I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age

Chapter 196 Becoming famous (plus more)

"I'm sure that the members of the two gangs are dead. I don't know the current situation here is extremely hot."

"But before that, that is, the night when the Grizzlies' autonomous attack failed, Lizi reported the news and sought Jihuo's assistance."

"So Jihuo now knows about us in Beiliang, and maybe support is on the way." Da Shan in front of the conference table thought carefully before speaking.

Now he is the most excited one, Beiliang's strength is far beyond imagination.

A large number of battleships were added, and this was the starting point for them to revive Gaia.

"Their support is indeed on the way. This is the news from the Jihuo headquarters three days ago." Ji-003 walked to the main screen and called up a document with the Jihuo logo.

Inside is Jihuo's reply to Lizi, which roughly means that a group of gangsters under the banner who are nearby have been notified to come, code-named Broken Bones.

And there is also a file about them in Beiliang, which is very detailed.

Including the composition of the main personnel, some things they committed in the Tianhe system, which forces they offended, and so on.

"Encrypted?" Mu Qianye stood up and scanned the relevant documents at a glance.

"Yes, we found it from the backstage of the Sky Shadow, and we just cracked it not long ago." Ji-004 replied.

"What level of gangster is Broken Bone? What is its strength?" Chen Han looked at Dashan.

"There are too many gangsters under Jihuo. I don't have any impression of this name, and I haven't come into contact with it." Dashan thought for more than ten seconds before shaking his head.

"So far, the bone fragments have not entered the Ace star port, and the time of arrival is unknown." Ji-003 finally added.

"What are your plans?" Mu Qianye sat back at the conference table, lit a mint cigarette, and looked at Chen Han quietly.

She is still digesting the fact that everyone has seized twenty-seven warships, so she has to take it easy.

Ao, Miaoying and Dashan also turned their gazes, wanting to hear Chen Han's decision.

Ningbai and Xiaoqing were not there, and went to the black room to help Keke sort out the looted supplies in recent days.

They are not yet old enough to participate in team decision-making, so it doesn't matter whether they come to the meeting or not.

"We want to move the newly acquired battleship as quickly as possible, merge it into the First Fleet, and then rescue the people of the Seventh Exile Squadron." Chen Han also lit one, squinting his eyes and taking a deep breath.

This is their most important thing at the moment, and everything else can be put aside first.

"How many naval masters do we have now?" Miaoying sat in the corner, chewing gum, and kept turning a brand new mechanical knife with her fingers.

"Including me and Eleven, Beiliang currently has a total of sixty-three naval divisions."

"Four of them are three-star, sixteen are two-star, and forty-three are one-star."

"The Second Fleet has assigned twenty-six people there, and the First Fleet currently has thirty-seven people available." Mu Qianye adjusted his monocle, talking about the data she had recited back and forth.

"Can thirty-seven pilots move all our newly acquired battleships?" Chen Han frowned slightly, the number was a little less than he expected.

"It's barely possible, but it's just about moving. In an emergency, you won't be able to exert your combat power at all." Mu Qianye hesitated for a moment, and took a light puff of the menthol cigarette.

"What if we want the fleet to have combat power? How many captains are there?" Ao filled the crystal glass with ice cubes with scarlet, a new wine he discovered in the city that never sleeps.

"At least a dozen two-stars, and thirty one-stars."

"The new batch of cyborgs will come out in two days, and it is estimated that there will be seven or eight more naval commanders." Mu Qianye did some calculations, and exhaled a puff of smoke.

Three-star warships are enough for now, after all, there are only two Executioner-class warships.

There is a serious shortage of two-star ship divisions, mainly because there are more Crusader-class warships, which require two-star or higher ship divisions to control.

In the case of a starship division, they can only act as sub-controllers on these battleships, with one person controlling one module.

There are quite a lot of Omnic IIIs, and each battleship can get one point.

But they can only help analyze and aggregate data, and cannot drive warships alone.

Chen Han didn't speak, and leaned back in the chair with a menthol cigarette in his mouth, which was a bit worse.

At their current speed of making artificial humans, thirty a week.

It will take about a month to get 50 more naval divisions, and you have to be lucky.

But if he had waited here for a month, the bone-crushing man would have arrived long ago.

Dashan didn't know what to say, and Chen Han had already explained to him some of the functions of the Exile in the few hours before.

Explain the relevant principles of mass production of artificial humans and omnics.

When he just came in, he also saw many omnics in the ship.

Although it feels strange, it is completely acceptable, after all, it is something left by Gaia.

"Where are the members of the Seventh Exile Team imprisoned?" Ao drank the scarlet in the cup in one gulp, looked at Dashan suddenly, and temporarily changed the subject.

Everyone also turned their attention to Dashan, which they didn't know yet.

"Planet FN419, a resource star controlled by Jihuo, has a lot of collection factories."

"For the past ten years, the non-combatants of our seventh exile team have been assigned to work in one of them."

"It is said to be work, but it is actually detained, imprisoned, and used to blackmail our pilot." Speaking of this mountain, he gritted his teeth and hammered the alloy table with his fist.

"FN149..." Mu Qianye put down the menthol cigarette, stood up, went to the star map on the tactical platform and searched, and soon a gray planet popped out.

There are also related information such as the number, ownership, quality, and location of the planet around.

"Twelve light years..." Chen Han frowned deeply, FN149 is not close here.

"Without jumping, you need to go through four medium-sized stargates and sixteen small stargates from here."

"According to our fastest cruising speed, it will take about ten days to arrive." Mu Qianye marked red lines continuously.

It can be seen that some star gates are far apart, and it is impossible to jump all the way through, which is a waste of time.

"Where's the leap? About a few days?" Chen Han's eyes were still on the star map.

"According to the type I transition crystallization, if you cooperate with the star gate to rush, it will take three or four days."

"If we jump over with the entire fleet, we also need to consider the cost issue, at least more than one billion."

"And the landing point is uncontrollable, and the danger is very high. I don't recommend doing that." Mu Qianye looked at Chen Han and shook his head.

Type I transition crystallization has a limited distance and requires many transitions, which is equivalent to a risk every time.

The distance of type II transition crystals can reduce the number of transitions.

But they don't have many at the moment, so they have to buy them, and the cost is even higher than Type I transition crystals.

"If we only let the Exile and Sky Shadow with the highest combat power jump over, wouldn't that save time and cost?" Miao Ying blew a bubble while talking.

Chen Han looked at Dashan, he had also thought about this method.

But he didn't know whether the people of the Seventh Exile Squadron could be rescued with just two warships.

Sure enough, Dashan shook his head in the next second: "No, that's an area controlled by Jihuo, and there are many fleets there."

"If we only pass a few ships, we may not even be able to approach the planet FN149."

These words silenced everyone.

If the people in the past are not rescued and two Executioner-class warships are put in, then the problem will be big.

Ten seconds later, Mu Qianye returned to the meeting table, picked up the half-burned menthol cigarette, and said slowly: "Then we can only take the fleet through the star gate."

"Let all the warships move first, continue to manufacture artificial humans during the rush, replenish the fleet division, and strive for ten days to restore combat effectiveness."

Mu Qianye was not very confident when he said this.

After all, the innate occupation of artificial people is uncontrollable.

The next batch may not even have a naval commander.

Then all they have is a group of fleets without combat effectiveness.

It's okay to scare people, but it's just a display when they fight.

"Maybe we can change our thinking. There is no need to rush to leave right away. We can stay in Ace Star Port for a few more days." Chen Han suddenly sat up straight and poured himself a glass of scarlet.

"Huh?" Ao and the others looked at Chen Han with puzzled faces.

According to the current information, the broken bone will come in a few days.

If they don't leave quickly, there will inevitably be another fierce fight.

It's okay to win, but if they lose, they probably have to hand over the fleet they finally got.

Especially when there are not enough fleet divisions and the combat effectiveness of the fleet is not enough.

"Suppose, what would happen if we had just left and Bone Breaker arrived and found that the Grizzly Party and the Sky Shadow Fleet were not there and couldn't be contacted?" Chen Han looked around the crowd and took a sip of spicy food. Scarlet.

"They will report the extreme fire." Da Shan immediately replied.

"What will the Jihuo headquarters say to them?" Chen Han put down the cup.

"We will definitely let them investigate the situation here and find out the reason." Dashan continued to think from the perspective of extreme fire.

"That's where the problem comes in. We've made such a big noise here, as long as we pay attention, we'll definitely know something."

"And you have been staying with us for the next few days, Jihuo can definitely think that you have betrayed."

"At that time, they will probably directly attack the remaining members of the Seventh Exile Team, because you care about those people."

"Maybe by the time we arrive at FN149, everyone has been killed, and we will be ambushed by Jihuo." Chen Han said his analysis word by word.

"This..." Da Shan's face changed suddenly.

He suddenly realized that these could happen, no! It is bound to happen!

Mu Qianye has been quietly listening to what Chen Han said, she still doesn't know a lot about the situation and cannot make a comprehensive decision.

"Then boss, do you want to kill the broken bones?" Ao seemed to understand Chen Han's thoughts.

"That's right, and it's killing them all, so that Jihuo can't receive any news, and the initiative is completely in our hands." Chen Han clenched his fists, with a stern look in his eyes.

The reason why they are in a hurry is because they are worried about Broken Bone coming.

Since this trouble cannot be avoided, let's not avoid it.

"But we don't know the actual strength of Broken Bone, just in case..." Da Shan seemed a little worried and didn't finish his sentence.

"Since it is under the flag of Extreme Fire, there is a high probability that it is a C-level gang."

"Even if it's a B-level scale, we're not afraid, and it's not like we haven't touched it before." Chen Han drank the remaining scarlet in the cup, chewed even the ice cubes, and made a "creaking" sound.

"Then we can only find a way to attack them in this star port." Mu Qianye crossed his fingers, his eyes filled with thought.

"That's right, I'll talk to Wu Meng later, and let him buy some time for us." Chen Han nodded.

Bonebreaker has at least a dozen warships.

They are currently able to allocate fleet divisions, and there are only ten ships that can exert combat effectiveness, and the two sides are equally divided.

And when the fleets are fighting evenly, as long as one side wants to escape, some of them will definitely escape.

When the time comes, they will break their bones and find that something is wrong, maybe they will turn around and slip away.

This is too variable and does not conform to his plan.

It's different in Xinggang. If the Wumeng and the United Foreign Legion can cooperate, it is basically a must-kill, just like killing the Grizzly Party and the Sky Shadow Corps.

"Then we have to make more preparations, sir." Da Shan suddenly mentioned, "there must be enough bone-crushing pilots and mechs."

"Even if we can use the same method to enter their battleship, we may have to face ten times the number of enemies."

"At that time, it will take several hours to take down a warship, enough for their other warships to respond."

Dashan's reminder made Chen Han's frown frown again.

Indeed, their previous success is difficult to replicate, the right time and place are indispensable.

In the case of a frontal confrontation inside the battleship, even if he was driving Original Sin II, it would be difficult for him to kill dozens or even hundreds of mechatronics in a short time.

Not to mention hitting the bone-crushing main control room in three minutes and clearing the entire ship in fifteen minutes.

Once the situation becomes anxious, they must be the ones who will die.

And whether it can be tricked to open the ship door as before, and enter the bone-crushing battleship is another matter.

Looking at the silent Chen Han, Mu Qianye suddenly thought of something: "You just said that you captured the Grizzly Bear Party and the Sky Shadow Group, who are they?"

It stands to reason that there is no need for ordinary people to be captured alive.

"The leaders of the two gangs are said to be the children of the leader of Jihuo. I thought of using them to get a sum of money." Chen Han didn't hide anything.

"Then maybe I have a way, so that we can take down the broken bones without bloodshed." Mu Qianye spoke very slowly so that everyone could hear every word clearly.

"How to say?" Chen Han's eyes widened.

Ao and the others were also full of anticipation.

"Let's assume again, if the broken bones come to the Ace star port and find that the Grizzly Party and the Sky Shadow fleet are there, what will they do." Mu Qianye lit another menthol cigarette.

"I will take the initiative to contact the Sky Shadow that sent out the request for help to inquire about the situation so that we can make plans." It was still Dashan who answered.

"Then if Li Zi connects to the communication in the Sky Shadow and asks them to come over for an interview, will the bone-crushing person come over?" Mu Qianye held a mint cigarette in his mouth and let the smoke disperse in front of her eyes.

"Yes." Dashan nodded, then immediately shook his head, "But Lizi is not trustworthy, and she won't cooperate."

"Once she is given a chance to communicate with the bone-crushing man, she will definitely cause trouble!"

After getting along for nearly half a year, Dashan knew Lizi's character very well, and was very worried that Chen Han and others would be fooled.

"She doesn't need to cooperate, as long as she is still alive, it is enough to provide facial data." While talking, Mu Qianye shook the scanning device on his left hand, the corners of his mouth slightly raised with a trace of coldness.

This made everyone's eyes brighten, and they immediately understood Mu Qianye's plan.

When they were still on the border of the Milky Way system, they used this method to deceive the caravan of the Xinghao Group and earned their first pot of gold. Now it must be useful for the broken bones.

"That's how it is, kill the broken bones before leaving, and swallow their fleet together."

"At that time, we should have more fleet commanders. Then we will set off for FN149 and take the fleet all the way there." Chen Han also sneered.




Ao and the others responded one after another.

Only Dashan didn't know what Mu Qianye's action meant, and he wasn't there at the time.

But since everyone has no objection, then he must be fine.

"I'll talk to Wu Meng. You guys have to find a way to deal with the corpses of the Grizzly Party and the Sky Shadow."

"Let's count the specific models of each warship again, and do you need to add any weapons and ammunition." Chen Han stood up and poured himself half a glass of scarlet.

Mu Qianye and the others also stood up.

"After this battle, you will become famous." Chen Han took the lead in half-holding the crystal cup

"Be famous!" Several cups were lifted up and touched each other above the conference table, making a crisp "bang bang" sound.

As the spicy liquid flowed into his throat, Chen Han walked directly outside.

The arrangements in the ship can be left to Mu Qianye, with Mu Qianye around, he can save most of the work.

Miaoying inserted the mechanical knife back into the leggings and followed behind Chen Han.

Since the last time they were almost caught in the dark, they would not let Chen Han act alone. No matter where he went, someone would follow him.

The others got busy under Mu Qianye's instructions, and there was still a lot of preparation to do.

Ten minutes later, Chen Han and Miaoying appeared in the flagship of the Eye of Technology.

Wu Meng hasn't left yet, the bidding day is approaching, and he has his own things to do in Xinggang.

"What do you mean you have to cooperate again?" Wu Meng, holding a cane, sat on the main seat, frowning slightly.

He originally thought that Chen Han and the others would leave as soon as they got the fleet of the Grizzly Party and Sky Shadow Corps, after all, the incident was too big.

Unexpectedly, Chen Han came over suddenly and said that he would do it again, which made him a little confused.

"There is a bandit named Bonebreaker under Jihuo's banner that is already on the way. We have to do it with them before leaving."

"The mechs may be used at that time, and I have to trouble you to contact the person in charge of the United Foreign Legion. It's convenient, it should be a matter of these few days." Chen Han sat on the side, and Miaoying stood behind him.

"Why are you still fighting? Just take the fleet away before they come, as long as you leave the Ace Starport, no one will be able to find you." Wu Meng's brows became more and more deeply wrinkled, and Chen Han couldn't understand at all. brain circuits.

Knowing that the enemy was coming, instead of leaving quickly, they stayed and waited, which was so strange.

"We have a reason to stay, and they must die." Chen Han didn't explain too much.

"With all due respect, your greed will kill you and the whole team." Wu Meng tapped the ground with his cane.

He felt that Chen Han had taken a fancy to the broken bone fleet, and wanted to get it in the same way, otherwise there was no other reason.

"Let's cooperate again." Chen Han went straight to the point, assuming a negotiating attitude.

"Cooperation is based on fairness and everyone gets what they need."

"I helped you last time because you also helped me, and you are our friend of Tech Eye."

"But now we've settled the matter, and we don't owe each other anything."

"I think you've got enough from me, what do you think?" Wu Meng looked into Chen Han's eyes quietly.

What he said was very euphemistic, but the actual meaning was obvious, that is, he didn't intend to help.

The main reason is that the risk is too great. If it fails, the entire Technology Eye and even the United Chamber of Commerce will be affected.

Even if he succeeds, he won't get anything, and it's Chen Han who gains.

He is a businessman, he only has interests in his eyes, and he does not do things that only take risks without rewards.

"That's right, you gave us a lot." Chen Han nodded, tapping his fingers on the alloy table.

He took 5 billion from Wumeng in the Star Union currency alone, not to mention that Wumeng also contributed to the newly acquired battleship.

On the whole, what they gained during this trip far outweighed what they gave, and Wu Meng was indeed a friend worth making, and he didn't owe anything.

"Then stop thinking about attacking Broken Bone, and get out of here quickly."

"Use the fleet at hand to develop well, sooner or later you will become extremely popular, and look forward to our next cooperation." Wu Meng smiled, thinking that Chen Han had figured it out.

But Chen Han directly shook his head: "This time I won't let you help for nothing, you will be paid."

"You want to give me money?" The smile on Wu Meng's face grew stronger.

He likes money, but the most important thing is money.

If the reward Chen Han said was three to five billion yuan, then he would not like it at all.

"No, we don't have money, but we have what you want most." Chen Han shook his head again.

"Oh? What?" Wu Meng suddenly became serious, as if interested.

"The coordinates of all the secret industries of Xinghao Group on Ais, including the prototype of the city built in the desert." Miaoying came out and shook Duke's Tianxun, which still had dried blood on it.

"We have deciphered all the relevant content and agreed to cooperate. The content inside is yours." Chen Han added.

Duke is a person who will record everything through Tianxun and store it in the cloud.

Ji-003 and 004 used this Tianxun to hack into his personal account and stole 1.8 billion untransferred Star Union coins, and also found many important industrial coordinates.

Chen Han wanted to go to these coordinates to see, maybe he could occupy them.

But this is really a waste of time, even if you get it, you can't operate it on Ace Star, so it doesn't make much sense.

It's better to use it as a bargaining chip in negotiating with Wu Meng in exchange for something more practical.

"Okay! That's it!" Wu Meng hit the alloy floor heavily with his crutches.

These things are useless to Chen Han and others, but they are extremely valuable to him.

Apart from other things, Duke has been looking for a place for the prototype of the city he built in the desert.

If you can take it down before Xinghao Group headquarters sends someone to take over here, you will make a lot of money.

For this, even taking a huge risk is worth it.

"Happy cooperation." Chen Han left such a sentence, turned around and walked outside.

This chapter is 6,000 words, which is equivalent to adding an update on the basis of the normal update, and future updates will also be placed in the same chapter. The author can add as much as he wants during the holidays these days. In order to thank the brothers for the monthly ticket bombing, the attitude is here , Brothers don't dislike it either.

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