Now John, there really is nothing left.

Not even a wand.

After staying at Bathilda's house for a few days, he was ready to find some materials and make a magic wand for himself as soon as possible.

As for buying a wand...

Not to mention whether you have money or not.

Ollivander is a very scary person. Whether it is a wand made by his father or a wand made by himself, he can clearly remember who picked it away and the name of that person.

John didn't want to change history, and there was no place like Johnny Silverhand in this world.

So he could only do it himself.

Fortunately, Godric's Hollow is rich in products.

When he first came to the woods, he smelled the scent of linden trees, which could also be used as a kind of wand wood.

The magical world cannot be judged by common sense.

For example, when John, a blind man, wanted to go out, Bathilda didn't even bother to stop him.

I don’t think at all that a blind man would encounter any obstacles when he goes out.

The brain circuitry of wizards is different from that of Muggles, John has known this for a long time.

After he went out, he recalled in his mind the way he came.

Pushing backwards by starting at Bathilda's doorstep, he found a path into the woods.

He set off.

He hit a wall.

"Hiss... something's wrong." John touched his nose and stretched out his hand to touch the courtyard wall that appeared.

Could it be that I misremembered the number of steps?

A gust of wind blew over and he smelled the scent of morning glories.

I remembered that Bathilda had mentioned that her neighbor had many morning glories.

John guessed he hit a neighbor's house.

So he touched the wall and left little by little.

On the second floor, at the window that was often not opened, the girl stared at the boy's strange behavior.

Even though John was blind, his senses were still sharp.

He noticed someone staring at him and immediately looked up.

The girl frightened like a deer and hid behind the window.

The sight disappeared, and John just thought it was someone else's curiosity.

After he touched the wall and walked past, the girl mustered up the courage to look again.

John left only a silhouette behind.

The girl became a little curious about the boy's dull eyes just now.


Her brother's call made the girl quickly close the window.

A red-haired boy who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old walked in.

The most impressive thing about this boy is his blue eyes.

Seeing his sister hiding there and not responding, the boy's eyes showed a tiredness that was not for his age.

The death of his mother left the boy who had just graduated from Hogwarts to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of his younger siblings.

My younger brother is a stubborn person and has not returned from Hogwarts.

My sister was unable to go to Hogwarts due to some things, and she was sick at home and couldn't go out.

He had originally planned a trip to Europe with his friends, but because of these things he had no choice but to refuse.

The bird that was supposed to fly and soar chose to break its wings and stay to take care of its family.

The girl looked at the boy. She timidly hugged the bear and said nothing.

The boy also knew about his sister's situation and did not force her to respond. He just smiled gently and told his sister to eat well.

John finally reached the woods he had encountered that day.

However, the journey was not smooth. When he stepped into the stream, he almost slipped on a stone and fell.

The breeze brought the smell of green grass, caressing John's face, and then through his hair.

The leaves are blown by the wind, and the rustling sound makes people feel calm.

John groped around in the woods and found a lime tree.

Alchemy is sensitive to smells.

After searching the area, I picked up a fallen linden tree branch.

Pick it up and John put it away.

“It’s inconvenient not to have a small bag.”

Missing his little bag, John just stuffed whatever he wanted into it.

He also wanted to try harder and see if he could find the oak tree.

Collect some oak sap to make your wand better.

But he couldn't go too deep into it, he wasn't very familiar with it yet.

After searching around the perimeter but not finding the oak tree, John chose to go back home.

He is such a blind man, but he is still very conspicuous in this place.

Godric's Hollow is a semi-wizard settlement, home to other wizards besides Bathilda.

A resident saw John and asked if he needed help.

John smiled and declined, and the other party gave up.

But the white-haired blind man seemed to have also attracted attention.

Especially when John walked into the house of Bathilda Bagshot, an old aunt who had never married in her life.

John continued to go out the next day, getting to know the village bit by bit.

At the neighbor's window, the girl peeked at the blind man again.

The girl held the little bear in her arms and stared at the blind man passing by the door of her house.

This blind man gives people a very special feeling, which makes girls who don't like talking to others pay special attention to him.

This time the blind man didn't hit the wall, and as time went on he became more and more skilled.

It's as if the eyes weren't blinded, which probably wouldn't have been noticed if it wasn't for the occasional need to touch the wall.

The girl paid more and more attention to him, which also attracted the attention of the girl's brother.

The red-haired boy did not alarm his sister. He was looking at the people passing by the house and wondered when there was someone else in the neighbor Bathilda's house.

John started making his own wand.

He finds a bottle of oak sap in Bathilda's house, which Bathilda used to repair the scattered pages of her book.

She had no objection to lending it to John.

I was surprised that a blind man could make his own magic wand.

The basswood bark was cleaned, and John borrowed tools to shape the basswood.

As for the stick core, John directly pulled out a piece of his own hair.

Although he is a human being, he also has attributes close to that of a magical creature.

Therefore, in theory, his hair could be used as the core of the wand.

And doing so will make your wand more convenient.

For example, Fleur chose her grandmother's Veela hair, which has better adhesion for spellcasting.

Wand making cannot be completed in a day or two.

John was not idle during this period. He went out almost every day.

With the alchemist's knowledge reserve, he found some materials outside that could be used to refine potions.

Bathilda didn't find it strange at all that he went out so often, and she didn't even mean to question him.

Being so slow, John thought it might be a good choice for her not to get married.

John also knew a few things about Bathilda, such as that she was unmarried and had a playboy nephew.

John could probably guess what kind of character that nephew was, and he was probably similar to Sirius.

If it hadn't been for those ten years in Azkaban, with Sirius's handsomeness, it probably wouldn't be a problem to attract a few women.

Except for the nephew, there were no troublemakers in Bathilda's family.

This actually made John feel relieved. After all, he was an outsider, so he naturally kept a low profile, the better.

It's best if no one knows you until you find a way back.

Especially those who are influential are best stayed away from.

John firmly believed that he should not interact with anyone who would be famous in the future.

This can ensure to the greatest extent that your future will not be affected.

If something happened, he would resurrect Voldemort, who he had finally killed.

With that result, John probably went to see Death again, but Death wouldn't be fooled.

A week has passed.

John took the familiar route to the woods.

The residents were not surprised by his appearance.

this day.

His wand, soaked in oak sap, could finally be taken out.

The wand was still a little sticky when it was taken out. After it was dried in the sun, the wand was considered complete and only needed to deal with a few details.

John give it a try.

Try the simplest repair spell first.

The cup that was broken yesterday was quickly repaired under his spell.


Instead of the white light of the Crushing Curse, a beautiful orchid appeared at the tip of his wand.

"Thirteen and three-quarter inches, basswood, human hair core."

The wand was surprisingly long, and John intended it to be able to take on other roles when necessary.

With a magic wand, John doesn't have to be afraid of casting spells.

Using the super-sensory spell allows him to maintain his 'vision'.

After knocking on the table, the super-sensory spell was emitted, and the whole house came into view.

It was also at this time that there was a knock on Bathilda's door.

A boy about John's age appeared.

Blonde hair and a wild, handsome face.

The moment she saw him, Bathilda was also in a trance. She seemed to see her nephew's young appearance.

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