"Controlled nuclear fusion?"

"Controllable nuclear fusion!"

"Controllable. Nuclear fusion."

Rao, the executives of Mozi Technology had already prepared themselves mentally, but they were still stunned by this new project.

There was only one new employee, the director of the Mars base of Mozi Science and Technology-Musk, with a longing face, he waved his arms excitedly and said: "Controllable nuclear fusion! It's so cool!"

"I knew it was a very wise decision to join Mozi Technology."

"Boss, you have the most intelligent brain and the most noble character in the human world. Kong Ming is not as smart as you when he was alive, and Zhuge Liang is not as smart as you when he is alive. Under your leadership, Mozi Technology will definitely be able to go to the world and to the universe! "

All the executives present showed contempt in their eyes: whoever said that foreigners can't flatter, this rocket maniac's flattering is simply earth-shattering.

Then they looked at each other: Are we usually too reserved, maybe the boss just likes it?

"Ahem!" Li Mo regretted a little, regretted letting this guy attend the meeting.

"What I'm doing are all scientists and human elites. I don't need to say more about the importance of controllable nuclear fusion."

"Still the old rules!"

"A group of high-energy physics scientists were drawn from the laboratory to form a controllable nuclear fusion project team."

"All items in the lab must make way for this item."

"In the end, I decided to classify this project as a top secret project, and strictly disclose it to others except everyone present here and the members who will join the project team!"

The controlled nuclear fusion project is different from the laboratory's previous projects, and it has very high international sensitivity.

Nuclear weapons are powerful, and the explosion will be accompanied by strong nuclear radiation, which will destroy the genetic information of living things, and even turn the living things into monsters. The land that has suffered nuclear radiation may not be suitable for human habitation for hundreds of years.

There are more than 200 countries in the world, but only 10 countries possess nuclear weapons, and with the increasing calls for "abandoning nuclear weapons" over the years, any form of nuclear testing will cause an uproar in the international community.

Especially in recent years, Japan's Ukishima Nuclear Power Plant suddenly suffered a leakage accident, and hydrogen explosions occurred in three groups of fuel plants, causing hundreds of thousands of people in the surrounding areas to leave their homes. It makes human beings full of fear of nuclear energy, which can destroy the earth.

Therefore, the controllable nuclear fusion project of Mozi Technology must be carried out in "secret", at least in the early stage.

"Boss, the nuclear project is very sensitive. Do you need to submit an application to the relevant department?" At this time, Professor Jian from the Nuclear Physics Laboratory raised his hand. Professor Jian, whose full name is Jian Yangtai, is from the Institute of High Energy Physics under the Ministry of Science and Technology. He is one of the major achievements of Li Mo's poaching plan.

The Institute of High Energy Physics is Huaguo's first professional institute specializing in controllable nuclear fusion research. Later, with the establishment of the Southwest Institute of Physics and the Plasma Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and no breakthrough in research, the Institute of High Energy Physics was abolished by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the research on magnetic confinement nuclear fusion almost entered a state of suspension.

It was only then that Mozi Technology was connected by Mr. Wu, and this old expert was invited to be the supervisor of Mozi Technology's nuclear physics laboratory.

Li Mo nodded: "Naturally, I will draft a complete plan and submit it."

"You don't have to worry about this."

Everyone suddenly realized, and then they remembered that this young boss is not only an ordinary scientist, but also has a huge influence in Huaguo and the world. There are even rumors claiming that he has a close connection with the respected old man in Huaguo.

It would also explain his downplaying such a sensitive matter as the nuclear program.

Li Mo looked at the constantly changing expressions on the faces of the executives, and instantly understood what they were thinking.

But for this kind of thing, he is not willing to explain. After all, a boss who maintains a proper mystery is very helpful to establish authority in the hearts of his subordinates.

"Boss, there are currently two main ways to study controllable nuclear fusion in the world. One is a magnetic confinement tokamak nuclear fusion device, and the other is a laser-ignited inertial confinement fusion device."

"Which method are we going to use for our controllable nuclear fusion project?" The person who raised his hand this time was not a scientist in the field of high-energy physics, but Director Su of the Life Research Laboratory.

Nuclear fusion is not difficult. Human beings have used the principle of nuclear fusion to create a powerful hydrogen bomb.

The difficulty is how to realize controllable nuclear fusion, that is, humans can control the start and stop of nuclear fusion, and can control the reaction speed of nuclear fusion at any time.

Just like gunpowder, it can be made into a bomb. The moment the bomb is detonated, the energy of gunpowder can be fully released. It is also possible to mix gunpowder and some chemicals according to a certain ratio, and then put them into a fireworks tube. After being ignited, bright sparks will continue to be emitted.

The nuclear fusion device with magnetic confinement tokamak structure and the inertial confinement fusion device ignited by laser are both equivalent to fireworks tubes loaded with gunpowder.

However, Li Mo is not ready to use these two solutions, because after decades of development, tens of billions of research funds have been spent on these two solutions, and human beings still have no hope of realizing controllable nuclear fusion.

This already shows that this plan is not feasible. Like a high school student who goes to an Internet cafe after school, which is only 20 minutes away from school. He walked for 50 minutes and still arrived at the Internet cafe, which can only show that he went the wrong way!

In the same way, when a plan is still not feasible after decades of research by thousands of scientists, then this plan has a high probability of being a wrong plan.

Li Mo shook his head: "These two options are not in my consideration for the time being."

".Are you going to take a new route?" Director Su's face was full of shock, because although these two solutions have not been able to achieve controllable nuclear fusion for the time being, they are also the most likely solutions recognized by the academic community.

This great scientist in the Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory is a bit out of the ordinary way.

"Because there are still some data that have not been calculated, it is not convenient to announce the specific design plan at the moment." Li Mo said with a smile: "Everyone can do some post-design work first."

"Late stage?" Everyone didn't understand what he meant. Have the controllable nuclear fusion device started to think about how to activate it before it even appeared?

"Yes." Li Mo nodded: "Everyone will assume that the controllable nuclear fusion has been completed."

"Then design a brand-new energy conversion device to convert the huge heat energy released by nuclear fusion into electrical energy."

Just when this great scientist seemed to be full of confidence, everyone was shocked.

Li Mo went on to say: "Looking at the history of human energy utilization in modern times, it is nothing but the history of boiling water."

"In the industrial age, humans burned coal to boil water, driving steam turbines to drive vehicles and ships."

"In the age of electricity, humans burn coal and oil to drive steam turbines to generate electricity."

"In the nuclear age, humans released the ability of nuclear fission to boil water to drive steam turbines to generate electricity."

"So, I don't want the energy from the stars to be used to boil water when controllable nuclear fusion succeeds!"

All the scientists nodded, and the boss's words pointed out the common and good methods of human beings in utilizing energy.

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