Erin now also realizes how hateful the guy in front of her is, so she just relies on the tomorrow's martial arts competition to disgust them. However, they really had no way to do it. This matter was now known to the whole city. Trial by combat was a very sacred matter. Once it was decided, it could not be changed. If they take action and touch Linton casually, he will directly say that he was injured by a sneak attack, and then make a fuss about not participating in the martial arts competition. It will be a shame for Bayar. It is said that His Majesty approved of this matter. If this is not the case, how can they explain it to the Emperor?

Linton's shamelessness and difficulty were beyond anyone's imagination. Irene gritted her teeth, endured it, and prepared to leave with Tram. Just as he was about to leave, Linton suddenly took a step forward, grabbed Tram, and punched him in the stomach again. This time Linton used a little more force, and the hit made Tram bend down. Then he started to vomit.

"You!" Eileen subconsciously wanted to pull her back, but as soon as she stretched out her hand, Linton's face was directly in front of her fist: "Come on, try to hit me?"

Irene stopped her hand again, and of course she did not dare to touch Linton.

"To tell you the truth, today I will beat your senior brother or junior brother to a cripple in front of you, and you won't even dare to touch me." Linton said, "Everyone can see that this guy provoked me first, and even faced me in front of me. If they say they want to kill me, then I'm scared. This is a death threat. It makes me afraid to sleep at night. What should I do? Tomorrow is the martial arts competition. Do you, the noble Golden Phoenix Flower Knight, want to use this method? Can you win by disrupting your opponent? It was really eye-opening.”

"It's full of nonsense!" Eileen said immediately. This man was attacking his master's honor with just three sentences, which made her very angry.

"In order for me to sleep more peacefully at night, I decided to eliminate this threat. Then I will destroy him, so that I don't have to worry." Linton said with a smile.

Faced with this situation, Eileen here also didn't know what to do. At this time, Bayar finally came up behind him. Of course he wasn't going to care about it at first. This matter really caused a loss of status, but now that he has even said that he has destroyed his apprentice, he can't continue to watch.

"Mr. Linton Mellowe, please let my disciple go." Bayar stepped forward and said in a very kind tone.

"Okay, after all, he is a legendary knight, so he still has to give him face." Linton said, "Ask your disciple to admit his mistake to me, and I will let him go."

"You're in a dream!" Tram hadn't recovered from the previous punch, but he still squatted on the ground and growled.

"Tram, apologize!" Bayar said directly. Yes, he didn't want to be entangled anymore. This was nothing to make trouble about. There was no benefit in spending time with Linton like this. It was all his face. He was also very angry at Tram's inexplicable provocation, so he yelled directly.

"I'm going to kill him!"

"Apologise!" Bayar shouted, and he was also angry.

Hearing Bayar's voice, Tram suddenly frightened, still feeling afraid of his master. At this time, he woke up a little. Although he wanted to tear Linton alive, he still listened to Bayar's words and shouted without sincerity: "I'm sorry."

"Ha." Linton smiled and didn't care about the other party's attitude. It was strange that he was sincere. He didn't care about Tram. His target was Bayal in the first place. Finding trouble with him was the purpose. "Okay, after all, he is a legendary knight and he still understands the truth. Let me just say, the great Bayal Talents will not send their own disciples to scare their opponents. It must be that this disciple had a mania attack and suddenly went crazy, right?"

"..." Bayar looked at Linton and said nothing.

"Be careful when accepting disciples in the future. Don't look for such crazy dog ​​disciples." Linton continued.

"You don't need to care." Bayar was also a little angry, but he still ignored Linton.

"Eck!" Linton suddenly shouted to Eck behind him.

"Master...what's going on?" Ekko was already stunned at this time, and only came back to his senses when he heard Linton's shout.

"I remembered that my two dogs should be tied up for me from now on and don't let them out randomly. If they bite someone, I, as the owner, will be responsible. Suddenly I think of these things. You have to remember Yes." Linton said.

The three people in front of them all had dark faces, and it was obvious what they were referring to.

"Follow me." Bayar was indeed angry, but he still said.

Irene directly pulled up Tram next to her, and the others quickly got on their horses, without Linton continuing to stop them. However, Linton wanted to forget it, but Tram was still not stable over there.

The more he took a step back, the more he thought about it, and the angrier he became. At this time, Tram was really furious and had no place to vent his anger. Holding his stomach, after Tram got on the horse, he turned his head and stared at Linton fiercely again, and said softly: "Don't think this is over, it's not that easy."

Of course Linton heard it, smiled slightly, and then gave him the middle finger. At the same time as he raised his hand, the overlord's domineering energy suddenly turned on, aiming at Tram alone.

With a "buzz", Tram, who was sitting on the horse, was stunned by the sudden and powerful pressure. He foamed at the mouth and then fell sideways from the horse.

"Tram!" Eileen next to her hurriedly dismounted, only to find that Tram had really passed out. The fall was quite serious and his head was broken. But Irene was a little strange. Although Tram was injured just now, it was not that serious. He could even get on the horse, so why did he suddenly fall into coma again.

Linton's B-level domineering aura was so precise that Irene and the others next to him didn't feel it at all. However, someone still noticed it, and that was Bayar. Although the domineering force was not directed at him, he still felt a strange sense of threat from Linton at that moment. Even so, he had no idea what kind of ability Linton was using.

"Take him with you and let's go!" Bayar was not ready to stay any longer, so the group also picked up the unconscious Tram and left in a slightly embarrassed manner.

Until Bayar's people left, the surrounding civilians suddenly became lively. They saw the situation very clearly. Unexpectedly, in the confrontation between Linton and Bayal, the winner was actually Linton. The disciple of Bayal was beaten unconscious by Linton, and the other party could only take him with him. As he left in despair, Linton was just as he said, not even a hair was lost. This... this was so handsome.

However, although everyone had a very heated discussion and thought Linton was very handsome, no one dared to get close to Linton now, and even deliberately distanced themselves slightly from Linton. The reason is of course very simple. If you are so annoying, can people just let it go? Linton didn't care much. After all, as he said, he would probably die immediately in the duel tomorrow. They didn't want to have anything to do with this guy. What if they were retaliated against, including them?

Of course, Linton didn't care about this. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly found someone standing next to him. The other civilians retreated intentionally, and this person became obvious.

Linton took a look and saw that this man was about the same age as himself, a young man in his late twenties, with short dark blue hair and wearing clean clothes. He didn't look like a civilian. The other person's figure is a bit slender, and he looks like a sick man, so he may be in poor health.

"Lin...ton?" When the other party saw Linton turning to look at him, he also asked with some doubts.

Linton could tell from his voice. Didn't someone call him before to attract Tram's attention, and then the two sides clashed? This person should be the one who called him, and his voice was consistent.

Obviously this guy knows me, but I don't know this guy, which is more troublesome. I have no idea who he is.

The good news is that Linton smartly took Eke with him. At this time, Eke had come to his senses, looked at the young man in front of him, and suddenly said: "Is it...Master Maluke?"

"It's me." The boy named Maluk nodded, "I remember you, Ek, right."

"It's me." Ek nodded, "Master Maluke, I haven't seen you for a long time."

After hearing this for a long time, Linton breathed a sigh of relief, and then pretended to have forgotten and asked: "Uh... I can't remember a little bit, are you..."

"Huh?" Ek was stunned. "Master, this is Master Maluke. I played with you when I was a kid. Have you forgotten?"

"Oh! I remembered it." Linton suddenly realized, but of course he didn't think of anything.

Are you your playmate since childhood? That would be troublesome. What Linton was most afraid of was meeting acquaintances. In the past, because everyone in the family despised him and no one was close to him, he had been hanging out and getting by. But when it comes to playmates, it’s a bit of a headache. I don’t know how to make it up.

"I haven't seen you in five years." Maluk said with a sigh of relief, "You almost didn't recognize you."

"It's not that I almost missed it, I really forgot." Linton said, "There have been a lot of things lately, and I don't have enough brain power."

"So what's going on with you? I heard the name Linton Meloway before and I wasn't sure if it was you. Is it really you? Have you awakened your fighting spirit?" Maluk asked.

"It's a long story." Linton said, "By the way, why are you here?"

Of course, Linton changed the topic, and Maruk did not become suspicious, saying, "Today the college is on vacation, and I went out for a walk. I originally wanted to come here to see the excitement, but then I suddenly saw you. I didn't expect such a commotion. matter……"

"College." Speaking of the college, Linton suddenly remembered something. He seemed to be going to break off the engagement. This Maluk seemed to be a student of the college, and he took the opportunity to ask about the situation. He didn't know what was going on in the college.

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