Three days later, in the interrogation room of Yong'an City Police Station, Wang Feng looked serious, and beside him was Zhang Zhigang, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Division. Wang Wanjiao's case has been classified as a criminal case. The Criminal Investigation Division officially took over. But because Wang Feng understood the entire incident at the first scene. Therefore, the bureau specially asked him to jointly participate in the case with his colleagues from the Criminal Investigation Division. At this time, the two of them looked coldly at a man sitting in front of them. The man wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and a smart suit. His eyes were extremely calm. Zhang Zhigang, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Section, glanced at Wang Feng and nodded lightly.

"let's start."

Wang Feng turned on the recording instrument on the table.

"Are you and Wang Wanjiao in a relationship?"


"How long have you been together?"

"More than two years"

"Have you always had a good relationship?"

"Ah, very good."

Interrogation questions usually start with marginal information.

This is a step-by-step process.

In criminal investigation interrogation,

Wang Feng knew that Zhang Zhigang was extremely experienced, so he just quietly observed the suspect's expression. He was very calm and super. Extraordinarily calm!

"So after Wang Wanjiao died, why didn't you come back from other provinces?"

Zhang Zhigang raised the first key question.

This man went to other provinces the second week after Wang Wanjiao's death and never came back for more than two months.

It was Zhang Zhigang and Wang Feng who took the people and spent two It took me days to find this guy and bring him back

"I was so sad after she passed away"

"So go out and relax"

"This should be no problem."

The man gave his answer without hesitation.

When answering this question, a trace of sadness appeared on the man's face.

It seemed that he was sad because he thought of his girlfriend's death.

"no problem"

"But now we found anomalies on Wang Wanjiao’s body"

"Do you take drugs?"

The criminal investigation captain Zhang Zhigang asked casually.

Upon hearing this question,

Wang Feng knew that he was already beginning to break through the suspect's psychological defense line.

"No kidding, comrade police"

"How could I take drugs? It's illegal."

"So why did we find drugs in your girlfriend's body?"

Zhang Zhigang still asked in a very casual tone.

His questions were very jumpy, which could interrupt the logic that the suspect had made up for himself in advance in order to cope with the interrogation.

But from time to time, he would throw out a key question, constantly Ground attack on the suspect's psychological defense line

"I have no idea."

The man opened his mouth, as if he was surprised by the news, then frowned, and then showed a look of surprise and regret.

"possible......She secretly took drugs behind my back, right?"

"She works in a nightclub and is often exposed to unclean things."

"I should have asked her to change her job a long time ago, ugh......."

Looking at the look on the man's face,

Wang Feng's heart sank slightly.

Very good acting skills...

I'm afraid this interrogation will be difficult.......

Zhang Zhigang's face on the side also became serious,

"Do you know about Wang Wanjiao's drug abuse?"

"You know, I also stopped him"

"You two live together, she takes drugs but you don’t?"

"I know this is illegal"

"Is intentional homicide illegal?"

"It's definitely illegal"

"How did Wang Wanjiao fall from the stairs?"

"She drank too much and quarreled with me again. In her excitement,.......I didn't hold her back"

"Were you sane at the time?"

"I.....I was also very angry at the time, maybe a little unclear."

Zhang Zhigang has never directly pointed out the real cause of Wang Wanjiao's death, because in torture, such consequential evidence is generally not easily revealed.

The suspect should never be allowed to know what clues and evidence the police have.

In this way, the suspect He will keep guessing, and once he guesses, it is very likely that he will be exposed.

After asking a few more questions,

Zhang Zhigang paused.

"You wait a moment."

Looking at Wang Feng, the two walked outside the interrogation room together.

Wang Feng threw a cigarette over.

"How about it? Can you tell anything?"

After Zhang Zhigang lit the cigarette, he shook his head solemnly.

"No message"

"This guy is so calm and has a very good psychological quality"

"And his logic is very strong"

"Several of my key questions just now were slyly avoided by him."

Wang Feng rubbed his sore eyebrows.

"What to do? There isn't much time left."

Zhang Zhigang smoked silently, his face ashen

"I can't think of any good solution now"

"It really doesn't work, we can only wait until substantive evidence is found."

"As long as we can find evidence that points directly to the suspect, it will be easy."

"But, it's a bit difficult......."

When they arrested the suspect inside, they had already conducted blood draws and various tests, but no biological samples of drug abuse were found.

The room they were in was also searched carefully, and nothing was found. so......

There is no direct evidence at the moment.

A breakthrough can only be found through interrogation.

And the suspect inside obviously has excellent psychological quality and is very smart! very smart?

Suddenly, the words Lu Shu said in the autopsy room that day flashed through

Wang Feng's mind.


"That man may have good psychological quality and be quite smart."

"If you want to arrest him for interrogation and he is willing to confess, he will be given leniency."

"Might as well tell him about the woman's pregnancy"

"Maybe he will say it".......

Hit the mark!

Lu Shu really got it right!

Could it be that just by dissecting a corpse in the autopsy room,

Lu Shu could guess the personality of the suspect??

This is too perverted!

But if you follow what Lu Shu said,.......

When he thought of this,

Wang Feng seemed to have caught something.

He suddenly turned to look at Zhang Zhigang and said with a hint of excitement,

"Go in and try again!"

"After a while, you can directly ask the final question, and I will cooperate with you!"

Zhang Zhigang was stunned.

"you......There is a way?"

"Try it!"


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