I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 627 The folded royal capital and dimensional space

At seven o'clock in the evening, in the square of the royal capital, the bell erected on the top of the sky tower slowly rang, which also heralded the end of the day's work.

As a worker in the glass workshop, Dalit put down the blowpipe in his hand and left the factory filled with steaming sweat together with the rest of his colleagues. Under the illumination of the street lights, they headed towards the tavern together.

Along the way, a dozen workers kept complaining about the National Literacy Policy of the Parliament in recent months, which not only reduced their working hours from eleven hours to nine hours a day, but also reduced their wages by about 20%.

Instead, they had to take a two-hour basic literacy class every weekday morning for a fee of one silver coin per month, and no non-attendance was allowed.

For Dalit, going to class was much more uncomfortable than working. The messy numbers and symbols made him feel dizzy. After studying for several weeks, he failed to learn the basic knowledge mentioned by the wizards. clear.

Fortunately, night is their own time. They can temporarily forget about the scorching heat in the workshop and those troublesome formulas, and have a few drinks...

But today seemed to be little Lucy's birthday. Dalit suddenly thought of his daughter, and was thinking about what gift to buy when he passed by the store later.

Just when Dalit was thinking about how to surprise his precious daughter, he suddenly bumped into the person in front of him. However, several workers in front of him stopped very suddenly, with expressions of horror on their faces. .

"What's wrong?" Dalit asked in confusion.

"There were so many people in the streets, houses, and they all suddenly disappeared just now..." A worker pointed forward in horror and stammered, almost wondering if there was something wrong with his eyes.

"How is that possible? Are you too tired?" Dalit said with a sneer. You must know that this is the most prosperous area in the royal capital and the most heavily guarded place in the entire kingdom.

I heard from the wizards that even a fly flying in from the outside will be detected by the magic barrier covering the capital, so it is extremely safe.

However, when the Dalit turned his head and glanced in the direction that the workers were pointing, the mocking look on his face suddenly turned into a look of horror.

He was very familiar with this road. He would pass by it every day on his way to and from work. Dalit clearly remembered that after leaving the workshop, there was an alley. Here was his favorite Blackthorn Tavern, and behind it was the Grand Square. The most prosperous place in the royal capital.

But now the alley has disappeared…

It was not the kind of disappearance that was evacuated, demolished, or destroyed, but it suddenly disappeared as several workers said. The Wangdu Square that was originally separated by an alley now appeared directly in front of them.

If he hadn't just passed by this street this morning, Dalit would have wondered whether he was too old and had memory errors.

The few workers who witnessed the disappearance of the streets were so frightened that they fell to the ground. One second they were facing familiar streets and alleys, and the next second they were on the square.

Is it an illusion? Or magic? Or maybe a certain wizard is joking with them...

However, the Dalits quickly rejected this, because there were a lot of people in the square, and many people witnessed the disappearance of the streets like them. There were even couples who walked into the streets while the other one was still stranded. In the square, I just watched my other half disappear in front of me, and now I am looking for him everywhere like crazy.

The response of the parliament was undoubtedly very fast. Within just twenty seconds of the riot, wizards in golden and red robes came from all directions to seal off and isolate the place.

After roughly understanding what happened, Sanchez, who had just arrived, felt a chill in his heart.

An area of ​​hundreds of meters in radius disappeared directly. As a legendary wizard, he was unable to detect the slightest clue. Even the magic barrier covering and monitoring the royal capital did not give any warning.

After hesitating for a moment, Sanchez asked someone to try to pass through the area. The result was very smooth and no disappearances occurred.

Sanchez's brows suddenly furrowed. He walked to the middle of the city square and the industrial area in person and expanded the field, but there was no gain. Everything in front of him was so harmonious. If he hadn't remembered the plan of the royal capital, he would have started to doubt it. Whether this street really exists, it seems that it was designed this way by the engineers of the royal capital from the beginning.

This should be some kind of magic designed into the dimension... Sanchez immediately thought of this.

"Sir Speaker, I suspect that this matter may be related to that person..." A great wizard quickly reminded him.

Sanchez nodded. Of course he had not forgotten that Lynn's residence was nearby, and such a thing happened just after the other party came back today. If it was just a coincidence, he would not believe it.

Only God can do such incredible things.

But generally speaking, if the magic star wanted to do something in the capital, he should have warned him in advance, but now no news has come back.

This made Sanchez feel vaguely uneasy. Just as he was about to ask someone to notify Harrov and others, he saw dozens of streams of light flying over from a distance.

It seems there is no need for this...

But that's right, no one can sit still when there is such a big flaw in the core of the royal capital.

On the other side, in the alleys of the Wangdu that disappeared inexplicably, a carpenter who had just come out of the tavern and was about to go home saw the bright black thorn sign again after walking for a while. He was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but start to doubt. Did he drink too much? Otherwise, how could there be two Black Thorn Taverns in the capital.

As time goes by, more and more Kingdom citizens in the streets have discovered something is wrong. In the past, this street was only a few hundred meters long and you could see the end at a glance. But this time it was different. No matter how you walked, You can't get out of this alley, it's like you're trapped in a weird maze.

Lin En, who was also inside, had also left his mansion and was suspended in the sky, staring at the gradually becoming chaotic scene below. He did not expect that he would peel off the entire area after all his messing around. , forming an independent space.

It's like folding a corner of a page in half, forming two areas inside and outside the page. For low-dimensional beings, this folded space disappears in front of them, as if it never existed. Pass……

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