Late at night, in the mysterious courtyard of Longguo Yunsheng.

The dim lights in a conference room somewhere were still on.

On the projector in the conference room was the footage captured by Zhang Zhe.

In the scene,

Lu Shu fired a shot casually and said something to the other three mercenary group members.

All three members looked in the same direction in surprise.

Then he turned to look at Lu Shu with admiration on his face.

Finally, he diligently went to the killed corpses and collected all the nameplates.

"The Spider Mercenary Group is considered to be a mid- to lower-tier strength among overseas mercenary groups."

"Its leader, Olig, had a criminal past and later served in a foreign mercenary group in Gaul for two years."

"Later, he single-handedly established the Spider Mercenary Group"

"Although the overall strength of the Spider Mercenary Group is low, Olig's personal combat power is pretty good."

In the conference room, the middle-aged policeman responsible for playing the video slowly spoke out.

After a pause, he continued,

"As shown in the footage"

"There are 9 people in the Spider Mercenary Group"

"During Lu Shu's pursuit, they were all wiped out."

"Display based on data"

"From the beginning of the pursuit to the annihilation of the spider mercenaries"

"The whole process only lasted 42 minutes"

"This is only based on Lu Shu attacking alone."

"And, from the beginning to the end of the battle,"

"The weapon used by Lu Shu is the Sako TRG-42, with an ammunition capacity of 10, firing times of 10, and kills of 9."

"It's just that the last shot he fired into the distance, we didn't know where he was shooting."

The live broadcast is just a live broadcast, and the data hidden behind the screen needs to be keenly observed by the middle-aged police officers and reported to the big guys sitting in the conference room.

In the entire pursuit battle just now,

Lu A total of 10 shots were fired at the tree.

""Nine Zero Zero" just happened to finish one magazine of the Sako TRG-42.

The result was that the regiment destroyed a 9-man mercenary group.

But he was also very strange.

The last extra bullet,

Where did it go?

From the details in the picture, it is not difficult to find that when Lu Shu fired the last shot, the muzzle of the sniper rifle was slightly tilted upward.

Only when shooting at ultra-long distances, would the muzzle be tilted upward? The gun was adjusted to such an angle.

The middle-aged policeman knew very well that the maximum shooting distance of the Sako TRG-42 was 2 kilometers!

In other words,

Lu Shu's 10th bullet was fired 2 kilometers away. It was shot at a certain target.

What was it?

Because he was not at the scene, he could not know more information. He did not know that

Lu Shu had actually discovered that the other Wolf Saber mercenary group was watching the show.

The last extra bullet traveled two kilometers and sent away the leader of the Wolf Blade Mercenary Group.

"The above is a summary of what I can do."

In the conference room, the middle-aged policeman continued to speak.

"As for the battle just now"

"The target's tactical movements and action evaluation are not my area of ​​expertise."

After he finished speaking, a big boss's voice slowly sounded in the conference room that had remained silent.

"Haha, one magazine killed an entire mercenary group."

"This is the first time for me to see this kind of thing."

"Since it is a tactical action, let professionals give their opinions."

The boss smiled and looked at a figure standing in the corner of the conference room.

It was a straight steel warrior standing in a military posture.

He was also a colonel in the army.

"Song Jun, you have previously won the title of Soldier King of the Third Military Region of Yun Province."

"Tell me about it"

"What do you think of that little guy just now?"


After receiving the instructions from the boss, the colonel named Song Jun said in a capable tone.

"Judging from the previous battle scenes"

"When the convoy was initially attacked, the target showed extremely strong military qualities."

"The first sniper bullet appeared without warning."

"However, the target quickly adjusted its hiding position in the 0.9 seconds before the bullet hit."

"And in the following battle, at least two enemy snipers from different directions sniped at him."

"Missed a shot"

"While the target is avoiding attacks, he even has extra attention to assist his team members."

"can only say,"

"His ability to predict danger, make instant decisions, and control the details of the battlefield"

"Possess extraordinary abilities and talents."

The soldier named Song Jun slowly told that he was once the king of soldiers in the Yun Province Military Region and had served in the special forces.

Therefore, he could see more details from the short battle.

Even in the narration At the same time, he was silently comparing in his mind.

If it were him, could he achieve the level of the target in the picture?

The big bosses in the conference room, while looking slightly tired, also listened extremely seriously.

"In the subsequent pursuit battle"

"The target demonstrated superior traveling capabilities, reconnaissance capabilities, and sniping capabilities."

"From beginning to end, the target only used a sniper rifle."

"Whether it's long-distance sniping, close-range on-the-spot shooting, or sniping on the move"

"targets seem to be good at"

"It can be noticed that when the target is chasing"

"I didn’t carry any spare magazines with me."

"From the beginning he"

"It's already planned to use one magazine of bullets to wipe out all the enemies."

Speaking of this,

Song Jun suddenly paused and told a fact that even he himself had some doubts about.

"Moreover, I even doubt"

"The sniper rifle is just one of all the weapons he's good at"

"If what he was holding just now was not a sniper rifle, but another weapon"

"The final outcome of the enemy will most likely not change."

At this point,

Song Jun stopped.

There was only so much he could say and see.

When he stopped talking, a military boss smiled and asked,

"If you were replaced by him"

"Can you do what you just did?" Song Jun shook his head without thinking about it.


Even if he is the soldier king of the Third Military Region, if he is involved in that kind of battle, he may be able to complete the battle, but in the end result, he will not be like the college student in the picture.

"From a warrior's perspective"

"What would you say about him?"

The boss then asked.

His eyes were deep.

Song Jun thought for a while,

"Smart, rigorous, calm, paranoid"

"Possessing super combat power and all-round combat qualities"

"At the same time, it can always ensure that one does not lose control in battle."

"But it should not be suitable for coordinated operations"

"He is suitable to be a ghost or a lone wolf on the battlefield"

"Having teammates only becomes a constraint for him."

In just a few words,

Song Jun fully expressed his thoughts and comments.

He just tried to imagine a situation where he and the college student would fight together, and found that it seemed impossible.

Even though he was the king of soldiers,

In the end, he might not be able to keep up with that guy's rhythm at all.

And when he finished speaking, the big guys in the conference room were silent for a long time. In the end, they didn't express anything. It was just that different meanings flashed in their eyes. One The boss seemed to have remembered something and suddenly said casually,

"Oh, by the way, it’s still too dangerous for them to film on the battlefield like this." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Even if you have people from the National Security Bureau to protect you, there will be times when you can’t take care of them."

"Didn't the provincial scientific research department come up with an interesting gadget recently? Send it to them"


After saying this, the big guys who had stayed up for half the night began to slowly walk out of the conference room.

For them, it was enough to watch the battle just now.

The next thing is just It was just a private communication between all parties.

For such an interesting college student to appear in Yong'an City, Yun Province, these provincial bosses had gradually begun to look forward to it.

When these bosses left one by one, there was a lot of excitement in the conference room. There were two people left, one was Song Jun and the other was a middle-aged policeman.

The two looked at each other, nodded to each other in a tacit understanding, and then each sat on a chair and quietly watched the live broadcast.

"So awesome! Lu Shen killed an entire group on his own......."

"I heard he was carrying a sniper rifle and could shoot one headshot at a time!"

"The key is to kill the opponent's entire group and see that there is one more bullet in the magazine. What do you think?......"

"well! I was just a little far away, so I didn’t see the specific picture."

"What a pity!!"

"Speaking of which, Lu Shu nowLess learning kd?"

"4 9.......13?"

The netizens in the live broadcast room were busy calculating kd for Lu Shu.

It should have been 14 kd, but the last shot killed the leader of the Langdao mercenary group, and his body was carried away by the members.

So he didn't get a clear card, only In the 13 kd material convoy, the remaining team members waited for a while, and finally waited until Lu Shu came back with Zhang Ming and three team members.

When he came back,

Su Mu obviously found that Lu Shu's mood had improved. It's completely different from the way he just rushed out, trying to tease anyone he saw.

Zhang Zhe explained in a low voice on the side,

"After one battle, the price increased by 9 kd."

"Calculated, it should be a commission of 1.8 million"

"In addition to the 900,000 that was deducted, I still earned 900,000 more"

"Could he be in a bad mood?......"

Su Mu also responded with an admiring tone0....

"I saw it all on the barrage......"

"I heard that if one magazine kills a team, there will be an extra bullet, right?"

"Now it has been rated as a famous war scene by netizens."

On the other side, after seeing Nia and the other three successfully pulling the leader back, the other members all breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the leader only stood up for a while this time.

Before the members With his eyes on him,

Lu Shu once again jumped onto the roof of the leading car and sat cross-legged. He replaced the Sako TRG-42 with a new magazine and held a wild grass root in his mouth. , and then gently patted the roof of the car,


After a brief pause, the two supply trucks finally started moving slowly again.

The bodies of the three Batan soldiers who unfortunately died had been packed up and placed in the back of the truck by the regiment members.

In war, no one is immortal.

As long as This truck of supplies could successfully be transported to the city of Gaza, and it could save far more than three people.

An hour later, when the light gradually rose on the horizon, the two supply trucks were temporarily opened by the Patan Kingdom. Through a blockade gap, they slowly entered the city of Gaza.

When the camera finally captured the scene inside the city of Gaza, the dilapidated ruins, the buildings blown up by the shells, and the corpses covered with white cloths on the roadside The bodies of the people in the live broadcast room made netizens in the live broadcast room feel heavy.

The supply truck was driving on the bumpy road, and the numb people on both sides of the street looked at the supplies on the truck with looks of expectation and hope on their faces.

It makes netizens feel sour in their hearts

"their eyes......It's like seeing hope"

"But this is only two trucks of supplies!"

"All municipal water and electricity were cut off, and they even had to look for food in the ruins."

"Look, that man is still holding his daughter’s body......."

"Woohoo! so poor"

"It turns out that war is not that far away"

"Only when we see war will we know how difficult peace is today"

"Peace comes from strength!"

"It is really a blessing to live in a strong country."

Lu Shu was still sitting cross-legged on the roof of the car., quietly staring at the ruins on both sides of the road, with no expression in his eyes.

20 minutes later, he arrived at a church with a convoy of supplies.

This is a temporary material storage center set up in Gaza City, and all incoming materials will be stored here.

Lu Shu raised his head and glanced, seemingly......

Only 4 trucks are back?

"It's a supplies truck!!!"

"Very good! Finally two more supply trucks are back!!"

Seeing Lu Shu coming with two supply trucks, those on the church side were excited and sad.

A guy in a dirty official uniform staggered over.

He held Lu 4.0 Shu's hand and spoke in a very serious tone. Excited

"Thank you so much!"

"I thought no more supply trucks would come back tonight"

"There are 12 teams of supply trucks, including you, there are only 3 teams that can come back......."

The temporary material dispatch chairman of the Patan Kingdom named Gahar was so excited that his eyes even turned red.

"The Patan Congress is grateful for everything you have done"

"Go and register now"

"We will pay you this commission right away!"

The two supply trucks have already been taken over by people from the Patan Kingdom, and Lu Shu registered them as the leader of the Silver Snake Mercenary Group. Then he quickly received the commission for this mission. Successfully escorted the supplies After entering the city, the commission was settled at 2 million. After killing the mercenary from the enemy camp, the commission was settled at 2.6 million. After deducting 900,000, the Silver Snake Mercenary Group’s net income for this trip was 3.7 million! The commission had already been transferred to the international account provided by Lu Shu at the scene.. He was very satisfied with this kind of"Party A" that as long as the tasks were completed, the wages would arrive in real time. He looked at the time and saw that it was 7 o'clock in the morning. It was equivalent to a busy night, and the team members were also a little tired. Lu Shu waved wave

"Fix it up"

"Don't cause any trouble. We'll meet at 5 p.m."

"I have something to say."

After receiving his statement, the tense emotions of the team members completely relaxed, and they formed groups in twos and threes to find a place to repair.

During the repair period, the team members did not have to be together, and they could do whatever they wanted to do at will.

And After the group members left,

Lu Shu also walked casually on the dilapidated streets, but he was thinking about a question in his mind.

"Transporting supplies one trip at a time is too inefficient"

"You have to change your mind"

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