I Want to Be the King of Football

Chapter 402: He can't hide it!

The next morning, media and fans around the world were discussing this miracle in Istanbul.

Barcelona's performance, especially Su Dong's brilliant performance of scoring five goals in the second half, was unanimously appreciated by the whole world. Everyone basically concluded that Su Dong's performance this season has basically been locked in 2005. The double football player of the year, at least so far, does not see anyone who has the possibility of challenging him.

Especially after five dollars in the Champions League final.

From Turkey to Spain, from the United States to Brazil, from Asia to Africa, anywhere in the world where there are fans, they are all overwhelmed by the brilliant performance of Su Dong and cheering for the Barcelona championship.

Barcelona spent the night in Istanbul, and after lunch the next day, they took a chartered flight back to Barcelona from Turkey.

Upon arriving at the stadium, he was greeted by fanatical Barcelona fans.

Thousands of Barcelona fans came to the airport to greet.

When captain Puyol and deputy captain Ronaldinho walked off the gangway of the plane holding the Champions League St. Burled Cup together, all the media and fans gathered on the tarmac gave out crazy cheers.

And this scene was also broadcast live on TV stations to the whole world, especially in Spain.

The Barcelona players seemed like heroes who returned home in triumph, and received a high courtesy from fans at the airport.

For safety reasons, the airport soldiers did not allow Barcelona to celebrate, but the team quickly boarded an open-top bus and started the team's double championship celebration from the airport.

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Catalonia TV three conducted a full-track live broadcast, broadcasting the championship celebration to the entire Catalonia region, and even Spain, so that everyone could see the madness caused by Barcelona.

According to the feedback from the front, at the moment of Barcelona's arrival, more than 150,000 people from the entire Catalonia region rushed to the streets to celebrate their double crown in Barcelona.

Along the way, Barcelona fans crowded the streets and stretched for several kilometers until they reached the city center.

Whenever Barcelona’s open-top bus drove by, they would chant slogans, yelling about history and tomorrow, yelling for the team to continue their efforts, and strive to win one more championship next year and complete the triple crown. This will be the history of Barcelona. The most peak moment.

Even the host of Catalonia TV Three said with excitement, "This team is creating their own history! It is creating the pinnacle dynasty of Barcelona's second dream team!"

From the airport to the Nou Camp Stadium, the distance is not too far, but the open-top bus is enough for an afternoon.

It was not until the sun was weakening to the west, and the sky was getting dark, and the bus drove into the Nou Camp Stadium.

At this time, the official double crown celebration ceremony held by Barcelona is the official start.

The fans at the scene began to release red fireworks, and in the sky of cheers and applause, the players slowly entered the stadium.

Puyol and Ronaldinho each held a championship trophy, leading other players to the center of the court.

Head coach Rijkaard took the lead in giving a speech. He thanked the players for their efforts in the past year and believed that the team is far from reaching the end.

"I hope everyone on the team can fully enjoy the glory brought by these two championships, but I also hope that everyone can adjust quickly and continue to prepare for our new season. I believe that we will usher in a more brilliant Season!"

After a pause, Rijkaard shouted into the microphone: "Long live Barcelona! Long live Catalonia!"


Su Dong stood in a row with the other players.

When he heard Rijkaard's shout, he was surprised.

What surprised him even more was that the captain Puyol also delivered a speech. He thanked the fans and teammates. In the end, he also shouted [Long live Barcelona! Long live Catalonia! ] Such a slogan.

Later, more and more players also shouted.

This is not accidental.

Just now, the club’s press spokesperson explained to the players, I hope everyone can respond to the fans and shout this slogan, because this is the keynote of the Barcelona double crown parade today.

This is actually not a problem in itself, but if you cooperate with the T-shirts issued by the club to celebrate the championship, it will inevitably cause people to think too much. The T-shirts are printed with a row of words: "This is not just a club!"

On the open-top bus, Su Dong celebrated with excuses. Instead of putting on a T-shirt, he kept shaking it in his hands.

Now, everyone on the team is at the end of the speech, adding this slogan.

When it was Su Dong's turn to speak, the audience burst into the most enthusiastic applause and cheers, enough to see the Barcelona fans' love for him.

"Thank you to all the fans, to all the teammates, and to the coaching staff and everyone in the club. Your support makes me feel the importance of myself. This feeling is more important than anything!"

After speaking, Su Dong turned around and waved to the fans in the stands.

His response was more enthusiastic applause.

Barcelona fans love him even more than some local players.

"From the first day I joined Barcelona, ​​I have been dreaming about today. I hope to use my own efforts to help the team. Now, my dream has finally come true! My only hope is that you can enjoy these two championships. Trophy, thank you for your full support to me and the team this past year!"

Thunderous applause broke out again at the scene, interrupting Su Dong's speech.

"I solemnly promise you that this will never be the last Champions League we won!"

"We will come here again next year, the year after, to celebrate!"

The scene broke out the craziest cheers in history, countless Barcelona fans even screamed Su Dong's name crazily.


"His popularity among fans is so great that even local players such as Puyol can't catch up."

Sara Martin, the vice-chairman who specializes in business, said to Chairman Laporta with admiration, "What's more surprising is that he has amazing commercial value."

Laporta smiled and nodded, but secretly realized that in the frenzied cheers, Su Dong handed the microphone to the teammate beside him, but he did not shout the slogan from beginning to end.

In the frenetic atmosphere of the scene, this was just a trivial little detail, but Laporta, a lawyer, was keenly caught, and he also saw that Su Dong didn’t know when he had changed into Barcelona’s training uniform. Not a championship T-shirt.

This made him somewhat aware of something, but he didn't take it to heart.

In Barcelona, ​​and even in the entire Catalonia region, Barcelona has never been just a club.

Even if it was Cruyff back then, wouldn't he still marry a Catalan wife in the end to be considered as part of this club and this place?

Really think that Cruyff became the godfather of Barcelona just by playing football?

Sometimes the higher the popularity, the more the fans love it, the more they can't hide.



After the championship celebration, the Barcelona team had their last dinner of the season.

The club’s core management, coaching staff and first-team players were all present. The scene was very grand, and even many Catalan political and business celebrities attended.

As the veritable number one star of Barcelona and the favorite player of Barcelona fans, Su Dong naturally received a variety of courtesy and politeness. He also dealt with it politely. When he encountered some things that he could not refuse, he would say I was shy away from being young.

Because Su Dong is basically a two-point line between his home and training base on weekdays, there is basically no external entertainment, so that he has joined Barcelona for a year, but Barcelona is still very strange to Su Dong, more just his performance on the court. Everything outside the field is ignorant.

Many people even saw Su Dong himself for the first time, and they didn't have any trouble.

The celebration banquet has been held until midnight, and the dressing room has organized a nightclub celebration.

Ronaldinho and others are undoubtedly the most enthusiastic, Puyol is also not weak, even Harvey, rushing to the occasional indulgence mentality, followed by response, so the whole team has a lot of them, mighty. Killed at one of the most famous nightclubs in the city center.

Ronaldinho and Puyol are familiar with each other, and they can even greet novices such as Su Dong.

Before long, they ushered in a group of beauties, all of whom are quite famous Spanish models or female stars, all staring at Su Dong eagerly. Everyone knows that this is the hottest double football player in world football today~ www.wuxiaspot.com~Whoever approached him, wouldn't he be worth a hundred times?

But soon, these women were depressed to find that no matter how they flirted, how to seduce and tease, Su Dong remained unmoved, just sitting there, not drinking, alive and out like a complete infusion. Liu Xia Hui in the nightclub.

At the beginning, a few women who thought they were a bit attractive came to the touch. Gradually, everyone gave up this idea and turned to target other objects that were easier to learn.

Ronaldinho also saw the clue, and sat beside Su Dong with a smile.

"Su, if you want to talk about playing football, then I really admire you, if you don't accept it, but if you want to find happiness, you are inferior to me."

Everyone around listened with a smile.

As early as when playing in Paris Saint-Germain, the Brazilian often visited nightclubs, and it was his specialty.

Even Deco, who looks old and solid, is actually a nightclub veteran. The reason for the divorce was because of cheating.

Regarding the private life of his teammates, Su Dong would not mind, and even he did not intend to disturb the interest of other people, just out of the courtesy of his teammates in the locker room, he accompanied them to appear here, really want him to choose, he would rather return Training in the gym at home hiding.

At least, he can't imagine at all, what's fun in the nightclub?

Shouldn't professional players stick to their duties and try to avoid appearing in such a place?


After finally getting to a point, Su Dong immediately got up and said goodbye.

A few people including Messi, Iniesta and Marcos Senna also followed Su Dong.

Others are not staying, after all, Su Dong is really not interested.

After leaving the nightclub, Su Dong immediately called his agent Mendes.

He is also in Barcelona tonight.

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