I Snatched Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet

Chapter 601 Reunion of the Big Four

Hawkeye shook his head in embarrassment. He seemed to be a different person when he was controlled by his mind, and even his memory was not so clear. "I'm not sure, there are some I can probably name, the enemies of the SHIELD in the past, but the others I don't know at all, it feels like it just came out of nowhere, but I think- Probably something to do with Hydra."

"Hydra!? Haven't they been destroyed long ago?"

"It's just a gut feeling."

"Your intuition has always been accurate, I think we really need to investigate carefully." Black Widow interjected from the side.

Qin Yuxin said that the next one should be the plot of American Team 2, and it seems that the Winter Soldier is about to appear.

Black Widow nodded, then looked at Sol again, "Sol, what are your plans?"

Thor shrugged, "I will take Loki back to Asgard to accept his father's trial. In addition, I have a lot of things to do. The Nine Realms have not been very peaceful recently. I must take my responsibility and settle the matter. Those dishonest guys, after the Rainbow Bridge is repaired, I can come down to play with you often, and you are welcome to visit Asgard at that time."

Qin Yuxin said that you are here to find a girlfriend, but when the Rainbow Bridge is repaired, the plot of Thor 2 is about to start, and then you have to pay attention to it, the ether particle is the gem of reality, it is in the plot of Thor 2 If it appeared in the game, it would be his next target to attack, so he couldn't miss it.

After Saul finished speaking, it was naturally Iron Man's turn.

"As for me." Iron Man smiled, "I think I have a lot of work to do. I used to only consider the threat from the inside of the earth, but now it seems that the biggest threat to our world is not from the inside. It comes from outer space. God knows what weird creatures are there in the vast universe. If there are Chitauri today, there must be other warlike alien races, so I must research powerful enough weapons Come to protect our world, I already have some ideas, maybe I can solve this problem once and for all.”

Captain America shook his head in disapproval after hearing this, but didn't say anything.

Qin Yu is clear about it. It is probably a foreshadowing for the Age of Ultron. Could that idea be artificial intelligence? It may also refer to the technology of the modular armor, which is the foreshadowing of Iron Man 3. It is enough to tell Qi Jianfei later, and it has little to do with him.

Thinking in his heart, he suddenly found that the surroundings had become quiet, and when he looked up, he found that everyone was looking at him.

Um, what's the situation?

"What about you, Merlin, what are your plans for the future?"

Are you waiting for yourself to speak?

Qin Yuxin said it was wrong, shouldn't it be Dr. Banner or Hawkeye or Black Widow next, could it be?

Suddenly, he still felt something in his heart. He had always regarded himself as a bystander before. After all, as a player, he was fundamentally different from these plot characters. Even when fighting against the Chitauri, he spent most of his time They are all busy with their own affairs, and have never considered saving the world at all. Anyway, in his mind, they are all well-written scripts, and the hero will always win, and he only shows up when he needs to feel his presence Face it, work your magic, and show that you have made a great contribution.

But at this moment, he suddenly realized that he seemed to be the fourth character in Avengers 4? This treatment is a little cool.

But thinking about it carefully, the role I played in this plot event is indeed a good one. Not only did I save Iron Man, but I also brought a group of players to help me out, and even shut down the teleportation at the most critical moment. Gate, recaptured the Rubik's Cube, and successfully resolved the Chitauri's starship crash crisis. It is not outrageous to be regarded as a core figure by others.

The system reminded him before that he had obtained the status of leader of the Avengers. At this time, he probably had an idea. Although the Avengers group seems to have no distinction in name, but generally speaking, Black Widow and Hawkeye are the leaders of S.H.I.E.L.D. The agents who were arranged here were relatively inferior in strength, so they were regarded as marginal figures.

Hulk did not enter the core because of his unstable combat power. The Vision, Scarlet Witch, War Machine and others who appeared later also had their own problems. They either belonged to foreign personnel or temporary workers, or had special identities. The background, so it is not considered the core, the real core characters, generally speaking, are Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor by default, which is commonly known as the Big Three.

So now the Big Three have become the Big Four? Become the fourth core figure?

Qin Yu's heart was spinning like electricity, but his mouth quickly responded: "Ahem, what is my next plan? Of course I want to further practice my magic. Although I have learned a lot of magic, but for their Mastery still needs further refinement.”

This is not wrong, he is now a three-line magic, but none of them have reached the full level, magic control: secret technique LV4, magic control: star realm LV3, magic control: chaos LV2.

This needs to be further enhanced. Ordinary mages only need to consider one series of magic, and sooner or later they will be able to rise to LV10, so generally there is no need to worry too much, but Qin Yu is different. Three series of talents mean three times the work. If you can train these three series of occupations to LV10, then you will have the real strength to compete with a strong story like Loki.

"But your magic is already very miraculous in our opinion." Iron Man asked a little puzzled.

"It's not enough. In this crisis, dark mages appeared beside Loki. These people are very dangerous. For a long time, we, Kama Taj, have been fighting against these people to avoid the destruction of the world, although those dark mages did not appear In today's battle, but they must have other evil plans, my next main task should be to investigate their purpose."

Several people nodded. Although they won the victory, it seemed that the world was still in danger. Even in the strange magical world, there were villains.

"By the way, Merlin, I have something to discuss with you, let's have a drink together later." Iron Man whispered to him.

Qin Yu nodded his head, and he already roughly guessed what Iron Man was going to discuss, probably related to the spiritual scepter.

After eating and drinking enough, the group left the barbecue restaurant.

After everyone had left, two figures suddenly appeared in the corner of the restaurant, which was originally empty. They were both wearing black suits, sunglasses and black top hats. They looked mysterious.

The two were tall and the other short, and the tall man frowned, "A player got mixed in. The plot and events this time have really changed a lot—do you need to report to the higher authorities?"

The short man nodded, "It shouldn't be a problem. There will always be some game masters among the players who can do things that seem impossible."

"But the player's influence on the plot will have great changes." The tall man said, seemingly dissatisfied with the short man's slack attitude.

The short man sighed meaninglessly, "Okay, okay, if you insist, I will report this matter to the higher-ups, but to be honest, the higher-ups seem to have a lot of things recently, and I always feel that they don't care much about it Game on."

"It should be related to those monsters. You have read the news. Now those things are everywhere in the world."

The short man nodded, "Of course I've seen it. The world has changed so much. Those monsters in science fiction movies have actually come to reality. It feels like a dream, but there should be no such monsters in the future." What happened, it has been several months since something like this happened."

"That's not necessarily the case. I discussed with many water friends in an online forum. The appearance of these monsters is definitely not accidental. Maybe it is the harbinger of some kind of catastrophe. Now there are monsters like dragons, maybe In the future, even Cthulhu Cthulhu will appear."

The short man was speechless, "I said you're fine, don't read science fiction all the time, it's okay, you're just talking about it."

The tall man was obviously a little unconvinced, "Don't you believe it, speaking of it, don't you think our game is a bit too advanced, I always feel that this is not like the technology that we can master in this era, do you think it will be the same as Are those monsters related?"

This time, the short man didn't object blindly, but became serious, "I personally give you some advice, if it's useless, try to ask as little as possible. Those of us who are GMs, just do our jobs well. Some things don't matter. It's better to know."

After speaking, he stood up, put on his hat and left.

The tall man twitched his lips behind him, "Tch, you speak as if you know something inside."

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