I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 594 The Differences of the World (please vote for me)

Daybreak 496 years.

Five o'clock in the afternoon, corner of the classroom.

Mu Feng held his chin with his right hand and looked at the teacher who was giving a serious lecture in front of the podium with weak eyes.

This is Mu Feng's second year in the Wisdom Academy. This year, he has always felt a lot of pressure, and there are dark circles around his eyes.

In his opinion, choosing this profession is not about learning technology, but what you learn is your destination for the rest of your life.

Academic performance can basically determine future life scenarios.

If your academic performance is all qualified and you have the ability to breed spiritual animals, your future destination will be to work in a breeding farm. You will probably retire at the age of 75. Your life will be ordinary and ordinary, but you will not be too tired.

According to the normal life span after retirement, there will probably be decades of happy old age to live in a leisurely manner.

If you learn half-heartedly, it's okay if there are no problems during work. If something goes wrong after the bred spirit beast is sent to the front line, it will inevitably be investigated. If it is found that it is caused by a mistake at work, you may be imprisoned. The specific length of the sentence depends on the reason for the mistake.

If you don't learn it at all, your future destination will be more mysterious.

If you are lucky or there is no problem, you have to live in fear. If you are unlucky, it can happen anywhere.

Being sent to prison is a good outcome. In the worst case, he will be sent to a radiation mining area. If it is even worse, he will be sent to the electric chair and reincarnated on the spot.

He lowered his head and looked at the book "Introduction to Breeding Techniques" placed on the desk.

This is not the beginning, it is simply the beginning to jail.

Facing an unclear future, if he wants to survive, he can only choose to work hard.

Sometimes when he was lying in bed at night, he tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. He felt that if he had had the motivation to study as he did now, he would definitely be admitted to Star City Academy or Dawn Academy.

It just proves that statement.

If you don’t work hard when you are young, you will raise spiritual beasts when you grow up.

It's too late to regret it.

Only after entering this industry did he understand that industries in Star City actually had risk ratings.

Most of these professions have accountability systems. For example, various scientific research institutions have accountability systems. It is normal for problems to arise in the process of developing new technologies. After all, the process of exploration is always full of unknowns, but if after investigation it is found that someone Staff members will be held accountable if they fail due to avoidable mistakes.

But basically, it is rare for scientific research institutions to be held accountable because the positions are special and the people in the scientific research field are talents trained by Star City who have spent a lot of resources.

Another example is the construction industry in Star City, which also has an accountability system.

Especially the construction team in the main city of Daybreak, if there are problems with the construction, they will be held strictly accountable.

The occupation with the highest risk level in Star City is undoubtedly the frontline soldier of the military department.

They are a group of people with the best physical fitness in Star City. Through practice, their normal life span is much higher than the average human life span. However, due to the need to fight against creatures of various races, the casualty rate is always high, but the welfare benefits are extremely high. High, one of the highest paying professions in Star City.

At the same time, the frontline soldiers of the military department also have many benefits beyond their own interests.

For example, medical expenses are free, and a top medical team is responsible for medical treatment. Even if the body becomes disabled, you can choose to retire from the army or apply for mechanization. As long as you don't die on the front line, you will have no worries about food and clothing. Even if he dies in battle, his family will be taken care of by Star City and receive various preferential treatment and benefits.

If you perform well on the front line, you can even receive the Medal of Outstanding Humanity, honor your ancestors, and become a hero admired by future generations.

High risk, fame and fortune at the same time.

But there are some industries that are high-risk and have little profit or reputation.

For example, they specialize in spiritual animal breeding.

This industry is an emerging industry that has only emerged in the past few decades and has just passed the initial stage of exploration.

While there is no benefit, you will be held accountable for making mistakes.

However, the industry of spirit animal breeding is also divided into three, six or nine levels. The spirit animal breeding majors in top universities belong to an industry with medium welfare and low risk.

They are responsible for researching how to better breed spiritual animals.

For example, how to reduce the feeding of spiritual materials without slowing down the growth rate of spiritual beasts, or how to raise spiritual beasts better and have more combat effectiveness.

They are explorers and pioneers in the industry.

The lowest level is the group of people responsible for breeding, who bear risks but have little benefit.

His father's idea was actually very simple. He felt that there was a lot of room for improvement in their profession. Compared with talents studying breeding techniques in top universities, they had more time to get in touch with spirit beasts and find out the tips for breeding spirit animals through practice. Then write it into a teaching book.

If you really achieve this step, you can basically get rid of the boring breeding work, and even have the opportunity to become a teacher in the spirit animal breeding major at a top university.

The status of teachers in Star City is no weaker than that of frontline soldiers in the military.

And many of those who can become teachers are top talents in this field.

For example, many teachers of combat science are former military soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles on the front lines and have returned from the army.

Mu Feng only felt that his father really dared to think about it. He didn't even look at his son's weight, but he firmly believed that he could have a future in this industry.

He even suspected that his father had long known the risks of this business.

The purpose is to let him learn to take the initiative to grow through the high pressure of death.

The more he thought about this guess, the more likely it became.

His father has been a loyal believer in Fengqi since he was a child. Fighting for mankind is engraved in his bones. He usually clamors to send him to the front line to make achievements. He works hard to make money to save more funds for him to buy. Equipment used on the front line, or spiritual materials consumed in practice.

This made Mu Feng feel extremely distressed, because he always felt that he was not the material to go to the front line.

For this reason, he asked his father what he would do if he died on the front line.

His father's answer left him speechless.

This is what he said:

"When you go to the front line, you must have the consciousness to die in battle. Your father and I had a much lower bloodline value than you. If your father and I can do it, you can definitely do better. If you really die on the front line, , your father, I invited guests and friends to hold a banquet for three days, and I cried for you for three days and three nights!"

Mu Feng clearly remembered that when his father said these words, he had a cigarette in his mouth and looked down on his life and death.

When he meets such a father, he doesn't know whether he is happy or miserable.

It's too late to say anything now.

There is a death sickle hanging above his head. If he doesn't move forward, he will die. He must learn to work hard.

This year has not been without gains.

After studying hard, he already understood the basic framework of the spirit beast system.

The subsequent study is to fill in the relevant knowledge of each spirit beast into the framework and supplement one's own understanding of the spirit beasts.

His current grades are among the best in the class, and his scores in several tests have basically remained at the top.

After all, the talent his father inherited from him was there. Both his grandfather and his father were graduates of Dawn Academy. Although they were not outstanding graduates, they at least graduated from top universities and had excellent genes.

But Mu Feng didn't feel too happy.

Because there are still many things to learn in this industry. As Star City introduces new types of spiritual beasts in the future, the things they need to learn will gradually increase. It is really a matter of living and learning.

Listening to the teacher's explanation, Mu Feng discovered that his habit of sleeping in class had been cured this year.

This also made him understand a path: all laziness stems from lack of pressure.

At this moment, the teacher's cell phone rang.

After a long time, the teacher hung up the phone, glanced at the students in the class, and then said:

"The latest news is that our school has received 20 places to visit and study at Daybreak School for a month. Among them, one person from our class has obtained the qualification to go to the school for exchange and study. He is Mu Feng."

Sparse applause rang in his ears, and Mu Feng also looked confused.

Dawn Academy? Study tours?

"Mu Feng, you can go get ready and set off tomorrow morning. When you go to Dawn Academy, remember to learn more and see more. Don't lose the face of our Wisdom Academy."

With a shabby school like this, what kind of dignity can be lost?

After hearing the teacher's instructions, Mu Feng couldn't help but complain in his heart.

But since the top management of the school gave him a place, he naturally would not refuse. He was also very curious about his father's alma mater.

After waving goodbye to his classmates, Mu Feng left the classroom.

The next day, Mu Feng took the Wisdom School bus to Dawn School.

After getting out of the car, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Compared with the gate directly leading to Wisdom Academy, the gate of Dawn Academy can be described as luxurious. There are several armed military security personnel standing in front of the gate, and a stone tablet with an inscription dedicated to sealing chess stands in the middle, which is majestic.

After passing the identity authentication and security check, Mu Feng passed through the almost completely transparent air wall, and what appeared in front of him was a main road leading straight inside.

To his surprise.

This main road is actually paved with jade. You can see liquefied spiritual energy flowing under the jade, and the spiritual energy content in the air has obviously increased significantly.

It is said that Daybreak Academy is a pilot area for building a city with a cultivation system.

Only after entering Dawn Academy did he realize that these words were not rumors on the Internet. This place was completely built in a way to adapt to the system of the new era in the future.

Follow the support teacher and walk along the main road.

On both sides of the road stand statues of outstanding graduates of Dawn Academy. They are all Dawn alumni who have made many outstanding contributions to the development of the human race and are also ancestors of the human race.

In contrast, the main road leading into the Wisdom School is lined with farmland on both sides and has no cultural heritage at all.

There are only a group of teachers who are very good at playing all day long.

At this moment, Mu Feng suddenly understood something.

There is no need to brag about your true heritage and strength. After all, your strength is there, and others can see how awesome you are at a glance.

Only if you don't have strength do you need to brag to prove your value.

After walking for a while, the statue of Feng Qi appeared at the end of Mu Feng's sight.

The Feng Qi statue standing in Dawn Academy is several meters taller than the one in Wisdom Academy, and looks neater on the surface.

After paying tribute to the statue of Feng Qi as usual, Mu Feng followed the teacher who came to meet him from Dawn Academy and walked around the statue into the academy. The scene in front of him shocked Mu Feng again.

The road ahead is lined with fiery red trees that are spewing spiritual energy particles. According to the introduction of the accompanying teacher, this spiritual plant comes from the Elf City and is a very precious elven species that can effectively improve the quality of the spiritual energy in Dawn Academy.

The sight continues to be cast further in the direction. The building walls of Daybreak Academy are full of technological metal texture, which appear silver-gray in the sunlight. There are transparent spiritual energy pipes running on them, continuously extracting spiritual energy from the air and transporting it to the building. Inside.

There are gradually many engineering robots on the road along the way.

They are conducting routine maintenance and inspection of various facilities of Daybreak Academy.

This school has achieved the combination of technology and cultivation system. Along the way, Mu Feng was amazed in his heart.

Only when he really came here did he understand the charm of a top university.

The amount of spiritual energy here is several times that of the outside world. If you learn here that your body has been infiltrated with spiritual energy for a long time, your lifespan will be longer than that of ordinary people.

Arriving at the dormitory building, teachers from Dawn Academy led them into the dormitory building and began to arrange their accommodation for the next half month.

An hour later, Mu Feng pushed his luggage to the room on the fourth floor.

Open the door and enter the dormitory room.

Even though he was well prepared, Mu Feng was still stunned by the scene in front of him.

The room is also a single room, but the single room in Daybreak Academy is twice the size of the single room in Wisdom Academy. It has complete facilities and even has a few spiritual potted plants. Even the refrigerator is filled with various kinds of things. delicious food.

The computer placed on the desk is also the latest product of the technology department.

After putting down his luggage, Mu Feng began to pack his luggage with envy, taking out the clothes and hanging them in the closet.

The time came to noon.

Mu Feng and a group of students who came to communicate came to the dormitory building, and then led by the receptionist to the restaurant of Dawn Academy.

This time, Mu Feng suffered another mental blow.

The area of ​​the neat and bright Dawn Restaurant is several times larger than that of the Wisdom Academy. The floor is paved with silver-gray tiles and is divided into several sections. At this time, many students wearing Dawn uniforms are dining inside.

In Mu Feng's opinion, the food here can be described as luxurious.

The Dawn Academy restaurant adopts a buffet style with a wide variety of food. There is also a special spiritual food area. All spiritual food that can be purchased at a high price outside are provided here for free.

The meal pick-up area is divided into five blocks. Each block has food supplies with different flavors. The food taste needs of different students are fully taken into consideration. Even the fruits supplied are picked and delivered on the same day. fresh fruits.

What's even more outrageous is that according to the introduction of the receptionist, the restaurant here operates 24 hours a day, and the top chef team is changed every half a month to ensure the diversity of food.

If students stay up late studying until late at night and feel hungry, they can come to the Dawn Restaurant at any time to replenish their energy.

At this moment, Mu Feng deeply felt the differences in the world.

Over the past year, there have been times when he stayed up late studying, but when he felt hungry, he could only relieve himself with instant noodles.

In contrast, Daybreak Academy takes the students' feelings into consideration in every aspect.

All services are also considered from the perspective of students' needs.

They were also studying hard, and the students at their Wisdom Academy and the students at Dawn Academy seemed to be in two different worlds.

In the past, he was only curious about top universities, but had no desire for them.

At that time, the learning environment in his eyes was the same, and he didn't like studying anyway.

But at this moment, he truly understood the foundation and significance of a top university.

The learning atmosphere and learning environment here can really help people learn to become better.

After picking up a plate full of food from the support teacher, he found an empty seat and sat down. While Mu Feng ate a big meal, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

“Damn, it’s so delicious!”

Thank you to May the Glory of Mankind Live Forever for the reward of 10,000 starting coins. Thank you.

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