There are a total of ten Type III omnics, twenty Type II omnics, and thirty Type I omnics. The number is directly doubled, and the time required is also doubled.

The red energy blocks consumed reached a terrifying 5,000.

Originally based on their inventory, the red energy blocks were not enough.

But the energy block synthesis factory has been in operation, and it can provide them with more than 2,000 red ones a week, which is just enough to consume.

Mu Qianye had persuaded Chen Han not to make so many, but he didn't need them now.

But Chen Han's idea is to make it first, in case it is needed, after all, it takes time to make it.

Mu Qianye will not say more about this, it is indeed the same reason.

Nothing happened during the next three days of voyage, and the distance to Stargate 0342 was already very close, and it would take half a day to travel at pseudo-light speed.

With the further increase of omnics, the space inside the ship gradually became crowded, making it a bit uncomfortable for everyone who is used to the spaciousness.

Fortunately, the Exile can switch the internal structure, directly switching the internal structure of the heavy assault ship to the original structure of the cruiser.

There was no switching before because the main control room of the cruise ship has a main console and two sub-consoles.

Such a large place cannot be managed by Mu Qianye and Shiyi alone.

But now that there are a few more ship masters and the support of Type III omnics, the situation is different, and it is more than enough to control.

The interior space of the cruiser is the same as its appearance. It is in the shape of a circular table, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, and is divided into five floors.

In addition to the normal passages, each floor is connected by four elevators.

The bottom floor is the attack cabin, where various airframes are parked, more than 5,000 square meters.

Just the huge Deer-500 or Deer-800 transport aircraft can easily stop fifteen.

If other fighter planes are parked, fifty of them will be no problem.

All the airframes of Chen Han and others are currently in this area, and Coco has also planned a place for placing accessories and maintenance tools.

Two sets of large repair tools brought up from Gaia's legacy are also placed here.

The second floor is the warehouse, nearly 4,000 square meters.

There is a huge transmission ladder connected to the first floor, even a transport plane can pass through.

Their miscellaneous living materials and energy blocks are placed here.

The black room and R\u0026D room with special space are also in this place, occupying only a quarter of the area.

But in fact, there are existences that extend the space, and the space inside them is much larger.

The third floor is close to 3,000 square meters, and the staff dormitory occupies two thirds.

The remaining third is divided into living places such as entertainment room, staff canteen, and kitchen.

A lot of equipment can be placed in the entertainment room, and their racing cabin is one of them.

There is another laboratory, which Chen Han directly handed over to Mu Qianye, and currently only she can use it.

The fourth floor is a relatively important hub area, nearly 2,000 square meters, where the weapon room, power room, and ammunition compartment are all located here.

The fifth floor is the most important main control room, thousands of square meters.

One main console and two sub-consoles, with nearly a hundred large and small screens, control all the modules in the ship.

The conference table and combat table are also of higher specifications, and their functions have been increased a lot.

Overall, the usable space of the cruiser is nearly ten times larger than that of the previous heavy assault ship, and the normal life of hundreds of people is not a problem.

The internal structure is also very reasonable, and it is very comfortable to use. It is estimated that they will not change for a while.

In the staff restaurant on the third floor, Chen Han was looking at the recent consumption report in the ship while sipping on steaming noodles.

Others sat on the other end talking and laughing.

Unless there are special circumstances, eating together is their "gangster culture".

Artificial people are also gradually integrating into this group.

The more he looked down, the deeper Chen Han's frown was. Their recent consumption of supplies was too great.

It's okay for omnics to say that they don't eat, drink or sleep.

But artificial humans are different. With ten more mouths, they need a lot of food every day.

And living supplies are also a problem. The clothes of these artificial humans are still worn by a few of them.

Immediately, a new batch is manufactured again, and the consumption will only increase.

"We have to get some supplies before entering the medium-sized stargate No. 0342, otherwise we may not be able to support the second largest material gathering area." Chen Han looked at Mu Qianye next to him.

The thought of flying on the fourth spiral arm for a month without a hungry stomach made the noodles in his bowl tasteless in an instant.

"Well, I've asked Eleven to find a place where I can replenish supplies." Mu Qianye opened his mouth after chewing, a little coldly.

"I knew I should have kept some..." Chen Han muttered, lowered his head, drank the noodle soup, and looked at the report again.

Originally, they had a lot of living supplies.

But later, because of the lack of space in the warehouse, and because they couldn't use it, they were thrown into the dark room and decomposed, leaving only the daily consumption of a few people.

Who knew there would be such a shortage now that there are so many people...

"Actually, we should upgrade the Exile to the Crusader class before going to the Gray Cave, so that we will be able to fight in case of danger." Mu Qianye wiped his mouth with a tissue and raised his head.

She still thinks about safety first, especially when going to unknown galaxies.

"Well, I thought so too, but I never had any good tasks and opportunities." Chen Han nodded slightly.

Now the Exile's independent transformation energy bar has reached 71%, as long as ten storm-class warships are reorganized, they can undergo a second transformation.

But I didn't encounter any enemies along the way, and the refreshing tasks were all a waste of time because I couldn't improve my strength, so there was no point in staying.

Just when Mu Qianye was about to say something, the warning light above the staff restaurant suddenly glowed red.

Immediately afterwards, a mechanical female prompt sounded: "All crew members, please return to their posts, repeat..."

The artificial humans were the first to move. They put down the tableware and ran out.

The captain and geeks went to the main control room, and all the pilots went to the attack cabin to stand by.

They have been trained these days to know when to do what and the overall response is very fast.

"Eleven must have discovered something." Mu Qianye then stood up.

Everyone also left the crew restaurant.

Half a minute later, under the operation of the elevator, they appeared in the main control room of the Exile.

It can be seen that the Exile has stopped at this time, and there is no abnormality in the radar module and the big screen.

"What's the situation? Eleven, did you find something?" Chen Han walked quickly to Eleven, with a glimmer of expectation in his heart.

When he first went into space, whenever he encountered a battleship, he would be very nervous.

Because you can't beat it, you can only run in most cases.

But now he wished that some warships could be delivered to his door, so as to help the Exile complete the transformation quickly.

"Captain, fifty seconds ago, our radar detected a small caravan passing by. I think it is necessary to tell you." Eleven projected the radar data a few minutes ago, and quickly reported.

"Caravan? At what speed are they moving?" Mu Qianye glanced at the radar screen and became interested.

"The cruising speed is relatively slow. If we turn back, we can catch up soon." Eleven turned his head.

"Approximately what scale?" Chen Han narrowed his eyes slightly.

"About thirty ships, the specific model is not clear." Eleven did not hesitate.

"No, Eleven, do you call this a small caravan?" Ao couldn't help but interjected.

"According to interstellar standards, this can only be regarded as a small or even miniature caravan." Eleven Hanhan nodded.

It's not that the definition in Interstellar is too scary, but that they are from the Milky Way system, and their vision is relatively narrow, and they haven't seen what real fleets and caravans look like.

"Are you sure this is a caravan?" Chuxue also stood up, looked at the big screen, and looked at Eleven.

"OK, models of several transport ships and supply ships can be intercepted from some temporary data."

"If it's a normal fleet, you don't need so many multifunctional warships." Eleven seriously explained.

"Strange..." Chu Xue had deep doubts on her expression.

"Is there any problem?" Chen Han also realized that Chu Xue might have thought of something.

"There is a problem." Chuxue nodded affirmatively, "This is the border of the Tianhe system, which belongs to the low-security area, a forbidden area for caravans, and there are too many messy forces and predators."

"Ordinary caravans don't go to this kind of place. The risk is too great. Once they are targeted, it is difficult to escape."

"Unless the profits of this batch of goods are extremely high, enough to make them take the risk." Mu Qianye added.

Listening to the analysis of the two, Chen Han paced back and forth in front of the combat platform, quickly thinking about the plan.

Logically speaking, when encountering a small fleet with more than 30 warships, they should think about avoiding it.

But if it was a caravan, transport ships accounted for nearly half, and the combat power was far less terrifying.

Moreover, this place is not protected by law enforcement, and the caravan cannot get support, so it is a good opportunity for plunder.

After careful consideration, Chen Han decided to take a look, otherwise he would not be reconciled.

Mu Qianye and others also agreed with Chen Han's idea.

After all, the Exile is now only a dozen warship wrecks away from the second transformation. If they are lucky enough, they may soon become a Crusader class.

Taking a step back, even if they really had no chance, they could still run away, at most it was a waste of time.

In this way, after making a decision, the Exile returned directly.

At the same time, he turned on the enhanced thrusters, followed the faint traces left by the fleet, and caught up in less than five minutes.

Looking at the red dot that appeared after the radar module was overloaded, Chen Han immediately slowed down Eleven and kept a certain distance.

This is just in the range where they can detect the enemy, but the enemy cannot detect them.

"Immediately analyze the data, I want to know the whole situation of this caravan." Chen Han glanced at the radar module and quickly issued an instruction.

"Got it, our omnic is sorting out." Mu Qianye stood in front of the main console and nodded, his hands kept moving.

Eleven and other man-made human fleet divisions are located at the two sub-consoles.

Since the addition of these people and the Type III omnic, they can analyze the data much faster and save a lot of trouble.

Twenty seconds passed, and the messy codes on the main screen turned into lines of text.

"Eighteen Storm-class transport ships, two Storm-class supply ships, seven Storm-class assault ships, three Storm-class frigates, one Punisher-class cruiser, and one Punisher-class frigate, a total of thirty-two ships " Eleven read out all the data in a mechanized voice.

"This bone is a bit hard..." Ao smiled wryly.

"Well, it's a little troublesome, no wonder they dare to come to this area." Chen Han frowned.

The storm-class assault ship is okay, their main guns can kill them with one shot, and even the storm-class frigate can't handle two shots.

The main problem is that the two Punisher-class ships, cruiser and escort, are relatively difficult ships.

Once the battle reached a stalemate, all the enemies approached, and a round of fire blasted out, the Exile had no place to run.

When everyone was seriously looking at the detailed data of the caravan ahead, Chuxue suddenly walked out and approached the main screen.

Two seconds later, she pointed to the strange sign with two overlapping stars: "Huh? This..."

"You know him?" Chen Han walked to Chuxue's side.

He knew that Chuxue, who was a law enforcer, must know more than them.

"This is the caravan of Xinghao Group." Chuxue paused before speaking.

"Xinghao Group?" Chen Han frowned slightly.

In his memory, he had never heard of this name.

"Xinghao Group is an enterprise of the gray hole system. It is of a galaxy nature and has a lot of businesses. In terms of specific strength, it can be regarded as the Aoshi Group of the Tianhe System, but it is much stronger than the Aoshi Group." Eleven quickly searched Follow Skynet's public information.

"How could a galaxy-like company come here?" Mu Qianye also frowned.

As far as she knows, enterprises have three properties, planets, galaxies, and star clusters.

The nature of the planet means that it will only trade on its own planet, such as the Qianling Heavy Industry created by A Ao's family.

The nature of the galaxy means that it will only trade in the galaxy where it is located, such as the Austen Group and Byrne Industries.

The nature of the star cluster means that trade can be carried out throughout Coos. There are only a handful of such enterprises, and they have not encountered it yet.

"They are probably selling arms." Chuxue took a deep breath.

"Selling arms? Can't the Gray Cave be sold? Why do you have to run so far?" Miao Ying asked.

She knew that ammunition included weapons and ammunition.

Airframes, warships, firearms, drones, and various ground automatic firepower all belong to the category of weapons.

In terms of ammunition, it ranges from ordinary solid bullets to missiles, rockets, missiles, and so on.

But these things are needed by any planet and organization, and there is no need to sell them across galaxies.

"There are not so many wars between the planets of the gray hole system, and most of them are self-sufficient."

"The border of the Tianhe system is different, it is chaotic, and the demand for arms is very large."

"Xinghao Group usually comes here with a full load of arms and sells them, and then buys raw materials such as ores at a low price to go back."

"One trip down, more than two months, at least billions of star union coins can be earned." Chuxue seemed to know the Xinghao Group very well, and said something that could not be found on the Skynet.

"Do you, the Law Enforcement Federation, don't care? Isn't this kind of behavior a violation of interstellar law?" Ao couldn't help asking.

The interstellar law clearly stipulates that interstellar enterprises are not allowed to trade across galaxies, which involves serious tax issues and will damage the interests of the Law Enforcer Federation.

"Never mind, we only discovered the Xinghao Group's arms smuggling problem two months ago, and we have been collecting evidence."

I am very grateful to Fanxiang 0611 for the 100 book coins rewarded, and I am very grateful to vickly for the 100 book coins rewarded.

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