European Kadakashin IEER Center (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor)

The 21st IEER International Symposium on Controlled Nuclear Fusion has reached its fifth day, and the auditorium is full of seats. On the stage, a blond young man in his 30s is "reading" the report fluently , sitting under the stage were hundreds of high-energy physicists from all over the world.

"Liu Xiaofeng, according to the schedule of the conference, it will be your turn next." In the last row, a gray-haired old man from Hua country flipped through the schedule of the conference, and worriedly told the students around him: "As long as you can If you successfully complete the report at the IEER International Symposium on Controlled Nuclear Fusion, you will be eligible for a doctoral degree."

"Professor Fang, those physicists in the audience won't find fault, right?" Beside him, a young man from Huaguo, about 30 years old, looked at the old professor beside him, and asked timidly: "After all, I In his paper, most of the theories are purely imaginary."

"Can this work?"

"Why not?" Professor Fang showed a disdainful smile on his face: "Just like Erkan Campos who is giving a report on the stage now, his paper mainly discusses the types of particles that may appear in nuclear fusion. and abundance."

"In addition to most of the rays that have been discovered, his paper mainly discusses the possibility of the existence of a high-energy particle called '2NDF', and its possible properties."

"According to the laws of physics, such rays may indeed exist in the high temperature of nuclear fusion, but they may not exist!"

"But does the outcome matter?"


"Do you understand it?"

Professor Fang stared at his students with piercing eyes.

Liu Xiaofeng looked blank: "Understood. Understand what?"

"Ah..." Professor Fang sighed. This student is too honest. If it wasn't for his father's sake, how could it be his turn to participate in the IEER International Symposium this year.

However, Professor Fang still decided to speak clearly and clearly. After all, if this student was questioned because of his "timidity", this precious quota would be wasted.

He frowned, thought for a moment, and his eyes lit up: "Do you know how to turn a blind eye?"

"Turn a blind eye?" Liu Xiaofeng looked puzzled.

"This is an idiom in the "Book of Rites: Great Learning." Professor Fang smiled mysteriously: "If you are absent-minded, you can turn a blind eye, hear it but not smell it, and eat it without knowing its taste."

As an expert in high-energy physics, Professor Fang is very proud of his ancient literature.

"Turn a blind eye."

"Turn a blind eye!" Liu Xiaofeng asked excitedly with a sudden realization expression on his face, "You mean, the judges in the audience also know that this kind of particle called 2NDF probably doesn't exist, but they won't point it out."

"In this way... In this way, Elkan Campos' thesis can be passed smoothly."

Professor Fang said with a smile: "This is the benefit of our high-energy physics community. Due to the unobservable nature of particles in the microscopic world, it is difficult for colleagues to verify the validity of the paper."

"For every thermonuclear test, the high-energy physics experts who participated in the test can write a lot of papers."

"As for whether the thesis is correct or not, does it matter?"


"If these cutting-edge theories are applied in actual production and life, it will take at least several thousand years, or even tens of thousands of years, and it has nothing to do with us."

Liu Xiaofeng was dumbfounded when he heard that, and he asked in disbelief: "But the IEER Center allows this kind of random fabricated paper to be read at the conference?"

Regarding his thesis, Liu Xiaofeng knew best in his heart that he just applied several old high-energy physics theories, and then fabricated a new theory based on the data monitored in the nuclear experiment, which he himself did not believe. theory.

"Of course the IEER center is not stupid, and the judges are not stupid either." Facing such "stupid students", Professor Fang could only speak more thoroughly: "How much money will it cost to build this thermonuclear experimental reactor?"

"$12 billion!"

"Where do these funds come from?"

"It was put together by various participating countries, and we Huaguo have also borne 9% of the cost."

"Why countries spend such a large sum of money is not the result of authoritative lobbying by us high-energy physics experts."

"So, this is a deal?" Liu Xiaofeng, who heard this secret for the first time, couldn't help being terrified: "You used a large amount of research funding from the country to make a deal with IEER?"

"Of course we can't say that." Professor Fang sighed: "Our main goal is to achieve controllable nuclear fusion, and IEER's test reactor is the most advanced reactor in the world."

"The main reason why Huaguo joined this project is because we value the prospect of IEER. After all, controllable nuclear fusion is the main energy source for human beings in the future."

"As for the water paper, it's just some discounts that come with it. It's like shopping on Taomao, and the merchants give you cashback for the positive reviews in the express delivery."

"In recent years, several doctoral students such as Senior Sister Wang, Senior Brother Fang, and Brother Fang have all graduated in this way, so you don't need to have any psychological burden."

"When some critical experts in the audience question the thesis, as long as you stick to your point of view, you can pass the test smoothly."

"do you understand?"

Only then did Liu Xiaofeng fully understand.

He had a dream of being a scientist since he was a child, looking forward to becoming a great scientist who can change the history of mankind. With the support of "not bad money", although his talent is limited, he successfully "admitted" as a doctoral student of Professor Fang as a "sponsor student". After three years of hard study, he knew that relying on his own ability, he could not graduate smoothly. At this time, "not bad money" once again let him see the hope of graduation.

And this temple that he had been longing for since he was a student suddenly looked much uglier.


Professor Fang took out a mobile phone from his pocket suspiciously. In order to avoid affecting the order of the meeting, he had already set up a blacklist before the meeting started, and only a few numbers could be called in.

"Hi, Minister Zhang, hello." When Professor Fang saw the number of the call, he immediately answered it loudly, regardless of the impact on the order of the venue.

"It's me who is participating in the international academic seminar held by the IEER Center in Europe. You also know that according to the data of the last experiment, we have seen the dawn of victory."


"Mozi Technology is preparing to launch a controllable nuclear fusion project?" He cried out in surprise.

Several foreign scientists who were disturbed in the front row turned their heads one after another. They showed thoughtful expressions on the controllable nuclear fusion project of Mozi Technology.

"Yes. I'm going back to China right away!" Professor Fang hung up the phone and said anxiously to his students, "There's a major incident in China, and I need to go back immediately."

"Just do as I tell you, understand?"

Liu Xiaofeng nodded numbly.

Seeing the back of Professor Fang leaving, the foreign scientists looked at each other and took out their mobile phones in unison.

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