Huaguo, Southwest, Sky Eye Base

The construction site was full of traffic and smoke billowed. At the edge of the Sky Eye, five cranes with a height of more than ten meters and their extended booms work together to lift a 50-meter-long black antenna.

Inside the crane, the crane master concentrated his attention on the antenna, carefully fiddled with the joystick. The big arm rotated slightly, and the antenna under the sun shone with metallic light, approaching the top of the eye of the sky bit by bit.

Two arm-thick steel wire ropes passed through the top of the sky eye, and more than 20 special construction workers in gray overalls carefully approached the black antenna along the steel wire ropes.

A gust of mountain wind blew by, and the wire rope shook violently. The construction workers bent down and clinged to the wire rope.

This scene caused Li Mo not far away to feel palpitations in his heart. Although these young people were wearing safety ropes, if they stumbled, they would be suspended in the air.

Fortunately, Shanfeng also seemed to realize that he was not welcome, and gradually disappeared into the woods in the mountains.

The special construction workers stood up carefully from the wire rope, swayed like ducklings and walked towards the black antenna. This time it went smoothly. They stopped at a suitable location, took out a telescopic steel hook from their waists, and used the steel hook to pull up the antenna and walked towards the center of the Sky Eye.

"Professor Li, after the installation of the antenna is completed, can the Sky Eye be turned on again?" Beside him, the gray-haired Professor Tian looked anxious and his eyes were full of expectation.

It seems that the director of the Sky Eye Center is under a lot of pressure! Li Mo knows that several research institutes have already complained to the Science and Technology Commission about the modification of Sky Eye, which has seriously affected their research progress.

Li Mo turned his head and said with a smile: "This deep-space antenna made of californium alloy is the heart of the sky eye, with which the sky eye can clearly see stars 1 light-year away."

"The other added equipment is just a bonus, so once the antenna is installed, it's a lot less stressful for you."

The wrinkles on Professor Tian's forehead eased, and he said: "Now there are some research institutes who don't care about the overall situation at all. They know that the upgrade of Tianyan is very important, and they sue their superiors!"

"If you hadn't been here personally to hold the line, my seat would have been unstable for a long time."

This is true. Li Mo, who left Yanda University, was about to return to Mozi Technology, but unexpectedly received a call for help from Professor Tian, ​​so he had to stay in this deep mountain and old forest for half a month.

Arriving in the primitive deep mountains, Li Mo felt at a loss for a moment. There are no mountains of data or various academic conferences here. He has been in a "busy" state, and finally has some leisure time.

"By the way, Professor Tian, ​​our Mozi Technology has submitted a report to the Science and Technology Commission." Li Mo took out a data sheet from the file package: "Once the Sky Eye is turned on successfully, it will immediately conduct a deep scan of this star field."

"Oh." Professor Tian took the data sheet and read: "The direction of the star field: Alpha Centauri to the second companion star of Nanmen."

He raised his head and asked suspiciously: "Alpha Centauri is a three-star system. Is your Mozi Technology researching the three-body problem?"

Li Mo smiled and shook his head: "No."

"You know, the Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory also has an astronomical star detector. By chance, it detected a star that seems to be a wandering meteorite in this direction."

"Unfortunately, after turning on the machine and scanning again, this meteorite has lost its trace."

Facing the old professor of the astronomy department, Li Mo chose to deliberately deceive. His purpose was to issue a warning to human beings without "exposing" himself.

Human beings are always full of fear of the unknown. A "genius" scientist will attract the admiration of the world, and a monster with "living" aliens in its head can only be sent to the dissection table.

"This may just be an occasional failure of the detectors of your Mozi Technology." Professor Tian did not expect that the huge Sky Eye renovation project was due to this reason, and he was puzzled: "You know, high-end scientific research equipment often has some problems. Inexplicable error."

"Just because of this, it's... a bit too much to transform the Sky Eye, isn't it?"

"Furthermore, foreign orbiters that are responsible for detecting stray meteorites have not issued any warnings. Are you worrying too much?"

Professor Tian didn't know how much money was needed for the entire transformation process of Tianyan, but seeing so many construction machinery and so many skilled workers from all over the country, a hundred million yuan might not be enough.

When he was in the Department of Astronomy at Yanda University, the scientific research funding of the whole department was only more than 20 million, which was divided among dozens of professors and hundreds of projects. The great scientist in front of him has invested hundreds of millions of dollars just for a vague "discovery". This behavior has surpassed ordinary people's cognition.

Li Mo saw the various expressions on Professor Tian's face, so he naturally knew what he was thinking, and sighed: "If, what I'm talking about is if, in the direction of Alpha Centauri, there really is a wandering star that has not been discovered by humans. meteorite, and the orbit of this meteorite coincides with the earth, what should we do."

"This..." Professor Tian was speechless for a moment, and he was afraid of everything. This possibility is not impossible.

It's also a good thing that the modified Sky Eye is better than before, and it's a good thing, anyway, it didn't cost the Sky Eye Center.

Just as the installation of the deep-space antenna had been "inserted" into the card slot of the Sky Eye, a young man in a lab coat hurried over, sweating and panting: "Professor Tian, ​​Professor Li, you are here, Something big happened!"

Professor Tian's expression changed suddenly: "Jane Kaibo, what happened?"

Li Mo recognized that this anxious young man was Jian Kaibo, a researcher who graduated from Qingda University. The leader of the center's researchers is usually very stable. What happened today?

"Teacher Wang Wang is going to submit his resignation to the center!" Jian Kaibo bent down, gasping for breath.

"Professor Wang resigned?" Professor Tian couldn't believe it.

He and Professor Wang came from different colleges and universities, and they have not gotten along well for a long time. This time, Professor Wang was only excluded from the Tianyan transformation plan, and his status was not affected. How could he suddenly resign?

"It's not just Professor Wang who resigned!" Jian Kaibo said anxiously: "He also asked us researchers from Qingda University to resign together!"

"What!" Professor Tian swayed and almost couldn't stand still: "How dare Lao Wang do such a thing?"

In a professional astronomical institution like Tianyan, the director and deputy director are not very important as leaders, and replacements can be found at any time.

But the researchers of the center are extremely important, because the sky eye is a large-scale professional astronomical equipment, and the operators must have profound astronomy skills.

However, there are not many astronomical talents in China. If those researchers who graduated from Qingda University really resign under Professor Wang's instigation, the Sky Eye Center may be shut down.

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