who just flicked himself with this finger.

"Don't lose yourself because of this power. You are still far from being able to easily hunt high-level demons. The most you can do now is to hunt middle-level demons."

After hearing what Zeus said, Vayne had a complicated expression on her face and then said: "I don't have money now, but I will make money back to you as soon as possible."

"Then let it be like this, do whatever you need to do."

Zeus said casually, Vayne looked at Zeus and then bowed and ran out quickly.

After seeing Vayne run away, Lux said to Zeus: "Why can Vayne get credit, but I have to pay back the debt with work?"

"Is there a problem?"

Zeus turned his head and looked at Lacus. Lacus was so angry that she couldn't say even half a word. She was very angry. .

Chapter 1058

Among the Crownguard family, Tiana's face was a little solemn. Twice in a row, she accidentally put Lux down at the door of Zeus store, and then she went to find the store no matter what.

This is very wrong.

Lacus looked at the aunt in front of her carefully. For her aunt, Lacus could be said to be in awe.

But Lacus had no choice. He had already brought his aunt to the door of Zeus's shop, but it turned out that his aunt didn't know her and couldn't get in. What could he do, and Lacus felt that she was really wronged.

You really can't blame me for this.

Lux was also helpless towards her aunt. I have already reached this level. What else do you want from me? When Tiana saw Lux’s appearance, she did not continue to embarrass Lux: “After all, Lux took him there. We’re at the door of the store, but Tiana can’t get in by herself.”

"Lux, what kind of circumstances do you think we need to be able to enter that store?"

"I don't know, but the people entering the store now seem to be young and beautiful girls, Senior Fiona, me, and Senior Vayne who just entered the store today."

"That's the one you're talking about~"


After hearing Tiana's inquiry, Lux nodded and confirmed.

"So they are all young girls, so I will try to find a young girl to see if I can get in."

Lux smiled awkwardly on the side. This probably had nothing to do with her, whether it was success or failure.

Lux said that she had tried her best and other things were really beyond her control.

As for Narax leaving Zeus, it is impossible.

Zeus is so interesting around him, and there are so many powerful skins. How could Lux ​​be willing to not get all those skins?

So even if you want to leave, you have to wait until Zeus gives all those skins to yourself, so that Lux can leave. Otherwise, if you leave before Lux has the key to get those skins, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life.

In order to prevent herself from regretting for the rest of her life, Lux could only do this at this moment.

Tiana ignored Lux ​​and fell into thinking. What Ax said was not unreasonable. So far, all the people who entered Zeus's shop were young and beautiful girls.

So if I find a young and beautiful girl, can I also enter Zeus's store?

"Okay Lux, you go back first."

Looking at her aunt's appearance, Lux knew that her aunt must have had a plan in mind, but Lux really had no way to stop it, so the only thing Lux could do now was to silently pray for Zeus in her heart. pray.

I hope my aunt won't go too far, and I hope Zeus can hold on. If Zeus becomes cold, Lux will no longer be able to get those skins from Zeus.

In fact, Lux has never thought about whether her aunt could just take those skins and use them casually if her aunt closed down that store in Zeus.

After all, she is just a little girl, and Lux ​​is not shameless to that extent.

Early in the morning of the second day, Lux quietly opened the door and found that her aunt was not standing at her door. She breathed a sigh of relief and ran out without even bothering to eat breakfast.

But Tiana saw all Lux's movements, and then said to a beautiful girl next to her: "Follow Lux, and then enter the store where Lux entered, and then come back and tell the situation inside Tell me everything."

After receiving Tiana's instructions, the girl responded quickly.


After saying that, she immediately followed Lux, but after Lux entered the store, the girl completely lost her target.

No matter how hard the girl searched, she couldn't find Lux.

After searching for a long time without finding anything, the girl had no choice but to choose to return. When she returned to the Crown Guard's house, she told everything she had seen and heard. After hearing this, Tiana let out a long sigh.

··Request flowers 0·····

"Let's end this matter."

After letting you leave, Tia Na fell into deep thought.

The girl I found today has a top-notch figure and appearance.

But in the end, they were not able to get in. This meant that either Lux's guess was useless and the other party was not looking for those pretty girls, or the other party realized that it was the person they sent and therefore did not let the other party in.

His fingers tapped lightly on the table, and the Grand Marshal of Demacia began to think.

But the last result that the Generalissimo of Demacia came up with was to try again tomorrow.

"Who is this Zeus?"


Lux in the store had no idea what her situation was at this moment. After entering the store, Lux was stared at by Zeus.

"Why do you keep looking at me like this?"

Lux was a little embarrassed.

"It's nothing, I'm just seeing how much trouble you, a troublemaker, have brought to me."

Zeus said looking at Lux.

However, Lux's shy expression just disappeared completely, and then she looked at Zeus in front of her with a cold expression on her face.

"Didn't you realize that there was a little tail just behind you? It seems that your aunt is planning to find someone else to come in if she can't get in by herself."

After hearing this sentence, Lux was stunned for a moment, and then she fell silent.

"Go back and make it clear to your aunt. This store is only for those who are favored by fate. The rest of the people cannot enter this store."

"So what is a person favored by fate?"

"Those whose futures will shine brightly."

Lux seemed to understand, but Lux knew that it was enough for her to relay what Zeus said to her aunt.

Fiona on the side understood something, and looked at Zeus as if he was lost in some kind of contemplation. Perhaps Fiona thought of the fate she was carrying, so she had some thoughts on Zeus's words. Feel it. five.

Chapter 1059

Lux and Fiona had no problems, but Vayne caused a lot of trouble for Zeus.

After Vayne put on the skin of Light of the Sky, her combat power soared, and she inherited the skills of the Night Hunter.

This time, Vayne's strength was so powerful that she directly defeated an intermediate demon in Kabbah's hands.

After a series of operations, the matter of Vayne's skin was exposed.

As for the skin, countless nobles in Demacia want one, and even those nobles in Demacia want to get a skin from Zeus!

Outside now, things about Zeus's skin are already being rumored to be amazing!

What kind of strength was Vayne's originally, but now Vayne is an intermediate-level demon who can easily kill a demon. All fools know that this must have something to do with Vayne's skin!

When I think of this, no one can bear it anymore, and they all want to get this skin.

If I get the skin, can I become stronger like Vayne?

This point appeared in everyone's mind.

Afterwards, everyone made an affirmation in their hearts.


If Shawna Vayne can do it, then she can do it too.

In the eyes of others, I can definitely do things that Shawna Vayne can do, and I don't have to be inferior to Shawna Vayne.

Just like this, after finding out the location of Zeus's shop from Vayne, everyone went to Zeus's shop, but surprisingly they couldn't find Zeus's shop!

Although Zeus said he blocked everyone from the store, with so many people walking past the store every day, it was obvious that Zeus couldn't care less.

It's annoying, just really annoying.

"Really, why didn't I tell Vayne at that time that I couldn't leak what happened here?"

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