"The domineering president and his little girlfriend?" Song Xiaona couldn't help but laugh.

Hearing what she said, Huo Lili and Cao Xiaoqian also laughed, but Zhou Ziyu did not laugh.

"It's indeed quite similar, but Li Zhe is not overbearing enough." Huo Lili said with a smile and nodded.

"By the way! Isn't Ziyu's boyfriend also a 'president'? Is he domineering enough?" Song Xiaona looked at Zhou Ziyu with a smile.

"Ziyu, when will you let us meet your mysterious boyfriend?" Huo Lili also asked with a smile.

Zhou Ziyu glanced at them, said nothing, and just smiled.

The next day, at around 9 a.m., Li Zhecai and Xiao Qiao came to the company together.

Yesterday, the game was launched with great success. Li Zhe looked calm on the surface, but actually he was a little excited in his heart.

He was just an ordinary person with some money before, but after the success of the game, as the boss of a powerful game company, he finally gained some social status.

So, when he and Xiao Qiao celebrated last night, they played a little crazy.

"Restraint!" Li Zhe sighed softly.

If you work hard like this every day, you will die sooner or later!

"Hubby, what are you talking about?" Xiao Qiao yawned, his face was full of exhaustion, as if he had not had a good rest.

"Nothing." Li Zhe smiled.

"Mr. Li!" Zhao Jia came over at this time.

"Yesterday, the first day the game was launched, the total turnover was 1.17 million, and the number of registered users has reached more than 530,000. Today we expect to open 15 more groups of servers. At 9 o'clock, 5 groups have been opened." She reported to Li Zhe Let’s talk about the game.

Li Zhe nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Senior sister, inform Manager Yu and the heads of various departments to hold a meeting together at 10 o'clock."

After Zhao Jia left, Liu Kaiyue came over again.

She worked overtime too late last night. Instead of going back to school, she went back to the company dormitory with Song Keer and the others.

"Mr. Li, an editor wants to interview you."

"Interview me?" Li Zhe was stunned for a moment.

He knew that after the game became popular, it would definitely attract the attention of all parties, but someone came to interview him so soon?

"He is the editor of a game review website."

After listening to Liu Kaiyue's explanation, Li Zhe understood that it was not a door-to-door interview, but an online interview with the editor of a game review website. He only needed to chat with the other party on QQ and answer a few questions.

"Okay!" Li Zhe agreed without hesitation.

Although it is just a small soft article interview, it has a somewhat promotional effect on the game.

What's more, both the company and the individual are in urgent need of expanding their influence. Only when a company is famous can it get more support and development opportunities. When a person is famous, he can be taken more seriously when doing things and discussing cooperation.

Therefore, as long as it is beneficial to publicity interviews, no matter how big or small, he will accept them all.

Li Zhe chatted online with the editor of the game review website, and talked about the original intention of making games, the arduous process of game development, etc.

Of course, a lot of the rhetoric is made up. It’s a small browser game, and it’s not short of money. It’s easy to make, so there’s no hard work involved!

However, this is also a common packaging routine for successful people. No matter how they started their business, they will make up stories to beautify and whitewash themselves when being interviewed for publicity.

Compared to many successful people with shady foundations, Li Zhe started his business with clean funds and is not afraid of others checking at all.

After chatting for more than twenty minutes, this simple interview is over.

Li Zhe looked at the time and found that it was almost 10 o'clock, so he went to the conference room with Xiao Qiao.

In addition to Zhao Jia and Yu Zhongfeng, there were also several supervisors from various departments attending this meeting, a total of 9 people.

Li Zhe first looked at Yu Zhongfeng, "Yu Gong, your R\u0026D department will make a small client for "Dantantang" as soon as possible."

"Client?" Yu Zhongfeng was a little surprised. He didn't expect Li Zhe to say this first.

Web games generally do not require downloading a client. You can play them as long as you open the web page, so they are called web games.

There is no need to download the client, which is also a major advantage of web games. It is convenient and fast.

"Just make a small client with more than 30 MB. In the future, we will use this small client as the basis to build a game platform."

When Li Zhe said this, he paused and looked at everyone, "I said before that we can't always rely on the school network for the promotion of the game. "Dantantang" has become popular. Do you think they What’s next?”

"Play a game!" Zhao Jia said immediately.

"Xiao Nei.com will cooperate with us mainly to test the waters with our games and see how users react. Now that our games are popular, they will definitely make games next to generate revenue and expand users." She continued analysis said.

Li Zhe nodded to her, "Yes, they will definitely make games. Online games and web games require a certain amount of development time and are not easy to make, but small games like that can be made in a few days or a week. , I believe it will be online soon.”

“When they have their own games on their platform, they won’t be as dedicated to promoting our “Dandan Tang” as they are now. So when we launch several games in the future, we will have to have our own game platform. ”

How many games?

Yu Zhongfeng perked up as soon as he heard this, "Mr. Li, are we going to make a new game?"

"Yes!" Li Zhe glanced at him.

""Dandan Tang" is successful, but our company cannot rely on just one game, so the production of new games must also be put on the agenda."

"Now that we have abundant funds, I plan to produce three games at the same time, namely the Q version of the tower defense Three Kingdoms theme "Tower Defense Three Kingdoms", the Q version of the fairy tale dungeon theme "The Way of the Gods", and the magical adventure theme "Divine Comedy". "

"Mr. Li, are these three games still web games?" Yu Zhongfeng asked.

"It is a web game. The production time of web games is short, the difficulty is low, the cost is low, and the return rate is not small. Therefore, the company will mainly focus on web games in the early stage. When it is stronger, it will consider producing large-scale online games."

After speaking, Li Zhe asked Xiao Qiao to distribute the game production plan to everyone present.

The game "Tower Defense Three Kingdoms" was produced by a small team of several people in the previous life. It was spotted by Penguin Games and pushed hard, achieving a monthly revenue of tens of millions.

This game is essentially a lottery-based money-making game disguised as tower defense and the Three Kingdoms, with a strong ability to attract money.

As for "The Way of the Gods" and "The Divine Comedy", they were also popular web games in their previous life.

"The Way of the Gods" has received excellent word-of-mouth reviews, while "The Divine Comedy" is very popular in overseas markets, including Europe, America and Southeast Asia.

Of the three game planning documents, Li Zhe wrote the most detailed version of "Tower Defense Three Kingdoms". The settings and gameplay of the game were basically written down, because he had actually played this game for half a year, and he was the most impressed and knowledgeable about it.

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