With the departure of the Universal Fleet, the entire Blue Star was in an uproar.

Jiang Cheng demanded that the United States of China and the United States of Allah compensate him with 100 billion meters of gold, otherwise he would block the sea oil routes in the oil area.

As soon as such news came out, the crude oil futures market suddenly surged up.

Not to mention venture capital firms, even ordinary small retail investors know that the price of crude oil is going to rise.

As a result, a large number of international floating funds began to pour into the crude oil futures market.

Everyone knows that international oil prices will not fall until the naval blockade of the Universal Fleet is lifted.

In the capital of the United States, the headquarters of the Rossos Investment Fund Company.

In a room full of computers, George Rossos stared at the crude oil futures market trading chart displayed on the big screen, and a smile appeared on his old face.

Obviously, due to the military deployment announced by Jiang Cheng, there is a steady influx of international floating funds in the crude oil futures market.

For George Rossos to come, the more international funds are entered, the better he can exit.

Because of the need to take over the man, these international game funds are the most perfect keyboard man.

Buy low, sell high, earn the difference, this is the source of profit.

However, if you want to make money, you have to pick up the high-priced bid, and these international floating funds are the candidates for the high-priced takeover.

Human nature is greedy, always want to earn the most, in this capital feast, the world group will be the biggest winner, he George Rossos can also drink soup.

“boos, the newly entered international floating funds are very large, and the total amount of funds may exceed 100 billion meters of gold, and they are further raising the price of international crude oil.” One trader let go of the keyboard and turned to George Rossos.

“Capital is always in the process of chasing interests, and with their help, we can also save a lot of work!” George Rossos squinted.

“boos, there will be no problem with our black-box operation like this, after all, many people saw it when you went to Huanyu Group before!” The trader couldn’t resist asking.

The crude oil futures market is a global market, and the investors in it are the citizens and investment institutions of various countries.

If George Rossos’s black-box methods of operation are exposed, then these people must not quarrel.

At that time, will all countries be able to watch the Universal Group harvest such a huge amount of wealth?

“Futures have risks, investment needs to be cautious, this sentence everyone knows, risk and opportunity are coexisting, it depends on how to grasp it, is it possible to blame others for earning a loss?” George Rossos shook his head and smiled, he wasn’t very worried.

Because all countries have no ability to sanction Jiang Cheng, even if they know that all this is a covert operation, but so what, who dares to move Jiang Cheng?


On the other side, after a few days of sailing, the Universal Fleet had reached Ahai.

As you can see, on the ocean, the huge global fleet is very shocking, and one warship after another fills the sea.

Moreover, the missile launchers on each warship were in a state of waiting to be launched, and the straight people shuddered.

Not only that, but in the sky, there are hundreds of warplanes circling.

In the command room of the Huanyu Fleet, Zhang Zhenhai picked up the command communicator and said loudly: “Attention of all ships, immediately carry out blockade tasks, except for the ships of the Dragon Kingdom, any ships that enter or walk in the oil area are all stopped by me, they only have two choices, either return the same way, or be sunk on the spot!” ”

“Understood!” In the communicator, the captains of the ships answered in unison.

Soon, the warships of the Universal Fleet began to disperse and travel towards the entire Alahai Sea.

The Alahai Sea is very large, even if it is a universal fleet, it is difficult to block every area, so Zhang Zhenhai can only disperse the entire fleet and let each warship blockade the designated sea area.

The sea power of the countries of the oil region is very weak, and no force can threaten the universal fleet except the garrison fleet of the United States.

And the Mi Lian fleet naturally could not take the initiative to attack the Huanyu fleet, because they were dumb and ate the yellow lotus, and there was bitterness that could not be said.

Not long after, a Scorpion-class destroyer on mission encountered an oil tanker that had just sailed out of the oil region.

It is a 200,000-ton tanker with the flag of the Kingdom of Goryeo on its bow and the Four-Star Group logo written on its hull

Obviously, this is a crude oil transport vessel belonging to the Four Star Group.

In the command room of the Sea Scorpion-class destroyer, Captain Wang Li took the communicator and said, “Immediately approach that cruise ship and let them return immediately, this road is impassable, otherwise it will sink on the spot!” ”

Opposite, on the tanker, Captain Kim Ji-hoon looked at the warship with his guns aimed at them, his face full of panic.

What does it mean?

This is the oil tanker of the Goryeo country, and the Goryeo country has not offended the Huanyu Group, so why should this 10,000-ton destroyer belonging to the Huanyu fleet do this to them?

“Captain, the warships of the Universal Fleet have warned us that this road is impassable and that we must return immediately, or we will be sunk.” One of the crew members reported with a look of horror on their faces.

“Sending a report to the country said that the Universal Fleet had unreasonably prevented us from transporting crude oil and asked the authorities to mediate.” Kim Ji-hoon naturally could not return casually, he was transporting crude oil, and the import of crude oil from the Goryeo Kingdom could not be interrupted.

Once the Koryo state is unable to obtain imported crude oil, then the industrial operation of the entire Koryo country will be in trouble.

After about fifteen minutes, Wang Li, the captain of the Scorpion-class destroyer, saw that the tanker was still sailing, and he did not take him seriously at all.

Suddenly, Wang Li was a little angry, and he ordered: “Arrest this oil tanker for me.” ”

With such an order, the Scorpio-class destroyer began to accelerate, and it did not take long to block the tanker.

Immediately afterward, hundreds of heavily armed clones forcibly boarded the tanker and arrested all the crew.

On the deck of the tanker, Captain Kim Ji-hoon shouted angrily: “What are you going to do, this is the oil tanker of the Goryeo Kingdom, you are not qualified to detain us.” ”


One of the clones didn’t have any nonsense, just a gun butt smashed over, Kim Ji-hoon was smashed to the ground, his eyes straight up to Venus, and fainted.

Seeing this, the other Koryo crew members did not dare to squeak.

In the eyes of the crew of the Goryeo Kingdom, these soldiers were completely unreasonable and did not follow the rules, and they really had no way at all! _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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