I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 541 Time is meaningless for light, and distance is meaningless for electrons!

Dennis' words aroused widespread agreement among the wizards, and many of them proposed their own methods to surpass the speed of light, such as finding a reference object that moved fast enough, or more directly, shooting two laser beams forward and backward.

"It seems that you haven't read my theory of relativity, otherwise you wouldn't have such an idea." Lin En interrupted everyone's discussion with a sigh.

"You mean the relative formula of speed and time?" Anthony suddenly asked.

Unlike the other wizards who couldn't help but start to question after reading the first half of the thesis, based on his trust in Lynn, Anthony carefully read all the manuscripts, but he became more suspicious than others.

The four relative formulas mentioned above shocked him the most. From these formulas, he saw the huge ambition of this magic star, which was to unify energy, mass, speed, and time and space to build a It is completely different from the power theory they recognize!

"That's right." Lynn nodded, and then continued to explain. "This is the reason why we cannot surpass the speed of light, because if the speed of an object changes, the time it experiences will also change!"

According to the well-known speed formula, distance equals speed times time!

Now that the speed of light has become a constant value, the only thing that changes is time!

"Suppose there is a ray of light flying forward. From the standpoint of different observers, its speed is 300,000 kilometers per second. If you are chasing the light at a speed of 150,000 per second, then compared with For the stationary bystander, the flow of time is reduced to half of its original speed, so the speed of light is still 300,000 kilometers per second for you." Lynn explained with an example.

"That is to say, the faster we run, the slower the passage of time will be?" Stegg frowned involuntarily, and asked back. "Then why don't we notice it at all when we are running? Even if we take the train, the time will not change at all."

"That's because the speed is too slow. Even the speed of the train is not worth mentioning compared to the speed of light, so the change in the flow of time is not obvious..." Lynn shrugged and replied freely.

This is undoubtedly a good explanation of why the speed of light is constant in the eyes of any observer, but time is mysterious and constant to most wizards, at least there is no one second in the universe they live in be longer or shorter than others.

But according to the theory of this magical star, the time of all people and even all matter is relative and chaotic.

"Since it is difficult to measure the change of time velocity at low speed, how can we prove this?" Dennis asked confused.

"This is also very easy to handle. According to the formula of relative mass, velocity and mass can be converted into each other, so there is also a difference in time velocity for large-mass objects!" Lynn explained with a smile.

Dennis froze for a moment, then immediately reacted and said in horror. "Could it be...gravity?!"

Only gravitation can meet the characteristics of greater mass and higher intensity, and it exists on any substance at the same time!

"Yes, it's gravity!" Lynn nodded. "Time and space are one, they are inseparable, and the distortion of space will naturally cause changes in the flow of time."

"I have verified this point." Lynn took out a quartz clock and put it on the table, and then said again.

"I tried to create the largest gravitational field within my ability, and put this quartz clock into it. Now the time it indicates is about 0.03 seconds slower than the outside world!"

0.03 seconds? Are you sure it's not the quartz clock that's the problem? Sterger opened his mouth with a strange expression on his face, but he closed it in the end, because it is impossible for this star of magic not to consider such a simple question. Every time something went wrong.

The quartz clock invented by Sean has already become an indispensable experimental tool for every wizard. This thing can be accurate to 1/80,000th of a second. It has been running for several months and has never missed it so far!

Harov, Anthony and other speakers, as well as the few great wizards who have been in contact with the gate of time and space, can't help but think of foreign lands.

There is a gap of seven times the speed of time between the world outside the gate of time and space and the eternal star they are in. Does that mean that the world the other party is in moves faster than them, so time passes more slowly? .

"Speaker Lynn, shouldn't space and time exist independently of each other?" Jeffrey asked suspiciously.

In his view, space is space, time is time, and the boundaries between the two are clear.

If the two are related, then time is constantly passing, doesn't it mean that space is also constantly moving?

"Jeffrey, what do you think time is?" Lynn asked instead.

Jeffrey frowned and thought for a while, but for a long time failed to give a sufficiently appropriate answer, and the rest of the wizards also began to think about it.

Lynn didn't wait too long, so he took the initiative to explain. "In my opinion, time is actually the eternal motion of matter, the continuity of change, and the sequential performance! It is not magical, but a name we created to describe the state of motion of matter!"

"You may wish to imagine, if all the elements in this universe are now stagnant, what is the meaning of time? Everything will be frozen in place, unable to move, let alone the ability to think..."

So the so-called four-dimensional space-time universe can also be interpreted as a moving three-dimensional space universe!

"Since time is an abstract embodiment of the continuous movement of matter, the trajectory of the movement can of course be distorted!" Lynn said solemnly, looking at the wizards present.

"According to the equation of mass and gravity, combined with the formula of equivalent mass in the theory of relativity, when the speed of an object reaches the speed of light, its time has stopped. This is the reason why I dare say that the speed of light cannot be surpassed!"

Lynn's voice was not loud, but it was as shocking as a bell when it reached the ears of every wizard.

"Your theory of relativity is likely to overthrow and rebuild the entire magic system." Harov said with a sigh.

How unbelievable Harov was when he received this manuscript before, how shocking he is now.

Although each of these theories sounds more contrary to common sense than the other, just like what Lynn said just now, they establish magic to explain the laws of operation of things. No matter how weird, strange, or unreasonable a theory is, as long as it can If it accurately explains natural phenomena, then it is undoubtedly the truth!

Steger and others were also speechless in astonishment. They wanted to refute, but they had to admit that the theory of relativity not only achieved a strange logical self-consistency, but also had the beam deviation experiment and the gravitational experiment of the quartz clock as evidence.

Once the theory of relativity is confirmed to be correct, from now on, the concepts of space, time, speed and quality will all need to be redefined!

Lynn saw that the wizards present had all quieted down and began to think about the issues of time and space and the movement of matter, so he turned his head to look at Jeffrey and asked curiously. "Master Jeffrey, I heard that when you improved the double-slit interference experiment, you encountered some small troubles?"

"This is no small trouble!" Jeriff smiled wryly, "I suspect we have encountered an elemental ghost..."

Allard at the side described all the strange phenomena they encountered in the experiment in detail.

"Photons and electrons can even predict our intention to observe them in advance. No matter how much we cover up and come up with any methods, we can't change this situation." A little bit of horror appeared on Arad's face.

"Isn't this normal?" Lynn said in surprise.

Allard paused for a moment, and then almost jumped up. How is this normal?

"Did you forget? For light, time has no meaning, because its speed has reached the limit. Compared with you, time is at a standstill! This means that from the perspective of light itself, it reaches any Place..." Lynn said with a smile.

Because time is still, it must know whether it will be observed at the moment of launch, so as to determine whether it will collapse.

So there is no foresight, everything is magical!

Allard was stunned in place. Although Lynn had explained the principle of the fact that the speed of light is the largest so time is almost stagnant, he always felt that things had become weirder.

If the light has already traveled the whole distance in an instant, then what is the traveling light beam that they see?

Isn't cause and effect reversed?

Thinking about what Lynn said about time being meaningless, Allard suddenly fell into a daze.

Jeffrey continued to ask. "What about electrons? Its speed is far less than that of light. Time is not static, right?"

Lynn raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice. "If time is meaningless to light, then the distance in space is also meaningless to electrons!"

"As for why, you have to think for yourself!" Lynn patted Jeffrey on the shoulder and said encouragingly, without revealing the secret.

In fact, he himself has only touched a sliver of the truth, and he is not 100% sure.

A probability cloud of free electrons can cover the entire universe, and theoretically can reach anywhere instantaneously, it is only a matter of probability.

The electron in the element cannot do this because it is tightly bound by the nucleus, and when it breaks away, it means that the extent of its probability cloud becomes extremely large, at least compared to Jeffrey's The lab is much bigger.

The probability cloud of free electrons is also one of the few things that can exceed the speed of light. The reason is very simple. The maximum limit of the speed of light is only in the four-dimensional space-time. If it is affected by higher dimensions, it may not be so.

An example of this is the apparent slowing of the speed of light under the gravitational influence of massive stars.

The reason is that the light is forced to take a detour instead of traveling in a straight line as they saw it!

Just like an ant, there is no way to go directly to the opposite side of the hillside in a straight line, you have to go up the high slope first.

Although the speed of the ant has not changed from the beginning to the end, in the eyes of a two-dimensional observer, it has crossed that distance at an extremely slow speed.

Time is meaningless to light, and the distance in space is also meaningless to electrons... These two sentences lingered in Jeffrey's mind for a long time, and he vaguely touched a clue, but he didn't understand why.

"Here are some experimental manuscripts I have summarized in my research on the theory of relativity. If you are interested, you can take a look!" Lynn took out the second half of the manuscript on the theory of relativity and handed it to Steger and others.

Lynn sincerely hopes that they can figure it out and overcome their fear of the microscopic field as soon as possible.

In this way, the mass production legend plan of the parliament can be implemented.

About half an hour later, Jeffrey and others, who had printed dozens of relativity manuscripts by magic, walked out of the manor.

When they came, everyone was full of confidence and wanted to refute this absurd argument, but when they left, they all frowned and fell into thinking about the transformation of time and space and mass velocity.

Lynn didn't say goodbye, because Dennis suddenly reported good news to them. The first-generation supersonic fighter has been officially completed, and the first test flight can be carried out tomorrow!

"No wonder you rarely have time to come over and discuss with me." Lynn suddenly realized that Dennis was very busy before, and he didn't even have time to attend the academic seminar.

As for the test pilot of the new fighter jet, it is naturally Lydia who has rich flying experience!

(PS: I finally finished writing the most difficult theory of relativity. I tried my best to make it easier to understand. Afterwards, science fiction theories will account for the majority, and the plot will be the main focus, so I won’t write such a long speech.)

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