I Really Didn’t Want to be a Savior

Chapter 551 Everyone is in a dilemma

The universe is never a playground.

Even Chen Feng himself had never seen what happened to the First Fleet.

The information depth of this quantum virus is comparable to that of ZS bacteria.

Chen Feng has never underestimated the universe.

The three optimal routes he personally planned are all theoretically optimal, derived from his past empiricism, and are not truly foolproof.

Life is extremely precious to individuals.

Life to civilization...

Although every mouth will say that every life is important, in fact, civilization itself has no emotions, and the only ones who will feel sad for the demise of an individual are other individuals.

Millions of people in the First Forward Fleet came to the end of their lives quietly.

The only thing left was the situation report sent back by the commander before he died.

But this report is very simple and lacks reference value. It only briefly describes the situation when the ship's intelligence goes out of control when the quantum virus takes effect and the cabin disintegrates by itself. Nothing else is known.

At that time, all the intelligent auxiliary equipment was damaged, and the response time was extremely short. The captain and the scientific researchers on the ship could only do this.

The bad news ahead made the originally lively atmosphere of the Third Forward Fleet suddenly turn gloomy. Even the bar that the captain of the Heartfire arranged according to Glennie's request returned to a solemn and solemn mechanical style.

The topic people talk about after dinner is no longer how many friends will be left and how many relatives will be able to see when they go home a hundred and fifty years later, but whether the Third Fleet will one day be like the First Fleet. Disappear silently into the universe.

What about the Second Fleet, will it be the same?

What if everyone sacrifices?

Death is not terrible enough.

The terrible thing is that a large group of people rushed out with heavy responsibilities and high hopes, but in the end no one survived.

In the entire fleet, there was only one person who remained calm and composed as always, and it was Glennie.

Bonnie Westford, who had not seen him for decades, finally came to see him again.

It wasn't anything special about Glennie that regained Bonnie's attention.

She had no idea of ​​rekindling old friendships.

James Weisford, who just inherited Glenny's navigator talent, is about to take the C-level navigator assessment.

Bonnie thought Glennie should be given some role as a father.

Today, little James has grown tall and handsome.

"Father, I want to know how you went from an ordinary person to an S-class navigator in three years."

After meeting, James's first words made him chatter to death.

This is Glennie's biggest secret that he can't tell anyone.

His expression changed subtly several times in an instant.

"It's very simple. I suddenly felt that I should work a little harder. Then I started to look at the information and study on my own. When I was almost ready, I started to study systematically. Hmm."

Bonnie knew he was lying.

She had asked him many times before, but every time Glennie used similar excuses.

Even a three-year-old child in the 21st century would not believe this kind of clumsy lie.

"Glenny, be honest, James is your son."

Bonnie said angrily.

Glennie shook his head, "Sorry, that's all I can tell you. Whether you believe it or not, I believe it myself."

"okay, bye!"

The furious Glennie turned around and left with James.

Watching the mother and son go away, Glennie felt a little bit disappointed in his heart.

Almost for a moment, he wanted to confess.

But when he thought about his incredible experience, he felt unable to speak.

That experience was so incredible, like a story out of a novel.

He felt that maybe even if he told it, no one would believe it.

Ten years have passed in a blink of an eye.

During the flight, the second advancing fleet encountered a rare unstable oscillation in the curvature space and was completely annihilated.

This is a phenomenon that Chen Feng has seen before.

The operation of curvature space has its own laws that are different from the original three-dimensional space.

Human ships use artificial curvature bubbles to break the barrier and fly into the curvature space, which is equivalent to putting a drop of oil in the water.

At rare times, the curvature space will vibrate violently, and the invading foreign objects will be forcibly thrown out in an ejection manner.

During this process, the foreign object will be squeezed by three dimensions at the same time.

The probability of this happening is one in ten million.

In the thirty-fifth century of the previous timeline, as humans comprehended the Grand Unified Theory and applied binding force fields to the microscopic level of materials, ship materials could withstand the impact of unstable vibrations.

But the human ships with the current top-heavy development path are simply unable to compete and can only be torn apart in an instant.

At this time, the Third Fleet was only three years away from arriving on Krypton.

The three mighty fleets that had set out together were now left with only one pitiful sapling, carrying the last hope.

The sacrifice of companions makes people miserable, nervous and frightened.

The strong sense of mission to complete the mission made the people in the fleet sleepless.

The Third Fleet was in another predicament, and people were unsettled.

People are finally on the verge of collapse in the mentality that they may die at any time, but they don't dare to die, and they can't even afford to die.

As people's work efficiency continues to decline, more and more positions have to be converted from manual and semi-manual modes to fully intelligent control.

But not long ago, the Xingfeng Academy of Science put forward new guidance on previous quantum viruses.

Someone must monitor the whole process. Once something is wrong, they will immediately switch from automatic control to full manual operation. Then there is about a 30% chance of controlling the situation before the ship disintegrates, otherwise death will be inevitable.

This makes the situation a dilemma.

The wanderers, who have been hundreds of light years away from home, have completely lost their spiritual sustenance except for the only belief in completing their mission.

More seriously, during the long and closed history of navigation, the humans in the Third Fleet have formed a new social structure and become a new race that is different from any humans settled in the galaxy.

Their hearts have even begun to waver.

Should we continue to take risks?

Or should we simply stop here and find a safe galaxy to settle down?

Make some proper arrangements for your children, grandchildren?

What do things in the solar system have to do with us?

We have worked very hard.

Anyway, the war will happen hundreds of years later, and we will already be dead by then.

We have no regrets.

It cannot be said that these wavers are mentally ill.

They have not experienced a truly brutal war against the Compound Eyes, and have not even seen a dome. Everything is based on imagination.

The imagined future is always a bit elusive and elusive.

Today's Morrowind Empire does not yet have a huge territory of thousands of light years.

Hyperwarp motion at twenty times the speed of light has just been developed and used.

Hundreds or thousands of light years are still extremely far away in human perception.

The long time and the insurmountable distance in cognition will quietly change some once firm beliefs in people's hearts.

Psychological interventionists have tried every means, but they still can't make people settle down.

Legend has it that super bacteria that can make this situation disappear instantly are still under development.

The commander of the Third Fleet asked the Imperial General Command whether to use force to continue leading the fleet forward.

The method of execution is to initiate coercive measures and order everyone to shut up and return to their posts.

Most of the military system voted in favor, but the administrative system held objections, believing that this would be more likely to bring turmoil and even trigger a coup within the fleet.

The current Third Fleet is too far away from the base camp. Once a mutiny occurs, it has no buffering ability and cannot withstand the torment at all.

The command series was worried about the Third Fleet, but they were in a dilemma and could not decide to pay attention.

In the quantum cyberspace that no one knows about, Chen Feng, who has been invincible no matter what he does for hundreds of years, is also facing a dilemma.

Is it mandatory to make widespread use of "Song of the World" in the Third Fleet?

He didn't dare to jump to conclusions.

As a special planetary system, the all-metal structure of K Planet cultivates a kind of mechanical life that has not yet reached the first level of civilization.

This mechanical life cannot pose a threat to the human fleet, but humans must analyze and master the language and culture of the mechanical life, communicate with it, and convince the other party to let the other party release the core of the Mystery from its unique storage compression space.

Human beings cannot rely on force to overwhelm each other and force them to submit.

There is no fear at all in the cognition of mechanical life, there are only two options: yes or no.

It is also difficult to let the stars invade directly.

This unlucky mechanical life has obtained part of the lost memories and derived new behavioral logic, and is extremely resistant to being controlled and enslaved.

Once they discover that foreign enemies have the ability to control themselves, they will choose to "return to zero" to escape enslavement by self-destructing and waiting for the next evolutionary recovery.

Therefore, it can only communicate, and the language system that can rely on the new mechanical life born from the core of the Mizu is very complex and huge, and it is a programming language.

Chen Feng has quietly written it into the database.

But knowing the language does not mean that you can communicate smoothly.

Just like people from different countries have learned each other's words, but they may not understand each other's culture.

When communicating between interstellar species, humans must remain human.

But once "Song of the World" is used, it is not feasible to only practice it on some people one-sidedly.

After some people are "mechanized", other people who can still persist will only collapse faster.

Chen Feng couldn't make a decision for a while, so he could only let Fanxing start simulation calculations.

But Fanxing said the situation was complicated and it would take two years at the earliest to get results.

But two years later, the situation may have already gotten out of control.

On the Heartfire, Granny was sitting alone by the door of the empty bar.

His favorite simulated DJ and feasting decorations have long since been removed.

People outside were walking around with angry faces and sad faces.

Granny curled his lips disdainfully.

What the hell is the mission? If you fail, you will fail. Why be so nervous? Why not just enjoy life?

It’s the end of the month, please vote.

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