“Finally, the monster Earl of Red was solved, and the pressure on the navy was reduced a lot.”Warring States let out a long breath.

Before, although he was no longer the marshal of the navy, he could still feel the pressure of the navy, which made people breathless.

Not only the navy was questioned, but the world government was also questioned.

The prestige reached a new low in history, and there was no choice. They had to go out to slay the Suicide Pirates.

Not only did they not achieve any results, a fleet was also destroyed, and there were constant doubts within the navy.

Sengoku and Akainu, who had a headache, kept sighing and didn’t know what to do, but they all knew how to kill the enemy. People are the only way, but they know it is difficult and even impossible. They can only let the criticism from all over the sea, let the navy be questioned, and let the pirates laugh……

“Akainu, you are the marshal, what do you think we should do?”Sengoku asked Akainu, only the marshal has the right to decide

“Of course, it was announced to the public, telling everyone that the once monster Red Count was killed by the navy.”Akainu laughed, finally feeling proud. He had been depressed for so long that he almost went crazy.

“This is indeed the case. In this way, there will be much less doubts about the navy, and the deterrent power will be restored.”Sengoku nodded in approval of Akainu’s approach, he thought so too.

“Contact the World Government Newspaper Company immediately and ask them to print the newspaper with all their strength. All channels will serve the next newspaper.”


After Wu Laoxing learned the news, he couldn’t help laughing.

“He is a very good subordinate. The navy is lucky to have such a useful guy.”

The newspaper is printed quickly.

Then it is sent to all parts of the sea through various channels.

On the sea, too many people and pirates are waiting for the latest news. Whether they are close to the navy or anti-naval forces, they are all waiting for answers.

“Not only is there the strongest monster Xia Yu, but there is also the former monster Red Earl. This time, returning without success is probably the best outcome for the navy, and it may even suffer heavy losses, right?”Many people who originally had confidence in the navy began to doubt it.

There were more voices of gloating:”It has suffered heavy losses, and the strength of the navy is no longer enough to deter the sea.”

The latest newspaper began to be delivered.

It attracted everyone’s attention in an instant and the sea boiled.


There is only one piece of content published in the newspaper. The Red Earl Baloric Redfield was killed, and the murderer was General Blood Dragon.

In the newspaper, there are also photos of the Red Earl’s body, which is irrefutable evidence.

A piece of content that cannot be questioned..

The published content is basically true. Akainu originally planned to take credit for the entire navy. In this way, the prestige of the navy will be increased even more. After all, although Blood Dragon is a general, even if he is a member of the navy, he has just become one. General.

But tens of thousands of sailors know this, and there is no way to hide it. No one can shut up the truth and have no choice but to report it truthfully. There is something concealed, and it is completely focused on explaining the difficulty of Xia Yu (who is a general) in defeating Earl Red. The more shocking it is, the greater the effect will naturally be.

“It was too strong. Even in a disadvantaged state, it protected the entire fleet from any harm and was able to kill the enemy. It was too strong.”

The monsters of the sea couldn’t help but tremble.

The Navy had no reservations or even exaggerated the terrifying Earl of Red before.

Everyone was waiting to see the Navy’s joke, but they didn’t expect the plot to be so reversed, and it was only a Navy admiral. , rather than all combat power

“The navy is still terrifyingly strong. Is it impossible for a single monster to be an enemy of the navy?”In an instant, many people began to believe in the navy again.

But the pirates were dissatisfied.

They just wanted to see the navy’s jokes, and they just wanted the navy to suffer heavy losses. The answer they were waiting for was not the one now.

“The navy is just lucky. If General Blood Dragon does not join the navy, the new generation of navy will be garbage.”

“The navy still hasn’t proven its own strength. What it has proven is the power of General Blood Dragon.”

“The navy has long been finished. Kizaru is a veteran navy general, but what will be the result when facing the monster Earl Red? In the end, the navy can only rely on outsiders to join the strong and bear justice.”

The pirates can taunt the navy, but General Blood Dragon, they can’t find the point of taunting.

Akainu immediately asked the Naval Intelligence Department to collect reactions from various places.

Although some taunts made him furious, he knew that the navy’s The deterrence began to rise, and it rose a lot.

This was enough for him to laugh.

The prestige of the navy was higher than before the appearance of the Red Earl.

“It seems that crises also represent opportunities. I am looking forward to what will happen after the pirate Xia Yu is killed. Who will dare to question the navy’s combat power?”Akainu is extremely looking forward to this moment. That will be the time when he can truly feel proud.

Then he will no longer have to worry about the prestige of the navy.

He will no longer be doubted.

The prestige that is the lowest in history will be instantly raised to the highest in history.

“That’s right, so the navy must go all out to kill the pirate Xia Yu.”Warring States loudly said, the morale of the navy exploded.

The previous dejection was swept away.

But Kizaru’s face was a little embarrassed.

The voice that laughed at him was the most, who let the general at the same time, he was defeated and the fleet was almost completely destroyed, and Xia Yu (who is the general) Victory, the fleet lost no one, and the clear gap became one of the hot topics of discussion.

“Tell Fujitora that there is no need to rendezvous, but not too far away from the main fleet. Akainu began to deploy the next plan:”Kizaru, you will temporarily command the blood dragon’s fleet.””

“forget it?”

Kizaru thought, just looking at Xia Yu’s (admiral status) fleet and the conflicting reactions of many navy, he would not be asking for trouble.

“The blood dragon fleet followed the main fleet as a reserve force.”Akainu had no choice but to change his plan.


The total fleet has more than a hundred warships. It is a huge team. Except for Fujitora, the high-end combat power of the navy, the rest of the navy’s high-end combat power is all in this fleet. It is a terrifying combat power.

“Pirate Xia Yu, where are you? Come out.”Akainu is as powerful as a rainbow.

Be prepared for a big fight.

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