In the captain's room on the third floor of the Exile, Chen Han was sitting in front of an alloy workbench, wearing protective glasses.

He holds a purple energy block in his left hand, and a small laser knife in his right hand, and he is carving grooves on the surface of the energy block that are difficult to detect without looking closely.

It has been a month since they arrived safely at Stargate 0342.

During this period, it has been sailing on the fourth spiral arm of the gray cave system, rushing from the end to the front.

I don't know how many star gates and stars I passed along the way.

Fortunately, there is no planetary civilization in the gray hole system except for the material area, and they have not encountered any threats along the way.

But this month, Chen Han has not been idle for a moment. Apart from being busy adjusting the fleet, he has been conducting high-intensity airframe confrontation in the competition cabin, that is, training.

Although it is not as good as a real confrontation, the overall effect is still effective. He passed the test ten days ago and has reached the super-control stage, and he can pilot the Hades-level body.

It was only after connecting the neurons with confidence that it was discovered that the Hades class put too much load on the brain.

Even if his brain power is stronger than normal pilots, he can only drive for half an hour.

If it is a battle, this time will be further shortened, maybe only ten minutes.

This is more embarrassing, what can you do in ten minutes on the battlefield?

Fortunately, Chen Han has his own method, which is to use his spare time to create energy blocks to strengthen his brain power.

Starting from the mining of raw ore, an energy block needs to be purified, cut, polished, and carved in four steps before it can be put into the market for normal use.

In most cases, these are the work of the energy block manufacturing factory. After all, precision instruments are used, and the output can keep up.

But there are very few people who will buy raw ore at a low price and sell it privately to make some hard money. Chen Han used to be this kind of person.

Although he is not short of the money now, he found that being able to create energy blocks can help improve brain power.

Because when drawing the groove of the energy block, it needs to correspond to all equipment, and all other energy blocks must be as accurate as the machine.

When a person concentrates on one thing for a long time, the brain power will be exercised, and it will become stronger over time, which has become the key to driving the body to a higher level.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Han can now make purple energy blocks since he could only make blue energy blocks before.

Of course, you need to be more focused. An unstable breathing may fail to portray, or even cause an explosion if it is serious.

After a while, Chen Han slowly put down the painted purple energy block and let out a soft breath.

Looking at the time on Tianxun, Chen Han couldn't help laughing bitterly, it took him more than ten hours to complete a purple energy block.

Wiping the fine beads of sweat from his forehead, Chen Han picked up another polished purple energy block, planning to repeat what he had just done.

At this moment, a white cup filled with coffee was suddenly placed in front of him: "Drink it while it's hot, even though it's already cold, hee hee."

Turning her head, Chuxue was standing beside her, wearing gray shorts and a white top, with slightly curly double ponytails, and when she smiled, she could still see the dimple on the left side of her face.

When she is not a law enforcement officer, she always has a little playfulness.

"How long have you been here? Why didn't you say a word..." Chen Han touched the temperature of the cup and looked at Chuxue helplessly.

"Half an hour, you are busy, and the door is still open." Chuxue pointed to the wide open door at the back.

"Huh?" Chen Han looked at the time on Tianxun again, "Why is it timed out, sorry sorry..."

On the battleship these days, he and Chuxue spent some time together every day.

Sometimes they piloted mechas against each other in the competition cabin, each winning or losing.

Sometimes I find a place where no one is watching the shining stars outside the fiberglass, and talk about what is in my heart.

The two seem to have returned to the days when they were in Lanyuexing, and their relationship continues to heat up.

Although neither side pierced that layer of window paper, nor did they have too much physical contact, they already had a tacit understanding.

Today he had made an appointment with Chuxue to see a star named M87. It is said that there are many colors, and their fleet will pass through that area.

But he forgot to set the alarm and was busy tinkering with energy blocks, so he didn't know if he missed it.

"It's okay, it hasn't arrived yet." Chuxue shook her head, picked up the energy block that Chen Han had just painted, "Which one is this?"

"Fifteen." Chen Han downed the coffee Chuxue brought in one gulp, and walked to the sink.

In the past month, he has only produced fifteen purple energy blocks, and the efficiency is ridiculously low.

"Is there any improvement? How long can you drive the Hades-level body?" Chuxue carefully looked at the subtle lines on the surface of the energy block.

If Chen Han hadn't really made it, she wouldn't dare to imagine that even purple energy blocks could be made by hand.

A slight mistake caused an explosion, and the energy contained in it was not something the human body could bear.

"Let's fight for more than an hour, and there is still some improvement." Chen Han touched the faucet with his hand, and flushed his face with cold liquid.

From the very beginning when he became the super-control class, he could only stay in the Hades-level body for five minutes, then half an hour later, and now he was fighting for more than an hour.

As long as he continues to train, he will be able to fully control the Hades-level body sooner or later.

"Unfortunately, I can't use this method..." Chuxue muttered, putting down the energy block in her hand.

She will also be able to reach the override level soon, and further studies at the Law Enforcer Academy will help her a lot.

But she doesn't think that her brain power can control the Hades-level organism, and it may be difficult to connect neurons.

After all, pilots who have just reached the super-control level can only drive curse-level mechas, and Chen Han's super-level driving is too monster.

She also tried the method used by Chen Han, but the process of making energy blocks looks simple, but the actual manual operation is extremely complicated.

She couldn't even make the lowest level of white energy blocks, let alone blue and purple.

In fact, this is a normal situation. You must know that Chen Han produced blue and green energy blocks for nearly half a year before he was able to make purple energy blocks.

Before going to space, the white energy block was manufactured for several years, laying a solid foundation.

"This is the method used by the poor. You law enforcement officers should have better methods." Chen Han casually found a clean shirt and put it on, with a teasing tone in his tone.

When talking about this, he really has to thank the unbearable time before.

"Tell me, is it possible for you to create orange or red energy blocks?" Chuxue suddenly became interested.

"It's basically impossible." Chen Han shook his head, "The crafts are different, and it's too dangerous to use unfamiliar crafts."

"And I don't plan to continue making it after I can fully control the Hades-level body. It's a waste of time."

While talking, Chen Han came to Chuxue's side, took her hand actively, and prepared to walk outside.

Chuxue let Chen Han pull her, but she didn't take a step forward, but turned her head slightly, and continued: "I... will go back soon..."

One month after jumping in the fourth spiral arm, they are getting closer and closer to the second largest material accumulation area.

After entering the second largest material gathering area, she will be able to contact the law enforcement officers of the gray hole system.

Although this is a happy thing, it means that she can go back.

But for some reason, the closer she was to her destination, the more reluctant she was.

Maybe it's because I have feelings for this place, or there are people I can't let go of in the Exile...

"You're addicted to being a gangster, aren't you?" Chen Han grinned, turned around and flicked Chuxue's bangs lightly, with a teasing face, "Why don't you send little Ke Puke back with a drone, and you stay? "

"No, I must report Juweixing's actions to avenge those who died!" Chuxue's expression suddenly became serious, and her eyes were determined.

After nearly two months, she still hasn't forgotten the tragedy of her own fleet being destroyed by the Juwei Star Fleet.

She was reluctant to give up, but she always knew what she should do.

"Of course, the blood debt must be paid with blood!" Chen Han stopped some frivolous movements in his hands, and his eyes became fierce.

While Chuxue wanted to avenge his law enforcement companions, he also wanted to avenge the dead Gaians.

As long as there is a chance, he will definitely take a bite of Juweixing, and taste what the blood of hatred is like.

After a while, Chen Han suddenly looked at Chuxue with gentle eyes: "Also, thank you for this matter."

"Without you, relying on the few of us, it would be impossible to have this harvest."

He was very sincere when he said it.

If Chuxue hadn't tricked Xinghao Group as a law enforcer and allowed them to attack the enemy's flagship, they would not have been able to develop a fleet in a short time.

The fleet means capital, power, and the ability to do whatever you want.

From now on, they are no longer that little gang that can be bullied.

"Then if I want to drive a warship back to the Federation of Law Enforcers, will you give it to me?" Chuxue suddenly asked playfully.

"Are you serious?" Chen Han couldn't tell whether Chuxue was joking.

Because even if they reached the second material gathering area, there was still a long way to go to the Federation of Law Enforcers, and it was difficult for Chuxue to do it alone.

Not to mention that she is not a naval officer yet, she may not be able to deal with unexpected situations.

"What do you think?" The smile on Chuxue's face grew stronger.

"I don't know..." Chen Han's expression was a little stiff, but he quickly added, "I will give it to you, but I want to send you back even more."

Now a battleship is really nothing to them, let alone the entire fleet was obtained by Chuxue for them.

"Okay, I've become able to talk." Chuxue couldn't help laughing, and her mood seemed to improve a lot, "You really want to go back with me, because you still have to meet someone."

"Person? Who? Knower?" Chen Han frowned slightly.

This was not in his plan, and Chuxue never told him.

"No, those who know are not so easy to see." Chuxue shook her head.

"Who is that?" Chen Han's doubts deepened.

"You'll know when the time comes." Chuxue made a fool of herself.

Feeling that he was being tricked, Chen Han couldn't help rubbing Chuxue's head until it messed up her hair.

"Oh, you..." Chuxue wanted to grab Chen Han's hand anxiously, but she couldn't stop her.

Just when the two were fighting, an inappropriate voice sounded: "Chen Han, why don't you close the door?"

The two turned their heads together, and saw Ningbai who walked in at some time and Xiaoqing at the door, both holding a skewer of barbecued meat.

"What's none of your business? What are you doing here again?" Chen Han glared at Ning Bai.

"The elder sister came to you and said that there is something important, should I lie to her that you are busy?" Ning Bai said while chewing the barbecue.

"I should have discovered something." Chen Han thought for two seconds, and walked outside with Chuxue who was still arranging her hair.

When passing by Ning Bai, he couldn't help rubbing Ning Bai's head.

But Ningbai has been eating the meat skewers in his hand, and doesn't seem to care much about whether his hair is messy or not.

Xiaoqing didn't say a word, just stared blankly at Chen Han.

This is also Chen Han's impression of her, her talent is comparable to Ningbai's, but her words are few and dull...

On the way to the main control room, an artificial person would greet Chen Han from time to time, and the entire third-floor crew dormitory area was quite lively.

Because after a month of expedited manufacturing, they had 80 more androids and 200 various omnics.

Among the 80 more androids, there are 18 one-star ship divisions, three two-star ship divisions, and one three-star ship division.

There are quite a few pilots, a total of 30, of which 5 control the stage, and the rest are strong control and micro-control stages.

In addition, there are 5 geeks, 3 mechanical apprentices, and the remaining 20 people have not yet shown obvious talents.

After simple training, all androids are ready to serve.

Now even the storm ship can have two first-star ship divisions, and the Punisher-class battleship has three.

Although it is still not enough, it is estimated that each battleship needs to add another one, but at least it has combat effectiveness.

The pilots are enough to form three airframe teams, simulating confrontation and honing their skills in the spacious attack cabin every day.

Naturally, the geek was handed over to Mu Qianye, and the mechanical apprentice was handed over to Ke Ke.

As for the cyborgs who haven't shown their talents yet, Chen Han asked them to take care of the chores in the ship first.

For example, chefs and the like, some positions that require living people.

As far as omnics are concerned, most of them are Type I omnics. After all, they are cheap and fast, and they can be seen in many places in the ship.

Type III omnics are next, almost every battleship has five, and the main control room of the Exile has more than a dozen.

They can analyze and summarize information, which is equivalent to technical personnel, and can assist the ship division to better control the warship.

Type II omnics are the least, they are generally used to repair things.

It's just that Chen Han currently has cocoa and robot apprentices, and there is no war, and there is not much demand for maintenance, so he doesn't manufacture too much.

All in all, compared to a month ago, the fleet of Chen Han and others has begun to take shape.

Following the elevator to the fifth floor of the Exile, they came to the main control room, where only Mu Qianye, Eleven and some omnics were here.

Ao and Miaoying either fight each other in the competition cabin every day, or lead their respective mecha teams in the attack cabin, and they basically don't come up.

After all, they know nothing about battleships.

And Chen Han has already reached the super-control stage, and they are also anxious as companions, and they don't want to be opened up too much.

"Are you there? Eleven." Chen Han looked at the radar, and then at the outside of the fiberglass.

Volume 1 "Golden Belt for Killing and Setting Fire, Repairing Bridges and Roads without Corpses"

The second volume "life and death are fate, wealth is in the sky"

The third volume begins, and the title is "As soon as the cannon fires, ten thousand taels of gold!"

Thank you very much for the 500 book coins rewarded by Asuka Fan who is in weight loss!

Thank you very much for the 100 book coins rewarded by Sunrise Sun!

Thank you very much Yunyi for the reward of 100 book coins!

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