I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age

Chapter 135 Successfully Cracked

The characteristic of these organisms is that they have strong protective capabilities and can resist most fatal injuries.

At the same time, it can also use part of its long-range firepower for output.

The central part is composed of thunder-level mechas and assault tanks, which add up to tens of thousands.

Their bodies are relatively fragile, and they need to advance under cover, and only rush out when the front lines of the two sides are close.

At the rear are some long-range mechas and anti-aircraft tanks, about 20,000, responsible for fire suppression.

As for the reserve army at the back, it is ready to replenish the front line at any time.

And the Three Pleiades side.

Since the first line of defense had just fallen, a large number of troops withdrew, causing the second line of defense to appear somewhat chaotic.

Tens of thousands of them relied on their positions to resist desperately, and one of them was blown up from time to time.

The pilot who lost the airframe can only leave the battlefield quickly and return to the safe area of ​​the base.

The battlefield of fighter planes is also above the second line of defense. Nearly 30,000 fighter planes of various types from both sides are fighting fiercely for air supremacy.

Once one side loses its ability to dominate the air and allows enemy planes to suppress ground troops wantonly, it basically means a defeat.

"They won't lose, right?" Ao muttered.

Judging from the current situation, White Wolf must have an advantage, whether in the air or on the ground.

If the second line of defense with the strongest defense ability is also lost, then the third line of defense must also be unstoppable.

Without the line of defense, Base No. 3 is not far from being destroyed.

If the No. 3 base on the front line disappears, the nearby defense facilities will be dismantled, and the No. 2 base will also be frequently attacked.

If something happens to the No. 2 base, the Sanpleiu will definitely lose the war within a year, because the economy can't keep up.

Although it's none of their business.

But given what the White Wolf had done to the Gaias before, they didn't want the White Wolf to win.

"No, support will be here soon." Chen Han shook his head, "After the Fifth and Sixth Army Corps arrive, if the White Wolf Star does not retreat, it will inevitably be outflanked from the left and right wings."

He can still see the situation clearly, the white wolf star is only a temporary advantage.

"That's right, if they can't take down the second line of defense within an hour, they have to retreat." Chuxue added.

When she was in the Law Enforcer Academy, she had seen a lot of related war cases.

"Then what should we do now?" Miao Ying asked, she was still in the learning stage.

"Everyone, follow me to the flank of the second line of defense. After the fight, don't touch their powerful pilots, and don't act alone. Just find a way to destroy more low-level airframes."

While speaking, Chen Han controlled the fighter plane and flew towards the edge.

The battlefield is too big, and the middle of the defense line is too chaotic, he doesn't want to go there and get beaten.

As for why they avoid powerful pilots, it's not because of fear.

The main reason is that a powerful pilot will definitely be driving a powerful machine, and there are many methods, which are too troublesome to fight.

With this time, they might as well destroy a large number of low-level organisms with little resistance to earn more energy blocks.

Although this approach is somewhat contemptible, this is war.

They are nothing more than hired gangsters...

Everyone followed closely behind Chen Han, paying close attention to the radar and the battlefield.

In this way, for the next hour, Chen Han and others beat up the low-level mechas on the flanks of the battlefield, picking out various revenge-level mechs to bomb.

Especially Chen Han, who would fly to a relatively dense area and throw out two energy bombs at every turn.

Ordinary airframes can't bear this kind of damage, and it's a big piece.

After more than a dozen energy bombs, more than fifty airframes were destroyed in Chen Han's hands.

Chuxue and the others didn't have particularly large-scale lethal weapons, but each of them destroyed nearly thirty of them.

During this period of time, no powerful pilots were following them.

Occasionally, two fighter squadrons approached and were jointly resolved.

After all, the battlefield is too big, and it is difficult for anyone to notice that there is a group of gangsters who are wreaking havoc.

During this period, the three legions of the White Wolf Star directly rushed to the front of the second line of defense, and the two sides fought fiercely on the ground, with various mechatronics and tanks colliding with each other in the simplest way.

The White Wolf Star still has the advantage, as they have a relatively large number of airframes.

If you continue to fight, the defense line will not be far from falling.

Fortunately, the support of the Fifth and Sixth Army finally arrived one after another.

The fleet protected the transport aircraft and dropped more than 10,000 mechs into the middle of the battlefield.

Soon these reinforcements disrupted the White Wolf Star's offensive rhythm, and the advantage became a balance of power.

In this situation, it was impossible for White Wolf Star to win the second line of defense.

And it will become more and more difficult as both sides are outflanked by incoming tanks.

The commander of the White Wolf Star also understood very well, and asked the reserve army to step forward to cover their retreat in an orderly manner.

The Sanxiu Star intends to pursue it, but the encirclement has not yet been formed.

And after fighting for too long, most of their bodies were damaged, and there was not much ammunition left, so they couldn't do much.

The same is true for Chen Han and others. The missiles and energy of the fighter plane are close to exhaustion, and there is no place to replenish them.

After all, all the airports of Base No. 3 are within the range of enemy fire, and if they dare to land, they are likely to be blown up.

Finally, at dawn, the four legions of the White Wolf Star withdrew to their bases, and the battlefield returned to calm.

Although the battle happened very suddenly and lasted less than twelve hours, the two sides together invested nearly 180,000 troops.

The loss was not that big, the White Wolf Star destroyed more than 7,000 airframes, and the Three Pleiades only destroyed more than 5,000 airframes.

Some bombed-out buildings and defense facilities can also be repaired by engineering soldiers, so the Three Pleiades is still profitable.

Chen Han and the others did not stop at Base No. 3, but returned directly to Base No. 2.

Although the White Wolf Star may still launch an attack, it is best for them to stay at base three.

But there is no way, there is no one I know, and there is no place to live, so it is even more troublesome to replenish.

After returning to the No. 2 base, Chen Han felt something was wrong because there were many more soldiers.

It stands to reason that after the Fifth and Sixth Army left, there was no reason to have so many soldiers left.

After asking the navigator No. 029, I found out that the White Wolf Star did not just attack the No. 3 base last night.

After the support of the Fifth and Sixth Legion passed, their defense system detected that a large number of aircraft groups on the White Wolf Star were mobilizing troops towards the second base.

A large number of radar towers and automatic firepower were also destroyed on the way.

Since there is only one legion left in the No. 2 base, if it is attacked, it will definitely not be able to defend it.

And the Fifth and Sixth Corps, which went to support, could not withdraw at this time, otherwise the No. 3 base would not be able to withstand it.

In desperation, the Three Pleiades had to mobilize two and a half legions from their No. 1 base, intending to assist in the defense.

With this tune, however, a problem arises.

Because the White Wolf Star was only a feint attack on the No. 3 base, and the fleet rushing towards the No. 2 base was also an illusion. Their goal was the most important No. 1 base.

When the two and a half legions that went to support were gone, the three legions that had been lurking in the White Wolf Star for a long time appeared and rushed to the No. 1 base at the fastest speed.

Although the defense system detected the enemy's movement in time, the commander of the Trinity Star also realized that he had been deceived.

But at this time, it was too late to mobilize troops to return to the defense. They could only use the existing one and a half legions to organize the defense line.

Therefore, while Chen Han and others were fighting fiercely at the No. 3 base, an even more tragic battle was taking place at the No. 1 base.

Of course, one and a half legions could not defend three legions, the defense line was breached one after another, and in the end they had to retreat to the inside of the base and use the defensive facilities to hold on.

Fortunately, the No. 1 base is very large and has sufficient automatic firepower. The White Wolf Star failed to fully enter, leaving behind thousands of wreckages and was forced to retreat.

However, a lot of factories without curtain protection in Base 1 were destroyed, and the speed of producing energy blocks was directly reduced by one-third.

These have taken many years to build and cannot be repaired in a short time.

So on the whole, the Three Pleiades are very bad.

The White Wolf Star just lost some of its supplementary bodies, and the Three Pleiades almost lost its source of income.

"Why did you wait until the enemy was in front of you to find out about the enemy's actions in such a large formation? Didn't you conduct an investigation? What about your satellite?" Chen Han looked at the No. 029 navigator in front of him, his face full of doubts.

Judging from the information he knew, nearly eight legions on the White Wolf Star were dispatched in full force, not even guarding their own base.

At this time, sending any legion to kill them can win a big victory.

It stands to reason that the commanders of the Three Pleiades wouldn't make such low-level mistakes.

If it weren't for the fact that White Wolf Star's troops were too small, it is estimated that Base No. 1 would have been taken down immediately.

"Before you came, our space battlefield had a relatively big defeat."

"At that time, most of the satellites we deployed were discovered and destroyed, and they have not been successfully launched so far." The navigator No. 029 smiled wryly.

As long as the space battlefield is still at a disadvantage, it will be useless even if they re-launch the satellites, they will still be destroyed.

"That's not surprising." Chen Han showed a thoughtful expression.

When the two armies are facing each other, the side with the satellite will have the information initiative, which cannot be compensated by more troops.

White Wolf must have planned this operation for a long time, and secretly mobilized troops many times, otherwise it would be impossible to do so many things in one night.

The situation facing the next three stars will be even more difficult.

The space battlefield is disadvantaged, and the economy is still damaged, and the ground battlefield will soon become a disadvantage.

"They have put in so much effort, they may have launched more than one attack, maybe there will be more." Chuxue next to him added.

"Yeah." Chen Han nodded.

Maybe the White Wolf Star will start mobilizing troops again, and it is not certain that the next eight legions will be assembled directly to attack the No. 3 base.

"Do you have any good suggestions? I can help convey them." Navigator No. 029 said suddenly.

He originally thought that Chen Han and the others were just ordinary gangsters.

But after checking the battlefield recorders of these people, it was found that more than 200 airframes were destroyed in the hands of these people.

You know, it's only been a day, what is the concept of five people destroying more than two hundred airframes? How long will it take to destroy thousands of them?

So the deeply shocked navigator No. 029 felt that these people might have some good suggestions.

However, Chen Han directly shook his head: "No, I just know that if you don't make some big moves, it will be over..."

After a few more random words, Chen Han led the team members to leave the airport and return to their residences. They each found a bed and fell asleep.

They haven't rested for nearly two days, and they have been fighting with high intensity, and their spirits have long been exhausted.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Chen Han was awakened by a loud knock on the door, and there was navigator No. 029 outside the door.

"What? The people from White Wolf Star are moving again?" Chen Han rubbed his sore eyes.

Before going to bed, he specifically explained that if White Wolf Star called again, he must wake them up.

"No." Navigator No. 029 shook his head, "It's your friends in space who came to communicate."

"Oh? What did she say?" Chen Han instantly regained his energy.

What Mu Qianye brought must be news about cracking the defense system.

"She asked me to convey it to you. It's successful. You can try, but as soon as possible." When he said this, the navigator No. 029 looked puzzled, and he didn't know what it meant.

"Okay, I see." Chen Han nodded expressionlessly, secretly excited in his heart.

It was beyond his expectation that Mu Qianye could have such an efficiency, which meant that he could act now.

After the navigator No. 029 left, Chen Han woke up all the team members, and the group returned to the airport and set off again.

It was just late at night, and their fighter planes had been replenished with ammunition and energy by Coco.

This time they still flew along the previous route, and the destination was still the inheritance coordinates provided by the black hand.

When they were about to reach the area controlled by the White Wolf Star, everyone slowed down.

"After entering later, if White Wolf Star's defense system still treats us as an enemy, then just run away and don't need to fight." Chen Han mentioned in the team channel.

He wasn't sure if this method would work, so he had to bite the bullet and try it.


Everyone replied in unison.

Chen Han took a deep breath, took the lead and flew into the control area of ​​White Wolf Star, and deliberately flew to the position where there were radar towers and anti-aircraft guns.

But this time they were not attacked, and the automatic anti-aircraft guns were still turning regularly, without treating them as enemies.

"Success!" Chuxue exclaimed.

"Miaoying recalibrates the coordinates, everyone raises the height and passes by as quickly as possible!" Chen Han said while performing related operations.

He didn't know how long he could keep the White Wolf Star's defense system a secret, but Mu Qianye said as soon as possible, so they should hurry up.

If it wasn't for worrying about not having enough energy to return, he would have thought about switching the antimatter thrusters and passed.

After flying more than 20,000 kilometers, they were very close to the coordinate point.

They didn't encounter any obstacles during the period, and even if they encountered the White Wolf Star's fighter plane, no one cared about them.

Because at this time Chen Han and others have been marked as their own side by the Blue Shield defense system, the radar will not display it.

"How far is it?" Chen Han couldn't help asking.

The deeper he went into the enemy area, the more nervous he became. If the crack fails at this time, the consequences will be disastrous.

"We are still two thousand kilometers away from the coordinates, but there is a base there..." Miaoying's voice sounded on the team channel.

"What base?" Chen Han was a little confused.

"White Wolf is the largest base on this planet..."

"The Gaia heritage is in the base of White Wolf Star?!" Chen Han's voice changed.

If there are any brothers who missed the monthly pass in February, the author will give you one here.

Many thanks to JOecheng0811 for the reward of 100 book coins.

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