I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 394: Everyone Shocked

He knew that once this new type of psychic bomb was born, all districts would definitely conduct large-scale research. After all, having this thing is equivalent to having a big killer in hand, if the other party dares to act recklessly! Then a bomb is thrown directly into their city, one is half of the city, and no one dares to cause trouble again.

After all, even if they are not afraid of danger, the people below are also afraid! "Mr. Su, Mr. Su, the good news is here!" A staff member in the West District ran over with a happy face and said, looking at him, Su Ning knew that the effect should be very good.

"The news just came from the northern battlefield. The effect of the bombs is astonishing. The army in the northern area is out of ten. Now the remnants of the northern area have begun to retreat under the leadership of Jiang He. We will drive them out of the boundary!" The staff laughed. said. "What about the south?" Suning asked.

The fight between the West District and the South District in the south was in full swing, and the two sides fought back and forth, "There is no news from the Speaker, but I think it should be a big victory, thanks to you, otherwise we really don't know what to do." The staff said with a smile.

Smiling, Suning didn't say anything, but the battle situation in the southern district should not be much worse. This time, the northern and southern districts may have damaged their vitality, and it is still unknown when they will be able to react, but Su Ning's heart sank when he thought that Jianghe might already have the technology in this area.

This is only the first generation of super psychic bomb, which has such power, and it is a low-quality product rushed out of work. To be honest, he was a little worried that the bomb would not detonate normally, and according to the news that came back, this time The effect of the explosion was actually not very good. According to my estimation, the army in the North District should have been dead long ago.

Suning has brought his daughters back to the Palace of Twin Cities for several days. During this time, he and Luo Mengmeng have been working on the super bomb transformation plan at home. For a while, he has two eyes on what the outside world looks like. A smear. But I think these two bombs should have scared the coalition forces of the three districts enough.

It is indeed as Suning thought, because of the huge deterrence brought by these two bombs, the troops in the entire third district are now in a state of panic, and the super bomb detonated in the south is even more frightening. That guy Yi Qiu Flying over the southern area at full speed and throwing the psychic bomb down, the Lingtian Realm in the southern area just reacted and chased after him, only to find that Yi Qiu had already fled away.

The remaining spirit master, who had just entered the Lingtian Realm, wanted to go up to see what Yi Qiu threw down, but he didn't expect that it exploded as soon as he approached, and he threw it directly in the middle of the camp, this unlucky Lingtian Realm He received the bomb abruptly with his face, and he withdrew directly with the help of the impact of the first explosion.

He was relieved by the explosion but did not suffer any injuries, and then took down his defenses, but when the warning signal came, it was too late for him to mobilize his power. People, so this unlucky guy was killed directly, together with the countless southern troops buried with him.

Now the entire three districts were shocked, the central and western districts had such terrifying weapons! Not only can it kill ordinary soldiers, but it can also kill Ling Tian directly! Although this Lingtian Realm is a rookie, no matter how new he is, he is still a Lingtian Realm! Now everyone in the three districts was in danger, especially those in the Lingtian Realm who were afraid that they would become the next target.

As a result, with a large number of lost troops and generals, the three districts had to start shrinking their forces and retreated to their respective territories. It couldn't be too scary. It would be so fun to come here in their own city. The chairpersons of the two districts just regretted it, regretted it very much, how did they think that they got into such a boat at the beginning, and now it is better to advance or retreat, and it is quite uncomfortable.

At this time, Jiang Helian's face was very gloomy when he received the news that the army in the third district was retreating steadily. He never expected that the western district had actually developed this kind of thing. It took them three years and countless people to work overtime to create an experiment. The product, the effect made him very shocked, but it was definitely not as shocking as he was still in his own army in the central area.

Could it be that ** that bastard Wan Ying has already started researching it, and just asked that girl to come out and take the blame, to attract firepower and find a reason to start a war? Now he began to fantasize endlessly, as if the whole thing was a hole dug by the Central District, in order to attract himself to take action so that he could have a reason to kill himself!

After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. It was too scary. He actually fell into such a trap. Now even if he told Jiang He that everything was accidental, he would not believe it. Otherwise, how could he have just taken out Such a terrible bomb can be made with one technology, and their people have worked day and night to study it. Why is that girl doll a fairy.

In fact, Jiang He really misunderstood it. Luo Mengmeng naturally knew this technology well. This technology was developed for war from the very beginning. When Luo Mengmeng discovered it, the first All she wanted was to develop it into a weapon. After all, the power of the spiritual bomb produced by the Luo family was too small. She keenly felt the good prospects of using this technology in bombs.

This is different from the people in Hunyuan State. They first create a new thing for civilian use, and then discover their military potential. This alone widens the gap between them, plus With Suning's assistance and good luck, the progress is so fast.

The development of science and technology is like this, it is like cultivation, when you figure out a certain bottleneck, you can easily overcome it, but some people can only get stuck there and cannot move. It can only be said that the luck of the North District is not as good as that of Suning. Jiang He, with a livid face, sat at the table and said, looking at the report handed in by his subordinates. "Not finished yet? What are you all doing!"

After finishing speaking, he slapped the thing in his hand on the researcher's face, "I raise you for work! If there is no news within half a month, you can go to hell with me." With a wave of the research institute Feeling relieved, he scrambled and left the room. He knew that his boss was really angry. If he didn't run away quickly, he didn't know if he could save his life.

Watching his subordinates leave with gloomy eyes, Jiang He sighed and slowly buried his body in the sofa, closed his eyes and rested his mind. "Boss, the chairpersons of the southeast two districts have come to visit." The guard behind him said in a low voice, and when he heard them coming, Jiang He's head grew bigger, and he sighed and stood up slowly.

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