After the Royal Agents of the Eagle Alliance invaded the scientific research base of the three countries of Afghanistan, the Eagle Alliance, together with the United States of America, launched economic sanctions against the three countries of Afghanistan, and pulled up an anti-Afghan three-country space-based weapons alliance in the world.

“In this year’s fiscal annual report, the GDP of the three countries has only increased by 4.2%, and back to the previous quarters, it has shown a clear downward trend, starting from 7%, all the way to 6.2%, 5.% and 4.4%, it is expected that by the end of the year, the public debt of the three countries will reach 3.17 trillion meters, including 2 trillion meters of gold from Huanyu Group, and this situation continues, I am afraid that the economic standards of the three countries will be set back for 40 years.”

“Folks, we have to make a move.”

In Parliament, Prime Minister Morgana was sitting precariously, with a serious look.

The chancellor of the Exchequer, Ah Shibian, was nearly half a hundred years old, his hair was gray, but he was old, and he said calmly: “The volume of trade between the Eagle Alliance and the three countries of Afghanistan is about three hundred billion meters of gold.” The volume of trade with the United States is 9874 meters of gold. With more than 1.2 trillion yuan in warp volume, we can only make up for this deficit by launching deeper bilateral trade with our neighbor Dragon Kingdom. ”

“Dragon Kingdom is the most active economy in the world today, not only is it huge, but its consumption potential is also huge. I propose that all the projects originally cooperated with the Eagle Alliance and the United States of America be transferred to the Dragon Country. ”

For a time, the parliamentarians were talking about it, and their opinions were not unanimous.

Military Minister Hikru said worriedly: “The only aircraft carrier of the three countries of Afghanistan comes from the fourth ship of the Centaur-class aircraft carrier of the Royal Navy of the Eagle Alliance, and now there are often various problems, the original domestic aircraft carrier has been under construction, but 2 trillion meters of gold invested in space-based weapons, this plan is obviously lagging behind.” The problem, then, is that within this gap, we don’t have enough armed forces to defend against military action from the Eagle Coalition and the United States of America. ”

“I think everyone knows that the Eagle Alliance and the United States have reached an alliance, and once the navies of the two countries invade the waters of the three countries, we will have no ability to fight a war.” When the time comes, the result must be…”

Before Hiccup could finish speaking, he was stopped by Morgana and reprimanded, “Don’t forget, we still have the protection of the Universal Fleet!” They will help us until space-based weapons are built, and then the three countries of Afghanistan will rely on space-based weapons to become the world’s leading military powers, not powers! ”

The title of the Iron Lady of Morgana is not a vain name, but at this moment it is fierce, even more fierce than men.

Hicqueru, a big old man, was calmed by Morgana’s momentum and could not speak.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Finance Minister Aridou continued: “The United States of America has revoked the ‘most-favored-nation treatment’ for the three Arab countries on the grounds that the three countries have entered the developed countries, which has seriously damaged the interests of the three Arab countries. The DP of the three countries of Afghanistan reached 2.9 trillion US dollars, the average to individuals, the number is pitifully small, and the gap between the rich and the poor in the country is large, it is impossible to enter the ranks of developed countries. ”

“The Eagle Alliance deceived people so much that they even tried to assassinate me.” If this vendetta is not repaid, how can the three countries of Afghanistan gain a foothold in the world? ”

“As Prime Minister, I propose that after the creation of heaven, I will be the first to take the Eagle United Nations to open the knife. It’s like an atomic bomb exploding in a small island nation, showing the world this tremendous shock.”

The three countries have always hoped to become a big country, but due to insufficient comprehensive capabilities, it is difficult to become a world power.

In addition to the problem of low economic level, there is another important reason, that is, poor independent research and development capabilities, not only a variety of high-tech products, weapons and equipment is even more so, can only rely on the purchase of advanced fighters from other countries to expand their military strength.

And now with space-based weapons, there will be no reason for the international community to prevent the three countries from becoming a great power.

Hikru seized the opportunity and grabbed the opportunity to fight for his own face: “The air forces of the three countries will purchase 33 fighters from the United States, including 12 Arctic-30MKI and 21 MiG-29 fighters, which will cost 14 meters of gold.” This was originally an order from the United States, in addition, more military trade with the United States will be distributed to the North Bear Kingdom, the Dragon Kingdom and the Huanyu Military Industry. ”

Morgana did not refute and changed her mind: “In fact, what we need to pay most attention to at the moment is our economy.” Among the main destinations for trade between the three countries, the Western Alliance such as the Eagle Coalition countries accounted for 17.6%, the United States accounted for 16.%, the Ara country accounted for 11.5%, and the Dragon Kingdom accounted for 8.5%. My concern is that Dragon Kingdom cannot fully bear this 30% or so of export trade! ”

Hikru narrowed his eyes slightly, and a murderous breath was revealed in his eyes: “We can start from the small countries around us and force them to accept trade exchanges between the three countries of Afghanistan through military and other means.” ”

Morgana nodded, knocked the table with a small hammer, and said loudly: “Agree or disagree, quick decision!” ”

A House of Representatives began to vote, and after more than ten minutes of statistics, the results were obtained.

“Votes for: 862 votes”

“Against: 63 votes”

“The overwhelming majority agreed, and this proposal was adopted.”

Morgana finalized the bill, apparently relieved.

Subsequently, the bill was released in the form of a public statement as the latest high-level decision-making book of the three countries, and a detailed rule in it read: “The use of new weapons of mass destruction to attack hostile countries will not be ruled out in the future.”

This one is very intriguing.

Eagle Alliance, Prime Minister’s Office.

After receiving this public statement, Tyukir immediately realized: After the space-based weapons of the three countries are manufactured, if the Eagle Alliance does not publicly apologize and compensate, then the three countries will use the space-based weapons to give him a sword of Skodama above his head!

Thinking of this, Tyukiel’s back couldn’t help but shed a cold sweat.

“Do you think that the launch of deep trade with the Dragon Kingdom will solve the problem of economic sanctions?” That’s naïve,” Tyukiel said dismissively.

Then he summoned the Finance Minister Moko, saying, “Are you ready for the latest round of sanctions against the three countries of Afghanistan?” ”

Mokoji carefully supported the eyes of the black frame and stated: “In the first round of sanctions, we cut off the economic trade with the three countries of Afghanistan, which hindered the economy of the three countries and began to work in about a month. In the second round of sanctions, we decided to cut off the cooperation between small countries around the world and the three Arab countries, which occupy half of the foreign trade of the three countries. ”

“It was good. In addition, it is possible to contact the Dragon Kingdom and carry out deep trade with the Dragon Kingdom, provided that it is sent outside the three kingdoms of Afghanistan. Tyukiel nodded satisfactorily.

Moko did the same and left.

Looking at his back, Tyukir couldn’t help but think back to the unruly president of the United States, George Map, sneering.

“If you can’t stop it in the end, you must pull the United States of America as a companion!”

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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