The Defense Against the Dark Arts class is over. This is definitely Slytherin's least favorite class.

Malfoy stopped Harry and sneered: "That's great, Potter."

"What do you want to say, Malfoy?" Harry looked at Malfoy warily.

The two of them were so anxious just now that they cast evil spells on each other regardless of the conditions of the silent spell.

Sirius stopped him and Malfoy cast a curse on him, at the cost of Slytherin being deducted 5 points.

The points added by John were suddenly gone, and Slytherin's point hourglass became the smallest.

This is the first time I've seen it.

Malfoy said nothing, left with a few sneers, and left.


Malfoy was talking vividly about how he put a tap dancing curse on Harry.

John looked at his strange bowl of egg fried rice.

Daphne looked calm, but those who knew her well knew that she almost cut open the dinner plate.

Daphne and Daphne are both top academics and half-assed.

Although Daphne was stronger, under the condition of the silent spell, some spells could not be released, and neither of them could do anything to the other.

"John, you won't go to Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the future?" Daphne asked John.

John took a bite of the egg fried rice, thought for a while and nodded: "Not just Defense Against the Dark Arts, I will have less time to go to other classes."

Malfoy raised his head, a little surprised by John's decision.

"So now, Slytherin needs to rely on you."

John glanced at the hourglass and chuckled: "Maintain Slytherin's honor."

As soon as these words came out, Malfoy suddenly felt that the responsibility on his shoulders increased.

"Especially Draco, just remember to press less." Seeing Malfoy's face drop, John shook his head and laughed, "But don't hold it in if you don't like it."

"After all, we are Slytherin."

John's words gave Malfoy great confidence.

Slytherin has never been one to fear trouble!

Lunch is over.

There are two potions classes in the afternoon.

Malfoy, who was feeling angry after being deducted points this morning, was bound to come back in Potions class.

Underground classroom.

When Malfoy arrived, there were only about a dozen people present.

This is normal, after all, as Snape's course, no one is willing to continue to come here and be scolded after being scolded for five years.

In addition to Malfoy and Daphne, Blaise and Theodore were also there.

Of course, when Theodore is around, Pansy is in love.

As the best friend of a top student, Pansy has good grades in Potions.

Hufflepuff's Ernie Macmillan was there, telling the story of how John had knocked off Professor Black's jaw.

"Hey, Potter." Malfoy glanced at the approaching Harry and gave him a nasty smile, "Welcome to my home court."

My dean likes to deduct points from Gryffindor in class, which is why Malfoy smiles so happily.

Harry's face darkened, and he wished he could have a 'passionate' physical fight with Malfoy again.

Ron even more desperately wailed: "It's over, Snape can't wait to knock us all off."

Harry said dissatisfied: "Sirius did nothing wrong."

In fact, Harry was also a little uneasy, more angry.

What should I do if Snape deducts points from me for no reason?

Will Sirius help himself to vent his anger?

He felt that his godfather would definitely deduct it even more excessively, but that might make the school feel irresponsible and expel Sirius.

Harry, who didn't want Sirius to be expelled, was worried.

Just when Harry was worried and angry, the door to the underground classroom opened.

A big belly popped out first. This was obviously not a figure that Snape could have.

"Professor Slughorn?" The students looked at the man blankly.

Slughorn said with a smile: "Your Potions professor has something to do, so I will take his place."

He said it tactfully.

After all, it was a bit embarrassing for people to know that Snape was too angry to come to class because of Sirius.

As a substitute teacher, he was not angry, on the contrary, he was quite happy.

This is not the first time that the principal has taken over as a substitute teacher. Dumbledore has also taken over as a substitute teacher before.

As the former Head of Slytherin, he also taught Potions.

He was very interested in teaching students again after a long absence.

Especially since this group of students contained a 'collection' that he wished he had.

The students walked into the classroom in a daze.

What's different from the past is that it's filled with steam and all kinds of weird smells.

Slughorn glanced over, looking again and again among the dozen students, and finally said in disbelief: "Why isn't John here?"

Yes, not here.

John didn't come to class at all.

He was confused and said, "I remember he chose Potions."

As the biggest factor that made him "lower his dignity", he didn't come to class?

Perhaps it was because he was too obviously disappointed, and the students looked at each other, or Malfoy said: "John has chosen more courses, and he also needs to prepare some things for research."

"Oh, that's it," Slughorn remembered something, no longer disappointed, and said happily, "It's okay, I won't mind, Malfoy."

Ron whispered to Harry, "He doesn't even care about John's absence from class. Can we do the same?"

Hermione rolled her eyes at him, "You must have the Order of Merlin first."

This made Ron shut up.

Harry noticed what Malfoy said and what he was studying, and wondered: "What is John studying?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Hermione saying angrily: "You do it again! Do you want to suspect that John is researching something bad?"

"I don't……"

Conscience, Harry really asked casually.

Hermione was now in a state of mindless protection towards John, and she would glare at them if they said anything wrong about John.

The students sat down at a table for the Slytherins, and the three little ones also sat down at the table near the golden cauldron.

Slughorn's teaching was different from Snape's.

His lectures are interactive.

For example, now, in addition to the golden crucible that exudes an alluring aroma, there are also three crucibles.

Malfoy's originally unruly expression showed an expression of intoxication and joy after smelling the smell in the crucible.

"What is that? It smells like pear blossoms, a little bit of pumpkin juice and a Firebolt broomstick."

"Wait, the Firebolt broom smells different from other brooms?" Blaise was a little confused.

Are you afraid that others won't know you have a Firebolt?

Daphne also smelled it carefully, and a smell of pine wood entered her nose, as well as a faint smell of Golden Stars wine.

She blushed slightly as she recognized what it was.

"Okay, okay, okay."

Looking through the hot steam, Slughorn's figure looked erratic.

"Everyone, please take out your scales, medicine bag, and don't forget to take out your "Advanced Potion Making" textbook."

He said, and Harry raised his hand.

"What's the matter, Harry?" Slughorn looked very kind.

"I don't have books or anything, because we didn't expect to be able to attend advanced classes." He didn't really want to come at first, but Professor McGonagall told him to come because the conditions for becoming an Auror required a Potions certificate.

In addition, the conditions that Snape said he had to meet have changed.

Because the people who met the conditions were all the ones Snape didn't want to teach, and there was one he couldn't teach.

He could only lower the conditions.

But this statement may be doubtful.

"Ah, by the way, Professor McGonagall mentioned this," Slughorn remembered and didn't mind. "Don't worry, kids, you can use the raw materials and tools in the storage cabinet first."

Hearing this, Harry and his fellow sufferer Ron walked to a storage cabinet in the corner.

They had never opened this cabinet before.

After opening it, some old textbooks and tools are placed here.

One of the books had a tattered cover that was almost falling off, but the other one was much better.

Looking at each other and Ron, the two brothers grabbed another better one at the same time.

After competing with each other for two and a half minutes, Ron pushed Harry away with an iron rock.

Harry was not as tall or strong as Ron, so he had to pick up the old book.

"Sorry, buddy, I can block the curse for you, but the new book must be mine." Ron said proudly.

Harry was so angry that he took another set of scales and some materials, and they returned to their positions.

Slughorn didn't care about such an episode. He stood in front of the classroom and said with a smile: "I have prepared various potions to open your eyes. Of course, just out of interest."

"After you complete the advanced course, you should be able to make something like this."

"Okay, who can tell me what this one is?"

He pointed to the cauldron closest to the Slytherin table with a smile, which contained a potion that looked like pure water.

Both hands were raised in unison.

On the Slytherin table and Gryffindor side respectively.

The two girls looked at each other, and sparks seemed to burst out of the void.

"Calm down, Miss Greengrass, and you answer." Slughorn rubbed his eyes to confirm that the sparks were just his imagination.

Daphne glanced at Hermione, who was not named, proudly, and said, "Veritaserum, a colorless and odorless potion, can force the person who drinks it to tell the truth."

"Very good, very good!" Slughorn said happily to the people he had invited on the train, "Who can tell me now, what kind of thing is it?"

He pointed to the second crucible and continued: "This one is more famous..."

Before he finished speaking, two hands were raised again.

Slughorn looked at Daphne and then at Hermione.

He chooses Daphne again.

"It's a compound potion. By adding hair, you can turn into a potion that looks like the owner of the hair after drinking it." Daphne answered the question.

"Great, great!" Slughorn almost applauded her, pointing to the third mouth, the golden cauldron.

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