People from Xinghao Group attacked? "Chen Han stood up directly.

"No, it's the Grizzlies, coming towards us!" Ao shouted again.

He is leading the vigil tonight.

In addition to the possible attack direction of Xinghao Group, he also sent people to watch the other two big camps.

I thought it would be another peaceful and boring night.

Unexpectedly, in the early hours of the morning, a large number of organisms from the Grizzly Party would suddenly leave camp, so he rushed over to report.

"Where's the Sky Shadow Group?" Chen Han put away his pistol.

"There is no movement for a while."

"How many airframes?" Miaoying also retracted Wei Chong and asked.

"About a hundred, and the Grizzly's mechs are also there."

"Looking for death! Wake up all our people!" Chen Han said while walking outside against the wind and sand.

After these days of observation, he also understands that the Grizzly Party and the Sky Shadow Group are one.

Although the exact reason is not known, the two gangs shared information and personnel.

Li Zi is the brain of the team, while Grizzly and Da Shan are the force.

In the case of combat, both sides generally act at the same time.

Like this time only the Grizzly Party launched an attack, it is very likely that it was the Grizzly's personal behavior, that is, it did not discuss with Li Zi.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that this is Li Zi's trick.

Combining the grizzly's temper and brain, it is clear that the former is more likely.

Originally, he thought about taking action against these people in a few days, but now it seems that there is no need to wait.

Ten seconds later, under A Ao's call, the artificial people rushed out of the surrounding containers and got into their mechs.

Looking at Original Sin II, which was 3.5 meters tall in front of him, Chen Han also got in.

Since he became a super-level pilot, this is the first time he has used a Hades-level body to participate in a battle in a real sense, and it was all simulated before.

While excited, he was also a little nervous.

After all, no matter how many times you simulate, it is still different from the actual battlefield.

Following a strong tingling pain in his brain, Chen Han's neurons were successfully connected to Original Sin II, and his actions and perspectives were all normal.


"The self-test begins..." the voice of the female artificial intelligence sounded.

Class: Hades

Type: Hurricane


Main/Deputy: BKB Anti-Material Sniper Gun (Excellent)

Head: High output force resonant jet (excellent)

Shoulders: Spoiler Pulse (Excellence)

Waist: Prototype Resonant Jet (excellent)

Legs: self-propelled spider minecraft module (excellent)

Speeding Missile*6

Exclusive: Original Sin Energy Shield, Annihilation Death Ray


Core: Shield Core (Superior)

Coating: Disposable Shield (Excellent)

Armor: Light Armor (Excellent)

Auxiliary: Jet Propulsion (Excellent)

Attack: Beam Hardener (Excellent)

Chip: Energy Shield (Excellent)

Looking at the detailed data in front of him, Chen Han was excited.

These weapons and accessories were selected by him personally and installed one by one.

After the mech reaches Hades level, in addition to having an extra leg weapon slot, it can also be equipped with excellent weapons.

The BKB anti-material sniper gun is not a main gun or a secondary gun, but a heavy-duty sniper rifle dedicated to mechs, suitable for hurricane and gun-type mechs.

With a caliber of 50mm, the barrel alone is two meters long, and the length of the whole gun is three meters.

It uses pointed solid special bullets, including armor-piercing bullets, explosive bullets, high-explosive bullets and so on.

Each one is close to 25 centimeters in length, and the price is tens of thousands of Star Alliance coins.

The reason why it is called a sniper gun is because of its terrifying power.

Production testing has shown that at effective range, it can destroy a shield-wielding Rakshasa-class Earthbreaker with a single shot.

The threat to the prison-level and curse-killing-level organisms is also very great. Without protection, it is basically a matter of one or two shots.

The high-power resonant jet on the head is a main gun weapon with light characteristics, high power, and continuous single-target damage.

The capacity is one shot, and the charging time is sixteen seconds, using the body's own energy.

The spoiler pulse on the shoulder is a secondary artillery weapon with light characteristics, low power, and continuous range damage.

The capacity is three shots, and the charging time is four seconds. It can basically achieve uninterrupted output and use the body's own energy.

The prototype resonant jet at the waist is a secondary artillery weapon with light characteristics, medium power, and continuous range damage.

The capacity is one charge, the charging time is twelve seconds, and the body's own energy is used.

The self-propelled spider mine module on the legs is a functional weapon.

The effect is to release spider mines that crawl automatically, ignoring most terrain restrictions.

It can also automatically search for enemies and detonate the explosives it carries.

These excellent weapons were all bought from the Sky Blue Fortress through Chuxue, with a total value of more than 50 million, almost enough to buy a second-hand Hades-level bare metal machine.

But Chen Han didn't think it was expensive. The performance score of his Original Sin II was as high as 739, which was 39 higher than the peak value of regular Hades-level aircraft.

It can be regarded as the top-level machine body that he has come into contact with so far, not one of them. Of course, the weapons must be fully loaded so as to exert the strongest combat power.

Hypervelocity missiles are similar in power to piercing missiles, but faster, and are used to intercept aircraft or make up for damage.

Hurricane Original Sin II's exclusive abilities include Original Sin Energy Shield and Annihilation Death Ray.

The original sin energy shield is similar to a particle shield. It will be activated after the mech is started, and it can provide all-round protection and consume the body's energy.

But this energy shield has a peak.

When the attack received exceeds the peak value, it will be broken, and it will take a long time to recharge to recover.

The Annihilating Light is an energy main cannon weapon that will be equipped in the Original Sin II series, and it is an upgraded version of the Original Sin Death Light.

According to the test, the annihilation death light has a trace of antimatter annihilation characteristics, and its destructive power is extremely strong. The specific value needs to be demonstrated through actual combat.

The capacity is one round, and the charging time is three minutes, which consumes a lot of energy.

When so many weapons need to use body energy, orange energy blocks are no longer enough.

Fortunately, the underworld-level body can be loaded with red energy blocks, and Chen Han directly put them into a group to further enhance the body's battery life.

As for accessories.

Needless to say, light armor and jet propulsion are necessary to enhance the mobility of the body. Chen Han basically uses them in every mech.

The effect of the one-time shield is also to prop up the energy shield.

It will be activated automatically after the body bears the attack, and has a time limit and a peak value.

The protection ability is slightly worse than the original sin energy shield, and it can only be used once.

The effect of the beam enhancer is to enhance the weapon damage of the light characteristic, and the specific value is between 10% and 15%.

Since most of the weapons loaded by Chen Han are of optical nature, the beam booster can greatly improve the overall performance.

The chip, that is, the chassis capability, also has an energy shield to further enhance the life-saving capability.

The last shield core is one of the most important accessories of this machine body at present.

It can increase the peak value and duration of all energy shields, which is almost a perfect match.

On the whole, in addition to the unrivaled attack methods, Chen Han also used the energy shield to enhance the defense capability of this machine to the extreme.

Originally, with Chen Han's personality, he would not have installed so many defensive accessories.

But after fully equipped, the overall value of this Original Sin II has exceeded 140 million.

It's okay for Qian to say, the main reason is that they haven't collected enough chemical elements to mass-produce Hades-level organisms.

It is unique, and it is too expensive.

Chen Han didn't want to be accidentally damaged during the battle, it would be a big loss...

The airframes and equipment of A Ao and others have not changed much, but some main weapons have been changed, which are more suitable for fighting in desert terrain.

After the assembly was completed, Chen Han led everyone into the prepared defense line quickly.

They are located on the high slopes of the desert, ten meters higher than the surrounding area, and have a location advantage.

Although they can't see their fingers outside, their bodies are equipped with thermal imaging night vision modules.

It can convert the invisible infrared radiation on the surface of the object into a visible thermal image through the optical system, infrared detector chip and electronic processing system.

Generally speaking, the higher the temperature, the redder the color will be, and the lower the temperature will be blue, the difference is obvious.

Especially for Chen Han's Original Sin II, the thermal imaging night vision module is more sophisticated, the viewing distance is longer, and it is more sensitive to temperature.

Even under the interference of the wind and sand, he could already see dozens of hazy red images below from a distance of more than two hundred meters.

These all represent a frame of mechs.

Because the mecha generates heat when it is running, which can be captured by the thermal imaging night vision module.

Although the heat can be completely eliminated through special equipment, basically no one will do it, and the effect is too small.

"Did the Sky Shadow Group move?" Chen Han's voice sounded in the team channel.

He also wanted to confirm Lizi's situation.

"Ji-036 is watching, boss, if there are special circumstances, he will send a signal." Ao replied.

"Okay, wait for my order, and I will overthrow them in one wave!" Chen Han calculated the distance of the enemy's mech, and he emphasized his tone, no longer thinking about the other side.

He knows about Machine-036, which is a control-level machine, one of the current androids who can control a curse-level machine.

He is good at hurricane mechs and is very reliable in his work.




The voices of man and woman and man and woman followed.

Guessing that the enemy's thermal imaging night vision module was about to spot them, Chen Han adjusted his posture, half kneeling on the sand, and stabilized the BKB anti-material sniper gun in his hand.

Through the magnifying glass, he casually aimed at a mecha emitting red light, and without much hesitation, he directly pulled the trigger.

There is no need to calculate any environmental factors at this distance.

There was only a sound of "bang", and a burst of fireworks erupted from the black barrel, and a high-explosive bomb of more than 20 centimeters flew more than 200 meters in the blink of an eye.

The targeted mecha happened to be a prison-level hurricane type, and the pilot inside was obeying the order to touch the high camp.

He didn't know the situation yet, and he didn't have time to react. Even the man and the mecha exploded directly, and the safety cabin didn't eject.

Seeing the flames bursting out of his field of vision, Chen Han felt hit, and a strong recoil forced him to follow the body back.

This is also one of the characteristics of the BKB anti-material sniper gun. While it has strong destructive power, the recoil is also extremely terrifying.

Moreover, in order to reduce the noise when shooting and increase the shooting accuracy, Chen Han was not equipped with a muzzle brake, which resulted in a higher recoil force.

If it weren't for the strong structure of the underworld-level body, it is estimated that the recoil alone could cause some minor damage to the mecha.

Regardless of slowing down, Chen Han immediately pulled the trigger again, ready for the next shot.

At this time, the eight surrounding mechas with long-range firepower also opened fire.

They relied on the simple cover to deploy their own weapon modules, aiming at the body within the field of vision and swiping violently.

Especially Ningbai, who was driving the gun-type Original Sin I, was even more crazy.

High-power beam cannons, small laser cannons, jet cannons, and fusion particle cannons are fired one after another.

In addition to charging, there are also two rounds of moon wheels and original sin death lights that come with the body.

The output caused by her alone covers a large area, and beams of light of various colors follow one after another.

With an overclocked cooling core and additional magazines, her weapons recharge very quickly with almost no downtime.

Xiaoqing, who was driving the Destroyer, stayed by Ningbai's side all the time, guarding the surroundings.

The one with the same terrifying output as Libai is Ji-027.

She is a control-level pilot, with enough brain power to control the Curse Extinguisher-level Original Sin I, and she is also good at guns.

The weapons and equipment are reproduced according to Ningbai, and the output frequency is basically the same.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment by the two, at least a dozen or so mechas of the Grizzly Party were severely damaged.

And this is not the limit of Ningbai Genji-027.

Because they are equipped with high-voltage overload chips, once activated, the firepower will be even higher.

It's just that the enemies are not dense enough now, and they didn't open it for fear of wasting money.

The Grizzlies were beaten a little confused, and the formation was a little messed up.

Although they were ready to fight, the attack was too sudden.

Before their thermal imaging night vision module could respond, artillery fire was in front of them, and the airframes within the fire range scattered and fled.

Fortunately, the Grizzlies, who were slightly behind, quickly discovered the situation and began to shout in the team channel: "Don't run around! Keep the formation! Raise the shield! Quick!"

The attack was indeed planned by him alone.

I can't even say planning, basically I didn't think too much about it.

He just wanted to take down the small camp stationed in Beiliang with absolute force.

The main reason is that he applied to Lizi many times, but Lizi never agreed, so he asked to wait a few more days.

Because Lizi has the overall view, she has the same thinking as Chen Han, and is prepared to resist the Xinghao Group first, and then fight among themselves before the mission is over.

But the Grizzlies don't want to wait that long.

He felt that there were more than 20 people in the entire camp in Beiliang, and they could be captured in at most three hours, and the loss would not be too great.

At that time, even if Li Zi knew that he acted privately, she would not say anything, after all, she had already won.

For this raid, he specially chose the time period of three o'clock in the morning, when people are most tired.

Originally, he wanted to use fighter planes to bomb one round first, but today's wind and sand are even stronger, and it is difficult for fighter planes to even take off.

In the end, he could only set off with more than 130 mechas, leaving dozens of mechas to defend the camp.

They were very careful along the way and kept an eye on their surroundings to prevent being ambushed.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to arrive at the camp, he was still discovered.

However, the Grizzlies are not afraid.

The current situation is nothing more than changing from a surprise attack to an assault, without affecting the ending.

Moreover, the Grizzlies are still very deterrent within the Grizzlies Party.

Under his command, the members of the Grizzly Party quickly lined up.

More than thirty ground-shattering mechs raised their physical shields or energy shields to resist the oncoming bombardment.

More than 70 hurricane and gun-type airframes in the rear launched their own weapon modules and bombarded the top of the slope.

Change something, the bullet accessories are changed to attack accessories, and the chassis capability is changed to chips in the self-test data, which is easy to understand, as long as the brothers know it.

This modification is similar to patching, and the author will try his best to fix some bugs.

Thank you very much for the 500 book coins rewarded by book friend 2446, and I became a deacon!

Thank you very much for the 100 book coins rewarded by Mei96.

There will be a change tomorrow. It was originally added today, but it didn't make sense.

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