United States, West Coast, United United Marine Corps Command.

Mundella, commander-in-chief of the United Mile Marines, is convening an urgent military meeting.

In the conference room, the generals stood in two rows in unison, waiting in a tight line.

Mundra stood in the middle, and he said in a loud voice: “The submarines of the Universal Fleet appear in the coastal waters of our country, immediately dispatch anti-submarine aircraft, and be sure to find out their tracks.” ”

With such an order, the entire Marine Corps began to operate at high speed.

At a military base, twelve anti-submarine helicopters took off in situ, each in groups of three, each carrying eight frogman special forces, heading straight to the coast to capture the submarine trail of the Universal Fleet.

“Seahawk 1 is in place

“Seahawk 2 is in place


“Seahawk 12 is in place”

Off sea, twelve anti-submarine helicopters are all ready.

Mundra remotely commanded, “Put down the buoy sonar and do a carpet search!” ”

On the blue sea, a tractor-and-drop sonar is thrown from the anti-submarine helicopter, taking this as a point and a buoy as a surface to conduct a point-to-surface cross-search.

Once the target is found, Mundra will not hesitate to order the torpedo to be released and then drop a depth charge.

At that time, as long as the universal submarine dares to act and touches the depth charge, it will undoubtedly die.

Then let the frogman special forces dive into the sea to lay out clay bombs, clear the mines, and wait until the submarine 50 surfaces, you can control the inside of the submarine in one fell swoop!

For now, just wait for the fish to take the bait!


Ten minutes passed.

Mundra is still patient, because anti-submarine work is not so easy to do.


Half an hour passed.

“Huh? How could it be…” Mundra stared dead at the screen, and he was sure that this was undoubtedly the picture of the universe submarine that had just appeared.

But now, after half an hour of searching, nothing has been found.

The assistant handed over a cup of coffee and reminded, “Commander-in-chief, go further and you will bump into a piece with the fishermen.” ”

Mundella took a slow sip and looked intently at the screen.

In the past, in the waters of the Dragon Kingdom, fishermen had caught the United States submarines by fishing nets, and it turned out that sometimes fishermen were more useful than the Navy in capturing submarines.

But his men, but with the world’s top anti-submarine troops, if they lose to the fishermen who only hold fishing nets and forks, it will make people laugh out of their teeth!

“Give me the order to die, expand my search!” First, the submarines of the Universal Fleet must be found before dark! Second, it must be found before this group of fishermen! Otherwise, you all don’t have to do it! Mundra said with a livid face.

However, another hour passed and nothing was found.

“Is it possible that the submarines of the Universal Fleet have gone,” Della wondered.

Just as Mundella was losing patience, the submarines of the Universal Fleet came out of the water again, just a nautical distance from their anti-submarine forces.

“Bang!” Mundra slammed his headphones and ordered: “The submarine of the Universal Fleet has illegally invaded our waters and immediately sank it!” ”

Mundela was given a simple order, that is, the submarines of the Squadron, as long as these submarines were in the waters of the United States, it was illegal to break in, and they could be sunk.

“Received!” On the anti-submarine helicopter, the pilot did not hesitate to press the torpedo button.

The missile hatch opened, an anti-submarine torpedo fell, and after entering the water, the tail spewed out huge flames and went straight to the submarine.

“Didi… Didi…”

Torpedoes move at high speed on radar.

“800 meters!”

“500 meters!”

“100 meters!”


The pilot cheered, thinking about how to force the submarine to open the door, and even won the first class merit and received a commendation from the chief.

Immediately afterward, the driver suddenly found that the torpedo had actually passed directly through the target!

And there was no red dot on the radar at all!

“What the hell is going on here? Is there something wrong with the camera?? Mundella was shocked.

At this time, two nautical miles away, a sudden explosion occurred!


The anti-submarine helicopter looked through the telescope and it turned out to be an explosion caused by another missile colliding with a torpedo (baaa)!

But above this vast sea, where did the ships come from?!

The pilot hurriedly checked the red hotline imaging and was surprised to find that there was no temperature in the universal submarine on the water!

Mundella’s pupils narrowed, and he thought of a terrible possibility, and quickly ordered: “Send the frogman special forces parade to check whether the submarine exists!” ”

The Frogman Special Forces jumped from the Sea Eagle anti-submarine helicopter, dived into the sea, and swam towards the universal submarine.

Near the shell, a frogman special soldier took out the clay bomb from his waist, tried to install it on it, and found that it had been directly penetrated.

Summoning up the courage, he marched inside, and his body went straight through.

Mundella widened his eyes in front of the screen and carefully confirmed it several times before he said, “It’s over!” Universal submarines are true deep-water black holes! What we see is just a virtual image. And the real submarine, underwater, just the missile, is also launched by the submarine. ”

Speaking of this, Mundella stared unwillingly at the screen on the sea, clenching his fists, refusing to let go.


Finally, he said the order.

At this moment, the spirit of the individual was decadent.

If you don’t retreat, the next thing to be hit is the anti-submarine helicopter!

The Sea Eagle anti-submarine helicopter, which symbolizes the highest performance of the United States, has not even captured the fur of the other side!

That missile just now is a warning!

In the end, Mundella himself was completely teased by the universal submarine, and he could not even see the shadow!

Beside him, the assistant held the information in one hand and saluted in the other hand and asked: “Commander-in-chief, do you want to report this matter to Minister Timas?” ”

At this time, every time the radar is turned, more than a dozen red dots can be seen.

After a few clicks, dozens of red dots were densely packed together, ringing non-stop.

Mundella suddenly looked at the display with a sluggish look and said, “I don’t think so…”

The assistant was puzzled and turned his head to look at the screen.

In the displayed picture, above the Great Ping Ocean, the two-carrier battle group of the Huanyu Fleet once again showed great strength to the world.

The two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers with huge tonnage are like two majestic mountains, covering the sky and the sun, and the momentum is like a rainbow.

The four Neptune-class nuclear-powered cruisers are separated on either side, slightly smaller in size, and beautiful rolling snow-white waves on the tail.

Sixteen Scorpio-class destroyers are distributed on the outermost side, escorting the battle group, and the oversized radar turntable on the ship reaches an astonishing speed of 300 revolutions per second! This means that more information can be processed.

And two Sirius-class electromagnetic laser ships that have made a name for themselves in the United States Navy!

It was already obvious that the Huanyu Fleet had crossed the vast ocean and entered the Great Ping Ocean!

The World Fleet is heading towards the United States! _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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