I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age

Chapter 198 Terrorist Star Lord, Edith

At the same time, in the Phobos system tens of thousands of light years away, a Juggernaut-class heavy battlecruiser was sailing at a pseudo-light speed of Mach 70,000 per second.

The battleship is more than 13,000 meters long, with various main guns, secondary guns, and laser launch ports all over the hull.

With the armor hundreds of meters thick and the giant particle shield, it seemed that nothing could penetrate this defense.

The most conspicuous thing is the fire pattern logo on both sides of the battleship, which represents the highest authority of the Phobos system, the Phobos Law Enforcer Federation.

In the main control room of tens of thousands of square meters, there are sophisticated instruments and large and small screens everywhere.

Thousands of young male law enforcement officers in red and white uniforms are constantly operating in front of the equipment.

In the middle is a nearly five-meter-high active crystal platform. A woman with short white hair is sitting on the top, well-dressed, looking down at the documents in the light board.

There are many wrinkles on her face, full of signs of time, at least in her sixties.

The skin all over his body was abnormally white, as if he had some kind of disease.

What is more striking is the large area of ​​burn scars on the right forehead and eyes, combined with the uncoordinated facial features, it makes people look shuddering.

On some planets above the second-level civilization, it is very simple for women to want to look good or keep their appearance forever.

Eighty years old can turn back to eighteen years old, let alone disappear a few scars.

Generally, those who can age with time and leave scars on their faces are basically not interested in appearance, or have other purposes.

Although she was sitting at the highest position, basically no law enforcement officers below dared to take a peek at her.

Because this person is the supreme ruler of the Phobos system, Edith who is called the Lord of Terror by the outside world.

She is also the only female ruler of the twelve galaxies of Koos.

For forty-five years in charge of the Phobos Department, she has fought countless wars in order to expand the territory and let the Phobos Department develop to a higher level of civilization.

The first ten years of civil war eliminated all discordant voices within the Phobos system.

Any law enforcement officers who dared to disagree with her were purged.

Some disobedient planets were also destroyed, regardless of civilization level.

More than ten billion people died because of her.

Under these horrific methods, the Phobos Department was forcibly twisted into a single rope.

As long as Edith gives the order, the entire Phobos system will be mobilized to complete it, otherwise countless people will die.

Even her enforcers don't have many chances to make mistakes, and the closer they are to her, the more they will be under high pressure.

It can be said that Edith regards the entire Phobos system as her own kingdom, and she is the only queen.

Of course, the price of terror is countless enemies.

There have been at least thousands of assassinations against her over the years.

But without exception, all failed.

And all people and forces related to the assassination were removed.

After pacifying the Phobos system, she launched a foreign war, using more than half a million warships of various types.

In less than twenty years, it first conquered the weakest Tianhe system, and then conquered the Earth beast system.

These two galaxies are forced to form an alliance with the Phobos system, and with the Phobos system as the leader, a large amount of Star Union coins must be handed over every year as protection fees.

In name, the Tianhe system and the Earth beast system are still independent, but in fact they have gradually come under the control of the Phobos system.

As long as Edith wanted to, the two galaxies could be included at any time.

But she couldn't do that, at least not yet.

Because the Phobos system was only a third-level civilized star system at that time, and Kus also had a fourth-level or even a fifth-level civilized star system, which she could not compete with.

No matter how much you want to leave Kuss in your heart, you must obey the Law Enforcer Federation Council on the surface, otherwise you will be besieged by all galaxies.

Twenty years ago, Gaia rose suddenly and exposed technologies that had never appeared in the twelve galaxies.

Edith immediately came forward and asked Gaia to hand over the technology and bring it under her banner.

But Gaia directly refused, and Edith was furious, and single-handedly planned the extermination of Gaia, and secretly sent several puppet planets including Juweixing.

If you can't get it, then grab it, if you can't get it, then destroy it, this is her philosophy of doing things.

Gaia's tenacity is beyond imagination, even if it is besieged by fleets from hundreds of planets, it has resisted for a long time, and the exile fleet even managed to escape.

In the end, Edith used the Law Enforcer Federation of the Tianhe and Earth Beasts to find the Gaia Exile Fleet.

And dispatched the main fleet of Phobos to complete the interception and extermination in the name of Juweixing.

It's a pity that at that time, Chen Xiao would rather die than surrender, and blew himself up with Gaia's core technology.

At the same time, the main fleet of the Phobos system was severely damaged, and many Gaians took this opportunity to escape.

Edith had no intention of letting the Gaias go, and never stopped chasing and killing them.

Once captured an important person of Gaia, and used some unconventional methods to extract relevant memories, and learned that Gaia also has another new type of battleship core.

It was what attracted her most, and she had been looking for it for years.

But what is strange is that the core of the new type of battleship did not fall, as if it also disappeared with the final explosion.

In desperation, Edith could only use the resources and technology obtained from Gaia to vigorously develop and accumulate to prepare for the future, until today.

Now the Phobos system is very close to the fourth-level civilized star system. As long as it goes well, it will be able to enter within twenty years.

At that time, she will be able to include several surrounding galaxies into the scope of the Phobos system and continue to fight outside.

She wants to break away from Kus and the Federation of Law Enforcers, and become the real master of the stars.

But before that, she had to pacify the adjacent gray cave system.

This department has always been a thorn in her side, a thorn in her flesh.

The main reason is that the consul of the gray hole system loves peace, which is completely inconsistent with her ideas, and no matter what she does, the knower opposes it.

She even said that she was a disaster, and refused to sign even the most basic trade treaty.

So she recently planned a series of events targeting the Gray Cave Department and the Knowers, and wanted to open a breakthrough.

As long as she can also get the gray hole system, she will have four of the twelve galaxies in Nakus, with more than a million battleships, and she will be the biggest ruler. No one can stop her power.

This is also the starting point for her to overthrow the Law Enforcer Federation and rule Kus.

But the problem is that all the recent targeting plans have failed. One of the starports that was secretly built at a huge expense was destroyed, and the stargate was also discovered.

The Gray Cave Department was even more aware of her intentions, and notified the other law-enforcing federations, demanding sanctions from the Parliament.

That being the case, Edith had no intention of hiding.

It’s not okay to be dark, but to be clear, and under the pressure of the law enforcers, the Federal Council, began to mobilize troops.

Gray hole system, she is bound to win.

Just as Edith was looking at the report from the gray hole system's sky-blue material area, a blue figure without a face suddenly appeared out of thin air like a molecular recombination.

"Star Lord, Wei Tu, the ruler of the mighty star, requests communication." The blue figure spoke in an intelligently synthesized male voice.

It is the strong artificial intelligence on this flagship, with powerful analysis and computing capabilities.

And it is virtualized, it can appear anywhere on the flagship, and Edith can monitor everything and command the overall situation through it.

"Come on, Bang." Edith didn't look up, her voice was very deep and vicissitudes.

She named the strong artificial intelligence Bang.

"Connecting," Bang said and disappeared.

Soon a virtual screen appeared in front of Edith, and a virtual projection of a man appeared out of thin air.

"What's the matter, kid." Edith was still browsing through the files in her hand.

"Star Master, Ju 0129 and Ju 0130 starports have been completed, and all our fleets have settled in."

"Ju 0127 has also added ten more outposts, and the three starports have a total of 15,000 warships of various types."

"In addition, giants 0131, 0132, 0133, 0134, and 0135 are also under construction, and they can be formed within two months."

"But the sky blue material area has been increasing its troops. Currently, more than 20,000 warships have been gathered, and more are on the way."

"In addition, we also detected two Eternal-class battleships, should we also send our main battleship there?"

"Otherwise, if they launch an attack at this time, our star port may not be able to resist." The middle-aged man named Wei Tu kept his head down and reported.

He is the real current ruler of Juwei Star, and Edith single-handedly supported him.

Although Edith was very kind to him on the surface, and even called him a child.

But he knew that he was just a pawn in Edith's plan, and he didn't dare to raise his head even if he had a conversation across the air.

With the horror of this woman, once she offends her, it will be difficult to survive no matter where she is.

What's more, if he is willing to be this pawn, at least one person can be inferior to ten thousand.

"They won't attack. They probably have to wait for the Law Enforcer Federation Council." Edith suddenly sneered.

It's just that the smile appeared on her face, which looked very scary, making her look even more terrifying.

"Then our main fleet..." Wei Tu still didn't raise his head, he was afraid of seeing something he shouldn't see.

"Don't enter the venue yet, wait for my order, the key things must appear at the key places at the key time."

"You just need to guard these three starports, form a defense system as soon as possible, and put enough pressure on it."

"It's best to contain their main fleet, and I'll arrange the rest, kid." Edith spoke slowly, looking confident.

"Yes, Star Lord." Wei Tu responded, then paused again, "The Xinghao Group asked us to add more money, saying that we have been discovered by the law enforcement officers of the Gray Cave Department, otherwise we will refuse to provide supplies."

"How much more?!" Edith's tone suddenly turned cold, and she slowly raised her head.

Her right eye was injured, the eyeball was white, and the left eye looked so deep, as if she could see through people's hearts and stars.

"Thirty percent..." Weitu's projection trembled, and his voice trembled slightly.

Edith didn't speak, but seemed to be thinking.

A few seconds later, she lowered her head again, stroked the light panel in her hand, and her tone returned to normal, even kindly: "Give it, child."

"They are still useful now. After we occupy the gray cave system, we will have to spit out ten times as much as we eat."

"Understood, Star Master, I'll do it right away."

After answering, Weitu's virtual projection gradually faded until it disappeared completely.

"Bang," Edith called.

"Here, Star Lord." The blue figure of strong artificial intelligence suddenly appeared again.

"Contact those people, they should do it too."

"Yes, Star Lord."

With Bang gone, calm gradually returned to the brightly lit main control room.

During this period, the law enforcement officers below didn't respond at all, as if they were used to this scene...

In this way, with the passage of time, the smell of gunpowder between the Juwei star and the gray hole system became extremely strong, as if it could explode at any time.

The courageous media began to report on this incident, analyzing the cause, process, and future direction of the incident.

The major forces also smelled the smell of war, and everyone was in danger and began to prepare.

People who don't know the reason are discussing why Juweixing dared to fight against the law enforcement on Skynet.

There are also people who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal, looking forward to the fight between the two sides...

Chen Han and others did not pay special attention to these.

After several days of sailing, they passed through nearly twenty star gates, spanned more than ten light years, and were already very close to FN149.

These days, no unsightly forces have come to provoke them, and there has not been a single battle.

After all, a gang with forty warships would not be messed with by normal people.

But they were not idle during the peaceful days, and they just played two matches in the super mechanical arena, one first and one second.

The second one lost due to luck, and relied on one mecha to make it to the finals, but in the end it was crushed by four enemy mechas.

Now the regular season of the junior super mechanical arena has come to an end.

There were a total of ten games, and they played seven games. They were all ranked high, and they were still number one four times.

It stands to reason that this kind of score is very high, and it is no problem to advance to the intermediate super mechanical arena.

But the problem is that they missed two games, which is equivalent to being eliminated last, which lowered the points a lot.

There are a total of 1,000 teams this season, and their points rank is twelve, and they must be in the top ten points to advance to the middle machine.

There is only the last game left, which will be held in about half a month.

They can't miss this game, and they have to get the first place, otherwise the promotion may be a little bit hanging, so they are bound to win.

In recent days, the various factories of the Exile have not stopped, and the omnic has produced batch after batch.

Three batches of the most critical artificial humans were also produced, a total of ninety.

The overall quality is still very high, with one-third being naval officers, one-third being pilots, and the remaining one-third being scattered or even unprofessional.

Now Beiliang has just over a hundred fleet divisions, including six three-star divisions, thirty two-star divisions, and the rest are one-star divisions.

Although it has increased a lot, it has some combat effectiveness.

But it is far from enough to completely control the First Fleet. Some battleships still only have one commander.

There are more pilots, around 150.

There are five super-control ranks, thirty-two control ranks, fifty-seven strong control ranks, and the rest are micro-control ranks.

According to the fact that being able to pilot the town prison level is considered a combat power, it can just make up three complete pilot teams.

There are relatively few geeks and mechanical apprentices, all of whom are around twenty.

But this kind of non-combat occupation, so many are enough for now.

There are hundreds of ordinary people, and they don't know their occupations yet, so they usually do odd jobs.

Thanks a lot to Clement001 for the 2000 book coins rewarded by the 20th deacon in this book! Also left a long review.

Thank you very much for the 100 book coins rewarded by guodahuoji.

Some brothers said that they forgot the level of battleships and mechs, let's deepen their impression.

Warships: Tempest, Punisher, Crusader, Executioner, Heavy Cavalry, Alpha, Calamity, Aeon, Juggernaut, Night.

Body: Dark Night, Vengeance, Rakshasa, Prison Suppression, Curse Extinguisher, Underworld, Doomsday, there are three more behind, whose names have not yet been determined.

Thank you very much for the ten monthly tickets of Bingfeng Mozu, thank you very much for the ten monthly tickets that are impossible to recharge, thank you very much for the ten monthly tickets of T Fanglang T, thank you very much for the ten monthly tickets of JKcolin, and thank you very much for the ten monthly tickets of Typing Snail, thank you very much 3K Taro's ten monthly tickets, I am very grateful to Aojue Blue Star for my ten monthly tickets, I am very grateful to Half Life Madman for my ten monthly tickets, I am very grateful to book friend 4333 for my ten monthly tickets, I am very grateful to topZlk for my ten monthly tickets, and I am very grateful to gzdsppa for my ten monthly tickets A monthly ticket, thank you very much for the ten monthly tickets of book friend 8542, thank you very much for the ten monthly tickets of the angel from hell, thank you very much for the ten monthly tickets of Chuanchuan, thank you very much for the ten monthly tickets on Liukeshu, thank you very much for just once Ten monthly tickets, thank you very much for the ten monthly tickets of the forgotten night, thank you very much for the ten monthly tickets of Agasura Mosha.

Thanks for the appearance of the monthly ticket, it is not enough, let's go to the next chapter.

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