I Really Didn’t Want to be a Savior

Chapter 386 Past Events in the Galaxy (6100 words two in one)

The all-out general offensive begins from this moment.

There were not many Metroid warriors in the Sun Theater at this time. The original Snowflake battleships, fortress ships, motherships, two-person and three-person fighters also suffered heavy casualties, and only a few large and medium-sized battleships remained.

Take Chen Feng’s Leaky Cauldron Army as an example.

All one million galactic warriors under his command were killed, leaving only a few hundred thousand ordinary warriors out of 39 million.

Nowadays, the formation of the Leaky Cauldron Legion no longer exists, and only Chen Feng's Star Blade Colossus represents the entire combat power of this once-existing legion.

Other theaters and regiments fared little better.

But no matter how critical the situation was, no matter how humble one's own strength was, the moment after the general attack order was issued, the remaining eight legions in the Sun Theater simultaneously pressed forward slightly and continued to fire.

Chen Feng has personally gone out to collect a lot of information.

Of course, the fleet will not rush in blindly to die. Instead, it will first pour out its weapons regardless of the cost, focusing on bombarding the nearest prismatic battleship and its nearby link grid lines, trying to cut off a grid line to break the relationship between the prismatic battleships. energy balance between.

Of course this is difficult, even almost hopeless, but what else can it do?

The huge human fleet war started almost at the same time, and tens of millions of fast or slow particle streams or missile tail flames poured out in space like huge meteor groups.

Tens of thousands of starry sky cannons were fired at the same time.

Although the combat units that opened fire were in different positions, the direction of the attack was basically at one point.

In addition, a large number of string energy blasting booby traps and neutron fragmentation barrage shells were also fired.

These booby traps and barrage shells did not rush directly to the front of the grid, but were detonated in advance. The purpose was to use the impact and energy turbulence caused by the explosion to destroy the dark black mass and physical toxins in front, and strive to release more lethal weapons. If you hit the prismatic battleship, even if you can't hit it, just consume a little bit of the white plasma energy connected to the grid.

Or what if a missile can break out of the blockade of the link grid and rush outside?

Since missiles can rush out, it means that warships and fighter planes can too.

You have to try, you can't just close your eyes and wait for death.

At the other end of the battlefield, the small number of black hole bombs and particle bombs possessed by the escape fleet finally came into play.

Although the members of the escape fleet are old or young, they have almost no comprehensive military literacy, and the weapon systems of the Spark ship and the Germination ship are also very weak, but the situation has reached this point, rather than entrusting all hope to others, it is better to He also tried his best.

The Solar Theater within the Link Grid began to bombard indiscriminately, and the Proxima Theater and Barnard Theater fleets outside also began to launch coordinated attacks.

The prismatic battleship seems to have no head or tail, but in fact there are still differences.

The tip of the front of the prism ship releases white light energy to form a grid, and the tail end behind it releases another kind of energy. It is slightly similar to the filamentous beam of the spherical battleship, but the emission frequency is much higher, quickly forming a shield behind it. , resisting attacks from the rear.

Chen Feng also patrolled in front of the selected main attack grid, looking for fighters.

At the same time, senior executives and technical personnel from the Solar Theater, Proxima Theater, and Barnard Theater quickly established an encrypted quantum information channel and were rapidly exchanging information.

While Chen Feng personally participated in the battle, he also had to pay attention to the information.

He determined one thing first.

The dome blockade on the Proxima Centauri side is indeed the same as the solar system barrier.

The moment the barrier disappeared, Proxima Centauri was simultaneously blocked.

This is good news. The fact that Barnard's Star is safe means that the Compound Eyes only have this one star system-level blockade in their hands.

But it’s also bad news. Since the center point of the barrier can instantly span a distance of four light-years, it may also span forty, four hundred or even forty thousand light-years.

This means that every area in the galaxy may be suddenly blocked.

The amount of information exchanged by the technical personnel is even larger, and information exchange and technological interoperability are quickly completed, focusing on the respective intelligence and technological development routes of the three parties.

After exchanging information, comes absorption.

The technological development paths of the three star regions are slightly different, but the differences are not big. After all, they still share a set of genetic information structures, and there is no reproductive isolation between them. The perspective of thinking about the problem will be slightly different depending on the region, but overall The direction of progress is the same.

The two major colonial star regions have not been invaded by the Z bacteria, nor have super scientists like Lai Wenming and Sergei been born. Therefore, the two major star regions have not developed Dyson membranes, nor have they focused on developing individual combat capabilities.

Its combat mode is mainly based on standard battleships, which are two-wheeled battleships and triangular battleships.

Its weapons level and battleship performance are generally slightly weaker than those in the solar system theater before Chen Feng arrived, but each has its own merits.

The Proxima Centauri fleet's strength lies in its curvature flight power. It can reach exactly double the speed of light through continuous acceleration. In a sense, this is already a primary level of true curvature flight.

This result was achieved not because the scientists in Proxima Centauri are smarter than those in the solar system, but because there is a special small satellite in the Proxima Centauri system that spins at a very high speed.

There is a structural force field with extremely unique properties distributed within a very small range near this satellite.

Through years of investigation and research, Proxima Centauri scientists have continuously deepened their understanding of this natural phenomenon and improved their understanding of the nature of the unified force. The final result is reflected in the primary curvature flight capability of this two-wheeled battleship.

They put the core metal materials used to make the engine into a special force field. After decades of soaking and modification, the performance of the engine they finally produced improved by leaps and bounds.

Barnard's Star Fleet's flight power is slightly worse, basically the same as that of the Solar Fleet, but its energy weapons are more powerful.

Different from the phase particles and high-energy rays of the Solar Fleet, Barnard's star's battleship main gun releases a special energy called Ostrich rays, whose penetrating and destructive power is much stronger than high-energy rays and phase particles, and The ballistic speed can reach 1.5 times the speed of light.

Barnard's scientists were able to develop the Austrocannon because of a large meteorite in Barnard's galaxy.

There is a natural mineral deposit in meteorites that can be mined for the austenitic isotope 305.

Austen rays can be excited by irradiating the Austen isotope 305 with ordinary high-energy rays.

The people on earth who live in a corner of the world have exhausted their imaginations and cannot imagine that there can be a substance with a relative atomic mass of 305 that can remain stable at room temperature in the universe, nor can they imagine that there is an asteroid that is similar to the horror of a black hole. It spins at high speed but does not disintegrate. People who walked out saw it and used it.

The universe is huge and full of infinite possibilities.

The star-level blockade dome not only blocks space, but also blocks the opportunity for civilization to go out and see new things, that is, horizons.

In the absence of super geniuses, the technological progress of the two major colonies can be basically the same as that in the solar system. In addition to everyone having the same starting line with a technological background, being exposed to new planets and seeing new physical rules are also important factors.

Chen Feng saw the progress of the Proxima Centauri colony and Barnard's Star, and was deeply moved.

Before, he only thought that the solar system barrier blocked space and prevented humans from escaping. He did not think of the idea of ​​​​technological blockade. Now he finally understood that it was indeed a desperate plan.

Theoretically, it is basically impossible for a blocked civilization above Level 1 to make explosive progress in technological level.

In addition to technological things, Chen Feng also briefly reviewed the exploration information of the two colonies in the galaxy, mainly in the Orion spiral arm.

After these two groups of wanderers went out and took root, they never relaxed their exploration of the external environment.

Moreover, the two colonies not only cut off their connection with the solar system, but also maintained their independence from each other.

At first, they kept in mind the instruction "Go far away and don't look back." Since they could not contact their home planet, they naturally would not try to contact other successfully established colonies.

Both sides chose completely different directions and began to move forward, constantly establishing scientific research stations and dispatching more and more advanced scientific research spacecraft.

Although it has not really gone very far until now, it is only a few hundred light-years in total. The furthest scientific research spacecraft has only traveled less than 200 light-years, and even one percent of the Orion spiral arm has not traveled far. No, but through increasingly advanced detection equipment, their sights are cast farther and farther.

In addition, they can also see relatively clearly what is happening in the solar system from a distance of several light years.

Although they did not personally feel the horror of the catastrophe, they could see it very clearly.

People in the two colonies began to feel a sense of urgency, accelerated the pace of exploration, and gradually came to a conclusive conclusion. In the Orion spiral arm composed of tens of billions of stars, there was no second star that met the Kardashev level 1 classification. civilization.

They discovered some alien civilizations, but none had the ability to travel across star systems.

They also had brief and superficial contact with each other, but these civilizations were completely unaware of the existence of the Compound Eyes.

Later, the two colonies each discovered some ruined civilization ruins, including destroyed spaceships, torn cities, and even the original large planets shattered into fragmented asteroid belts.

These destroyed and fallen civilizations have one thing in common.

No matter what development path a fallen civilization takes, when it dies, it is basically on the border of first-level civilization, maybe a little worse, or maybe a little further forward.

Just when they were about to master the ability to sail across stars, they were suddenly wiped out.

The "Crisis of the Multi-Eye" game and movie left behind by the sage Chen Feng, as well as the famous book called "Feng Lei", as well as the mass extinction catastrophe that occurred in the solar system, and the intelligence collected by the two increasingly larger colonies. Linked together, they form a sad conclusion.

Compound-eyed civilization certainly exists.

It's just that all civilizations that came into contact with the compound-eyed civilization perished.

Other low-level civilizations that are completely unaware of this just have no value in being slaughtered.

Around the beginning of the 30th century, a scientific research ship in the Proxima Centauri colony made a major discovery.

They found a small escape ship.

This escape ship does not belong to humans, nor does it belong to any proven low-level civilization. It also does not meet the estimated characteristics of a compound-eyed civilization.

The technological level of this civilization is very high, even close to the theoretical value of a third-level civilization.

There was no one in the escape ship, not even the remains of the deceased, nor any data.

Scientists tentatively named it the Myth tribe.

After rigorous discussions, scientists believe that the Myths were probably once the main civilization in the Milky Way, but perished at the hands of the Compound Eye Civilization.

Scientists also compared the materials, performance, and weapons of the Compound-Eye warships depicted in Chen Feng's film and television works, and speculated that the Compound-Eye warships indeed absorbed some of the technology of the Mi tribe.

The Mi tribe itself should be a strange mechanical civilization that is mainly made of metal and combined with a small amount of organic matter.

As for the time when the Mi clan died, it was between fifty and one million years ago.

Such a powerful advanced civilization disappeared silently within the arms of Orion, leaving only a stranded escape ship. The ferocity and power of the Compound Eyes were evident.

Since then, the two colonies have made the decision almost simultaneously, breaking their oaths and trying to contact their home planet.

But something strange happened.

They can see everything in the solar system, but no matter how they send signals to their home planet, they are in vain and cannot be replied to.

Even if they switch to the quantum network channel of their home planet, the result will be the same.

This left scientists in the two colonies puzzled and could only blame it on the solar system barrier and draw new conclusions.

People and equipment in the solar system cannot actually see what is happening outside.

The starry sky is still there, but the light and signals are distorted and isolated by the barrier, and the greater the distance, the greater the distortion.

Therefore, since 2500 years ago, the earth's civilization has been unable to truly observe the outer universe. All it can retrieve is the deep void within two light-years. As for the other cosmic backgrounds, it is already a false cosmic environment.

Although they were unable to communicate with their home planet, the colonies successfully established contact with each other, quickly communicated with each other, and continued to advance technology in the direction in which they were good at each other.

It's a pity that the two sides are too far apart. Although the scientific research ships can communicate with each other, they cannot conduct large-scale material exchanges. Therefore, their respective warships still evolve along their own main development directions.

People in the two colonies had considered whether to send scientific research ships back to the vicinity of the solar system to try to communicate with the parent star through the barrier, but they were ultimately unable to do so due to concerns that information might be exposed in advance.

Firstly, the home star has taken another path of technological development and is not lagging behind itself. It may not be beneficial to absorb these things from itself. Secondly, instead of being exposed in advance, it is better to organize a huge fleet militaristically and use it in times of war. He returned to the battlefield in the form of a surprise soldier, catching the compound-eyed man's spherical battleship by surprise.

Of course they knew that if their fleet appeared on the battlefield, the location of the colony would be exposed instantly.

But so what?

The enemy's fleet has arrived near here, and they will not return empty-handed.

Instead of waiting to die, it's better to go back home and give it a try.

After all, there is only a short period of five hundred years, and there is very little that humans can do. It can only be said that they can do a little bit.

In the process of charging into the battle, Chen Feng basically scanned all the information.

He has his own opinion.

The technological routes and life forms of those low-level civilizations that were considered unworthy of mention by the colonies each had their own unique characteristics.

Although the overall strength of low-level civilizations is low, and the colonies only have preliminary contact with each other at the information level, and have not formed a commercial and technological communication system, Chen Feng believes that due to the all-encompassing characteristics of human beings, we should still try to deepen contact with these low-level civilizations and learn from each other's strengths to offset their weaknesses. , as long as you can accept its expertise and incorporate it into human beings' own system, even if it is just an idea, you can get huge benefits.

It's a pity that the colony did not do well enough this time.

But this is a crime other than war.

The universe is so big that even a "small" galaxy has a radius of 50,000 light-years.

The Orion Arm, which is only a small part of the Milky Way, is more than 20,000 light-years long.

Even if we travel at the speed of light, this journey is too far away.

Five hundred years is really just a snap of the fingers and nothing can be accomplished.

A thousand years won't make it any better.

At the same time, Chen Feng can also firmly believe that the compound-eye civilization is indeed the current ruler of the galaxy.

Among the scientists from the three parties currently under discussion, some people from the Solar War Zone believe that the Compound Eye Civilization may be a new civilization rising within the Milky Way.

But Chen Feng didn't see it that way. He firmly believed that the compound-eyes must be invaders from the distant Virgo Local Galaxy Cluster.

After completing the technological incubation, they dispatched a fleet. After arriving in the galaxy, they started a war and defeated the Mizu.

Then the Compound Eyes began to rule the galaxy in an extremely iron-blooded style.

The method of governance is very simple and crude. Spherical warships are dispatched to patrol, and once potential civilizations are discovered, they are exterminated.

It is possible that those with compound eyes visited the earth in the 16th, 17th, 18th and 18th centuries, but the people on earth at that time were too weak to be worth mentioning.

In the twenty-first century, Earth's civilization level 0.7 should not have entered the category of being wiped out.

In the first timeline, the earth's civilization in the twenty-sixth century is still very far away from stable star system-level spaceflight capabilities.

In theory, people on Earth at that time should still be safe.

Judging from the results, human civilization was caused by travelers entering the vision of advanced civilizations in advance, and then compound-eyed people put up solar system barriers to block them, and then sent patrols (spherical warships) to carry out the extermination.

This continued for seven timelines. In the eighth time, the Compound Eye Civilization discovered that spherical battleships might not be enough to cope with the situation, and then dispatched a fleet of prism ships.

Based on the fact that the solar system barrier reached the Proxima Galaxy instantly, Chen Feng deduced that the barrier had the ability to fly across space.

So the theoretical fact should be like this.

Voyager 2 flew in the passage constructed by the dark energy black hole for five hundred years and arrived in front of a certain advanced civilization.

This advanced civilization may be the creator of the solar barrier, or it may not be.

There is another possibility. The solar barrier and the electron-level dark energy black hole are both methods obtained by compound-eyed people from advanced civilizations.

Then, by analyzing the characteristics of the Voyager craft and interpreting the information inside, the nature of humanity, the trajectory of technological development, and the astonishing potential are revealed.

In the next moment, the Compound Eye Civilization activated the highest level of ruling tool - the sun barrier, completed the rapid deployment, and at the same time dispatched targeted military forces, that is, the spherical battleships in the previous seven times, and this time the spherical ship and prism fleet. .

If Chen Feng had straightened out these thoughts in the past, he would probably still want to lie down on the spot and wait for death, but now he can no longer remember how much mental construction he has done, and his nerves have already grown to an astonishing level.

Anyway, if you have too many lice, you won’t be itchy. What can you do if you know the truth is terrifying? Just do it and it will be over.

Of course, those who can dream must also learn to face reality.

Chen Feng briefly took a look at the current battle damage status of the three human armies.

Very fast, incredibly fast.

No matter how frantically the human fleet launched attacks inside and outside, the prism fleet remained completely unmoved. It only opened its shields and continued to compress the space at the established half-light speed.

It was even difficult for Barnard's Star fleet to keep up with the prism fleet's advancement speed after decelerating.

The situation within the grid link was not much better. The human fleet could not attack for a long time and could only continue to retreat.

Soon, the human fleet in the Sun Battle Zone stopped advancing forward and had to start retreating.

It seems that the three war zone fleets' simultaneous desperate attack is worse than throwing an egg against a stone.

Only a few minutes had passed, and the slow-speed fortress ship, starry sky cannon, and star cannon had been swept by the grid and broken down into elementary particles.

One soldier after another had to run away from these large combat units like ants whose nests were destroyed.

But these warriors are only equipped with Tenglong weapons at most.

The speed-increasing performance of Tamron's weapons is still not enough to quickly reach half-light speed.

In addition to these dangers, the dark black masses floating in the solar system, the particle bombs detonating everywhere, and the tens of millions of blade beetles that lightly pass through the grid space also pose great threats to mankind.

In the periphery of the battlefield space, the Proxima fleet's casualties were relatively good.

But a small group of blade beetles that changed direction still posed a huge threat to the 80 million two-wheeled battleships.

As for Barnard's Star Fleet, the prismatic battleship took a more direct counterattack, once again launching a large number of enhanced Dragonfly fighter jets, pounced on Barnard's Star Fleet like a swarm of locusts.

These enhanced versions of the Dragonfly fighter jets are slightly larger and faster, and the energy beams they spray out are obviously of a higher energy level, not to mention the physical toxins thrown out along the way.

The Austrian cannon can cause combat damage to the new Dragonfly fighter, but to no avail.

Although the prism ship is small in size, the speed of launching Dragonfly fighters is not inferior to that of the ball-type warships.

The Compound Eyes didn't care at all about the loss of these cannon fodder units, they just released a steady stream of troops and quickly cannibalized the triangular battleships.

Chen Feng, who controls the Star Blade Colossus, is no better than others.

The huge Star Blade Colossus attracted the attention of more than a hundred blade beetles at the same time. Chen Feng had to maintain a high-intensity curvature motion to avoid being torn into pieces.

Chen Feng sighed, but still didn't have to fight.

What he got was not all bad news. Just now, Galen and Peng Zhongyun said that the Compound Eyes only had a million-sided ships in the galaxy. It was not random nonsense.

Around 2950, ​​a scientific research ship on Barnard's Star that was on a non-return exploration mission sent back a piece of information.

The so-called non-return exploration refers to an exploration plan that does not consider the return journey from the time of departure.

The non-returning scientific research ship usually carries thousands of frozen embryos, and there are also at least 77 non-returning people.

If there is a chance, the non-returners can find a planet to settle down and try to cultivate a new colony when they are still fifteen years away from the end of their lives.

I originally wanted to use this chapter to finish this paragraph, but it seems I can't do it. I'm sorry. Today there is only this big chapter.

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