Because Molly originally wanted to buy it, but because she bought a signature dog, she didn’t have enough money.

Harry looked over and was dumbfounded when he saw a whole wall of wooden shields in Luna's house.

Mr. Weasley also found at least fifty amulets and no fewer than ten wooden dog sculptures.

There are also two boxes of wizard chess pieces.

This stuff was sold by the piece, and it turned out that the Lovegoods had two boxes.

Three beautiful necklaces hung on the window were made into wind chimes.

"This place is richer than the Auror office." This was Mr. Weasley's assessment.

Luna took Ginny on a tour of the home with great interest.

Mr. Lovegood used the characteristics of a magazine editor to dig up news from these people.

For example, "The Quibbler" once reported that Sirius was actually a rock singer. After seeing it with his own eyes, Mr. Lovegood was a little disappointed.

This is not a rock star.

By daylight, the searching group disappeared.

The family, once again reborn, rushed to send Mrs. Weasley to St. Mungo's.

Luna said goodbye to Ginny and thought she looked even more handsome with short hair.

Ginny kissed Luna on the cheek and thanked her for her help, which made Harry feel a little appreciative.

Ron apologized for vomiting on the Snorlax's cushion.

The Horned Snorlax nudged him, and his butt swelled.

The group left in trepidation.

The incident was also reported in The Quibbler.

However, it has always been regarded as a joke magazine, and it was not until the Daily Prophet reported it that more people knew about it.

The Weasleys who 'survived' were talked about.

Sirius heads to Hogwarts to discuss matters with Dumbledore.

Lupine told Harry not to go out.

The current situation outside has lifted all the minds of the Order of the Phoenix that had relaxed during this period.

Dumbledore knew what was going on and asked Harry to do something personally.

Chapter 463 Invitation to Trade

Percy goes to St. Mungo's to meet his mother.

Mrs. Weasley didn't wake up, and the poison she was poisoned caused trouble for the healers at St. Mungo's.

"George, how are you?" Percy asked.

The Weasley family occupied a ward.

"I'm Fred." George was still in the mood to joke, and it seemed okay.

"Well, if I hadn't seen Fred out there, I might have believed you."

Percy smiled helplessly, at this time, he was still joking.

"My ear is saved, which is good news." George said with a smile, "Actually, I always felt that this ear would disappear."

Charlie and Ron were also hospitalized.

Of the family, only Fred and Ginny were okay. Bill broke his head and was now healed by a therapist.

Percy saw Ginny's short hair, and Ginny looked cheerful, "I'm fine, I'm just not used to it."

Charlie smiled bitterly and laughed at himself: "It seems that I have to be with fire for the rest of my life."

After escaping from the fire dragon's mouth, he was burned again by a car explosion.

Charlie felt that according to the numerology of a large Eastern country, fire was forbidden in his life.

Mr. Weasley was summoned by the Ministry of Magic, so he is not here.

Ginny and Fred looked after them, and Percy asked about things.

"Wait, giant?"

Hearing Ginny mention giants, Percy looked serious, "Are you sure there are giants?"

"What's wrong?" Ginny didn't know why.

Percy stood up and said, "No giant's body was found in the house."

This means that the giant has been moved.

Why do this?

This statement surprised everyone else.

Ron asked: "You mean they took the giant's body away?"

"That thing is so heavy, what is it used for?"

Yeah, there's absolutely no benefit to that.

Ron's words made Percy think deeply.

"Where's Harry?" Percy looked around.

Harry wasn't at St. Mungo's.

Ron shut his mouth, but Ginny said, "He went home."

"Black Mansion?" Percy nodded and said, "I understand."

He stood up and left, and Ron complained: "You shouldn't have told him."

"Shut up, Ronnie," Ginny said angrily, "Percy is our brother!"

"He's still from John's side." Ron muttered.

"John didn't care about you," Ginny said loudly, "Luna is also from John's side, and she even saved you!"

"When did Luna take John's side?" Ron was dumbfounded.

Ginny said contemptuously: "Didn't you see the endless amulets at her house?"

John has always been very generous to his own people.

Seeing the quarrel between his brothers and sisters, Charlie had a headache and said desperately: "Merlin's beard, let me have a good sleep."

George, on the other hand, watched them quarreling with relish.

Apparently after working in sales for a while, Ginny's eloquence got better.

After visiting his family, Percy headed to Silverhand Manor.

There he saw John.

Fleur was there too.

Not only that, Daphne, Malfoy, Astoria, Neville, Jin.

Everyone is here except Cedric.

He's probably inside an Egyptian pyramid right now.

"Percy, have you visited your family?" John sat in the front seat.

Percy came over and sat down on John's right.

"I learned something. A giant died, but the body is not here." Percy said what he knew.

John pondered for a while after hearing this.

"This matter is not that simple." John said, "This is not a simple attack."

Neville was surprised: "Is the target Harry?"

"No, it's not," John shook his head, "This was an attack on the Weasley family, with a clear purpose."

He glanced at Percy and said in a solemn voice: "Killing the Weasley family. The appearance of Harry and Sirius Black was an accident. They were supposed to spend the holidays at the old house."

Malfoy sneered: "Potter can always get into dangerous places."

"We don't yet know what the purpose is," said John Wizard Malfoy, addressing Potter's true love, "but now we know that Voldemort has succeeded in finding someone willing to cooperate with him."

"Giants, banshees, and those created inferi."

"I need to investigate the Muggle village where there has been a recent mass death."

He continued: "These things may appear in Hogwarts in the future, so I need you to know enough about these creatures."

"We and Voldemort will eventually meet," John said solemnly, "I hope you are all okay."

"Don't worry, John," Malfoy said confidently, "It's just a defeated general. If it weren't for the guys from the Order of the Phoenix who disrupted the situation, Voldemort would have died long ago."

Seeing his swollen appearance, John said to Neville: "Go, give him a couple of slaps to wake him up."

Neville did so.

Malfoy almost broke his neck. His neck was really suffering during this period.

Fortunately, this slap made Malfoy wake up and become a good baby, without even having to do it a second time.

That was Voldemort, the Dark Lord.

What do you think, after winning once, you will be lost?

Boy, it's dangerous for you to swell like this.

Let’s just get stronger first.

Besides, John had something he needed to accomplish before Voldemort showed up at Hogwarts.

He had the idea of ​​entering the Order of the Phoenix for the second time.

He still retained a drop of Sirius's blood. If used properly, it would not be impossible to re-enter the Order of the Phoenix.

The Order is now home to Sirius and his godson, provided John can find the Horcruxes.

The souls of the Horcruxes were taken away, the Sword of Marvolo was destroyed, and he lost the way to find the Horcruxes.

Even if Voldemort appears in Hogwarts, Voldemort will not die without his incomplete soul.

John wonders how to obtain the Horcruxes hidden in Black's old mansion.

An owl wanted to fly in, and the snow-white shadow flashed past. The owl opened its mouth and loosened its talons.

He seemed to be wondering, where did the letter he just held go?

Basil flew in and handed the letter to John. He puffed out his chest and didn't owl this time, making him very proud.

This little expression makes people laugh.

Fleur used her fingers to tease Basil to come over. Basil turned his head away and walked over honestly.

Touching the round head, Furong smiled and said, "You spoiled this little cutie."

"It's always been like this." John shrugged, opening the letter.

His eyes quickly scanned the contents of the letter, and his smile gradually disappeared.

"What's wrong?"

Noticing this scene, Daphne asked nervously: "What happened?"

"It's okay, but our neighbor wants to make a deal with me."

John narrowed his eyes and moved his fingers on the table.

"He wanted to trade something I was hoping for in exchange for some help."

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