I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, Don’t Want to Be a God King Chapter 129

But Dora didn't care, Zeus' orders were above all else.

"Then let's start now."

Pandora's reputation became more and more widespread, and many humans who heard about Pandora's beauty also rushed over.

Gradually, the reward for being able to open Pandora's box became more and more biased, and the final three became tigers. Those individuals thought that they could become Pandora's husband after opening Pandora's box.

In the end, all human beings tried to open Pandora's Box, until the last human came to try, Pandora's Box was finally opened, and endless disasters ran out of Pandora's Box.

"what is this."

Those humans questioned Pandora.

"This is the punishment given to you by the gods."

When there was only hope left in Pandora's Box, Pandora closed Pandora's Box. Pick.

Chapter 262

When humans opened Pandora's Box, Zeus said to Poseidon on the side, "Go, set off a huge wave and destroy all humans."

Poseidon, who was ordered by Zeus, directly raised the trident in his hand, and suddenly the sea rolled over with layers of waves, and then the monstrous waves rushed to the earth.

Those silver humans ran away frantically when they discovered this scene, ran to the high mountain, and avoided the monstrous flood on the high mountain.

But how could the gods of Zeus and Olympus fail to consider this, so before those humans escaped to the mountains, the monstrous waves must have completely swallowed them.

Prometheus on the high mountain in the Caucasus looked at the monstrous waves and couldn't help but shed two lines of tears in his eyes, but Prometheus didn't mean to blame the gods of Olympus.

Even the creator, Prometheus, couldn't justify what those silver humans did.

Prometheus was even ashamed of what he had done in the past.

Prometheus, who once protected mankind in the past, now only has endless guilt.

Prometheus felt endlessly ashamed because the human beings he created did such a thing.

The earth will be turned into a country of death, just because silver humans want to have endless lives.

Prometheus gave mankind a lot, but the human beings he created could never be satisfied.

Prometheus didn't know why the human beings he created behaved like this.

But Prometheus can't do anything now, he can only pin all his expectations on his son Deucalion.

I hope that my son Deucalion and Epimetheus' daughter Pila can create a perfect human race.

Although Prometheus thinks that this possibility is very small, Prometheus still looks forward to it in his heart.

The monstrous floods rushed to the earth, and those silver humans were struggling in the flood, and they were cursing why the gods in the sky didn't come to save them.

If you let them know that all the ordeals they are suffering now are done by the gods of Olympus, then what will happen to these human beings?

The gods of Olympus stood on the sky and looked down at the humans who were swallowed by the flood below. There was no pity in their eyes, but only disgust.

Because of the harm these individuals have brought to the earth, these gods really can't feel any favor for these silver humans.

"Then leave the rest to Deucalion, the son of Prometheus, and Pyrrha, the daughter of Epimetheus, and let them create the human beings of the third era."

"Hades, it's okay for you to bring these dead souls back to the underworld."

After Zeus finished speaking, he turned and returned to Olympus.

Although Zeus said he left, someone still needs to take care of the last things.

"Don't worry, I will take care of the next thing."

"That's good."

Hades looked at the land full of dead souls, and a trace of irritability flashed in his eyes. He didn't know how long it would take him to deal with these things. These damned silver humans, if it wasn't for them, he wouldn't have With so much to do, I can always be around to do it.

Damn, damn, damn.

Hades looked at those humans struggling in the monstrous flood with resentment in his eyes.


When the monstrous flood came, Deucalion and Pyrrha in the deep mountains were inexplicably horrified!

A few days ago, Hermes told them to speed up the speed of building ships. They didn't expect that only a few days had passed, and the resulting flood would come.

Fortunately, because of Hermes' warning, Deucalion and Pyrrha did not suffer from the flood at this moment.

"Humans, the humans of the Silver Age were destroyed like this."

"This appearance may also be a good thing. Even I can't bear to look down on those original human beings."

Deucalion also didn't have any good feelings for those silver humans. Even if Deucalion was a child of Prometheus, he couldn't feel any pity for these silver humans. .

"We'd better hide in the boat quickly, otherwise it will be too late when the big flood comes."

Pyrrha quickly grabbed Deucalion and pulled him into the boat they built.

The flood submerged everything, and as the flood submerged everything, it slowly receded, and the earth became very clean, and all life almost completely disappeared in the great flood.

And there are still many dead souls floating in the sky.

All silver human beings were completely submerged in this great flood. Pandora chose to let those human beings open Pandora's Box close to the sea, so when Poseidon set off the monstrous waves , In almost an instant, those silver humans were all submerged by the huge waves.

However, the dead souls of those silver humans did not enter the underworld, but still lingered on the earth.

Hades watched these dead souls raise the Pluto sword condensed by the law of death in their hands.

"In the name of Hades, all souls on the earth will immediately return to the underworld."

Those wandering souls floating in the sky seemed to want to resist, but the next moment Hades' voice suddenly turned cold and then said: "After one day, any dead souls wandering above the earth will be judged and knocked down to hell. "

After finishing speaking, Hades left regardless of what those dead souls thought. Anyway, if these dead souls are still lingering on the ground after a day, then Hades will never show any mercy, Hades At that time, these people will be directly sent to hell.

A day passed in a blink of an eye, but those souls hovering on the ground did not take any action.

A day later, Hades looked at the undead hovering in the sky with a sneer in his eyes.

If these undead leave obediently and honestly, then Hades doesn't know how to deal with these undead, but now these things don't know what is good or bad. .

Chapter 263

A huge pothole appeared on the ground, and that pothole continuously absorbed the undead above the sky into the pothole.

Those undead resisted desperately, but those undead couldn't escape at all, they were all sucked in by that pothole, and there was hell under that pothole!

These undead will enter hell and suffer the pain in hell forever. This is the punishment Hades gave these undead.

These undead not only include silver humans, but also those who escaped from the underworld. These undead were originally some golden humans, but after their death, these golden humans had a huge impact on God King Kronor. Si was full of resentment, which led to wandering in the underworld all the time, and the previous underworld was not managed by anyone, so those golden men~humans were allowed to wander in the underworld.

But it’s different now. Hades, as the king of the underworld, is in charge of the underworld, and the ghosts of these golden humans are constantly wandering in the underworld. After hearing so much trouble for Hades, Hades can treat these golden humans. Revenant won't get - any preferential treatment.

The same all in one mind - thrown into hell.

At this moment, the god of the abyss and the god of darkness in hell have returned to the embrace of Chaos Chaos, so hell has turned into an empty, dark and lifeless world, even here, even time is Standing still, these dead souls will go crazy because of the environment in that hell before long, and finally completely annihilate themselves.

Hades obviously wanted these individuals to self-destruct in the endless madness, which was Hades' punishment for these dead souls.

These dead souls can run out of the underworld, and Hades has an inescapable responsibility as Hades, which makes Hades very angry.

Hades thought that his status in Zeus's heart had declined because of this, so Hades was angry and threw all these dead souls into hell.

After doing all this, there is no human habitation on the earth or in the sky.

On the other side, Deucalion and Pyrrha, who had been wandering in the sea for a long time, ran aground on a high mountain. After the flood receded, Deucalion and Pyrrha came to the Caucasus.

"Deucalion, throw the bones of Mother Earth behind you to create new humans. This time, the humans you create must learn the lessons of the humans I created."

Prometheus looked at his son with anticipation in his eyes and said, Prometheus really hoped that his son could create a perfect human being.

"Yes, father, I will guide those humans well, and I will never let those humans look like humans in the Silver Age again."

"Deucalion, I will be proud of you."

Then Deucalion and Pyrrha set off from the Caucasus.

Deucalion and Pyrrha picked up the stone from the ground and threw it behind them.

The bones of Mother Earth refer to the stones in the ground.

Deucalion and Pyrrha threw the stones behind them, and then the stones behind Deucalion and Pyrrha fell to the ground, and soon turned into human beings one by one. , These human beings then dispersed and multiplied separately.

Soon Deucalion and Pyrrha traveled all over the land, and then under the leadership of the two, countless humans began to develop like humans in the Silver Age of Summer Time, but this time Deucalion absorbed To understand the shortcomings of human beings in the Baiyun era, teach these individuals to learn to respect the gods of Olympus, to respect and believe in the gods of Olympus, and absolutely not to have any disrespect for the gods of Olympus.


On Olympus, the gods had no idea about Deucalion, because the gods knew very well that the bronze humans created by Deucalion would eventually be disgusted by the gods because of their warlike nature.

After the bronze humans came the age of heroes, those heroes with divine blood, the brilliance that erupted in this era would attract the attention of even the gods.

Strictly speaking, the humans of the Heroic Age can only be regarded as the continuation of the Bronze Age humans, and the heroes that erupted are only humans with the blood of gods.

· ·Ask for flowers 0 ····

Most of those so-called heroes are humans with the blood of gods. Even if they don't have the blood of gods, they definitely have a great relationship with the gods of Olympus.

Therefore, Zeus intends to change these Bronze Age humans a little bit, for example, to pass on the cultivation method of the small universe, and Zeus is very curious about how far those humans with the cultivation method of the small universe can achieve.

As for what will happen to humans with a small universe, what does that have to do with Zeus?

Even if all these human beings are dead, so what, these original human beings are just transitional products, and these human beings created by gods belong to that kind of defective products. For the gods of Olympus, defective products do not exist necessary.


And now the gods of Olympus are preparing what Athena said, let those monkeys evolve into humans, and see if these humans that have to evolve from monkeys can compare to those golden humans.

So in the transition before this, there are humans in the Bronze Age, as well as humans in the Heroic Age and the Black Iron Age to make a temporary transition.

Zeus then looked at the gods of Olympus.

"The Age of Heroes sprinkled the blood of gods all over the earth, allowing the blood of those gods to combine with humans to give birth to heroes and demigods, or to give blessings to those individuals so that those individuals could give birth to heroes."

The history of Olympus has many, many human demigod heroes.

The more famous ones are Hercules, Perseus, etc. Hercules is even called the greatest hero, the first demigod hero.

"Follow your will."

Except for Zeus, the other main gods of Olympus do not intend to spill their god's blood on the earth, unless they combine with Zeus' blood to create gods, otherwise they do not want to have any children without Zeus' blood.

In the original Olympus mythology, except for Zeus, most of the other Olympian gods have no bloodlines.

Zeus didn't force them to scatter their god's blood, anyway, the age of heroes was just a transition that Zeus used to pass the boring time. Four.

Chapter 264

Among the pantheons of Olympus, Zeus holds a ball of light in his hand.

This ball of light is exactly the 'system' that Zeus got from the traveler in the world of the gourmet captive.

But this system is different from the system that Zeus knew and understood.

The system in the hands of Zeus comes from outside the world, outside the real 'world'.

When he got this system, Zeus knew these things in his mind.

"How am I going to deal with this thing?"

Looking at the system in his hand, Zeus hesitated.

In the chat group, I can hand in the system, but the current system is ownerless, which means that if Zeus wants to use it, this system can also be used by myself.

But Zeus wasn't sure what would change after he used this system.

Will the chat group clear itself as if it were a time traveler?

Or will he be removed from the chat group?

After returning, Zeus asked the chat group, but Zeus never got back, so Zeus hesitated so much.

Through this system in his hands, Zeus finally understood some truths about this world.

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