I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age

Chapter 121 Super Mechanical Arena

And Chen Han and others who indirectly caused these incidents were staying in the Exile at this time, and they were all about to get moldy.

It has been twenty-five days of continuous sailing since the day when Baisha protected them to pass through the star gate.

During the period, passing through 16 star gates cost nearly 10 million star union coins and 157 red energy blocks, spanning a distance of 1.1 light hours, which is about 1.3 billion kilometers.

However, this is only to the middle of the Daiga star field, far from the border of the Daiga star field.

If it weren't for so many star gate jumps, it is estimated that their voyage time would have to be increased by five or six times to get here.

The Daiga star field is really too big. As the largest star field in the Milky Way system, it has a diameter of more than three billion kilometers, not including the low-security area that has not been counted.

In order to prevent the people from the Aoshi Group from catching up, they almost never stayed on any planet, nor did they pick up the missions of gangsters on the way.

After all, the Aoshi Group's arrest for them is within the entire Milky Way system, and they will be safer only if they are far enough away from the House star field.

As for Baisha's follow-up situation, they are not clear.

Because the distance is too far, they can no longer be contacted, and they don't have the kind of equipment that can carry out ultra-long-distance communication.

However, they believed that with Baisha's ability, they would be able to save the day.

And in the main control room of the Exile, a small farce was going on right now.

"Give it to me... this is mine..." Ningbai gritted her teeth and grabbed a box of space cans, the small veins on her hands were exposed.

"You finished eating yesterday, this box is mine!" Chen Han sat on the chair next to him, holding the other end of the can tightly with his left hand, and knocking Ningbai's head with his right hand.

Ao and the others were sitting across the conference table watching this scene with smiles while eating their own space cans.

The matter started from the two days before they sailed. Due to the long voyage, the supplies were gradually depleted. The food they had piled up like a mountain was almost exhausted, and there was only a few days left.

If Coco hadn't found some more from the warehouse before, their food shortage would have been a week earlier.

In order to save consumption, Chen Han asked everyone to eat less, that is, from three meals a day to two.

Anyway, they are staying in the battleship recently, they don't need to fight or anything, and it's okay to eat less.

Others don't think it's a big deal, like Mu Qianye, Miaoying and Keke eat twice a day.

After all, it is a girl, so keep in shape.

But Ningbai doesn't care about this, she usually eats four meals a day, but now Chen Han makes her eat two meals, wouldn't that kill her?

Besides, during this boring voyage, even Skynet was often unable to connect, and eating was her only pleasure.

So Ningbai continued to eat four meals a day for the past two days.

Chen Han secretly ate it without giving it to her. A large box of canned food was directly dried up, and more than half of it...

When they were picking up the ingredients just now, they found that there were only five boxes of canned food left, which was not enough.

Chen Han gave everyone a box and took one for himself, but Ningbai had nothing.

This made Ningbai unwilling, she didn't dare to snatch it from others, wouldn't she dare to Chen Han? So we started fighting at the conference table...

"Why are you so unreasonable? You ate most of the box yourself, and I haven't eaten a single box..." Chen Han squeezed Ningbai's face, wanting her to let go.

"This is mine!" Li Bai didn't care about the mess, clutching the can tightly.

Seeing that Chen Han didn't intend to let go, she opened her mouth and bit down on Chen Han's palm.

"Ah!!! I'll give it to you, I'll give it to you! Let go!" Chen Han let go of the can while screaming.

Ningbai also let go, carried her can and ran to the other end of the meeting table, and ate contentedly.

Seeing that Ningbai won the victory in the end, everyone laughed, and Eleven, who was standing in front of the main console, also looked back twice.

In terms of unreasonableness in the team, Chen Han is still far behind Ning Bai.

Of course, no one will think that this is a disharmony within the team, but it is their warmth.

Everyone is there, eating together, fighting together, and laughing together.

Let them feel at home, even the colder Mu Qianye is no exception.

"Little calf...I..." Looking at the crimson tooth marks on his palm, Chen Han cursed.

He didn't eat anything and was bitten, which gave him a headache.

But he really has no good way to take Ningbai, an adult can't compete with children for food, right? What's more, the lemon white is almost eaten up...

After the little farce, Mu Qianye ate the food in the can in two or three bites, slowly stood up from his seat, walked to the depressed Chen Han and sat down next to him: "We are almost running out of food, it's time to replenish, you What do you think?"

"I don't know if the current location is safe. If we enter a certain planet and be discovered, it will be quite dangerous." Chen Han regained his serious expression.

Although he couldn't bear it anymore, he was the hungriest person these days.

But compared to the stomach, he still feels that safety is more important.

"Then let's hold a brief meeting to discuss it?" Mu Qianye helped her monocle.

"Huh, okay, everyone give me some advice." Chen Han sighed lightly and nodded.

It had been a long time since they had had a normal team meeting since their escape.

Everyone who finished eating quickly cleared the table and sat upright at the conference table with serious expressions.

Ning Bai also sat obediently beside Chen Han, with a natural expression, as if the tooth marks on Chen Han's hand had nothing to do with her...

Chen Han, who was still depressed, could only stare at Ningbai, and opened the interstellar map on the tactical table.

As for Eleven, it still stayed in front of the console and did not come over.

In fact, it has been like this for more than 20 days. It doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep. It works 24 hours a day. Chen Han is afraid that it will rust...

"Our current location is in the middle of the Daiga star field, and there are almost no uninhabited stars nearby. There are about fifteen stargate jumps to the border of the Daiga star field."

"But the next stargate is far away from us, and we may not be able to make it if we don't resupply."

"Which planet to choose for supply is a very important issue. Now there are many gangsters who want to arrest us to receive the reward, so..."

Chen Han sighed while talking, the star gate facilities of Daijia Starfield are not perfect enough.

In other words, the entire Milky Way system is not perfect, and it is impossible to jump continuously, and long-distance voyages are too wasteful of time.

And he always felt that everywhere was dangerous, and Aoli's five hundred million wanted bounty was too scary.

"Why don't we let the warship approach the star port, how about driving a fighter plane to get supplies from the ground? We have done this before, as long as the camouflage is good, it will be difficult to be discovered." Miao Ying began to propose.

Supplies must be obtained, otherwise a group of them will starve to death on the battleship. As for how to obtain them, it needs to be discussed.

Ningbai agreed with Miaoying's idea, and nodded frantically.

In her subconscious mind, Xinggang is a dangerous place, and several accidents occurred in Xinggang.

If someone intends to find them, the first thing to look at is Xinggang.

In this case, it is good for them to avoid Xinggang.

"It is possible, but it will waste a lot of time, and the degree of danger is not small." Ao muttered.

Sneaking into a planet without entering the star port is called smuggling, and it is illegal.

Especially if you are not familiar with the route, entering with a fighter plane is likely to be monitored by the planet's defense forces.

"Actually, we don't need it." Mu Qianye suddenly stood up with Tianxun, "I checked just now, and there are very few reports on the House Starfield here, let alone so many days have passed."

"What's more, we only provoked the Aoshi Group. They can only hunt us down through gang missions. We are not wanted by law enforcement."

"So as long as we avoid planets with more gangsters, we should be safe."

While talking about Mu Qianye, he zoomed in on the interstellar map, and found a place called Baijiexing not far away.

"For example, here is the planet controlled by law enforcement. Any review is very strict, especially for gangsters. There must be very few gangsters willing to go to this kind of planet. We can go there to replenish supplies."

Listening to Mu Qianye's analysis, everyone looked at each other and nodded.

Indeed, they are currently very far away from the House star field.

Although Skynet's news circulated quickly, there were too many things happening on the interstellar every day, and what they did had long lost their popularity.

Besides, what they provoked was the Aoshi Group, and only some greedy gangsters would catch them.

Law enforcers have no malice towards them, so they don't have to be so afraid at all.

It doesn’t even matter if you don’t need to pretend, there are so many people of all kinds, if you don’t pay special attention, who knows them...

In fact, they have already thought about this, Mu Qianye said recently.

It's just that they subconsciously wanted to run farther, so they dragged on until they ran out of food...

"Then let's make a decision like this. The target, Baijiexing, replenish supplies, buy some powerful warship weapons by the way, spend a lot of money, and then accept a gangster mission." Chen Han glanced at everyone.

Either don't do it, or do it hard, anyway, they won't be able to reach the border of the Daiga star field in the near future, not bad for a few days.

Moreover, the current self-renovation progress bar of the Exile has reached 87%.

Now as long as they can give them a medium-sized battle, even a small battle, the Exile will become a Punisher class and can be switched into a cruiser.

This step is important and determines how far they can go across the border.

If it weren't for the fact that they were fleeing along the way, unable to take on the mission of the bandits, and didn't see the single warship, Chen Han would have wanted to let the Exile complete the transformation first.

"I have no objection. After running around for so long, I can finally take a break." Ao grinned.

There are too few places to move around on the battleship, and I am still worried every day, and I will be suffocated if I don't find something to do.

Ningbai cheered even more, leaving the battleship means being able to eat delicious food.

Miaoying and Keke are also happier, they haven't breathed fresh air for a long time.

"Have you confirmed your destination? Captain." Eleven shouted at Chen Han.

It heard everyone's conversation just now, and now it needs to confirm the route.

"Sure, let's set it up." Chen Han nodded.

"Then let's talk about the gang missions." Mu Qianye opened her Tianxun while talking, and projected the gang page to the main screen, "We are now a D-level gangster, and we can accept missions below D-level .”

"But I have been looking at these missions for a while, and found that the difficulty of D-class is not small. With the scale of our current battleship, it will be very difficult to execute."

"So I suggest to take some E-level gang missions first to improve our strength, and then we can take on D-level gangsters after we expand the scale. Be safe."

After finishing speaking, Mu Qianye switched the screen to display detailed gang information.

Gang Name: Beiliang

ID: 72106991

Grade: D

Registered persons: 7

Total tasks completed: 6

Success rate: 100%

To be completed: 0

Number of successful D-level missions: 0/5

Number of failures: 0/3

Everyone looked at the conspicuous D letter, their faces were full of joy, and they felt a sense of accomplishment. This is what they sacrificed their lives for, and it was not easy.

"Well, yes, let's see if there are any good ones near Baijiexing. We don't need to waste too much time. Let's go after we finish." Chen Han nodded.

After being promoted to D-level, although the E-level gangster missions can't accumulate promotion times for them, if they have money to take it, their ranking on the bandit list will also increase.

For example, there are several D-level gangsters who have completed D-level missions with the same number of times and the same success rate.

Gangs that complete more E-level tasks will rank higher.

There are even some gangsters who will always be stuck at this level to accumulate strength, and there are many gangsters who have done hundreds of E-level missions without doing one D-level mission.

And if some space missions are completed, the Exile might be able to decompose the wreckage of the battleship, which is not a small improvement.

The most important thing is that the E-level tasks are simple, like they completed five in eight days before.

"Near Baijiexing..." Mu Qianye began to set the range and input key information.

A few seconds later, the screen switched again, and the gang task list was refreshed.

Soon dozens of missions were blocked, leaving only three, one D-level and two E-level.

The D-level was subconsciously ignored by everyone, because they all found it difficult, and focused on the E-level.

One of these two missions is to strike, and the other is to plunder, that is, to destroy and rob things, which is similar to what they did on Phils Star before.

"This is not good..." Chen Han frowned slightly and muttered.

It's not that these two missions are difficult, but that they are both ground missions, and they have to enter a certain place in Baijiexing to perform them.

Although Chen Han and others are better at ground missions, they also have corresponding strengths.

But this kind of task requires a long time to prepare and requires careful planning, which is very troublesome.

After all, if you want to destroy an unknown planet with sound laws, you must first understand the planet, information such as routes and defense forces are all problems.

One mistake and you may be caught, and there is no escape.

When their warships were weak before, Chen Han and the others liked this kind of mission very much, because they could only complete this kind of mission.

Now that there are many types of exiles, these are no longer the first choice, and they are not in the interest.

After all, it takes time and effort, the rewards are not particularly high, the number of exiles has not been upgraded, and there are dangers, so it is completely unnecessary.

Ao and the others also nodded. Indeed, it is better not to accept this kind of task at this stage.

Mu Qianye didn't speak, looked through the neglected D-level missions, and adjusted his monocle: "Hey, this is not an illegal mission, it's interesting..."

Mu Qianye's words aroused everyone's interest, and they turned their attention to the main screen again.

Gang missions are also divided into two categories: illegal missions and legal missions.

Illegal missions are naturally fighting and killing, robbing things and the like.

Legal tasks are more like some kind of entrustment, such as delivering a piece of goods to a certain area, and are not dangerous under normal circumstances.

Compared with illegal tasks, the proportion of legal tasks is very small.

After all, anyone can do simple things, and only difficult things will be released as gangster tasks.

Not to mention a D-level legal mission, it is relatively rare.

After reading the outline of the mission, everyone's expressions became strange.

"Help me participate in the competition in the Super Mechanical Arena?" Chen Han frowned and muttered.

He still knows about the super mechanical arena. Fighting competitions are very popular throughout the interstellar world. Hundreds of people participate in each game, and there are single-player and multi-player competitions.

The rule is to find weapons or mechs to fight on the randomly generated map, and the winner is the one who survives to the end.

This game is very popular because it is more exciting than any large-scale sports, with strong randomness, and every confrontation is extremely fierce.

It's just that only pilots can participate in this competition, and the threshold is very high.

After all, it requires high-intensity fighting and driving mechas to fight, and ordinary people cannot do it.

In order to enter the relevant market, many companies will invite powerful pilots to form teams to participate in relevant competitions.

There are many pilots who don't want to find other jobs will gather together purposefully and form teams to participate in this type of competition.

As long as they can get the ranking, the rewards can be squandered for a few months...

Another high-level planet has developed an identical game based on the super-mechanical arena, so that ordinary people can experience it. It is the one that Miaoying played on Lanyuexing Tiantian before.

"Is it just to participate in the competition? Will you blow up other people's venues in the name of participating in the competition?" Ning Bai raised his head high.

"No, this task is to hire a group of gangsters to participate in the Super Mechanical Arena competition."

"If you get a ranking, there will be generous rewards. If you don't have a ranking, the mission will be considered a failure, and there will be no danger in the whole process." Mu Qianye shook his head.

"What is this? Has the D-level gang mission become so civilized?" Chen Han smiled wryly.

He didn't have any in-depth contact with related competitions. He used to have problems eating when he was in Blue Moon Star, so how could he participate in these.

He also doesn't think this task is suitable for them. After all, he doesn't know enough about it, so it's impossible to compare with those who do it full-time.

Ke Ke and the others were also stunned, only Miao Ying's eyes were shining.

"Want to try it?" Mu Qianye adjusted the monocle.

This kind of task is not within her scope of expertise, so she doesn't know what advice to give.

Just when Chen Han was about to shake his head, Miaoying stood up and said, "Maybe we can take on this task."

"Are you confident? But the one you played before was not just a game?" Chen Han and Miaoying looked at each other.

Everyone also set their sights on Miaoying. Among them, Miaoying is the only one who understands the super-mechanical arena better.

"The process of the game and the competition is the same, except that one is VR virtual reality and the other is ER virtual reality. With our strength, it is no problem to just get a ranking." Miaoying teased and covered her eyes Liu Hai explained seriously.

"But except for you, none of us have been in contact with this kind of competition. Is this okay?" Chen Han also became serious, and it was rare to see Miaoying so caring.

"What we experienced at the border of Blue Moon Star is far more difficult than this competition." Miaoying looked around the crowd.

The ultimate goal of the super-mechanical arena is to survive in a chaotic environment with the weapons and mechs at hand. This is the daily life of their gang, and it is nothing more than a change of place.

Chen Han also understood what Miaoying meant and fell into deep thought.

If he was just driving a mech to fight, he was not afraid, on the contrary, he still had some desire, but he suffered from the lack of opportunities in space.

Ever since she got to know Miaoying, Miaoying was a very reliable person, she would not say anything she was not sure about, and since she said yes, she would definitely do it.

If you can complete the D-level task in one game, you will make a lot of money.

In case of failure, it doesn't matter much. After all, there is no danger to life. At most, it will increase the number of mission failures.

At this time, Ao who was next to him also spoke for Miaoying: "Boss, in fact, when I first became a pilot, I played at home and participated in a competition held by the school. Although I didn't play very well at that time, but I still know the specific rules."

Ning Bai next to her was even more expectant. She was very interested when she watched Miaoying play before, but Miaoying didn't give her a chance to get in touch.

Ke Ke didn't comment on the side, she is not in the battle group, and she doesn't have a place in this kind of competition.

"In this case, let's try, anyway, it's on the way." Chen Han nodded slowly.

Since Ao also knows the rules, it will be easy.

"Then I accept it." Mu Qianye shook the Tianxun in his hand with a relaxed expression.

It was rare to have a task that she didn't have to worry about.

"Well, take it." Chen Han confirmed again.

Following Mu Qianye's operations, the mission of the gangster was successfully taken over.

The employer's contact information and competition address are also displayed, which is a city called Allah in Baijiexing.

The specific goal was determined, and it was still such an interesting gang mission, everyone was excited.

"If I can successfully get the ranking, I must drink two glasses." Ao muttered while looking at the water glass in his hand.

He has seldom drank alcohol since he went into space, and he hasn't touched it at all recently. After all, drinking too much will cause trouble.

"Well, let's have a couple of drinks together. We haven't officially celebrated since we became a D-rank gangster. It's been a hard time for everyone."

Chen Han also grinned, and raised the glass full of water in front of him. There is really no condition in the battleship.

Looking at Chen Han, everyone also stood up, picked up their water glasses, and prepared to touch them in advance.

Although there is a shortage of materials, there is still a sense of ceremony.

"Wait, I have a good thing." Ning Bai suddenly jumped off the stool, ran to the side of the supplies box to tinker.

Everyone looked at Ningbai and felt puzzled, wondering what this little thing was going to do?

A few seconds later, Li Bai, whose whole body was about to be buried in the box, finally got out, holding a large wine bottle in his arms, which was filled with brown liquid.

Chen Han's first feeling was that this wine bottle was very familiar, and he always felt like he had seen it somewhere before.

"Hee hee hee, let's drink this." Ning Bai put the wine bottle thicker than her arm on the table.

"This thing... where did you get it?" Chen Han was full of doubts.

He didn't remember that they had bought wine, could it be that it was looted from a certain battleship and picked up by Li Bai?

But the Aoshi Group is a formal force, and members are not allowed to bring alcohol on board. Could it be the Starfire Chapter?

"Uncle Black Hand gave it to me. Last time he was afraid that I would be thirsty, so he stuffed me with a bottle before we parted. I didn't want it." Ning Bai looked at Chen Han innocently.

Everyone could tell that Ning Bai was talking nonsense, with a helpless expression on his face.

Even if the black hand is old and confused, it is impossible for Li Bai to drink to quench his thirst...

Coco couldn't help laughing beside her.

"You stole it..." Chen Han picked up the wine bottle and pulled it with his hand.

"Then drink this, anyway, we have nothing to do in a short time." Mu Qianye helped the monocle.

"Why are you so talkative now? Shouldn't it be to stop us?" Chen Han casually mentioned.

But Mu Qianye didn't answer his question, but turned his head: "Is it difficult for me to speak before?"

Looking at Mu Qianye's eyes, Chen Han's expression was stiff, how dare she say yes, isn't this a proposition?

This scene made everyone around laugh again.

Fortunately, Mu Qianye didn't continue to struggle, and poured half a glass of wine for everyone, except Ningbai.

"Where's mine?" Ning Bai held the glass high, she waited for a long time before realizing that Mu Qianye didn't intend to pour it for her.

"Excuse me, how old are you? Kid." Mu Qianye looked at Ningbai.

Probably because she sensed that Mu Qianye was in a good mood today, Ning Bai became more courageous, pointing at Ke Ke with a dissatisfied face and retorting: "She is also underage, why can she drink?"

"You're not right. I'm almost sixteen. According to interstellar laws, alcoholic drinks are allowed after the age of fifteen." Ke Ke laughed and held her glass, shaking it deliberately in front of Ningbai. .

"But this is mine, I gave it to you!" Ning Bai looked swollen, her ponytails flicked, she hadn't tasted it yet.

"You stole it. It was you who took it out in time so I didn't beat you. Why don't you take a sip and let me beat you up?" Miao Ying glanced at Ning Bai.

"No, no, I'd better drink water..." Ning Bai waved her hands with aggrieved expression.

She is still very afraid of Miaoying, mainly Miaoying will really hit her.

This scene made Chen Han laugh out loud, as long as Ning Bai was uncomfortable, then he would be comfortable.

Of course, the ending was to be bitten by Ningbai again, and it was heavier than before...

After some squabbling, everyone raised their cups, touched each other, and took a sip of the brown liquid in the cup.

Although this is just a simple ceremony, it represents the growth of their gang, and everyone's face is filled with smiles from the heart...

The next step is to continue on their way, they still have more than ten hours to travel from Baijiexing.

It's just that everyone is no longer listless this time, and they are all secretly excited...

More than ten hours passed quickly, and everyone arrived near Baijiexing smoothly.

The development of this planet is obviously better than the medium planets they have been to before, and the star port is also twice as large, with nearly fifty warships of various types parked there.

Everyone even saw a Crusader-class assault ship with the logo of the Law Enforcer Federation engraved on it.

This is the first time that everyone has encountered a warship of the Law Enforcer Federation, which is actually a Crusader class higher than the Punisher class.

Although it is only an ordinary assault ship, its strength is much higher than the storm-class assault ships they usually come into contact with, and the firepower is not at the same level.

This also confirms the horror of the Law Enforcer Federation. Any assault ship is a Crusader class.

Originally, as a gangster, they should be afraid when they see law enforcement.

But now they are being targeted by some small gangs, and the presence of law enforcement makes their trip extremely safe.

Anyway, as long as they don't take the initiative to violate the interstellar law, no one will come to trouble them.

In order to be more inconspicuous, they also switched the heavy assault ship used to rush back to the assault ship in advance before applying to enter the starport.

Their plan for this trip is to go down for a few days, without fighting, just put on clothes, wear a hat, and simply clean up.

Almost later, the Exile also just docked, and everything went smoothly.

They were all dispatched for this trip, and they didn't even stay on the eleventh day.

After all, there are law enforcement officers standing guard for them, so they are very safe.

Moreover, Chen Han felt that it was pitiful for him to stay behind on every mission.

In his heart, Eleven is not a tool man, but their partner.

Since there is nothing wrong this time, let's take it down.

This moved Eleven very much. It is indeed not a simple robot. It has its own thoughts and emotions, but it cannot be expressed through expressions and words.

Chen Han's approach made him feel that Chen Han treated him as a human being, and there was an inexplicable warmth in his heart.

Everyone was also very happy to see this scene, maybe this is one of the reasons why they are willing to follow Chen Han unconditionally...

Baijiexing's star port structure is also high, medium and low. Except for the big ones and more staff, there is nothing special about it.

Seeing the interstellar merchants stationed in the middle star port, everyone suddenly remembered that they still had a lot of unused low-level mechatronics and sundries not for sale.

However, it would be a waste of time to contact the Interstellar Merchant now and go back, so let's wait until the game is over.

After communicating with the staff at the port, Chen Han and others chartered a Rakshasa-class transport plane and headed to their destination, Anla City.

Now they are not short of seven or eight hundred thousand, and everything is focused on saving time.

Twenty minutes later, the transport plane entered the interior of Baijiexing.

Looking at the gradually clear scenery outside the window, everyone didn't speak, and watched peacefully in their hearts.

They haven't seen this kind of sight for a long, long time, and they get an unprecedented relaxation.

Soon they arrived at Allah's interstellar airport, where the flow of people was more than ten times that of the star port above.

Chen Han and others can even see some non-human intelligent species, which is enough to prove the prosperity of this planet.

"Where should we go now?" After arriving at the destination, seeing people everywhere, Ao was a little confused.

"Let me contact the employer." Mu Qianye shook Tianxun, and there was a series of contact codes inside.

For such a legal task, they need to contact the employer in advance, otherwise they will not know the task requirements and details.

After the communication ended, Chen Han and the others waited for ten minutes, when suddenly two magnetic energy vehicles with protective capabilities stopped in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man with a round belly came down, wearing a suit and leather shoes, wearing silver-rimmed glasses, followed by four security guards.

"Hello, are you from Beiliang?" The middle-aged man took out the Sky News and shook it in front of Chen Han. It contained information about Chen Han and others accepting the mission.

"Yes, hello." Chen Han walked over directly and stretched out his right hand.

To his employer, he is still very polite.

"Hello, I am the person in charge of releasing this mission, Ye Ming, welcome to Baijiexing, thank you for your hard work." The chubby middle-aged man also extended his right hand and shook it with Chen Han.

Mu Qianye and the others also waved their hands, and signaled to Ye Ming.

Seeing that the person in front of him didn't look like he knew them, Chen Han couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that this planet really doesn't pay much attention to what happened in the House star field, so he can feel relieved.

"You... just come down with these members?" Ye Ming looked around the crowd, then glanced at Tianxun in his hand, "It shows that you are a D-rank gang..."

"We are indeed a D-level gang, but it is still in its infancy, and there are relatively few people." Chen Han nodded.

"Have you ever participated in a competition like the Super Mechanical Arena before?" Ye Ming asked again.

"No, we just learned about the relevant rules and have never participated." Chen Han shook his head without any concealment.

He is not a person who likes to talk big, he can say what he wants, let alone promise his employer that he will get a ranking or something.

"Huh... well..." A trace of disappointment could be seen in Ye Ming's eyes.

But out of politeness, he didn't say much, but invited Chen Han and others into his magnetic car.

Chen Han could also see some obvious expression changes on Ye Ming's face, and secretly smiled wryly.

In fact, he himself wasn't sure about this mission, and the employer was in a bad luck when he met a group of stunned youths...

As the magnetic energy car started, looking at Ye Ming who was a little sullen, Mu Qianye spoke first: "Excuse me, when will this competition start? Are there any specific qualification requirements?"

"Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, the game will start at the Allah Stadium." Ye Ming glanced at Mu Qianye, "There are no special qualification requirements, as long as you are a pilot, you are all pilots, right?"

"Yes, you can rest assured about this." Mu Qianye nodded quickly, without giving Chen Han a chance to interrupt.

Although they are both pilots, neither Chen Han nor Ning Bai has a pilot certificate, which means they are not legal pilots. She is afraid that Chen Han will tell this too.

As for how to solve this problem on the field tomorrow, it's very simple, she and Eleven can make it overnight.

With her skills, it is not a problem to obtain a few pilot certificates that can compete through fraudulent means.

Chen Han could also see that Mu Qianye was afraid that he might say something wrong, so he gave a wry smile, and stopped talking.

He is really not suitable for talking to employers, the few words just now almost made Ye Ming shut up...

"Tomorrow morning, time is so tight?" Ao glanced at the gray sky outside the window.

The current time should be the afternoon of this planet, which means that the game will start in more than ten hours.

"Yes, we have released this mission for a while, but no gang has accepted it. We were about to give up the right to participate in this competition. Fortunately, you came in time." Ye Ming glanced at everyone and said slowly.

Although his tone sounded a little rejoicing, there was no sign of happiness on his expression.

Because of the group of gangsters in front of him, he was a little disappointed, or looked down upon.

Leaving aside Chen Han's youngsters, just the two minors, Ningbai and Keke, gave him a headache.

And there is also a square-headed robot with a tattered appearance, which is really...

In his eyes, these people are just brats.

In addition to talent, a pilot also needs experience. How strong can he be at such a young age? This mission of gangsters is a waste of time...

However, Ye Ming is still very qualified, he didn't say what was in his heart, but continued to be friendly.

After all, Chen Han and the others had already taken over the task and rushed over from all the way.

Visitors are just guests, so just take them to play around and make friends, maybe there will be something useful for them in the future...

"But, don't you have regular contestants? Why did you release this kind of gang mission? This kind of mission is rarely taken by people, right?" Chen Han couldn't help asking.

This is the first time he has seen this type of mission, and it is still a D-level...

"Originally we had a regular team, and we have been training for several months. The goal is to be the champion of this competition."

"But a week ago, they suddenly broke the contract and stopped playing for us."

"No way, we can't find anyone for the time being, so we can only pin our hopes on the gang missions. The E-level missions were released at the beginning."

"But for several days, no gangsters were willing to take it, and we were worried that the E-rank gangsters were not strong enough, so it took a lot of effort to upgrade this task to D-rank..." Ye Ming said a little depressed.

"Is this competition important? Why do you have to get the ranking?" This time it was Miaoying who asked.

"It may not be very important to others, but the source of our company's business and interests is the super mechanical arena."

"This is a qualifying competition. We have already failed twice in the first half of the year. If we fail again this time, we will lose our qualifications and have to wait until next year to re-apply."

"That's why it's very important. You have to get the top rankings in order to have enough points." Ye Ming explained with a wry smile.

Except for Miao Ying and A Ao who had some basic understanding of the competition system, everyone else was dumbfounded by these words.

"Anyway, as long as we get the ranking, we have completed the task, right? What about the specific reward for the task?" Chen Han got straight to the point.

"Yes, as long as you can get the ranking, you will be considered as completing the task, just be in the top ten, the higher the better."

"In addition to the rewards given by the competition itself, the specific rewards also include the standard rewards for D-level gangster missions. The higher the ranking, we will increase the standard rewards by 10%."

"For example, if you take the tenth place, we will give you 30 million Starlink coins. If you take the ninth place, we will increase 10% on the basis of 30 million, and so on."

"If we can get the first place, then we will directly pay 80 million Star Union coins, or equivalent materials, on the spot." Ye Ming explained to Chen Han and others in detail.

It's just that he was only answering out of politeness, and he didn't have any hope for Chen Han and others to get the ranking.

After all, these people are all children...

I am very grateful for the 11,600 book coins rewarded by Baojiu, becoming the third hall master of this book, the first on the list.

I am very grateful to the wolf king Hades for the 10,000 book coins rewarded, and I became the fourth rudder owner of this book.

I am very grateful that this is the 100 book coins rewarded by miscellaneous soldiers.

Thank you very much for the 100 book coins rewarded by killing gold coins.

Thank you big brothers for giving me a bite to eat, the author is so touched... T-T

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