I kidnapped an alien civilization

Chapter 433 Global College Entrance Examination

Mountainous area in the southwest of Huaguochuan Province

The light rain has just stopped and the air is fresh. This is a good time for tea picking.

On the terraced fields on the hillside, tea farmers wear coir raincoats and carry tea baskets, picking the freshest green shoots by hand in twos and threes.

At this time, there was a sound of "booming" in the distance, breaking the silence in the mountains.

The tea farmers raised their heads, and a long string of green trucks circled the Panshang Highway like a long snake.

Neither the head of the convoy nor the tail of the convoy could be seen.

"Do you want to build a house on the other side of the mountain?" An old farmer grabbed the towel on his shoulders with his rough hands, and wiped the sweat on his forehead indiscriminately.

"Good guy, there are so many big cars."

On the other side of the mountain, in the memory of these tea farmers, is a bigger mountain. The mountains have no names and are not inhabited, just huge rocks.

Next door to Chalong, a thin, dark-skinned middle-aged man straightened up, beat his sore waist with his hands, squinted and said, "I heard from the second boy who works in the town government that a large power plant is going to be built on the other side of the mountain." .”

"Big power plant?" The old farmer shook his head and retorted, "We don't have coal or rivers here, so how can we generate electricity?"

"Burning stones?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Who knows, maybe it's really burning stones?"

"But no matter what they burn, with so many big cars and so many drivers, the cars must burn oil, and the people must eat."

"In the future when a large power plant is built, those cadres who receive state salaries must buy clothes to wear."

"So, our Ershan Town is going to be rich!"

The simple tea farmers have hopeful eyes in their eyes.


When the tea farmers in the mountains were planning how to get rich. On the surface of Mars, three men in bulging space suits are also planning how to get rich.

These three people are Li Mo, the boss of Mozi Technology, Musk, the director of Mozi Technology Mars Base, and Fang Lanshan, the chief designer of Mozi Technology Mars Base.

The sun shines on the glass pyramid, and the clear glass surface of the pyramid refracts colorful rays of light, which interweave into a rainbow of seven colors in the air.

The three of them stared blankly at this cosmic spectacle.

"Boss, the employees of Mozi Technology have officially settled in the Mars base, and it is estimated that within three months, they will be ready to welcome Earth immigrants." Musk, wearing a large spacesuit, broke the silence first.

"Our 2,000 places. How should we distribute them?"

2,000 quotas? Li Mo sighed silently in his heart. Originally, he planned to distribute the 2,000 quotas fairly to the human beings all over the earth, but now Mozi Technology needs a huge amount of funds because of the controllable nuclear fusion project.

These 2000 places.

He hesitated.

"Fang Lanshan, tell me about the 2,000 places, what should we do?" Li Mo thought for a moment, and then asked the designer of the Mars base.

"Oh, it doesn't seem appropriate if we give away all 2,000 quotas for free. After all, Mozi Technology has spent a lot of energy building it." Fang Lanshan replied: "However, if we give away these 2,000 quotas, All are auctioned off, and the highest bidder wins."

"It seems to be contrary to our original intention of establishing a Mars base."

"How about this, we take 1,000 places out of the 2,000 places for auction, and the remaining 1,000 places are distributed fairly."

Li Mo nodded. Fang Lanshan has always been prudent, and this distribution method takes into account both the interests of Mozi Technology and the future of mankind.

"Auction quota, I have experience with this." Musk remembered the scene when Li Mo first auctioned the quota for the Mars base, and said first: "Let me do it."

"I'm going to hold an unprecedented auction that guarantees sky-high prices for these places."

Li Mo nodded and agreed, Musk may not be a very good scientist, but he must be an excellent businessman. He can build a huge business empire with a few broken rockets pulled out of the NCAA warehouse, which shows his talent. It was only because of the unstable foundation, and finally because of the stabbing in the back by the NCAA, that it fell to where it is today.

"How to distribute the remaining 1,000 places fairly?" Fang Lanshan asked.

Li Mo understands what he means, the most difficult thing in the world is "fairness".

What is the fairest?

Where there are interests, there are disputes, and there are smart people who want to take shortcuts.

In the world, perhaps only Huaguo's college entrance examination is the fairest. Behind the difference of one point and the cruelty of the world, there is absolute fairness.

He thought for a long time, and when the sun was close to the horizon on the surface of Mars, he said slowly: "We can hold a global college entrance examination!"

"Global college entrance examination?" Fang Lanshan asked suspiciously.

"What is the global college entrance examination?" Musk's native language was startled.

Li Mo looked at the sunset, looked at the glass golden tower in front of him, and explained in detail: "Just like the college entrance examination in Huaguo, we at Mozi Technology conduct an exam on a global scale for all earth humans who apply to emigrate to Mars."

"Of course, the applicant's age will be limited to between 18 and 35 years old, and at the same time need to pass the character test of Mozi Technology."

"Character test." Musk's heart skipped a beat when he heard the word, and he still remembered those perverted questions. At the beginning, he personally asked Li Mo to join Mozi Technology.

The first thing Li Mo did was to let him sit in front of the computer and complete 100 character test questions within 60 seconds. When Musk saw the first question, he thought Li Mo was deliberately embarrassing him.

Because the first question is: "Girlfriend or mother fell into the water, which one should be rescued first?" This is a question that the man will never be able to answer.

When he saw the second topic, he was convinced that Li Mo was teasing him.

Because the second topic is: "Xiaofang said Xiaohong 'Your teeth are so beautiful!'

'Oh, that's fake. '

'Ah, is it true? '

'real. '

Is Xiaohong's tooth real or fake? "

Does the boss really want to use these perverted questions to test those applicants? Musk silently prayed for "people who took the college entrance examination".

"It's not impossible to use the test method, but what should we test?" Fang Lanshan continued to ask.

Li Mo expressed his thoughts: "Mathematics, physics, and chemistry are the three subjects that mark the development of human civilization, and they must be given priority."

"Then there is sports. Without a strong body, how to continue human civilization on Mars."

"Finally Chinese!"

"The five subjects of mathematics, physics, chemistry, physical education, and Chinese are the content of the global college entrance examination."

"5 subjects, each with 100 points, and the top 1,000 with the most total points will be eligible to immigrate to Mars."

The perfect solution!

Just as Li Mo was immersed in his perfect plan, Musk asked timidly: "Boss, I can understand the subjects of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and physical education."

"But why do you want to take the Chinese language test? Is it unfair to those foreigners?"

Li Moyi said: "The college entrance examination in Huaguo requires English. Why can't foreigners who take the global college entrance examination not be able to take Chinese?"

"Also, the Mars base is the base of Chinese people. They don't understand Chinese, so how can they become Chinese nationals?"


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