I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, Don’t Want to Be a God King Chapter 241

"Hei Tu, you came here very quickly, are you reluctant to part with me?"

White Yaksha looked at Hei Tu and smiled, no, he said lewdly.

The black rabbit complained directly!

"If possible, I really don't want to see Shiroyasha-sama."

117 "What, Black Rabbit, you are so ungrateful. If it weren't for us, you would probably have gone out to make friends to save the community."

After making a joke, Shiriyasha looked at Kasukabe Yo!

"Yao Kasukabe."

The expression on Shiroyasha's face became serious.

"What's matter?"

Kasukabe Yao was still calm, but under this calmness, the palm of Kasukabe Yao's palm was soaked with sweat.

"Where is that Zeus, don't say you don't know. This kind of lie can't fool me, and there is nothing to hide under the all-knowing Laplace demon, so your best result is to tell me what you know Say everything now."

Shiriyasha's golden eyes stared at Kasukabe Yo, but Kasukabe Yo couldn't help but feel chills all over.

"You don't have a choice."

Looking at Kasukabe Yao in front of him, Shiroyasha gave another warning, Kasukabe Yao in front of him had no choice.

"The Laplace demon knows, this 'demon' knows the exact position and momentum of every atom in the universe, and can use Newton's laws to show the entire process of cosmic events, past and future!"

Cold sweat broke out on Kasukabe Yao's forehead! .

Chapter 486

Looking at Kasukabe Yao with cold sweat on his forehead, Shirayasha said flatly: "I am the one who came to you this time, but next time it will be someone else."

"Compared to me, I am willing to talk to you, but once you change to someone else, you can change to those Olympus gods who lost their god king because of you, you can think about it carefully. , what will happen.”

Kasukabe Yao couldn't help sweating coldly on his forehead.

"How do you know that?"

Shiroyasha opened the folding fan to cover the lower half of his face, then looked at Kurotu to the side.

"Because the black rabbit is so easy to deceive."

The black rabbit on the side suddenly screamed, looked at Bai Yasha and said, "How is that possible."

Kasukabe Yō glanced at Kurotu and then fell silent.

"What do you want to ask?"

Kasukabe Yao took a deep breath and asked after calming down his mood!

"How did you get in touch with that Zeus?"

The gods in Little Garden were quite surprised when they found out about this.

How did Kasukabe Yō contact Zeus outside Hakoniwa!

Or is there any special connection between Zeus and Kasukabe Yao, if Kasukabe Yao is in danger, Zeus can feel it?

Thinking of this, Shiroyasha couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly when he looked at Kasukabe Yao!

Kasukabe Yao immediately felt the hairs on his body stand on end!

But soon Kasukabe Yao forcibly calmed himself down!

"There is no way to contact."

"Really? Then I just believe what you say."

Kasukabe Yao frowned slightly!

Obviously Kasukabe Yō felt that something was wrong with this matter, Shiroyasha is so easy to talk about?

But soon Kasukabe Yao knew that Shiroyasha was not a good way to say it.

Bai Yasha didn't believe what he said at all.

Looking at Shiroyasha's appearance of wanting to wear everything about him, Kasukabe Yao suddenly felt a kind of sadness in his heart.

The gods of Hakobai are really nothing, and I can be regarded as helping to solve the crisis of Hakoaten's destruction, but these gods of Hakoaten, in the blink of an eye, settle accounts after the fall, bah, not after the fall, but cross the river and demolish the bridge.

Simply nothing!

But now Kasukabe Yao has no choice, with the strength of Kasukabe Yao, he can't resist Hakoniwa. Naturally, Kasukabe Yao can only accept it honestly.

However, it is impossible for Kasukabe Yao to tell other people about the chat group, but there are other things that can be said.

It's just obvious that Shiroyasha doesn't care about these things explained by Kasukabe Yao at all, or that Shiroyasha thinks it doesn't matter at all to these things that Kasukabe Yao took the initiative to explain.

Shiriyasha wants to dig out the secret hidden by Yo Kasukabe!

Kasukabe Yō obviously sensed Shiriyasha's aggressive look. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Shiriyasha looked at Kasukabe Yao in front of him and said, "I personally think that what you said is irrelevant, so let's play a game' 〃."

"what game."

"A simple gift match, if you lose, you will tell everything."

Kasukabe Yao's pupils shrank immediately, obviously Kasukabe Yao had already thought of what might happen next, once this matter is really as he expected, then things will undoubtedly become The worst look ever!

So Kasukabe Yō can't play this gift match no matter what.

Seeing Kasukabe Yao with cold sweat on his forehead, Shiriyasha covered the lower half of his face with a folding fan and said, "Of course, I will also give corresponding benefits."

Kasukabe Yao doesn't want any benefits. Kasukabe Yao doesn't want to play this gift game, but Kasukabe Yao knows that he is not qualified to refuse at all, or that he can't refuse?

Who is White Yasha!

One of the three problem children in Hakoniwa in the past, so it can be seen how troublesome Shiroyasha is.

"I don't want to play any gift game, so I refuse."

"You have no right to refuse, and there is a kind of authority called the authority of the devil king. You should know what the authority of the devil king is for, right?"

"Do you want to degenerate and become a demon king?"

Kasukabe Yō naturally knows what is the authority of the Demon King, but it is precisely because of knowing that Kasukabe Yō understands how terrifying Shiroyasha is.

Bai Yasha actually did not hesitate to use the authority of the Demon King to let himself tell some of his secrets, why?

Yo Kasukabe couldn't understand what Shiroyasha wanted to do.

"... In order to reassure the upper echelons of Little Garden, you put your spiritual status on the Buddhist side, isn't it just to let people know that you have graduated from problem children?"

"Now you don't hesitate to use the authority of the demon king. Is it really okay to look like this?"

Shiriyasha covered the lower half of his face with a folding fan and looked at Kasukabe Yo in front of him.

"You really know a lot. The more you look like this, the more I want to know what secrets are hidden in you."

Feeling the pressure from Shiriyasha, fine beads of sweat could not help but appear on Kasukabe Yo's forehead.

Kasukabe Yao can only ask for help in the chat group at this time.

Kasukabe Yao: "Now Shiroyasha is grabbing me and wants to play the gift game with me. If I lose, I have to tell everything."

Jupiter: "No one will save you this time, and if you reveal something about the chat group, you might be wiped out by the chat group the next moment."

Jupiter: "But I can be a good person once and tell you how to survive. You can send out yourself as a red envelope. In this way, as long as anyone snatches the red envelope you sent out, you can run away."

Kasukabe Yao: "But I will also lose the freedom of life, right Jin!"

Jupiter: "Isn't it fair that what is gained is what is lost?"

Kasukabe Yao wants to say it's fair, you did it on purpose!

But at this time, Kasukabe Yao became more and more difficult to make a choice! .

Chapter 487

Kasukabe Yao looked at Shirayasha in front of him and said, "Is there no other way besides this choice?"

"I'm curious about your secrets!"

"Really? Then it seems that there is no other choice."

Kasukabe Yao's words made Shiroyasha smile: "Don't think about running away, because this place has been isolated by me, so it is impossible for you to run away."

"That's not necessarily the case."

After Kasukabe Yao finished speaking, he directly used the red envelope escape!

The next moment, Kasukabe Yao performed to Shiroyasha what is called a big transformation, and Kasukabe Yao disappeared in front of Shiroyasha and Kurotu just like that!


The black rabbit let out an exclamation.

Shiroyasha's complexion also changed suddenly, Kasukabe Yao actually ran away in front of him like this, Shirayasha now has a feeling that there is a big hand slapping his face fiercely invisibly a slap.

Just now, I also said that it is absolutely impossible for Kasukabe Yao to run away, but the next moment Kasukabe Yao disappeared directly.

Bai Yasha's embarrassment at this time was a big embarrassment.

He looked at the black rabbit on the side!

With fierce murderous intent in his eyes, Heitu's hair stood on end at 120. Looking at Shiraiyasha in front of him, Heitu trembled all over.

"Master White Yasha, what are you doing?"

"Black Rabbit, is it your help?"

Hei Tu shook his head resolutely, not to mention that what happened this time has nothing to do with Hei Tu, and Hei Tu doesn't have that strength either.

"Let's not talk about whether this matter has anything to do with the black rabbit, even if it is the black rabbit that I want to help Yao escape, I don't have the ability to do so!"

Hearing Kuroto's words, Shiroyasha nodded in approval. Although Kuroto is a Hakoniwa aristocrat and a member of the gods and Buddhas, it is absolutely impossible for Kuroto to be as powerful as Shiroyasha!

Even if Shiroyasha now holds Yasha's spiritual status, and his strength is only in the 4 digits, it is absolutely impossible for Kuroto to send Kasukabe Yao away quietly in front of Shiroyasha.

So this matter may really have nothing to do with Heitu!

It's just that White Yasha lost face, and Black Rabbit was the only witness this time.

Bai Yasha was thinking about whether he wanted to kill someone to silence him.

Kurotu, on the other hand, was already trembling under Shiroyasha's murderous aura!

"Black Rabbit!"


Heitu froze when he heard Shiraiyasha's shout.

"What do you think I should do about this matter?"

Kurotu trembled all over, looking at Shiroyasha in front of him.

"Heitu, I promise that I will never tell this matter!"

Hastily swear and swear.

"If there was a black rabbit's absolute power of command, then maybe I will forget about this time, otherwise I can only..."

Hearing this sentence, Hei Tu could burst into tears and give White Yasha his absolute command right, but he also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Kasukabe Yao ran away, and this is fine.


Among the temples, Zeus looked at Yo Kasukabe with a smile on his lips.

Kasukabe Yo looked at Zeus in front of him with twitching corners of his mouth and said, "It still fell into your clutches as you wished."

Looking at Kasukabe Yao in front of him, Zeus said flatly: "Fall into my clutches? Don't you think it's too early to say this?"

Looking at Zeus Kasukabe Yao in front of him, he asked vigilantly, "What do you want to do?"

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