November 11

What used to be Singles' Day has long since become a hand-chopping festival for the younger generation. Every year, those e-commerce platforms and merchants make a lot of money on this day.

Online store customer service is on standby! Waiting for the packaged courier brother to stand by! The logistics vehicle is on standby! In the e-commerce chain, every link is ready to go, looking forward to the arrival of massive orders.

This is the festival of e-commerce!


Big merchants on major e-commerce platforms unexpectedly discovered that today’s Double 11 traffic has dropped several times compared to previous years. In the Internet age, traffic means everything, and no traffic means no orders.

The expected liquidation scene did not appear, and the number of orders was even less than the previous warm-up period.

Sometimes it is not your peers who defeat you, but it may be an "opponent" who has nothing to do with you!

The major e-commerce giants found sadly that those users who should have "snacked" and "snapped" products on the shopping platform were watching the "Mars Rescue Live" broadcast on Huaguo National TV in front of the TV.

After a voyage of 39 million kilometers, Mozi's Navigator finally discovered the Mars of country M. It was floating in the dark space. If it weren't for the flickering lights on the spaceship, most viewers in front of the TV would think that it was just an inconspicuous and ugly meteorite in space.

"It's Mars!"

"The Navigator has discovered the Mars!"

"Oh my God!"

In front of the TV, bursts of cheers came!

The Navigator's hull emits a huge, bright beam of light that shines on the Martian's hull.

Rescue is about to begin.

The deep-space panoramic camera installed on the Navigator showed every link of the rescue in front of the TV audience in real time. This is completely a sci-fi masterpiece, and it is no wonder that those users can resist the well-designed marketing strategies of the merchants.

"Hello, everyone, this is the Navigator!"

"Dear viewers, hello everyone, this is the Navigator! You are watching the live broadcast of the Navigator, Rescue Mars."

"After discussing with Comrade Qashqai, the security officer, we decided to divide the rescue into three steps. The first step: catch the Mars; the second step: pull the Mars back to the earth with a rope; the third step: put the Mars on the ground superior."

"Then the rescue is over!"

Ying Weiqun, the captain of the Navigator, greeted the audience in front of the TV in a serious manner. A thrilling space rescue, in his description, is as simple as putting an elephant in a refrigerator.

Although he was joking, the viewers could see Captain Ying Weiqun staring intently at the instrument panel of the spaceship through the live broadcast, carefully adjusting the speed of the navigator.

"He needs to keep the speed of the Navigator and Mars at the same speed, so that he can accurately estimate the distance between the two spacecraft and create initial conditions for the rescue." At this time, the aviation expert on the TV station explained.

Slow down, adjust!

It's fast, tune in!

Small beads of sweat oozed from Ying Weiqun's forehead, and he frowned.

It's just a little bit short, what a pity!

The audience in front of the TV could not help but clenched their fists and stood up to cheer for Ying Weiqun.


It took as long as 15 minutes to adjust, and the Navigator finally kept pace with the Mars.

Ying Weiqun picked up the intercom:

"Ground Command Center, Ground Rescue Center!"

"The Navigator is about to start the rescue of Mars, please allow!"

The audience in front of the TV clearly heard a familiar voice: "Approve the rescue request, good luck!"

The rescue has officially begun!

Qashqai entered a long series of frequency values ​​on the keyboard, officially establishing a communication link with Mars.

"Mars, this is Navigator, I'm Captain Ying Weiqun, please answer!" Ying Weiqun picked up the communicator.

"Oh my God!"

"The Navigator is here!"

"We're saved! Thank God!"

There was a burst of cheers from the intercom.

"Navigator, this is Mars. I'm Captain Luke. Thank you for your rescue." Mars captain Luke tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart.

"This is the Navigator. May I ask how the crew members on the Mars are in physical condition? Do you need emergency medical assistance? How about the supplies on your spacecraft? How many days can you last?" Captain Ying Weiqun prepared to launch the mission according to the rescue manual formulated on the ground. Rescue operations.

"This is Mars. All 10 crew members of Mars are in good health. The supplies are expected to last for 30 days, but the tomato-flavored energy bar is gone." Hearing the call of the Navigator from the communicator, Captain Luke I finally breathed a sigh of relief. These days, these crew members have experienced being deceived and deceived, and even in their hearts, they have long lost hope of returning to Earth.

At this time, a message suddenly came from the ground, informing them that the Navigator was about to rescue them. This news made all the crew members overjoyed, but Captain Luke did not show a smile, because Luke, who has performed several space missions, knows that it is extremely difficult to carry out rescue operations in a space environment. First of all, the biggest difficulty is how to accurately find the spacecraft that needs rescue. In the vast space, there is no prepared satellite positioning. A spacecraft is more than 100 meters long, and it is difficult to find its trace on the radar.

Unexpectedly, the Navigator actually found them accurately! This means that the rescue success has been a small part of the success. Let's see how the Navigator carried out the rescue plan.

Captain Luke asked eagerly: "How do you plan to launch the rescue plan, do you need the cooperation of Mars?"

Captain Ying Weiqun replied: "No, you just need to turn off the engine and wait quietly, waiting for us to rescue you back to Earth."

As he spoke, he slightly adjusted the angle of the Navigator so that the radar image of the Mars appeared in the center of the bull's-eye.

Is this going to fire the weapon and shoot down the Mars? The audience in front of the TV looked at the live broadcast in confusion. Is this going to "blow up" the Mars rover back to Earth? Aren't you afraid of blowing the spaceship to pieces?

After several adjustments, Mars has been completely locked.

"Launch!" Captain Ying Weiqun issued an order, and safety officer Qashqai quickly pressed a red button.

There was no smoke from the missile launch, no flames from the violent explosion, a huge black mechanical claw was launched from the Navigator, with a thick rope dragging at the tail, and flew straight to the Mars.

This is?

This is Shuangfei Lao, an ancient weapon of Huaguo.

Some traditional martial arts fans in front of the TV immediately recognized the prototype of the black mechanical claw.

A few kilometers away, the black mechanical claws accurately hit the Mars. There was no spark of steel collision, and the black mechanical claws "magically" adsorbed to the surface of the Mars.

"Activate the reinforcement device!" Accompanied by the order, the security officer Qashqai rotated a blue button. A sharp drill bit sticks out from the center of the black mechanical claw, and the drill bit spins rapidly, penetrating the surface of Mars in an instant.

Then, a clear, goo-like substance "secretes" from the claw, sealing the tiny gap between the drill and the surface of the spacecraft within a thousandth of a second.

Shuangfei Lao (zhuā), uses ropes to control iron claws shaped like human palms. Except for the thumb, the iron claw has three sections for each finger, and there is a mechanism between each section, which can be flexibly stretched. After the iron claw hits the enemy, the user can use the rope to control the mechanism, so that the iron claw can penetrate into the enemy's body, making it impossible to escape.

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