I Really Like That Guy!

Vol 6 Chapter 21:

Seeing the parents, Arlo was also nervous for two days, and then he was too lazy to be nervous.

She is the kind of person who is heartless. In short, she doesn't make herself unhappy. She looks happy and has no worries all day long.

What's more, she thought about it later, even if she sees her parents, it's not her who should be worried, but Tan Wu!

After a good monk, he was still a well-regarded Buddhist son in the Bodhi Temple. He went out and came back, but he brought back a wife and child. I don’t know if the old monks would be angry when they saw her.

Thinking of this, she immediately stopped worrying, and An An lived a life of eating, drinking and sleeping.

Recently, A Luo started to be lethargic. During the day, he was always drowsy and sleepy. It was hard to sleep on a horse.

His back was broad and broad, she was carried by him firmly, lying on his shoulders, not even a bit bumpy.

Accompanied by the hooves of the little red horse and the swaying slow pace, she often sleeps for half a day, and when she wakes up, the surrounding environment changes.

Occasionally, he can be heard talking to people. When A Luo wakes up sometimes, he can see some people looking at him in amazement. She has always ignored them, and most of the people don't dare to ask. Dare to provoke vicious Jianghu people.

In this world, there are not many people who kill people in Jianghu.

When he woke up on Tan Wu back again, before A Luo opened his eyes, he smelled a strong scent of cinnamon.

The two were walking in a forest of osmanthus flowers. The continuous osmanthus trees were blooming with tiny yellow flowers, and the sweet aroma was pungent. The whole person seemed to fall into the sea of ​​flowers.

Walking under the tree, flowers rustled and fell down, landing on the top of the head and clothes, and the body was covered with such a sweet smell.

There were also flowers on Tan Wu's head, but he had a bare head. Those flowers couldn't stop, sliding down from his head and into his back collar.

When Arlo saw it, he turned his fingers over his collar to dig out the little yellow flowers.

After digging for a while, his warm voice came from the front, and he said slowly, "Alo, don't make trouble."

A Luo: "I didn't make trouble. Some flowers fell into my clothes. I'll pick them up for you."

Tan Wu then didn't answer, and didn't ask her why she didn't brush the flowers off his head for him, instead letting the flowers fall and pick them up again. He was as silent as before, letting that little hand stretch into his collar, and the girl's crisp laughter came from behind his ears from time to time.

She got tired of playing for a while, so she sent him kindly and reached out to touch his head.

"I just saw you for the first time, and I thought at that time, your head is really round and bright!" A Luo recalled the scene when she first met, she still remembered that night, she didn't see anything clearly, only saw clearly his head.

"You monks won't grow hair again after shaving your head?"

Tan Wu: "President, I just used a special medicine, and it will grow slower. We usually shave our heads once every six months."

A Luo suddenly realized: "So it is!"

She touched the bare head, with nine round ring scars on it, and she asked him, "Did it hurt when I was ordained?"

The girl's fingertips are soft, and the stroking movements are also very light, as if he is afraid that he will hurt if he touches it a little harder.

Tan Wu's footsteps were slow, his eyes fell little by little, and the black eyes hidden under the long eyelashes were rippling with gentle waves. It's been so long, I've forgotten what it was like back then."

Time will always move forward, and he has experienced more and more, and the memory of the past has gradually become dusty and difficult to trace.

After a pause, he added: "I... seldom remember the past. I have seen too many things. If I keep those memories, my heart will become heavy."

Because in his life, what he has seen the most is all kinds of suffering, and countless people who are struggling to survive.

When Tan Wu walks in the world, all he hears and sees is the suffering of the world. Living in such an environment, if he is not careful, he will also be affected and become depressed and world-weary.

Only by enlarging his heart to infinity, as big as a sky and a world, in which countless people come and go in a hurry, and no one stay in it, can he eliminate such negative influence and maintain his inner firmness.

Hearing what he said, A Luo suddenly woke up, she straightened her waist, and raised her voice: "Then have you forgotten about us?"

Once she speaks in this tone, it means that danger is approaching.

Tan Wu was silent, and said firmly: "No, I remember."

A Luo is very skeptical: "I don't believe it, are you perfunctory me?"

She has been getting more and more troublesome lately, and from time to time she asks him such strange questions, as if examining her husband's sincerity and suspicious of his wife.

Tan Wu: "...not perfunctory."

A Luo frowned: "You hesitated! You must be lying to me!"

The little demon girl was suspicious, pulled the monk and asked him all the way, and compared with him what they had experienced together before.

As a result, after A Luo's inspection, he found that he really remembered everything, and he still remembered some small details that she had forgotten.

A Luo was very curious, Tan Wu did not tell lies, he said that he didn't like to remember things, it must be true, why did he remember her?

However, before she could ask, she heard a surprised shout: "Buddha?"

Looking at the sound, I saw a monk in a yellow monk's robe not far ahead, holding a broom in his hand, standing on the stairs and looking at them.

Osmanthus forest passed by without knowing it, and the field of vision became wider. When you raised your eyes, you could see a green mountain. On the halfway of the mountain stood the Buddhist temples with mountains and mountains, one after another, forming a whole huge and magnificent building. The group, the tall main hall and the pointed pagoda stick out from the top of the tree and can be seen from the bottom of the mountain.

It turns out that this is the Bodhi Temple, and it is so majestic.

A Luo heard from Master that the Bodhi Temple is the largest temple in the world today, and there are many capable and deviant people in it, not to mention that there is a monster like Tan Wu.

Even today's emperors have gone to the Bodhi Temple to ask for sutras and medicines, and even inscribed a plaque with "the first temple in the world".

Tan Wu clapped his hands and nodded to the monk in yellow, and greeted him warmly.

The expression on the monk's face was even more shocked, as if he couldn't believe his eyes, and the eyes of the two were like seeing a ghost.

A Luo smiled at him, but Tan Wu didn't explain it either. He led the horse on his back and went straight up the mountain.

While walking, Tan Wuyi also introduced to her: "This mountain is called Wuyou Mountain, and the trees planted on the mountain are called Wuyou Wood, which blooms every spring and summer. At that time, the whole mountain is full of golden flowers."

The worry-free tree blooms with worry-free flowers. It is rumored that the Buddha was born under the worry-free tree back then, and after that, worry-free flowers will be planted around many temples. One is to express piety, and the other is that someone believes in, and the worry-free tree can eliminate worries.

A Luo looked around and saw that the trees planted on the side of the mountain road were all of the same kind.

Master said that the Bodhi Temple has existed for hundreds of years, and it is not false. It is a big project to plant the worry-free tree all over the mountain.

With such a comparison, Arlo suddenly felt that his Xuanyin Sect was a bit shabby.

Approaching the mountain gate, she gently tugged at his ear: "Monk, please put me down."

Tan Wu's footsteps were stagnant, and he was silent for a moment, then said slowly: "It doesn't have to be this way, there are some things that have to be faced."

A Luo snorted: "I'm showing respect to the Buddha, you don't want to be sentimental!" After saying that, she earned her own money and jumped down from his back.

As a result, before he landed, he quickly turned around and grabbed it, frowning and disapproving: "Furry and frizzy."

A Luo pouted, who told her that she was not used to having a small thing in her stomach? In the end, it was her own fault, and she was also a little guilty, and she didn't dare to speak after being taught.

Tan Wu put her down, and the two walked towards the door together.

The gate of the Bodhi Temple is tall and majestic, and there are two warrior monks standing at the gate. When they see Tan Wu, they also raise their palms on their chests with one hand, nodding and calling the Buddha.

There are many monks in this monastery, and along the way, everyone knows Tan Wu, and they all have to say hello.

Tan Wu also returned the salute one by one. At first, he opened his mouth. Later, when he found that everyone was very surprised, he stopped talking. He just nodded and smiled as usual to show his answer.

As for A Luo, who was walking beside Tan Wu, there were also people who looked at her curiously, but it didn't stop there.

The whole temple and every monk here seems to be gentle and tolerant, and even the breath here feels soothing and softer than other places.

A Luo couldn't stop looking around. She was very curious about this place where sandalwood grew up. She had to say that the Bodhi Temple did not live up to her expectations. It looked just as she imagined. In short, the first impression was very good.

Tan Wu took her to a yard, the yard was not big, the bluestone floor was swept clean, and a tall worry-free tree was planted in the corner on one side.

"You rest here for the time being, and I'll go see Master," he said.

A Luo pursed his lips, looked at him and asked cautiously, "Your master won't beat you, right?"

The blue-clothed monk leaned over and raised his hand, with a large and warm palm covering her head, and gently stroked: "Don't think too much." He looked into her eyes, still focused and gentle as always.

A Luo also felt relieved, and waved at him: "You go, come back early!"

Tan Wu went out. He walked out of the small courtyard, went to the largest hall, knelt on the futon, and kowtowed to the golden body of the huge and majestic Buddha statue. The whole movement was slow and slow, and his expression was very serious.

Then, he came to the room behind the Buddha statue and saw the long-awaited master, who is also the host of the Bodhi Temple, Master Mingran.

It is clear that the master is old, and the old face is covered with layers of ravines, like dry old tree bark.

He sat cross-legged on the futon, his eyes that were still clear after all the years were closed slightly, his eyes were not wavered, and he quietly looked at the apprentice in front of him, who made him proud.

The old man sighed deeply and deeply, and his words were full of doubts: "Tan Wu, Master wants to know, why?"

He didn't understand why someone like Tan Wu with a firm mind and a clear Buddha mind would be trapped in love.

Tan Wu kowtowed deeply in front of him, and a low voice sounded: "Master, in my eyes, the world is all the ashes of suffering, only she is a bright color."

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